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Voting with your wallet is an extremely long game to play before it really has an impact on a AAA studio/pub. And along the way they'll lie and tell you they got the hint just to get you to buy their games again, but until they start facing near bankruptcy and these suits start to scram, nothing will change. It just takes enough amount of people to play that game. I wish he'd touch up on pre-orders as well.

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In many ways what's happening to video games is similar to what happened to radio and television. They were each very popular for a time until a new alternative came along. They still exist today, but not as what they used to be. They both thought the audience would never leave and listen or watch whatever the crap offer, and they were right, at least for a while, until a new alternative, the Internet and the online stuff came along. Things in video games industry will also go on like this for a while, until a new thing comes along to replace it. Till then the current audience won't abandon it completely and the quality of games will continue to drop, just like what happened to radio and television. Only when a new alternative shows up the industry may feel the need to reinvent itself.

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You know, that almost happened here in Las Vegas with slot machines and gambling tables. A lot of it has changed for many years now. It's more like Mardi Gras where it's much much more about hanging out in the strip and going from one bar to another. There are still slot machines and gambling tables, but it's been heavily reduced in downtown strip. Because my generation and so on aren't really interested in that. So a lot of casino and resorts have had to adapt to the changes in order to get with the times.

I don't think video games will phase out. I think most humans are too weak and give in to their addiction to gaming, thus continue to enrich these companies and shareholders. The industry at this point holds too much power to ever crash again. Not unless people were to do as I mentioned in my previous post, but let's not kid ourselves, we live in an age where a lot of people over glorify brands and white knight bad practices. These people have the least interest in the betterment of a once amazing and niche hobby. That's why I will always oppose mainstream. Because once it starts gaining traction, it gets the wrong attention and corporations start sticking their dirty fingers where they don't belong and fill it with their poison. It happened with the movie and music industry in the U.S. and that's why the norm is mediocre to complete trash. And it's like McDonald's, Garbage that most people seem to be content with and still buy. I'll never understand that.

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12 hours ago, bjornk said:

14:32 I'm glad to see more and more people realize this fact.

Calling today's gaming industry in a "dark age" means that we will be in a renaissance. A time when games will again be special. I don't think that.

10 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Voting with your wallet is an extremely long game to play before it really has an impact on a AAA studio/pub. And along the way they'll lie and tell you they got the hint just to get you to buy their games again, but until they start facing near bankruptcy and these suits start to scram, nothing will change. It just takes enough amount of people to play that game. I wish he'd touch up on pre-orders as well.

Voting with your wallet requires tens of thousands and even millions of people effectively boycotting these games. Clearly signalling that this isn't acceptable. Not possible with a consumer base that is easily distracted... much like the dog in UP.. "squirrel " .  Case inn point is the "boycott" of Hogwarts. Wasn't effective and in fact actually backfired. (however, at least that is a good game.)

5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

You know, that almost happened here in Las Vegas with slot machines and gambling tables. A lot of it has changed for many years now. It's more like Mardi Gras where it's much much more about hanging out in the strip and going from one bar to another. There are still slot machines and gambling tables, but it's been heavily reduced in downtown strip. Because my generation and so on aren't really interested in that. So a lot of casino and resorts have had to adapt to the changes in order to get with the times.

I don't think video games will phase out. I think most humans are too weak and give in to their addiction to gaming, thus continue to enrich these companies and shareholders. The industry at this point holds too much power to ever crash again. Not unless people were to do as I mentioned in my previous post, but let's not kid ourselves, we live in an age where a lot of people over glorify brands and white knight bad practices. These people have the least interest in the betterment of a once amazing and niche hobby. That's why I will always oppose mainstream. Because once it starts gaining traction, it gets the wrong attention and corporations start sticking their dirty fingers where they don't belong and fill it with their poison. It happened with the movie and music industry in the U.S. and that's why the norm is mediocre to complete trash. And it's like McDonald's, Garbage that most people seem to be content with and still buy. I'll never understand that.

It is also difficult when people will go spend 2000 dollars on a graphics card.  There are people that have so much money that they view spending 100-200 or even more for something they enjoy well worth the cost. It is hard to fight that. Once gaming went mainstream we lost.

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And it doesn't help when these very small teams that are looking to get crowdfunded to create/develop a game that seems very intriguing to then all of a sudden just give up on the project and people ended up throwing their money at a lost cause. If this weren't the case we would see small independent teams rise and would get heavy support from gamers such as myself and maybe you and others to help fund these projects and it'd be a middle finger, a fuck you to the huge game industry. 

