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10 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

*like* for the commentary not the video. :P

*subbed* These guys are awesome, watched a few videos, and enjoyed their commentary. Thanks! 

Yeah, the Hodge twins are funny. My roommate met them once when they went to his work and ordered some KFC, This was about 2 years ago.

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7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Unfortunately, I don't think something like this could ever be inevitable. I think there are people who are going to become hardwired to become this way.

The vids I've seen on that channel looks to be exactly that. I also had the same thoughts. The system producing robot-like personalities, like when Sam lost his soul or Amara (The Darkness) eating people's souls (Supernatural). The whole idea that we need to "rid ourselves of people in order to save them", is another indication they are gradually making more of these types of people. The moral framework is becoming eroded.

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John Fetterman mocks Dr Oz for wearing 'Gucci loafers,' says he 'wouldn't last two hours' in Braddock


Basically, in his effort to paint himself as some tough guy, Fetterman is announcing just how dangerous the tiny town that he was mayor of is. Good job!

I believe him to be a leftwing DNA experiment of some kind, having exhumed samples from Lurch and Uncle Fester. I may be wrong, but you decide for yourself...


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14 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

John Fetterman mocks Dr Oz for wearing 'Gucci loafers,' says he 'wouldn't last two hours' in Braddock


Basically, in his effort to paint himself as some tough guy, Fetterman is announcing just how dangerous the tiny town that he was mayor of is. Good job!

I believe him to be a leftwing DNA experiment of some kind, having exhumed samples from Lurch and Uncle Fester. I may be wrong, but you decide for yourself...


I live in Pittsburgh. Braddock is an independent borough just outside the city limits. It's a shithole. He brags about what he did with it but it's not much. A couple of Hipster bars and a housing development. Basically, it's Detroit Light.
Fetterman is a Class-A douchebag. He's a Trust Fund Kid masquerading as a Working Class Hero. That guy is so full of shit you can smell him from a block away.
And I love how "beating someone up" is suddenly okay with Lib-Tards...

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1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

Another AOC? I looked it up, and yes... "poor little rich kid".

I try and be fair when it comes to politics. I'm registered Independent so I don't blindly follow either party. Fetterman started off with the right idea and to his credit he did take a down and out neighborhood and got it partially running again. But his claims that he's the Savior of the Universe is just hot air.

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

I try and be fair when it comes to politics. I'm registered Independent so I don't blindly follow either party. Fetterman started off with the right idea and to his credit he did take a down and out neighborhood and got it partially running again. But his claims that he's the Savior of the Universe is just hot air.

Politics is always less of two evils! Few can stumble thru life without doing something good, even if by accident. ))) But to me, it's the blatant lies. Do not piss on me and tell me it was the other guy, when you stand there with your pants down! 😒 I do not live in PA, but in NJ, but our TV and radio is from Phila, and PA politics is 24/7 right now.

So, Fetterman says Washington politicians are screwing everything up, yet he is member of the party in power, and screwing it up. The ads about him releasing felons as city crime rises would be more than enough for me to vote against him... which is the less of two evils! Both may be assholes, so vote for the "less" asshole... or against the bigger one. (((

I am wondering about this new bill, about campaign cash disclosure. My husband says he is sure it is as all crazy leftwing legislation, and the name has little to do with what is actually in the bill... filled with poison pills ($10 billion for green crap) that repubs will vote no to, then dems will cry about repubs blocking it.

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Interesting. I didn't think about that aspect. I'm sure the Germans thought they were winning by beating back the USSR while the Russians torched and burned everything while they retreated. Also, reminds me of the Dominion War in Star Trek DS9, when on the verge of defeat the Founder says something along the lines: "your victory will be bitter sweet, while the damage to the Alpha Quadrant would be unimaginable". I agree with Peterson here, Putin "wins" either way it flows, and Russia will NEVER do business with the West again, so he will shut down any outgoing goods/services, never to grace the global market ever again. In total we loose big either way. 

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Current events in Ukraine were set in motion first by trying to overthrow Syria (Russian ally), then by the coup that overthrew the government in Kiev in 2013/ 14. Seeds were probably sewn long before, but... Understand that those given power by the west (US), were and are Nazis by the purest definition... National Socialists. Pure Ukraine, to which I am a half-breed mongrel. Search "Svoboda Party", and their association with Stepan Bandera, Right Sector, and other extremist groups. Also understand that to consolidate power, one of first steps was to ban their political opposition, Party of Regions. That alone is something unheard of in western nations, but was encouraged by west in Ukraine.

There was Minsk Agreement. All were ready to sign, but Kiev pulled out (many believe at the behest of US, which was not directly involved in the talks, rather laying ground for future regional influence).

4 years, and no further problems. Then the same powers returned in US, and talk of Nato missiles in eastern Ukraine again. My husband is military and knows strategy, and is puzzled by lack of air power early, and still. Perhaps military had lied about capabilities to Putin? Numbers of arms and hardware???

April, a ceasefire had almost been agreed to, and again, rumors are US "voices" convinced Kiev to continue. Biden slipped early on when admitting that "regime change" in Russia was his goal. He will fight with the lives of every last Ukrainian to reach that goal. He does not care, as missiles do not need a city. They sit nicely on scarred earth.

I lived thru the gas turned off in 2008. That was when I met my husband. It was a very cold winter, even in Lugansk. That was the last time Nationalists had full control, and were caught stealing gas intended for Europe. Russia shut it down to a trickle. It is possible that there will not be sufficient gas flow to light a pilot in Kiev as temps go down to -10 C in February.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

Lavrov lays it all out, and I mean almost everything.

I can no longer watch this entire video. My heart breaks and stomach turns. But this is the unprovoked attack on my city. My husband and I walked this sidewalk many times, and in the park there. We stayed together in an apartment less than 1,000 m from this place. We bought coffee at a kiosk by this building. These crimes went unpunished, and it only got much worse because Kiev knew they could get away with it all. 


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Well I guess the Russians are done fucking around.  They launched 3 kamikaze drones against the Ukrainian Command South Decision Center headquarters near Odessa.  Supposedly they killed almost everyone; generals, combat officers, and high-ranking American and NATO advisers.  The Russians also leveled the base camp of NATO volunteers near Kalinovka and killed 300 of them in one go.  According to LtGen Konashenkov, since Friday an estimated 2000 Ukrainian troops were KIA,

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13 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Towards the end of the video they'll show the numbers the Ukrainians are reporting.

Propaganda from both sides has been over the top, but from Kiev all depends on what they see as necessary to get more weapons.

4 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

Hurricane Ian just reached CAT 5 status with 155mph winds. In comparison take Hurricane Andrew which was a CAT 5 at 150mph winds. Andrew clipped south Florida. Ian is going straight through the center. 

My husband has family in Ft Myers. ((( This morning, looks as they will take direct hit.

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1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

Propaganda from both sides has been over the top, but from Kiev all depends on what they see as necessary to get more weapons.

All the Soviet era tanks and lavs Zelenskyy could muster have already been destroyed so now he's asking for American Abrams and German Leopard 2s.  US Arm tank school takes 22 weeks and you have to be reasonably intelligent.  You can't put normal soldiers in a tank crew and the fascists don't have 22 weeks left, imo.

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