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Cyberpunk 2077 Discussion, News etc.


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Okay, I figured I would open a thread on Cyberpunk 2077 so that we all could have a discussion about. Feel free to speculate, criticize, hate it, love it and so on.

For those who haven't kept up much on Cyperpunk 2077, or never heard of the game, Cyperpunk 2077 is an RPG based off the original Cyberpunk 2020 which is a table top/pen and paper RPG created by Mike Pondsmith, which sets the Cyberpunk world exactly 57 years later. From what we do know, classes haven't changed, but we will see how the world has progressed from then to now. We also know that CDPR is trying to keep to the originality of the game as much as possible. Below I have listed what we know so far about CP2077 and what we can expect to be featured in the game. However, because this game is still in development and not much is really known about this game, take some of these things with a grain of salt.


I will be updating this thread with new information and related videos with CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077. But if you want to really know more on what Cyberpunk (the game) is about, I suggest researching on Cyberpunk 2020 as it will help give an idea and understanding of Cyberpunk 2077. Some of the things in the trailer from back in 2013 are references from the table top RPG that presumably might be in CP2077 from what we see.

Also, feel free to post any new information you find.

Here's a brief history of this game's development throughout the years and relevant information that YongYea kindly put together in regards to CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077.


Update: 6-10-2018

cyberpunk website

2018 E3 CDPR's Cyperpunk 2077 Trailer


What we can expect so far is...

  • CP2077 will be on the latest Red Engine 4.
  • Play as male or female.
  • Open world sandbox.
  • Allow you to customize you character's appearance and choose the class/role you want.
  • Multi-player will be a feature in the game.
  • Driveable vehicles on ground and in air. Motorcycles seems to be on that list.
  • It is confirmed that CP2077 wil be FPP and TPP (first person and third person shooter and view).
  • CP2077 will be about you saving yourself and not about saving the world.
  • Drugs and more than likely sex as well since this is a very mature based game. That, and Witcher 3 had sex scenes in that game, so it's no surprise if we see this level of mature content in CP2077.
  • Braindance which is basically a brain implant that lets you experiences someone else's life experience first hand. If you're a rockstar and someone buys an implant of your on stage perfomance, they will live that experience themselves through braindance.
  • implants/augmentations that will significantly boost your character depending the role/class you are as each role/class will have advantages of certain implants over others.
  • Attire and implants will have an impact on NPCs. How much in CP2077 is uncertain at this point. The way it will have an impact is by certain implants and NPCs reactions towards you and those modifications.
  • Each role/class will have their advantages over others and more than likely their weaknesses. It's like the SPECIAL used in Fallout 1 and 2 where you have slight advantages but also disadvantages as well. It's not a system meant to create the perfect and godly characters.
  • CP2077 will have multi-launguage implemented in it. What this does is the world will have NPCs of different ethnicity that will talk in their native language. And in order for you the player to be able to understand what they're saying, you'll have to buy a translating implant.
  • CP2077 will be a not so distance from the future rather than a futuristic sci-fi game. CP2077 takes place a little over 50 years after CP2020 so you will see weapons (and perhaps gear as well) from the 2020 era more modified in 2077.


Related Videos in spoiler.



Cyberpunk Lore videos




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Okay, I'll start off.


It's confirmed by Mike Pondsmith himself that all classes will be implemented in CP2077. Really liking these classes.

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I am interested in what I have read about cyberpunk 2020 and this particularly.


The combat system, called Friday Night Firefight, emphasizes lethality. Several pages in the rules are devoted to discussing real combat vs. the illusions often seen on TV. Attempts are made to keep the combat as realistic as possible in a game setting. No matter who the character is, a single bullet can result in a lethal wound. This encourages a more tactically oriented and sneaky game play, which is in accordance to the rough-and-gritty ethos of the Cyberpunk genre. Also, the amount of damage a character can sustain does not increase as the character develops. The only way a character can become more damage resistant is to either become better at not being hit, physically augment their body with muscle (trained or implanted) or cybernetics, or wear armor.

