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Kendo 2

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8 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

To be a successful business, you can't have "agenda to push" except to make money. Push anything else, and you loose.

By some, success is measured by "control". And control is power... power is money, in the end. Companies pushing the woke agenda are not mom and pop stores, rather multi-million... possibly billion dollar corporations who can take a loss and recover. Did Disney go out of business? You believe Anheuser-Busch will??? Mentioned above, Youtube. They push woke all day, every day, and are at zero risk of folding.


12 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Hold my soap?



Ironically, woke leftists are promoting unhealthy lifestyles in the guise of "inclusiveness". High blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, bone and joint issues, etc.

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The lawyers-turned generals in NATO just don't understand Russian long-term warfare.  During WW2 the Russians mastered cheap rockets and grinding.  Now they've mastered cheap rockets, drones made from shit you can get at RadioShack, and grinding.  Hell, there are victory monuments in Russia made from melted German Crosses taken off of Nazi corpses; that's real patriotism and dedication.  All I hear from Western media is the success of Company level skirmishes from the Ukrainians that wouldn't even make a battle report from WW1 or WW2.

TL;DR  The West is a fucking joke.

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20 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:


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The lawyers-turned generals in NATO just don't understand Russian long-term warfare.  During WW2 the Russians mastered cheap rockets and grinding.  Now they've mastered cheap rockets, drones made from shit you can get at RadioShack, and grinding.  Hell, there are victory monuments in Russia made from melted German Crosses taken off of Nazi corpses; that's real patriotism and dedication.  All I hear from Western media is the success of Company level skirmishes from the Ukrainians that wouldn't even make a battle report from WW1 or WW2.

TL;DR  The West is a fucking joke.

The west is still winning with their PR campaign. Keeping Ukraine on the news and in the minds of the citizens is winning. People donate to support them ... based on these PR campaigns. Sad but true as far as I see.

I am so surprised that the energy in supporting them through the media is still so strong.

Most people that write on this thread and even visit (and post) on this site, is fully aware of the agenda's that the government and media has and how they use the news to push that agenda. The left, then tries to cancel whomever that goes against this agenda. However, the recent backlash to Budwiser and other companies (remember Hogwarts? their attempt to cancel the game only made it more popular and help sell millions of copies of the game)

Do any of you see the cracks that are forming on the left? How people are starting to get fed up with the bullshit that is going on? Or am I just looking through rose colored glasses?

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7 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

Do any of you see the cracks that are forming on the left?



The post-Soviet chihuahua States (Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Poland) have called for Zelensky to resign and they're cutting off private behind-the-scenes support.  Moldavia has told Russia, the EU and NATO to fuck off; so that cuts Serbian reinforcements off from Ukraine territory.  Poland wants cash compensation for the food, medicine and hospital machinery sent to Ukraine.  The Poles are also talking about 'Polish Identity' and reclaiming Imperial Polish-Lithuanian territories (i.e. about 80% of western Ukraine).  Germany. Poland and Hungary have all said 'no more aid to Ukraine'.  China has threatened to bypass Ukraine on the 'one-road-one-belt' plan to build (and 100% pay for) a modern railway version of the Silk Road.  That means no free infrastructure to rebuild Ukraine or rail jobs for Ukrainians.  France is on fire, the U.K. and U.S. have maybe two weeks worth of war material and the CIA is starting wars the West can't fight, much less finish.  The Russians will not play the West's shock-and-awe cowboys and indians bullshit; they'll just kill everyone and deal with it later.  AD NAUSEUM.

I do feel bad for the Globalist since they won't have easy access to blue eyed blonde Ukrainian children for their pervert Eyes Wide Shut Spirit Cooking Voodoo bullshit.


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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:


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The post-Soviet chihuahua States (Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Poland) have called for Zelensky to resign and they're cutting off private behind-the-scenes support.  Moldavia has told Russia, the EU and NATO to fuck off; so that cuts Serbian reinforcements off from Ukraine territory.  Poland wants cash compensation for the food, medicine and hospital machinery sent to Ukraine.  The Poles are also talking about 'Polish Identity' and reclaiming Imperial Polish-Lithuanian territories (i.e. about 80% of western Ukraine).  Germany. Poland and Hungary have all said 'no more aid to Ukraine'.  China has threatened to bypass Ukraine on the 'one-road-one-belt' plan to build (and 100% pay for) a modern railway version of the Silk Road.  That means no free infrastructure to rebuild Ukraine or rail jobs for Ukrainians.  France is on fire, the U.K. and U.S. have maybe two weeks worth of war material and the CIA is starting wars the West can't fight, much less finish.  The Russians will not play the West's shock-and-awe cowboys and indians bullshit; they'll just kill everyone and deal with it later.  AD NAUSEUM.

I do feel bad for the Globalist since they won't have easy access to blue eyed blonde Ukrainian children for their pervert Eyes Wide Shut Spirit Cooking Voodoo bullshit.


So you do see cracks forming :P

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16 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:


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The lawyers-turned generals in NATO just don't understand Russian long-term warfare.  During WW2 the Russians mastered cheap rockets and grinding.  Now they've mastered cheap rockets, drones made from shit you can get at RadioShack, and grinding.  Hell, there are victory monuments in Russia made from melted German Crosses taken off of Nazi corpses; that's real patriotism and dedication.  All I hear from Western media is the success of Company level skirmishes from the Ukrainians that wouldn't even make a battle report from WW1 or WW2.

TL;DR  The West is a fucking joke.

Between my husband and father (vets from opposite sides... now drinking buddies), what you say is true. US lost it's stomach for civilian casualties after the pic of naked Vietnamese girl after napalm attack on her village.


Ironically, it was not a US attack.

Yet, US has no problem aligning with those using banned weapons on civilian targets, as long as they can lie to people about it, or simply not report it here... White phosphorus rains down on Donetsk (civilians) 14/08//2014...

Both Russian and Ukrainian military are WWII philosophy... Leave no brick standing. Just that Nazis continue to hope Nato will send troops and fight for them.

I agree with Trump. At this point, I just want this to stop!

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I don't understand how anyone can think that the west are the good guys, the U.S and her allies have caused more death and destruction over the last twenty plus than anyone else, we did things that helped ISIS because they were fighting Syria and now we've sided with literal Nazi's to fight a proxy war with Russia and it's not like they're trying to hide what they are.



ukraine nazis1.jpgukraine nazis.jpg


Edited by Jim_UK
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8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

They outta change it to White Guilt Money Matters.

I've seen a zillion articles where they try and spin this differently, but it keeps coming back to the truth that that's exactly what she did with the money.

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The guy at the end was right on point.

They decided to not participate which is their right. They were respectful, they didn't do anything disrespectful (at least not what would have been considered disrespectful years ago. What most people (non SJW) would consider disrespectful.

I am sure those students that were going through a religious event wouldn't have thought it disrespectful if other students abstained from participating.

Finally, WTF is with her constantly stating "religion" in regards to PRIDE?  Is Pride now a religion?  I always thought it was a time for LGBTQ individuals to be able to express themselves and their communities.  I seriously doubt she is even a member of the LGBTQ community ... and is more outraged than those directly effected like may SJWs are.

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