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Kendo 2

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On 8/4/2018 at 12:29 PM, bjornk said:

As if that would change anything... I certainly agree with you about the moderators, but I also think that Ashal himself isn't much different. He was just very rude when I simply pointed out a problem with SexLab (with the proof), which is still there. "Take it to Ashal", they kept saying, if you had a problem with the actions of the mods, yeah, right, he'd probably ban you right away... for creating too much "drama"...

PS. Not interested in voting, it's a pointless stupid poll and I don't care. I don't like that CPU guy either.

CPU is the one that I really dislike and make fun of when I say 'muh feelings' because ever since he became a moderator, shortly after he started with his BS on deleting and editing comments that he found offensive. If it wasn't that it was locking a thread. I can't count how many times he did it to me and I was getting fed up with it. The FO4 fanboys would all run to superman CPU to hide behind because I made fun of Fallout 4 or Bethesda.


^ This proves my point. And it's funny he's trying to back pedal and call someone a troll because his bullshit was called out. And clearly when he types "keep the tone down" it's because words offend him. Even if they aren't even hurtful.

I used to like him when he was a contributor. The moment he turned into a moderator authoritarian I lost respect for him.

His true colors are showing in his own thread. And I'm having a great laugh about it.

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^ This proves my point. And it's funny he's trying to back pedal and call someone a troll because his bullshit was called out. And clearly when he types "keep the tone down" it's because words offend him. Even if they aren't even hurtful.

Just reading some of that made me develop a  Mangina.

Seriously. I've only lurked there a few times and mostly joined just to steal all of Kendo's stuff. 

I feel like I am truly among my people here.

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

Just reading some of that made me develop a  Mangina.

Seriously. I've only lurked there a few times and mostly joined just to steal all of Kendo's stuff. 

I feel like I am truly among my people here.

Careful, Trump might grab it. :P

Edited by endgameaddiction
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5 hours ago, vancleef said:

Just reading some of that made me develop a  Mangina.

Seriously. I've only lurked there a few times and mostly joined just to steal all of Kendo's stuff. 

I feel like I am truly among my people here.

And there is more of Kendo's stuff and it is updated here!  :D More to steal... :D

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15 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

CPU is the one that I really dislike and make fun of when I say 'muh feelings' because ever since he became a moderator, shortly after he started with his BS on deleting and editing comments that he found offensive. If it wasn't that it was locking a thread. I can't count how many times he did it to me and I was getting fed up with it. The FO4 fanboys would all run to superman CPU to hide behind because I made fun of Fallout 4 or Bethesda.


^ This proves my point. And it's funny he's trying to back pedal and call someone a troll because his bullshit was called out. And clearly when he types "keep the tone down" it's because words offend him. Even if they aren't even hurtful.

I used to like him when he was a contributor. The moment he turned into a moderator authoritarian I lost respect for him.

His true colors are showing in his own thread. And I'm having a great laugh about it.

He's unable to realize that an adult forum isn't a kindergarten and deleting people's posts and locking threads, either for trivial reasons or for no reason at all, are both extremely disrespectful to the people who actively participate on the forum in a meaningful way. I believe he's just an example for how even a trivial power over others corrupts and gets abused. It's funny how he keeps mentioning how he pays for things from his pocket, one might think that's how he got the purple title...

Yes, CPU is the worst, but he's not alone. Most mods there act very biased. They ignore things when they want to, or when it's convenient, even if something is quite literally against the rules. The last time I posted there I was given a "permanent warning" by DoctaSax for using a phrase something like "hey, don't insult our intelligence" when replying a guy claiming that "none of us knows what Creation Club is". Apparently this was enough of an "insult" that deserved a permanent warning! He's just milder version of CPU, literally a Bethesda fanboy who tries to silence everyone who speaks badly about them and once he dislikes you enough, he pays particular attention to your posts and looks for things he can abuse, the guy quite literally bears a grudge against people he doesn't like.

gregathit is also pretty much a "trigger happy" moderator who likes to lock threads. He's once given me a warning for using the word "retard" and completely ignored the series of posts that lead to that. I never insult people for no reason, unless they insult me first and that was such a case, I may have deserved a warning for that, but I'm not sure the person who insulted me first received any warning, and I doubt he or she had.

I haven't had any problem with other moderators, just these three.

PS. Kendo's post sums things up pretty well.👍

Edit: Our little rant about LL moderation might be breaching the "no external conflicts" rule, just saying... 😋


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The staff there is doubling down (and we knew they would).  Instead of addressing what they're doing wrong they're going to get more moderators.  That's putting gas in car that already has an engine problem; more fuel won't fix it.  They're too busy being right and stupid.  They could change 3 things and lighten their work load, but I'm not gonna give them any advice.  The staff there made LL the way it is and they need to keep suffering for it.



