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On 6/18/2020 at 9:06 PM, vancleef said:

It's astounding how my Black Liberal friends are acting perfectly sane at this time. They want an end to profiling and mistreatment but are discussing it in a rational manner.

My White Liberal friends have become absolute loons, I think they think that in some way they're "Blacker than the Blacks." 

I think I spotted one of your white liberal friends. 🤣


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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

I watch this and as the camera pans across the camp, all I can think is, "Gah! Can you imagine the smell?"

We didn't need the constant monologue... A reporter she is not.

The authority are just going to sit there and wait until it "stinks" to high heaven and people decide they had enough of that shit.  I would suspect if this occurs much longer that the authorities wouldn't start to build a wall around the area and secure the exterior ;)  got some problem people... instead of sending them to prison for minor problems... just send them there :P

We have people traveling thousands of miles to get away from that shit and in the US we have people sitting there crying about how bad it is (video) and not walking a few blocks out of that shit... Seriously.

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The authority are just going to sit there and wait until it "stinks" to high heaven and people decide they had enough of that shit. 

Got our wish. Funny how the Mayor was all for this until they showed up on her lawn. This whole circus is playing out just like I thought. When they're burning down their own neighborhoods, who gives a fuck. Step on a manicured politician's lawn and they start to take action.


I also love that the area of "trendy hipster bars and boutiques" who were all in support of this bullshit three weeks ago got a sharp reality check as well.

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Not worth being a cop. These are the typical hoodrats to call the police when their baby is drowning or choking on something but have the audacity to shit all over them. With people like this, I wouldn't ever want to be a cop. That is straight up child abuse. And another future generation to hate cops because cops baaaaaaaad.

I wish they would snag their welfare checks and their kids, put them in a more loving environment and let them hoodrats die of starvation on the street because they're too lazy to get a job. I wouldn't feel an ounce of remorse for them.


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I wish they would snag their welfare checks and their kids, put them in a more loving environment and let them hoodrats die of starvation on the street because they're too lazy to get a job. I wouldn't feel an ounce of remorse for them.

Ditto. I don't care who has a problem with me saying this: if you can't feed your own kids, they should be taken away. 

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4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

All this crap.. will cause those good cops to leave. They will start to get fed up and in some cases fearful of doing their jobs. This will leave the bad ones and if so, likely cause more issues in the future.

What's sad is these are the damn women who continue to breed awful generations that only know how to hate and live off the govt.

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that is a cringe of itself. I have met several people from such a situation. They aren't willing to do the work to be the "success" that they want to be. Think they should be.  They have little in the ways of the tools that many others have to achieve their desires and with the background of living off the govt and being taught hatred, they just blame everyone else.

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