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Kendo 2

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It is just another example of Bethesda not thinking and letting the gamer make decisions. Regardless of what you do, he is scripted to die. Perhaps maybe I was thinking they did that as they know that the script could bug out and if it did he would be walking around not talking to the player and not dead. In this case, it is their game engine that doesn't work reliably

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38 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:



God must've trolled AOC,

AT the end she is stunned by the pastor mentioning even God wanted Trump in the Bronx when she invoked the very same thing in her tweet! This is the shit that people need to look for when they, if they honestly want to review if someone is worthy of being in office and be given the responsiblity to take care of serious issues that need to be dealt with on a daily basis. She deserved to be mocked. Talk about instant karma.

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Just like Fallout predicted many years ago. Resource War.  Eventually, actual war will occur.

1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:


Weren't those meant tweets much better?





There own men don't want to fight. Why are we continuing?  They don't see the value in fighting for their freedom. 

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The first sign was ANTIFA/BLM goons running rampant and unchallenged.  Then ballot box stuffing during the 2020 election and suspending Constitutional rights during COVID.  Now there's this sham trial backed by a sitting President to get rid of the only challenger.  YES; Banana-Fucking-Republic.  And it's not funny.

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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Some of the most spiteful and disgusting people you will ever witness. Yes, they are irrelevant. But this what Off the charts TDS looks like.

So... a non violent person should go to the one of the worst prisons?  If some random joe did the same, and lets say he was convicted of a felony, would he have to serve at such a prison? I doubt so.  The worst that someone would get is house arrest.

Today I was talking with a Joe Biden fan and he was upset with what the fuck they did in court as he stated it was a "rail job". The mental gymnastics that it took to turn a miss demeanor into fellonies is astounding!

With the problems with Trump and Biden... vote for Chase Oliver for president!




LOL.  I almost puked in my mouth writing that... :P  Holy shit... dam. A new layer on all the BS going on.  If we are going to put a shotgun (Oliver is pro gun) and blow our brains out. ... Might as well put ourselves out of our misery ASAP and vote for CHASE OLIVER!!!!  😛  Seriously... just when I thought the bullshit reached the highest level ... I learn about him.

Lets have 4 years of the bullshit that happened in 2020 plus... I can just see other countries looking at what is going on and going ... WTF is wrong with the USA?


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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Those bullshit convictions are going to be overturned on appeal.  That whacked judge and his instructions guarantees it.

They don't give a fuck. They want delay and distractions thinking that this will prevent him from being elected. Stupid fucks... This is giving him 1. free publicity and 2. people feelling for him as he is being attacked left and right.  Those that were on the fence will be more likely IMO to side with him now.

He is an expert at turning shit tossed at him into GOLD and his oponents (and haters) keep on doing it. They just can't resist! Seriously... Are they that stupid? They must be.

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36 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

They don't give a fuck. They want delay and distractions thinking that this will prevent him from being elected. Stupid fucks... This is giving him 1. free publicity and 2. people feelling for him as he is being attacked left and right.  Those that were on the fence will be more likely IMO to side with him now.

He is an expert at turning shit tossed at him into GOLD and his oponents (and haters) keep on doing it. They just can't resist! Seriously... Are they that stupid? They must be.

Dems are that fucking dumb when it comes to trying to take down Trump. The only thing they are smart at is committing corruption and treason. Oh, and getting away with it. Along with their spineless RINOs.

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11 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Dems are that fucking dumb when it comes to trying to take down Trump. The only thing they are smart at is committing corruption and treason. Oh, and getting away with it. Along with their spineless RINOs.

They will pay the price ... it might take time but they will.

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I personally don't think he will spend any time in jail and if he does it won't be rikers or anything like that. It would be a white collar prision.

It would be interesting if they did have him go to prison, in what happened Jan 6th imagine what would happen then?  I don't care what you may or not think of Trump what happened, isn't a prision thing not for a first time offender regardeless. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I personally don't think he will spend any time in jail and if he does it won't be rikers or anything like that. It would be a white collar prision.

It would be interesting if they did have him go to prison, in what happened Jan 6th imagine what would happen then?  I don't care what you may or not think of Trump what happened, isn't a prision thing not for a first time offender regardeless. 

The dems think that they have prevailed by labeling Trump as a convicted felon. But all they did was show their abuse of power. Especially how they would go out and say how "Trump thinks he's above the law". It's not just for the simple fact that what they did is what happens in a banana republic, but we have known for too long how corrupt these people are and how they ARE the ones above the law. And now all of a sudden justice prevails? So for a supposed corrupt politician, now the justice system has worked as intended? The same politicians that have been laundering money, waging wars, putting our nation and our people last, these people are the ones telling me they are the good guys fighting against corruption? Nah, I don't think so. They aren't fooling anyone but the retard TDS leftists. This is how fucking stupid the left is. The very same system they claim to be fighting against is the system that they believe in because that system has lead them to believe Trump is the tyrannical corrupt politician. That and the fact that they hate successful and wealthy people. No one is buying their BS other than the loser supporters that they have that mindlessly believe everything they say.

The dems have now earned a new perk. The party of weaponizing our judicial system.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

The dems think that they have prevailed by labeling Trump as a convicted felon. But all they did was show their abuse of power. Especially how they would go out and say how "Trump thinks he's above the law". It's not just for the simple fact that what they did is what happens in a banana republic, but we have known for too long how corrupt these people are and how they ARE the ones above the law. And now all of a sudden justice prevails? So for a supposed corrupt politician, now the justice system has worked as intended? The same politicians that have been laundering money, waging wars, putting our nation and our people last, these people are the ones telling me they are the good guys fighting against corruption? Nah, I don't think so. They aren't fooling anyone but the retard TDS leftists. This is how fucking stupid the left is. The very same system they claim to be fighting against is the system that they believe in because that system has lead them to believe Trump is the tyrannical corrupt politician. That and the fact that they hate successful and wealthy people. No one is buying their BS other than the loser supporters that they have that mindlessly believe everything they say.

The dems have now earned a new perk. The party of weaponizing our judicial system.


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9 hours ago, Nessa said:

Out here everyone seems to think Trump is winning for sure now. Americans love underdogs and they've just turned Trump into the biggest underdog ever. 🤣

That isn't the only thing. Democrats have the Black Vote in their pocket for decades.  Being railroaded and given higher and harder sentences is what they experience on the regular basis. They seeing this and seeing that it is political just cost the Democrats many of those very same votes. Others like me that aren't really a fan of Trump politics are seeing the bullshit that is going on. I mean slinging shit is politics and peanut butter and jelly is to bread but going after someone and weponizing the judicial system is a whole new level. I have been looking for anything that is the "smoking gun" that has been reported. Any fact or such that would point beyond a reasonable doubt that he did campain fraud and nobody can give it. I am searaching (and suffering TDS videos) just to see if there is something and cant' find it.  You might not like Trump but fuck.. seriously? The people in power have to go. They just have to go. Lots of people besides the black vote are seeing this and thinking the same.  He was the underdog IMO already with the Democrats being in power and all the political shit they are tossing around etc. but viciously attacking the man through courts.. fuck.  they could have won their argument if they just stopped at misdemeanor. I got a headache and continue to get a headache with the mental gymnastics that are needed to connect the misdemeanor to a felenoy campain fraud case.

Time to go get a Tylenol. Seriously? FFS.

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