That kind of fits with the CD Project Red's Witcher III (however he did get harder to kill as time went on but I believe it was due to mutation however also due to level ... in a sort of way.) This could be interesting considering these are the author of Witcher III which is notoriously able to hand your ass over to you if you decide to be a "hero" or do something that would be stupid, as well as allow you with proper thought, provide yourself with the hardware, equipment and supplies to be able to take down extremely hard to kill opponents well above your current "advised" level. this provides an extremely rich and challenging environment that an player can enjoy for a very, very long time.

As for including the "classes" I am not familiar with these classes but understand that this is a great thing as it will allow the player to keep on playing various classes over and over and then move to others and then even more :) Lots of replay-ability with this approach. Lesser companies... (you know who I am talking about) I am afraid aren't able to properly implement this and will leave the game limited and "empty" (you know the game I am talking about :P) but I have great confidence that CD Project Red will be able to make a rich world that one could enjoy well beyond the 1000 hour play time into 5000+ hours. ;) This game is looking better and better all the time. Side note they are taking their sweet time getting it to market... which is a good thing ;) They treat their games like fine wine... they don't sell it until it is time.

Following this path they will continue to be the best that the market has to offer.




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Character classes mean one thing to me; characters builds will matter.  People won't be able to play CP2077 like they do recent Bethesda games, where everyone is basically a blank slate and by 9th level it doesn't matter what skills you pick or what race you are.  And if CP2077 does play like TW3 a lot of Bethesda fanboys will avoid it like the plague.

'Whadda ya mean there are zones where I can't go at first level and survive?  Whadda ya mean I can't spam attack buttons to win a fight?  And whadda ya mean I have to prepare for combat and use tactics?'

Casual gamers are going to hate CP2077 if it's like that...and I hope it is. :D

If the video game is anything like the pencil and paper game from the 1980's, certain implants will work with certain character classes better than others.  You'll actually have to 'play a role' in a role playing game.  It sounds really revolutionary consider what we've been getting from AAA games for the last decade.

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If Cyberpunk 2077 is how I think it's going to be, it's going to be a world that doesn't give a crap about your heroism because it's a dark world. No one is going to praise you or give you special treatment on the streets because they don't give a flying turd. Because people are either trying to kill one another for their shit, talking about their fix (brain dance), or they are after their fix. And I'm all for that.

It was stated that it's about you saving yourself and not everyone else. So I do get the impression that's how it's going to go.

And that's why I do like Fallout 3 more than New Vegas even though people did praise you. But it was just a messed up world. I just don't like the one man to save the world thing. And that's the same direction Bethesda always goes with TES and Fallout. So I hope CP2077 is the complete opposite and all about you and others in the same class that you may join later on in that faction and even perhaps factions that align.

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Yes, the dark world where you are just a person making your way through the world. Your choices and strategy is what will either allow you to survive or fail. This is what makes the Witcher games series so great IMO. It is different from TES and Fallout universes and there isn't anything wrong with those universes, however, there are so few games where you aren't the main "hero" or dare I say it "god".  Having a fully fleshed out game where this happens is rare indeed. We have a medieval game series where this happens in Witcher and now we hopefully will have a great game set in a dark futuristic world of Cyber Punk 2077. 

Hopefully, there will be more in that series, perhaps a 2120 version or something to give us our Cyber Punk "Fix". :) Can't wait until there is an official release date given. That will be the time I will start saving. How many here will be pre-ordering.. ? Or is that a bad idea from any company regardless of their history of great games?

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Even though I trust CDProjektRed I'm not going to preorder.  Most likely I'll have to update my hardware and before I fork over the dough for that I'm going to need to see what the game is about.  After getting burned by Bethesda with FO4 I'll never update my rig to play a game I've never seen.

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Even though I trust CDProjektRed I'm not going to preorder.  Most likely I'll have to update my hardware and before I fork over the dough for that I'm going to need to see what the game is about.  After getting burned by Bethesda with FO4 I'll never update my rig to play a game I've never seen.

Ah, so you might  have to updated your rig to play the game. That could understand. Question, if you had a modern high spec machine .... that could play everything you wanted... would you buy the pre order? :D

I don't believe they will do a bad job. I believe it will be as good fit and finish as the Witcher series. I pretty much trust that. However, on my end I want to be sure that I like the way the game plays. That I like the game personally. That is the only question I have when it comes to pre-orders.

