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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/06/2016 in File Comments
17 points
7 points
To everyone, please follow the mod authors request stated above. Lets not be *that* site that can't follow simple request. Besides, it will give you much quicker responses from those in the know. Who would of thunk it... doing the right thing actually would actually benefit you! @ColonolNuttyThank you for posting your alternate choice for WW here. Having choices are always a good thing. I have been looking into going back to Sims 4 and might check this out! I have had WW the last time I was playing the game. Now I can explore something NEW! Always awesome.6 points
This is kind of sad now. I want to use all of the mods as I really can not stop using mccc or ww because it is required for wp. It such a shame that they have to do this when it's not theirs to decide what mods we install. If they don't want to associate their mods then they don't have to corrupt other mods because then they'll always be connected with it. I just have problems with having all of them so unfortunately I cannot keep this mod even though I want to. It's frustrating me too much at the moment. Hopefully one day, it will be fine or it won't unless someone else makes a fetish mod.5 points
4 points
After the Ranch update, it seems all sex options in interactions are gone. I can still set a sims "Preferences" in the DD menu when selecting my sim, or any other sim, but there are no option for sex interactions. Not on my own sim, not on other simes, and not on any furniture or location. I did remove all other mods except the required just to see if another mod were misbehaving, but to no help. the DeviousDesires_5.10_Exceptions seem to report errors about interactions as well, among others; [DeviousDesires_5.10] 2023-07-25 13:31:20.615102 Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 116, in import_modules_by_path File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module File "deviousdesires\dance_system\interactions\autonomy\_inject_interactions.py", line 16, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\autonomy\_inject_interactions.py", line 304, in <module> File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\dynamic_animation_interactions_creator.py", line 70, in create_interactions File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\autonomy\_inject_interactions.py", line 296, in _create_interaction_tunings File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\autonomy\_inject_interactions.py", line 186, in _create_from_self_interactions File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\autonomy\_inject_interactions.py", line 140, in _multi_sim_creator_class File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\multi\_inject_interactions.py", line 674, in <module> File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\multi\_inject_interactions.py", line 671, in create_interactions File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\dynamic_animation_interactions_creator.py", line 70, in create_interactions File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\multi\_inject_interactions.py", line 661, in _create_interaction_tunings File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_log_registry.py", line 238, in error File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\multi\_inject_interactions.py", line 371, in _create_interaction_tunings File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\multi\_inject_interactions.py", line 167, in _find_nearby_location_class File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module File "deviousdesires\sex\interactions\multi\multi_sim_sex_find_nearby_location.py", line 24, in <module> File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module File "deviousdesires\commonlib\classes\interactions\common_object_picker_interaction.py", line 16, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'interactions.base.picker_strategy' An error occurred while registering tunings -> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'interactions.base.picker_strategy'4 points
4 points
Welcome to version 3.0! There are a ton of changes that were made, too many to list here, check the included changelog for all the details! Most of the changes were around Nudity itself - If you have S4CM installed, the Select Equipment and Select Body Part dialogs will appear under Click on Sim -> Outfits -> Nudity -> Select Dialog - Otherwise they appear under Click on Sim -> Devious Desires -> Nudity -> Select Dialog - When selecting a custom part for any part location, make sure you select only a single part! (Unless you are selecting the entirety of underwear, then select as many parts as you wish) - If a body part uses one of the normal body locations, such as the Head part (HAT), any CAS Part chosen when choosing a custom part that takes the matching body location, DD will take that part over any others you select, so be sure to remove parts that take the body location before trying to select custom parts that don't take the location. For example, remove any Hats you may be wearing if you wish to choose a Head part that does not take the Hat slot. - Some things you likely won't find in the changelog, so I'll list em here: - Don't be surprised if after installing 3.0 your Sims immediately go to masturbate! (If you have the autonomy setting enabled, of course) - I upped how much the Sex Motive increases when Sims have sex, hopefully this will result in less "Low Sex Motive" buffs sticking around seemingly forever. - Masturbation Autonomy is completely based on whether a Sim has less than -75 in their sex motive. There is not currently any privacy implemented, since it was quite performance heavy when I did implement it, but I still want to figure out better ways to introduce it so you don't end up with Sims doing it in front of their Child/Toddler Sims. - I figured out how to get Sims to put things down, so if a Sim were to masturbate, they will make sure to put whatever they are holding down, if they happen to be holding a Sim, such as a Small Dog or Toddler, they won't try to masturbate at all, at least until they put the Sim down. (You can't even initiate it manually while they hold the Sim) - Many new tags have been added to the list of animation and animation actor tags as well.4 points
Just a tip: When you give the item codes, you should mark the first two in the code as XX (ex: Heels (Black) - player.additem xx00183C 1). I say this, because it's not going to be 3D for everyone, as those two positions are determined by load order. May I suggest: Labeling all pieces of armor with "Fishnet" or maybe "DZ_xxxxx", to mark it for search by "fishnet" or "dz" (examples). Making it easier for people to find the item codes. (and saving you time from typing them all out.)4 points
It's kinda broken, I installed it correctly i'm sure of it. I see all the options ingame, but it's like all interactions just cancels automatically. No matter what I do with another sim, if i try to talk with them, it gets cancelled, if I try to eat some food, it gets canceled. Something is very broken3 points
