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Kendo 2

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2 hours ago, Nessa said:

Same. Even now when I see the bland, desolated wasteland screenies from Starfail, I amazingly still have no interest in even checking out the modding scene. Seems I at long last part company with Howardism. 🤣 (About damn time I think!! 😅)

Hell if they (actual modders and players that I know and trust) stated that the modding tools and shit was in good shape and that progres is being made in making the game playable etc. That would at least get me to look seriously at it. The most I looked at it was on my xbox when I had a couple of months of the microsoft subscription where I could download various games and check them out.

Guess what?  Can you guess how long I played it?
You might be supprised that I lasted until I got off the planet. (the tutorial section)  It was bad, but I was still stupidly hopefull. Once I got to space and saw the bullshit that they setup. I was done. This combined with all the modders that have been steadfastly working on previous Bethesda Gamebro games stating that it is impossible (or near impossible) to work on modding and so frustrating. Combined with Bugthesda totally revamping a game that has been out for years fucking up the modding scene so that they can better tool for their bullshit creation club sales. Haven't looked at it.

It is so bad that I have worked so hard to get my gaming machine back up and running that I have played old KTOR and other games and haven't even got the energy to start to mod any of the Bugthesda games. Keep telling myself I want to but when I sit down to actually start to go through the process of fixing the game so that it is mildely playable... I get frustrated and just fucking tired and go play another game that actually works out of the box.

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13 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

It is so bad that I have worked so hard to get my gaming machine back up and running that I have played old KTOR and other games and haven't even got the energy to start to mod any of the Bugthesda games. Keep telling myself I want to but when I sit down to actually start to go through the process of fixing the game so that it is mildely playable... I get frustrated and just fucking tired and go play another game that actually works out of the box.

Yeah don't do it. I still have a working FO4 before they trashed that with the update (and that modding scene is still a mess by the way) but it is just not worth the effort anymore. Go play something that only needs a few mods to work out instead. (What few of those there are. 😅)

For new stuff I only focus on indies now. All the AAA's can spew out is woke trash with ugly characters. And a good portion of the indies too. Have to look out for those bait and switch tactics like BG3. Pre-release (friend of mine got it then): no woke trash. Release: full of garbage. No thanks.

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35 minutes ago, Nessa said:

Yeah don't do it. I still have a working FO4 before they trashed that with the update (and that modding scene is still a mess by the way) but it is just not worth the effort anymore. Go play something that only needs a few mods to work out instead. (What few of those there are. 😅)

For new stuff I only focus on indies now. All the AAA's can spew out is woke trash with ugly characters. And a good portion of the indies too. Have to look out for those bait and switch tactics like BG3. Pre-release (friend of mine got it then): no woke trash. Release: full of garbage. No thanks.

I have actually started to look to the games that are an outrage to the left community. If they bitch about it likely it is at least a properly made game. Hogwarts the monkey game that just came out etc. hell even Robocop which was bitched about (not as much as it wasn't a AAA game ) was good for a decent amount of play through.

If it has woke, or better to indicated the more wokeness it has, the less good it is. the more crap it is. 


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The Peace , Love and Understanding party just tried to take another (literal) shot at Trump. This from the same people who were planting IEDs in Portland police stations during the pandemic riots. I'm not going to pretend Jan 6th never happened but c'mon. When is someone going to call these Radicals out?


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The CIA just can't get a win.  Ukraine falling apart.  Failed regime change in Congo back in May, and the CIA spooks involved were caught and sentenced to death.  'Navy Seals' captured in Venezuela with weapons, explosives and communication equipment.  Two CIA-trained Salvadoran electronics warfare specialists arrested after leaving Ukraine.  Two attempts on Orangeman Bad.

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12 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

The CIA just can't get a win.  Ukraine falling apart.  Failed regime change in Congo back in May, and the CIA spooks involved were caught and sentenced to death.  'Navy Seals' captured in Venezuela with weapons, explosives and communication equipment.  Two CIA-trained Salvadoran electronics warfare specialists arrested after leaving Ukraine.  Two attempts on Orangeman Bad.

Maybe they also have quotas for hiring? Even worse, promotions?

I wasn't impressed with the person in charge of the Secret Service during the investigational questioning.  Another agency with hiring quotas.

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