Hopefully, CD Project Red will at least release the game early enough to trustworthy reviewers to give us both the confidence that this is indeed the game we want. They give us the opportunity to be good consumers and purchase confidently. Hopefully, they will however I don't remember their process for their previous game releases. That would be some indication on how they will do this games release. Does anyone remember?

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Rant in spoiler


If we lived in a perfect world, no one would ever complain about preorders because companies would always deliver their promises and devote their time to perfecting the game. In a world like that, I would preorder without thinking twice. Sadly we live in a world where corps love to shaft consumers by feeding them lies because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters to them is the money from your wallet. And they are trained to do what ever means necessary to get your to spend your money on their product. That's why Fallout 4 was a success. I usually go off hard on people for giving in on Fallout 4, but I can't blame them since Fallout was a fun game. And the mods only make it much more fun. But there's a limit. For me that limit was with Skyrim. But hopefully people have learned after Fallotu 4 and won't give in so easily when Fallout 5 is announced. We can only wait and see. But for me, I'm done with Bethesda. And while fanboys call me a hater despite it being true, I'm not hating on them for the sake of hating, I'm hating on them because of their lack of integrity, lies and anti-consumer practices. And their drift away from RPG and being more and more streamlined with each new title. I never wanted to hate them. I would of loved to still support them if they never would of changed their ways. But it's very clear that they do not care about their old fans that got them the fame they have now. Now that their all big and tough full of money, they can kick those fans to the curb and find a new audience to cater to that will fill their pockets with more money.

Over the years playing Bethesda games I've noticed their habit of broken games is a result of common practice they use because they know modders are willing to kill themselves to get the game in a working state which leaves them room to slack off to work on the next game. While that's all in good deed and nice by the modders that do take those efforts to unofficially patch the game for the rest of the people, it's not something that we should all hold up value on Bethesda for at least giving us the creation kit. Being able to mod Bethesda games comes with a heavy price. But most people tend to just look at it as a generous part from Bethesda because they are the only ones who allow anyone to mod their games as far as you can. But for me it's inexcusable because I went through hell getting Skyrim to work. I ended up giving up and modding the game instead of appreciating it without mods for my first experience.

Bethesda has been the first game developer I've ever encountered with games this awful in bugs and glitches. Fallout 3 being my first beth game, I quickly dismissed those bugs and devoted to look up all the info I can to get the game stable. I excused it with New Vegas. Even though Obsidian developed the game, they used Bethesda's material to make New Vegas so it's why the game is just as bugged. And by the time I got into TES - Skyrim being my first TES experience, it was here where I just had enough of their BS. Bugs and instability has been an ongoing thing for them and it seems like they never learn. "oh, but SSE on 64bit engine is stable now" the fanboy says. Yeah, you can put more of that effort being that it's on a 64bit engine rather than them actually working out the kinks. Because from the many times I have read, SSE still retains the same bugs Skyrim has. Which precisely tells me how much Bethesda is willing to go out their way to listen to their fans and all the years of complaints of the bugs in Skyrim.

Bethesda isn't the only company that does this. it's pretty much become the norm of games now. And it's why I've become strict with the developing companies I follow. If it's not lying to your fanbase to get as much money out of them as possible, it's ignoring them and caring about your product to an extent. Or both. Bethesda does both in this case. And then you have paid mods in the past and Creation Club now which is the same thing with a different coat of paint over it. They have no clue what the mod community is about. They quickly learned due to the backlash in 2015. But that didn't stop them and are willing to take that risk again. Because they know that no matter how much many complain about it, once it's set in stone, eventually people are going to give in to it just like they did with DRM and microtransaction. Then Bethesda will proceed with something else to shaft the consumer until they have dominance of everything, And at the same times other companies taking notice and doing the same.

lol huge ass rant.