For all those that get the loading screen of death. Simlib and DevCore have both been updated to 2.8 and 1.8 which nutty does not mention in his installation guide. Download those and no more issues loading into the sim world. For those with animation issues. I dunno, all mine load fine and all animations are in the mod folder. I would suggest you make sure that from your DD download the folder mod_data is also in the mod folder to which nutty highlights drastically to combat this very issue. The real burning question is, how long before I can make my slaves take it from the horses that are now in the game? That's what we all really want to do. Dirty little slaves need punishment and horses should gain temperament skill from pounding them.3 points
3 points
3 points
Great, so now I have to choose between Wicked Whims-and all their animations, and a mod I USED TO like that now has very little animations and 3/4 of the fetishes aren't even "implemented" anymore. Sorry, Nutty, I'm deleting and moving on. I WAS using both and quite happy to wait until the other fetishes were brought out, but this just clenched it. See ya.3 points
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3 points
I saw last week TurboDriver (the creator of WickedWhims) was being extra hate mob shitty on Twitter. Just shy of directly telling others to tell ColonolNutty to unalive himself. I speak up when I see it and just wanted ColonolNutty to know most ppl who use sex mods aren't puritan social justice hypocrites. The WickedWhims group want to eat their cake and have it to. Ironically EA hates them for the same reasons WW hates every and themselves. I only mention this incase the lack of updates has anything to do with them and their Tumblr lynch mobs weighing on you. They're not worth the excess energy. You have a better mod than them, hell you have multiple better mods than theirs because you're not a one note song. Rest up and be well. PS: Wicked Whims is so far gone now since the HS update it's permanently removed A.) Teen Sex, B.) Incest Trait, and C.) Polyamorous Trait3 points
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3 points
There's a couple of problems with the BodySlide files for this outfit/armor. Boots - They remain UNP/UNPB shape after exporting from BodySlide when I try to use a bodyslide preset I've created. Outfit 2 (topless) - UV map seems to off on the bodyslide exported version. In bodyslide and in game after exporting it, the only thing that has textures is the corset that's attached to it. When I examined the exported version in nifskope, the outfit texture provides a different name for the .dds. When I set the right texture path, It doesn't set the texture properly which seems like the UV map isn't coming out right. Other than that the outfit is great. I have to stick with either using the full outfit and use them with the boots clipping with the body I use, or stick with the non bodyslide version which works fine.3 points
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3 points
I just have tweaked the skirt weight paint, it works best for UNPB. It just contain bodyslide for the blue color. You will need built it and make 2 copies of dress03_1.niff then change name to dress_1.nif and dress02_1.nif and also change texture path in Nifscope to dress01.dds and dress02.dds UUNP Shimmer Cowl Neck Mini Dress.7z2 points
There will be a major update tomorrow that should fix the wild physics on the dress. I'd hold off downloading this before then. File updated. No major changes were need outside of some XML file edits. I only tested it for a few minuets so I would appreciate any reports of problems you have with this mod.2 points
Because of how the HDT High Heel System works, the boots cannot be enchanted (they already have a 'spell' on them) or improved without the Arcane Smithing Perk. That is a legacy of the framework so just deal with it. i made an account just to say this line is bullshit. hdt is script based and does not use an enchantment. still nice boots though.2 points
2 points
Awesome work! Have you ever thought of doing the New 52/Rebirth Harley Quinn outfit? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi1s5j_7eXcAhUrWN8KHdRoCgIQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FHarley-Quinn-Vol-Meat-Rebirth%2Fdp%2F1401273696&psig=AOvVaw0DLqchGBZV5mX7fGBdLsf-&ust=1534106358647735 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiKvP6i7uXcAhVskuAKHYQpC3oQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdc.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FHarley_Quinn_Vol_3_1&psig=AOvVaw0DLqchGBZV5mX7fGBdLsf-&ust=15341063586477352 points
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2 points
The toenails are probably dark because we use different body textures. Originally when I modeled the female feet I had the toenails separate from the feet but that gave me problems with the msn textures for some reason. If I still have the original nif I try it again without the normal maps and see how it works.2 points
The real hero is MarkJS he created what I believe were the first shoes capable of increasing height then if I'm not mistaken MJ95 (maker of the Madlen shoes) followed, in the middle you have people like CmarNYC, Blooms Base, MrAntonieddu and many more who contributed in several ways. After a lot of months I was able to finally understand how those shoes worked and how to make my own then it was a matter of learning how to mesh, generate textures, morphs, bones and of course battling with the game itself It sounds very difficult but the biggest hurdle is know how to mesh programs like Metasequoia, Blender or Wings 3D are a big help, the rest is just to get used to the game's specifics and limitations. One day I will write about the basics.2 points
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2 points
Hey I downloaded the complete bikini collection 2 pack, used nexus mod to install it , when ingame, i just added the item by command in console. Then when I choose it to wear it a big Exclamation appears in red and white, also the costume is a big wired box every clothing i have from that pack. Anyhow I tried to install only crazy belle III and it works ... what do I need?2 points
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2 points
Install the BNB body and let these meshes ( after you rename the one you want to femaleupperbody, just make sure to read the readme file kendo 2 gives you) over write the BNB meshes. It will work although NV's system for bodies is not the best , but you will see some stretched breasts on certain animations. Not crazy HDT breast stretching like Skyrim, just when they bounce you may see the breasts curvature below still in place but the breast shape thats bouncing looks like it is stretched.2 points
2 points
sure thing. I've downloaded a lot of armors, and converted them to CBBE/Bodyslide. I usually have to go into the .esp and make a few changes like I said, in order to locate it easier through console command search. Well. I used to. Then I just got "UIExtentions" and "Add Item Menu". Which... it MAY not be a bad idea to go into your .esp files after you make them, and set AIM as a requirement for the .esp to work... eliminating the need to search up your item codes all together. People can just search the .esp file for the armors they want, then.2 points