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When you try and register to a site because there's a mod you want to download and you get this instead...


I was trying to download this: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1581-duke-patricks-follow-that-actor/

but nooooooooo......

Also, this site doesn't use https:// for the login. I tried putting the https:// for the login but no go. Left of the web address I noticed this site isn't secure so I thought perhaps it was that.


So did a bit of research and found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/8e4q8o/having_problems_signing_up_for_tes_alliance/

These morons don't even have a Contact Us link on their site.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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3 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I suspect they don't have an active IPS license. IPS dropped reCAPTCHA v1 well over a year ago. I hope they renew their license because there have been a boat load of security patches since then.

Seeing that it's been well over a year seems not likely. I thought I already had an account there. But doesn't matter. I got the mod I wanted to try out.

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9 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Seeing that it's been well over a year seems not likely. I thought I already had an account there. But doesn't matter. I got the mod I wanted to try out.

Good for you. Happy you got the mod you wanted / desired. I'd pick up as much from there I could if I was anyone here. Likely that site might just go away if they don't have a new license and don't even seem active. Only a mater of time before closed IMO

Just be careful with the materials you get from there. ... Please.

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10 hours ago, bjornk said:

The Matrix 4: SJW Edition... by The Wachowski Brothers Sisters... coming soon to theaters near you...


Didn't they kill off Neo in the last episode? 🙄

It is a wait and see... the brother sister that is writing it according to the article was one of the original writers.. (however it isn't stating her brother is part of the project, wonder how that will effect the end results)  I will play the wait and see game for this one.  Hopefully the rest of the crew that is hired isn't those individuals that have been tearing down Ghostbusters, and Star Wars franchises. If this is the case then it will very likely be s shit storm. If not, not sure.

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I cringe hard when people from so-called tech channels on YT try to insert RAM sticks into the motherboard on top of a motherboard's cardboard box, while severely bending the motherboard. Idiots. Which kinda proves that they are people who don't really think for themselves but rather do what they were told to do...

Edited by bjornk
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3 hours ago, vancleef said:

I made it almost 45 seconds. Even I hated it. And I'm a booty man...


You did better than me.. I coudn't really understand what the fuck was going on or what the fuck that singer (use the  term loosely) was trying to get across.  hard to understand the words, context etc. Horrible for a singer.

3 hours ago, bjornk said:

I cringe hard when people from so-called tech channels on YT try to insert RAM sticks into the motherboard on top of a motherboard's cardboard box, while severely bending the motherboard. Idiots. Which kinda proves that they are people who don't really think for themselves but rather do what they were told to do...

Shows they are idiots.. sad thing is ... there is no real way to call them out on it. If you mention how stupid they are doing something .. .they just delete it. If they are popular and you decide to create a video that is criticizing them... they get YouTube to delete your video. If you post outside in an article etc.. it is very likely unless you are a well known person.. nobody will ever really see it.  So people keep on flexing the solder connections while they try to insert ram sticks onto the motherboard. Potentially (not always) causing issues with the solder points and thus parts of the motherboard.

Where in any A+ manual does it show you testing a motherboard on a cardboard box? On any box for that matter. If anyone reads this post.. do yourselves a favor.. get an anti static mat.. they don't cost much, only need one big enough for your motherboard etc (processor and some ram) along with anti static device for your hands. (which often is part of the kit that comes with the mat. ) and don't follow those cringe-worthy videos that are showing people doing that on YouTube. Seriously you can accidentally flex the board which can cause issues with the solder points which might not show issues for an unknown amount of time.



Seriously .. learn the right way to take care of your equipment and DO IT.  Most of the time your shit will last longer than you need it.


Case in point.. I am still rocking a 4th gen Intel processor. ;)


@bjornk your observation is truly cringe-worthy in my book!

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I doubt their fancy anti-static mats are actually properly grounded. You don't really need anti-static mats unless you're assembling tens of computers each day. Any nonconductive (wooden, stone etc.) surface would do the job, as long as it's solid, or especially if you don't want to scratch the surface, just place a thick newspaper underneath the motherboard and that's it.

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47 minutes ago, bjornk said:

I doubt their fancy anti-static mats are actually properly grounded. You don't really need anti-static mats unless you're assembling tens of computers each day. Any nonconductive (wooden, stone etc.) surface would do the job, as long as it's solid, or especially if you don't want to scratch the surface, just place a thick newspaper underneath the motherboard and that's it.

True... I use a butcher's block that is quite large recovered from a counter or something. (I found it tossed out) (another one larger is used for my desk top.. lol) I prefer to use some thick cardboard cut from a box (not the motherboard) to place my motherboard and such on. Most of the time if I am not in a hurry.

I am reluctant to advise people to use that solution as people aren't always good about understanding what is "non-conductive" . I have learned not to be surprised by the things that some people think and / or do.   It is hard to go wrong advising someone new to use a proper mat. Of course if someone is showing some level of competence.. then you can forgo the mat advise. Just make sure they are aware to be following anti static precautions. (which especially include the person building the computer. )


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Just made myself some popcorn with chili pepper, cause that's a thing right? Well, that was VERY cringe worthy, as it turned into popcorn with "charred" chili pepper, adding the chili later would've been a better idea apparently, but that's the limit of my "experimental cooking". Ate them all naturally, as I love me some cancer every now and then. Absolutely NOT recommended!

Edited by bjornk
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On 8/26/2019 at 8:24 PM, bjornk said:

BBC Hardtalk (get it?) talks to a former (allegedly) porn actress: "I made a total of $12,000 in the industry"... 🤔 Some fun tweets here and then "I made as much as her in one month!" 😅

Pretty sure Mia Khalifa's stock just went up. Probably raking in the bucks right now from new viewers gained from this interview.

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9 hours ago, vancleef said:

Pretty sure Mia Khalifa's stock just went up. Probably raking in the bucks right now from new viewers gained from this interview.

 I love how she blames the Porn industry for destroying her relationship with her family.  She can't take any responsibility for her own actions.  SHE chose to do that job with the very likely knowledge that her family wouldn't accept it or her for doing such a thing.

People love blaming others for their plight in the world... can't take responsibility for their own actions.

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