The reason why I like Cyberpunk 2077 is that I like what it's about.  But I also like that they are taking this game very serious and trying to replicate the original pen and paper RPG as much as possible. In the first video above in the spoiler Mike Ponse talks about how they wanted a game developer to create their game but waited for that opportunity for a company to really know what the Cyberpunk world was really about and not just sell them the idea and then the developing company create something different. Both Mike Ponse and CDPR get it. They know what people will be interested in. And their willing ti invest the time needed to make sure those expectations are met. And I respect CDPR for that. Maybe I'm a fanboy. I dunno, but I certainly am a fan of CDPR despite that I never played any of their games. Just watching Witcher gameplay footage really astonishes me how well the game is developed. The voice acting, animations, graphics, cinematic scenes, physics etc. it all just surprises me. And knowing that they are going to implement that same quality (if not better) in CP2077, I can only become more hyped of that game.

It's clear that Mike Ponse isn't after the money but seeing his work taken very serious. And with that in mind, I have a strong feeling CP2077 is going to be another big hit for CDPR like with Witcher 3. But yeah, I agree. It's better to be safe than sorry. Wait for game footage and reviews and judge it before you buy it. I did that with Fallout 4.

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That's one of the great things about CDPR.  If you look at their DLC's/Updates for the Witcher series they not only released quality updates but also, at times, changes some game play mechanics that were not working well with the previous versions.  Take W2 for example.  First DLC they changed the beginning tutorial so it wasn't so hand holding as it was at the beginning.  Then when some people complained about that they responded on their site that they wished to stay true to the immersive feel of being placed into a scenario where your character is having to recall recent events due to the way the cinematic story was playing out.  Base release of W2, those that had W1 and ported in a save file, didn't even have an option to skip the tutorial. 

I pre ordered F4 due to being a fan of the series.  I kept watching videos and reading things I was not happy about, yet at the same time wanting, hoping that things would possibly get changed upon release or get fixed on future updates.  Then with their updates and DLC they not only ignored half the issues and crashes the community was reporting, they chose instead to increase the price of the " Season Pass " by $2.

CDPR is known for small DLC's being free and if their is a major update or DLC its not a freaking full game price.  So we can count on that at least not being screwed up.

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I am going to be keeping an eye out for actual reviews and game play when it is available so I could get a chance to see this great game in its final or near final product. One part of me is so excited to get it and I want it yesterday, the other part, the more rational one, is saying to me ... wait, have patience it will take time to get an excellent game created. :D



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I'm very curious how the negative impact is going to work on the player if they go overboard with implants. It's clear their intention is not allowing the player to play godly. It's not going to be run around and killing everything like in Beth games. And that's another reason why I like CDPR. Witcher 3 was definitely an adult game and Cyberpunk 2077 is right up that same alley.

I bet sex will be a thing in this game. And if they allow us to fully mod this game, I can already see the sex mods for it. There's just so many ways to implement it. :D

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7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I'm very curious how the negative impact is going to work on the player if they go overboard with implants. It's clear their intention is not allowing the player to play godly. It's not going to be run around and killing everything like in Beth games. And that's another reason why I like CDPR. Witcher 3 was definitely an adult game and Cyberpunk 2077 is right up that same alley.

I bet sex will be a thing in this game. And if they allow us to fully mod this game, I can already see the sex mods for it. There's just so many ways to implement it. :D

Well the pencil and paper game had nightclubs, stripper joints, message parlors, etc. in the game lore.  The guy who reff'd the game I played in had hookers who were part of a black market implant ring.  That was way before 'Bordello of Blood' and 'From Dusk till Dawn' were even thought of.  Anyway the pencil and paper game had that kind  of content and CDRed doesn't shy away from whores and casual sex, romancing love interests, etc.  Pretty sure what we saw in TW2 and TW3 will be in CP2077.

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11 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Well the pencil and paper game had nightclubs, stripper joints, message parlors, etc. in the game lore.  The guy who reff'd the game I played in had hookers who were part of a black market implant ring.  That was way before 'Bordello of Blood' and 'From Dusk till Dawn' were even thought of.  Anyway the pencil and paper game had that kind  of content and CDRed doesn't shy away from whores and casual sex, romancing love interests, etc.  Pretty sure what we saw in TW2 and TW3 will be in CP2077.

yes, I agree and to answer endgameaddiction. I believe they will do something like is done in Witcher III when you take too many potions. You could die or have other negative effects that really do seriously hold you back until you get over them.

