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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I wouldn't want to be the guy in the middle... With that many women.. at a party... getting drunk.. (presumably having sex with them) Sometime that night ... something is going to go up the guys but... Seriously.. with that much estrogen.. somewhere, sometime.. something is going to go up the but when he is least expecting it. If you are one of those that like that... then you will be very happy...
  2. WELL I am 30 members late.. lol I think you might have scared the 10,000 member away Double Zero.. lol
  3. You have a point with the time it might take for Skyrim SE to get up to speed with the original one.
  4. Now at 9700 + members... Just a few days after I mentioned 9500 + members
  5. ritualclarity

    gianna & naisa

    Nice keep on posting photos..
  6. Once I understood what MO was ... I was hooked. It was the virtual file system of each mod (or folder) that hooked me. Essentially I could "manually install" any and all mods and files and do all manner of stuff.. yet... had at a simple click I could have it removed. No more deleting all the loose files and named BSAs etc. Cleaning up my install and then having to reinstall all the mods manually again. I liked the profile but could live without it. Most of the other features I can live without it. It is the virtual install that made me stand up and notice MO the first time. I need to check and see if WyreBash can handle Fallout 4 files as good as NMM can currently. If someone wants to talk about a manager that can handle multiple games... well that is one that can already.
  7. The problem with the "AIO" approach is each game is so different. Have you tried to mod Witcher or Mass Effect. Even Sims 4 is vastly different. Having "one" mod manager for all those games is going to make it so very bloated. I can't see it being anything other than that. The great thing about OBBM, FOMM and MO historically in my opinion is they were tools for the games they supported. OBBM for Oblivion, FOMM for the Fallout 3 and NV (being essentially the same game) and MO for Skyrim.. and later working quite well after some fixes for Fallout 3 and NV (not well for Oblivion at least not the Steam version) However those games are so very close. The same engine with changes made for new features. Hell chances are if Fallout 4 didn't go to 64 bit it would still be compatible or at least be easy to make compatible. The difference and hardship Tannin had going from the "MO 32bit" to "MO 64 bit" was massive and hard for him to get functional. This is from someone that was churning out versions almost faster than I could download them and use them. This is from the .. well essentially the same engine with some changes and going 64 bit (which is the biggest change) How is someone going to make an mod manager for all games, keep it simple, light, and not bloated? I am sure it can be done but it won't be easy and it will not be anything that NMM or MO was in the past. There will have to be compromises and the system before with NMM and MO worked well for the modding community. People had choices. Hopefully someone will come along and work on the MO 2 or at least create an other option when the new NMM gets released to give options. Lord knows it will likely be in great demand as there will be people that will not use anything from Nexus regardless of how great it is.
  8. You have real points there... however I cannot blame a person for desiring a paycheck for the work that he did. He was a genius in developing MO and that is very rare. He did this in his spare time and was faster in development than the entire previous NMM team was to fix bugs. He is a professional programmer and it shows. Now how he went about getting paid... that is sad. I would have hopped that he would have used his fame and his product to open a patron account with all his fans he might have gotten the needed funds and not "sold out" to Nexus. At least if he did so and advertised it (if he did actually do this) then move to NMM .. well then it was to get properly paid for his hard work. I truly believe if the modding communities that MO covers knew his frustrations and difficulties they would have been willing to help support him to be able to continue to build the awesome tools that he has. Then he would have been his own man and not have to report to anyone and still be able to keep the lights on. Now this is Tannin. The man that created MO. He has loads of skills. It remains to be see if he can pull off a MO type Nexus Mod Manager like indicated in that article. I highly doubt it because too much is being expected for too little time (I am sure he is now under pressure to perform and produce a product likely in 3 months or so) However it is Tannin and hopefully this isn't the case and a truly awesome manager can be created that can cover all the old games (Oblivion from Steam which MO didn't support) Fallout, Skyrim and the 64bit editions of the Fallout and Skyrim. Personally I am not going to grab my pichfork and torch and hunt him down... yet... I will give someone with that skill the time to prove one way or the other what is the results of this decision before I do.
  9. At 9535 today... last post I did had just over 9000 post.. on October 3rd...
  10. So this means no new content including anything that replaces the content like upgraded textures and meshes, correct. You have to use only what was provided by Besthesda so basically can only create an esp like a follower but only with the default face, armors, and dialogue (voiced)
  11. Sorry. I don't have the game Dragon Age. I'd suggest since you have played the game before to choose the best path that would be awesome.. If it happens to create really awesome captures as well that would be... awesome
  12. This should have been showed for Fallout 4 video ads..
  13. Hello EvalovesEP. Welcome to the site. Have fun! All types of gamers are welcome, modders, coders, screen capture artist and yes.. even writers.
  14. Now there is a nice little Dragon Age Gallery for your new screenshots..
  15. Now we just need to get DZ to create a special Dragon Age Gallery
  16. Shame... I can only give one like for this.
  17. I am not sure of this game. I don't have it personally. However if it is like Mass Effect, or Witcher etc where you can use previous saves it might be more fun to really develop and work on a character and then move on. Give you a chance to really play all three from the start and compare them well since you have just recently played all three in succession. If it don't and you aren't interested in a really close comparison then play the newest one you have and have fun.. Just thought.. we don't have any photos captures etc from that game here. Perhaps we can get DZ to create a gallery and you can post some awesome captures of it? If not we can just place those in the NSFWmods.com Album
  18. Cool spin on Vampires.... Edit update: 37 hours so far and I have really only gotten to the sorceress looking for the elf... There is so much content in the game. Before leaving he first area I chased down each and ever possible quest and site available. (to learn the game mechanics etc) That was a lot of work just for the first areas. I spent about that same time (about 40~48 hours) going through the first run through of Fallout 4 to finish the faction quests.
  19. Dam... Fuck that is some bad ass monster... (and convesaton..) Wow. Im still working on being able to kill the dam dogs and drowners.
  20. There is even a mention by the Red Barron that if he found those responsible for his missing wife and daughter he will "flay them alive". I have had some fun with the puglist quest that Witcher has.. lol. Like really.. a person trained in killing monsters for a profession couldn't toss a few punches? Anway... I have done this when I was on level 16 and the suggested level is like 10 or 11 so yes.. I mopped them up very fast. The last one was so fast I doubt I put more than two punches (might be due to the previous match... not giving info out for spoilers sakes but might be the cause that he was so easily beaten) Above is a quote from a wiki page... A Knout can be a really horrible punishment.
  21. IT is medieval... What do they think "I'll get medieval on your ass" means? Do they think you will be giving them flowers of all things... The game is quite tame compared to what actually would / could happen during the 12th century. More here. http://www.historyrundown.com/10-most-cruel-execution-methods-of-all-time/
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