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Kendo 2

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Wow. I hate to play the Sex Card but if that was a guy, he would have been in handcuffs at 8:31 when the cop was told to shut the fuck up!


When an entitled woman is face to face with a man and not a soy boy who will not bend to her will.

The way she falters when the cop gives her his name and badge number? Priceless!

Edited by vancleef
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He responded exactly how he should respond. Respectful, repeated his statement over and over until his business was done with the driver. There is too much negative press on police officers and they have to be careful of how the interact with the public. 

I like when he stated that the driver is over 18 and he couldn't tell her anything to ask him. EXACTLY what he should do. It was between the driver and the police officer. Not the passengers or people called to pick them up. If he was underage and was called upon to assist the situation then the police officer might have given info.. Had he did give info he might have had a complaint logged against him ;) the Bitch might have used that as leverage to get that driver off the hook of whatever he did wrong.

I can tell you that officer acted far better than I likely would have in that situation.



^^^ Fuck this thread is acting strange.

Ah.. @vancleaf edited his post...

The look of stun on her face .. is great. At that point she realizes that he doesn't give a fuck. he is actually punking her but in a professional manner.  Lord knows I have done that on more than one occasion. Making sure they have my name correct. Spelling out the name S L O W L Y. Making sure they have the correct info of where they are to send the complaint.. also I make sure I have their info/name etc. After a second of that or so.. they really don't know what to do.. Many do like she did and just keeps on repeating herself.

Also what the Fuck is going on now. When someone does something you don't want or like you state, I hope you have a horrible x, y, z. etc etc. WTF!  I seen that on a few you-tube videos now. The voice and tone they state it in is in a concerned voice like they are worried about you and what will happen (in their fucking minds) due to you not doing exactly what they want you to do.

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he is actually punking her but in a professional manner.  Lord knows I have done that on more than one occasion.

At one time I owned and operated my own gaming store. I had an irate (female) customer begin screaming at me that she immediately be put in touch with the manager. I calmly replied that that was me. She stalls and then gets even more irate. This time she demands that I give her the owner's contact information.

Barely holding back a smirk I hand her a business card with my photo on it proclaiming me as owner/operator of the store. 

Honestly, If I had physically slapped her she would have been less stunned. Turned and stalked out of the store, never to be heard of again.

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Also, I love when Turner ( the irate Mom/Commissioner in the video) takes the "Intellectual High Ground" and accuses the officer of not being able to construct a complete sentence and then later, after being continually outwitted by the "lesser being", she picks and throws the lowest of low hanging fruit, the "shut the fuck up!" response. 

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I had a friend who's mother was like this. Always bailing her daughter out of her recklessness. She was a spoiled child. When her mother bought her her first car, it was a small blue 4 door Nissan or Mazda. She hated it despite driving it. She convinced her mom to buy her a brand new blue Civic Si. Weeks later she wrecked it with two people in the car. She made a fast left turn at the intersection and hit the curb and made her car flip with such force that her and the passenger both flew out of the windshield. They were both in rehab for about a month. Everyday I was there to keep them company. Shortly after, her mother bought her a brand new Trans Am.

There are parents who just let their kids do what ever they want. She pretty much controlled her mother and threw tantrums when she wasn't getting her way. She was a cool friend but geez...

Edited by endgameaddiction
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40 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:



“I’m tired of living in Trump’s country. I’m tired of Trump being president,” she reportedly told the police.

I am positive that will cause the president to be removed from office.

Seriously... WTF?

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David Jaffe of Sony's 'God of War' fame made an oopsie on Twitter.  He pandered for Gay Pride Month and said Kratos was bisexual.  There was backlash so he backpedaled...and then the alphabet soup gender crowd tore him a new one...so he had to apologize to the people he was pandering to.  Jaffe is a fucking idiot.


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This is old news, but reminds me a lot of the modding community nowadays. It even reminds me of Nexus and LL users who feel all high and mighty for being supporters and decides to attack those who aren't. If you aren't willing to pay/donate, you are a selfish and unappreciative prick.

