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Kendo 2

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

Get a couple of 6' 1x2 cedar stakes and paint the top 4 feet of them fence purple.  Stake them in your front yard where they are clearly visible from the street.  If anyone comes in your yard after that (other than US Postal Service or law enforcement with a warrant) they are criminally trespassing and you can call the cops on them.

Another option is crushing up a box of mothballs until they'er a fine powder.  Sprinkle that generously on the sidewalk and the edge of your yard.  That will make your property a no-go zone for any animal with a sense of smell.  Dogs won't even stop to sniff.  Gotta redo it every once in a while though because the gas off the mothballs will lose it's potency after a while.  I mix it with water and spray my fence line to keep out the wild life.  Deer, coyotes and bobcats stay the fuck out.  Skunks and raccoons don't like it much either.  I ain't try'n to have Ellie Mae's varmints overrun me.

Why purple? Is there a reason for that or is it just to be 100% clear and sure that it couldn't be missed.

Also depending on where you live etc.. Gas, Electric, utilities etc can come in.. (however, they are required to announce their visit.. .call out etc when they do) as for the postal service I was always told that you can move your postal box to the start of your property /edge of it. Then even the postal worker can't step on the property. 

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Why purple?


2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Also depending on where you live etc.. Gas, Electric, utilities etc can come in.. (however, they are required to announce their visit.. .call out etc when they do) as for the postal service I was always told that you can move your postal box to the start of your property /edge of it. Then even the postal worker can't step on the property. 

It might be their meter but they have to cross your property to get to it.  If you have purple paint, 'no trespassing' or 'beware of dog' signs they're required to ask permission to enter your property...in Texas anyway.

2 hours ago, driftscape said:

before I do that, I'd like to put some food with something in it to give the dog diarrhea by the time the owner gets home so the dog leaves a nice trail for the owner to clean up.

Plant-grade Epsom salts, NOT the kind you get at the drug store.


If you want to be mean get a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and add two big containers of dried red pepper flakes and the leaves from 5 eucalyptus wands from the craft store.  Pour in a gallon of boiling water and stir it.  DO NOT BREATH IN THE FUMES.  Cover it with the lid and set it someplace sunny and warm for a week.  Strain it and put it in a spray bottle and hose down the area where you want pets to stay off.  When they walk on it the menthol in the eucalyptus leaves will open their skin pores and carry the capsaicin acid from the peppers along with it.  After that the animal will always associate that menthol smell with the painful 'Get it off me!' dance they did.  Can also use this for bug spray on some plants.  If you want to make it to where it will kill bugs add a pouch of Redman Chewing Tobacco.  The reaction is the same but the menthol also carries a dose of nicotine that's lethal to all but the hardiest of insects.  DO NOT spray this concoction on tomato or potato plants.  It will kill them.


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Oh for fuck's sake...


FFS... If someone works on a project.. (like loosing weight) and they succeed... it is perfectly fine to complement their work.  She decided to work on her body and she worked on getting to a point where she wanted to be... 

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On 4/27/2020 at 5:04 PM, Kendo 2 said:

'Last of Us 2' train wreck...


Get Woke, Go Broke. And yet the dummies keep thinking it'll work.
The real show is going to be about a decade from now when Leftie CEOs have to make cold, hard decisions to produce profitable products and realize the only way to expand their audiences to jettison all this PC bullshit. I can't wait to listen to the double-talk spewed at those press releases.
"Well, we realized that although our [product] features a lot of distasteful themes, it was necessary to the flow of the narrative, blah, blah, blah."


Edited by vancleef
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23 minutes ago, vancleef said:

I'm so tired of women who want to be accepted for who they are. but refuse to accept an obnoxious, sarcastic fuck like me.  Hypocrisy!

I agree with you. And guys like us just don't GAF about their opinion towards us. Not enough to make a scene about it like they do. Adele has a mind of her own like they do. She's a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions.  Though, sometimes it's hard to actually believe that about them if they have a mind of their own. Social media has really brought out the immaturity of these people and they sit there every second of their lives waiting for the next tweet/post/comment to get them riled up so they have something "productive" to do with their lives.

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7 hours ago, driftscape said:

My roommate hired a little 16yo girl. Told me she told him that she wants to be referred to as "him". He responded he would refer her as what she listed herself as on the app. She is threatening him about it now. He's not all that caught up with all this desperate to be social norms bullshit.

FIRED for creating a hostile work environment.

If he works for a corporation he needs to file an incident report before she does.  He also needs to call her in for 'counseling' with another female employee present.  Make the transtrender trainwreck sign that she received the counseling session.  If there's a dress code/grooming standard, write her ass up when she breaks it.  If she uses any cleaning supplies (even something as basic as bleach or Windex) ask her if she's read the MSDS documentation and write her ass up again if she hasn't.  If she's 5 minutes late...write up.

At our shop we have a 90 day 'probation' period that employees sign for.  ONE write up is enough to shitcan them.  We had a problem with lazy Mexicans thinking the bare minimum was enough to keep their job.  I instituted everything laid out above and the Mexicans solved the problem themselves.

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He's a manager at KFC so he has incompetent workers because of the type of job it is - fast food crap. The lowest of trash work at those places and are too incompetent to do simple things. Or they complain about wanting hours, but don't want to stay extra hours because they want to go home asap or early. if it's not that, it's your typical welfare useless individual who works a few weeks to prove to the state he's been working to get government handouts and then quits the job until he has to do it again and it becomes a ongoing process. Sucks for him.

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