As for modding the game. I tried to do some mods in Witcher III and didn't have the patience. It was complex and to be honest... in reality I found I didn't need those mods in the end as the game was more than enough. (the only mod I think I would want would be the ability to see in the dark without the potion whenever... I believe the story states they were mutated to see in the dark. The game gives this but makes you have to take a potion.) But other than that... Nothing interested me mod wise.

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I am looking forward to how they do the implants.  The old game had it where depending on your class you couldn't use certain implants. ( sure that after a while the modding community will bypass it but whatever)  I loved how if I was doing a stealth type character, I could not use the implants in your arms to increase your strength, therefore I could not move certain things to create a new path.  But I was able to put implants into my feet that stopped almost all noise I make while sneaking around.

If they keep true to that system, this game will be worth the $ to me.

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Would be neat if braindance experiences are like when you jump in the simulator in Vault 112 and warp to Tranquility Lane, or Operation Anchorage where you are set in Alaska and physically experience it as the player and not your character and not like you just there watching what happens like you do in Skyrim when you read the Elders Scroll: Dragon in the moth cave.

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I think the braindances will be like what was given in Witcher III when you are re-living Ceri's experiences while you try to find her. There are times you interact in the game as her. Braindances are likely going to be something similar. You will need to experience some character's experiences to learn what you need to know to continue the game. It is a great way to experience some of the other classes and perhaps even different mods as well.

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15 hours ago, Nailos18 said:

I am looking forward to how they do the implants.  The old game had it where depending on your class you couldn't use certain implants. ( sure that after a while the modding community will bypass it but whatever)  I loved how if I was doing a stealth type character, I could not use the implants in your arms to increase your strength, therefore I could not move certain things to create a new path.  But I was able to put implants into my feet that stopped almost all noise I make while sneaking around.

If they keep true to that system, this game will be worth the $ to me.

I can't find it now but I believe the implants will be available to you to use however, depending on your choices they will be more effective or less effective depending on your class. This fits with the way CD Project Red makes games... if Witcher III is any indication. You could choose all sorts of pathways to develop your character however, you have to be really careful or you will waste some upgrades. it takes careful consideration to develop the character to how you are going to play him. If you don't you will get to higher levels with a crap spec and the game will suck. If you do, you will get to higher levels and have an awesome time. Don't get me wrong, you can easily get your ass handed to you either way however, having a nicely configured spec makes for a more engaging and rewarding game play. I suspect this will be what they will do for Cyber Punk 2077 as well. Perhaps that is the reason it is taking so long to develop. with Witcher they had one character and a few roles. Now they will have many possible roles and they will be very different from each other. For those that played Witcher, it would be like if you had a chance to play different Witcher Schools where they actually had unique options that will make serious changes in the game.

That was my 2 and 1/2 cents... :P It will be interesting to see how close we are with our speculations about the game ;)

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Their class/role system is pretty much like the old SPECIAL system for Fallout where you have advantages and disadvantages like a real RPG should be. It's not about being incredibly good at everything.

That's my problem with Skyrim. There's no real disadvantages other than disease. Your race sure, but being an Orc mage doesn't really have all that much of a disadvantage over a High Elf mage. Those disadvantages are very miniscule.

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This is depressing

Cyberpunk 2077 release date. According to some hints from CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 should be out before June 2019. In February 2016, an investor call suggested Cyberpunk 2077 would be released by 2019.Mar 22, 2017

Chances are Bethesda will be releasing 3~4 crapy games by that time.. :P

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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Their class/role system is pretty much like the old SPECIAL system for Fallout where you have advantages and disadvantages like a real RPG should be. It's not about being incredibly good at everything.

That's my problem with Skyrim. There's no real disadvantages other than disease. Your race sure, but being an Orc mage doesn't really have all that much of a disadvantage over a High Elf mage. Those disadvantages are very miniscule.

By the time you're 9th level in Skyrim it doesn't matter what race you picked; the bonuses mean nothing and the spell-like special abilities are outmatched by their real spell equivalents.  FO4 had the same problem.  And there's no way to really role play in either of those games since everyone is the same and all of the quests are on rails to get you from point A to point B without any chance of failure.  I blame Bethesda's pandering to the console peasants for why those games are what they are.

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