And the more they ride their high horse and attack people, the more I'm inclined not to do it. Not that I would, but even if I would I won't because this type of behavior is why everything is all about turning anything into a profit.

See, I'm starting to see the corporate shareholders in these modders and corporate slaves in these white knights who feel the need to ridicule anyone who doesn't do what they believe has to be done. It's beginning to look exactly like that "tolerant" left.

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47 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

And the more they ride their high horse and attack people, the more I'm inclined not to do it.

Some nobody prick on LL with about 200 posts and no uploaded mods accused me of being 'entitled' because I said I'd never pay for a mod or do donations.  He went as far as to try internet talking-in-circles sophistry, projecting and attributing things to me that I didn't say.  That didn't work so he resorted to personal attacks.  Those didn't work so he did some mental gymnastics and pretended he somehow 'won' at whatever the Hell he was trying to do.  He's just one of the army of idiots who invaded LL and set up camp.  Adding him to my ignored users list solved that problem.

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4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Some nobody prick on LL with about 200 posts and no uploaded mods accused me of being 'entitled' because I said I'd never pay for a mod or do donations.  He went as far as to try internet talking-in-circles sophistry, projecting and attributing things to me that I didn't say.  That didn't work so he resorted to personal attacks.  Those didn't work so he did some mental gymnastics and pretended he somehow 'won' at whatever the Hell he was trying to do.  He's just one of the army of idiots who invaded LL and set up camp.  Adding him to my ignored users list solved that problem.

And the whole time the "Drama" was going on, did a moderator step in to stop it?

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6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Adding him to my ignored users list solved that problem.

The ignore list is such an easy feature to use, but for some apparent reason fanboys find it hard to ignore anyone who they consider a troll and rather report them. Same applies to the left. I have said time and again on there to people to simply put me on their ignore list. Doesn't seem like they comprehend that one.

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4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

And the whole time the "Drama" was going on, did a moderator step in to stop it?

Of course not,  Or were you making a joke? :P

2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

The ignore list is such an easy feature to use, but for some apparent reason fanboys find it hard to ignore anyone who they consider a troll and rather report them. Same applies to the left. I have said time and again on there to people to simply put me on their ignore list. Doesn't seem like they comprehend that one.

Lefties and fanbois (a lot of overlap there) want to be offended because they're miserable fucks and their cults are all they have.  Just look at how they react when their ideologies are challenged.  That's why trolling them is so much fun. :D

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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Of course not,  Or were you making a joke? :P


I am utterly shocked! Shocked I say!

Oh the humanity, The sky is falling! The end is near, repent!


Yea, I was joking.. Sarcasm is hard to portray in written form ;)  You however, aren't SJW so you have the ability to pick up on the sarcasm and understand what I am doing.. :P


Lefties and fanbois (a lot of overlap there) want to be offended because they're miserable fucks and their cults are all they have.  Just look at how they react when their ideologies are challenged.  That's why trolling them is so much fun. :D

I used to think that as well.... then got tired of doing so. (most of the time) Mostly because doing so feels like poking a toad with a stick and watching it jump.

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5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Master Math Magicians at it.

"What you don't know is you are charged 27%. - Bernie Sanders

That is only true if you are a fucking idiot and don't read the terms. Simple terms, one fucking sheet that states your fees, interest, and the such. I believe he lost a massive amount of brain cells due to sitting close to AOC ;)

One such clause is if you pay off in full within x days, you don't pay any interest... Many do this. 

the reason stores want you to use their card is so that .. those that are stupid (AOC) would make them shit tons of money and those that aren't (yours truly) would save them money... money they'd have to normally pay another card (Mainstream card) for the fees used. With using their card... they can minimize the fees if not remove them all together.. increasing their bottom line 1~3% on average. For a brick and mortar store.. margins being so fucking thin... this is a make or break deal. Free margin for them.


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