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Believe me, I really try not to be doom and gloom all the time, but you all should seriously consider the possibility of not being able to afford to escape into video games in the future. The real real-life will most likely slap humanity in the face soon and wake them up from their slumber once again and this time going back to it won't be that easy. I realize that it sounds really vague, but imagine you were someone in Europe during WWII, which wasn't even a century ago. What would you do? Where would you go in order to escape from the horrors that surround you? Imagine you were an Ukrainian or Russian or Turkish, who used to play video games and suddenly a war breaks out, or a massive earthquake destroys your home. What would you do when the real real-life told you "You can run, but you can't hide!"?

4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Calling today's gaming industry in a "dark age" means that we will be in a renaissance. A time when games will again be special. I don't think that.

The only thing I can consider as some kind of a renaissance for video games may emerge from the creative use of AI and cloud computing, if it offers a kind of experience that cannot be achieved by any other means. However, I still the think the current mentality (i.e. greed, identity politics) that surrounds the video game industry needs a hard reset, otherwise it'll continue to plague everything.


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Playing video games: Makes him feel like he's wasting his time cause he's now old and has responsibilities.
Scrolling social media for hours and hours: No problems there, totally not wasting his time! 🤣

I have news for you kid, everything you do in life is a waste of time, at least waste it on something you enjoy doing.

Funny thing is, cause I've already done it so many times before, anything to do with the topic of "why video games aren't fun anymore" etc. now makes me feel like I'm wasting my time. Probably due to old age. 🤣

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There's no need for convoluted theories bordering conspiracies when everything can be explained with one word, greed, or in other words, global capitalism. You no longer live in a world where let's say, a network TV in the US produces a show and picks its cast purely based on the interests of the American audience. Instead, you now live in a world with global corporations that want to sell their stuff to worldwide markets. I'm sure they've done some market surveys which showed them that the audience in these new markets would be more inclined to watch a show/movie, or play a game etc. if it includes relatable characters who look like them. I'm sure people didn't mean that they wouldn't be interested in them otherwise, but why take a risk, after all, the American audience wouldn't possibly be interested in foreign movies/shows, cause, well, they're foreign, which is why Hollywood kept remaking countless European movies with American actors back in the 80's, surely that would also be true for foreign audiences. Whatever the case, this is why corporations such as Disney, Netflix, Amazon etc. now create shows/movies with a "diverse" cast. There's clearly a significant global market for these products, and these companies basically try to tailor-make their products for their target audience and try to reach as many people all around the world as possible. I'm sure you can easily realize that this new "woke" trend have been accelerating since video streaming became a thing, or if you push it, since the birth of WWW back in late 90's. There's no hidden agenda behind all this, it's just plain old greed, desire to make more money, simple as that.

As for identity politics, it's always been with us for centuries. What we know today as politics, has always been about identities or in other words artificially created labels that humans use to define themselves as a person, whether it's race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sex. Wouldn't be wrong to claim that in today's world, all politics are identity politics and needless to say, nothing good for humanity has ever come out of it and never will.


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Ever put something in the search engine and it yield completely different results than what you were expecting? It happens all the time. But I ran into a very funny situation. I was do some browsing on microfoam along with computer chairs and it opened up a dark side of youtube on me.



Not exactly what I had in mind...

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Those YT channels that summarize movies while showing related clips from them are quite useful. Make me realize that even the most hyped movies of late were actually total crap and a waste of time, and I shouldn't even waste my time watching their summary. 🤣

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@endgameaddiction I always use my browser in incognito/private mode and I just launched it to watch a "Kotor let's play" on Youtube and this is what YT suggests me to watch... which means they're tracking me using my IP address and because I've watched one of the videos you posted above, they recommend me to watch another. I watched your video on late Saturday or early Sunday by the way, in other words, it's been more than a day since I watched it.


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19 hours ago, bjornk said:

@endgameaddiction I always use my browser in incognito/private mode and I just launched it to watch a "Kotor let's play" on Youtube and this is what YT suggests me to watch... which means they're tracking me using my IP address and because I've watched one of the videos you posted above, they recommend me to watch another. I watched your video on late Saturday or early Sunday by the way, in other words, it's been more than a day since I watched it.


Likely IP, service provider (in case you do something wrong... hack etc) as well as the OS and perhaps even the version. There is a lot of info that some can obtain when you use their service. I use VPN and change it regularly... still they use other search histories to pose watch list that is related to whatever I watched and what others watch based on what they have seen. All this AI shit is getting quite tedious.

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

Likely IP, service provider (in case you do something wrong... hack etc) as well as the OS and perhaps even the version. There is a lot of info that some can obtain when you use their service. I use VPN and change it regularly... still they use other search histories to pose watch list that is related to whatever I watched and what others watch based on what they have seen. All this AI shit is getting quite tedious.

Yes, they can easily track you without needing your IP at all, in fact a lot of people use Carrier-Grade NAT (CGNAT) and so share the same IP address, which makes it impossible to track each person just by using their IP address. Instead, they use all sorts of information to fingerprint their browsers, which you can test it  here and here if you're curious. When combined, this information gives you a more or less unique fingerprint.


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