Pointing out the obvious and laughing about it isn't an 'external conflict'; that's trolling and A-OKAY.  Airing grievances with another site and trying to get people on your side in that grievance IS bring in an external conflict; especially trying to recruit people to 'do something about it'.  I guess the only exception to that would be if something external affected THIS SITE, like say the bullshit Bethesda is pulling.  I think it's okay to rally the pitchforks-and-torches mob in instances like that.

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What I can clearly see is an agenda is being pushed on LL and it's slowly disintegrating the community. It very much reminds me of that video you posted a while ago about that guy talking about how SJWs infiltrate a community pretending to be all cool until they move up in position to a staff and then the community starts to plunder because of the agenda they are pushing destroying the niche hobby and community form within.

You can clearly tell the direction they're going. But people like GrimReaper needs to understand that there is no point of return for LL. 2011-2014 is long gone. Those fun days on LL are over. He's wasting his time because not one of them is caring. They are caring about the ones who are pushing their agenda.  They are caring about those who are validating them as gods with every post they make.

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All it took was two SJW moderators (Mermaad and Linspuppy) to scuttle the community side of Nexus.  Nothing was done to stop them and now Nexus is a Libtard social media site where you can download mods.  Nexus' reputation is shit and it can't be repaired.  LL is just a repeat of that.

What's funny about GrimReaper is that he was instrumental in making LL into what it is today.  He hate-posted in threads if there was a topic or post he didn't like, the staff deleted posts to protect him, and DocSux and GregTheTit encouraged him.  Now GrimReaper is like that guy on Easter Island who cut down the last tree; too stupid to realize what he's done.

DocSux and GregTheTit's mission was to drive away long-time members and modders.  They succeeded and now they're crying about how overwhelmed they are by the safe-space they created.


EDIT: I went ahead and posted that video their little 'look how awesome we are' site feedback thread.



Aaand CPU deleted the post...OF COURSE he did.  Here's the video he didn't like.


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Okay, the staff at LL are morons.  Zero self-awareness over there.  I'm gonna stop posting about them (for now..until they do something else ridiculous).  You guys can carry on though.

Yeeahh...I'm gonna redact that last part.  Jeezus H Christ they are FUCKING DUMB.

CPU atcually posted this publicly.


About SJW, actually we fight them. We try to have all opinions (also the weirdest one) available here. We are intransigent on only one thing: offending people. That includes sarcasm if in the wrong thread.

Let that sink in.

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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

What's funny about GrimReaper is that he was instrumental in making LL into what it is today.  He hate-posted in threads if there was a topic or post he didn't like, the staff deleted posts to protect him, and DocSux and GregTheTit encouraged him.  Now GrimReaper is like that guy on Easter Island who cut down the last tree; too stupid to realize what he's done.

Never liked that guy, he was in my ignore list like forever, yet I sometimes replied him as there was no one else left to argue with. 🙄

What was the video about? Care to post it here?

You know what, I've been using the Internet since the beginning and I've seen similar stuff happening in every single community I followed or participated in. Should actually give you enough reason to not bother with contributing to anything. Just take the stuff you want and go, like so many others do...

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1 hour ago, bjornk said:

Never liked that guy, he was in my ignore list like forever, yet I sometimes replied him as there was no one else left to argue with. 🙄

What was the video about? Care to post it here?

You know what, I've been using the Internet since the beginning and I've seen similar stuff happening in every single community I followed or participated in. Should actually give you enough reason to not bother with contributing to anything. Just take the stuff you want and go, like so many others do...

The thing about our site, is you can do exactly that. You don't even have to join. You can get the mods... :D Those that join, want to join. There isn't a post requirement or activity requirement.. .Those that post or are active are doing so because they want to.  Finally, we try with all our might not to edit, hide, delete, alter, obscure or whatever the current flavor of the month is regarding people's post. It is actually one of our prime directives ;)

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4 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

The thing about our site, is you can do exactly that. You don't even have to join. You can get the mods... :D Those that join, want to join. There isn't a post requirement or activity requirement.. .Those that post or are active are doing so because they want to.  Finally, we try with all our might not to edit, hide, delete, alter, obscure or whatever the current flavor of the month is regarding people's post. It is actually one of our prime directives ;)

If and when I join a site/forum just to download things, I never make a single post more than what is necessary and don't even bother arguing about how the site is moderated etc. since I won't stay there for long. I joined LL and this forum simply to interact with people about games and mods. Mind you, in the early days of Skyrim modding there wasn't much to download anyway, it was just mod ideas floating around.

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16 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

That's the second time he's contradicted himself badly. lol

Yes, he went to clarify himself and what he does... (which is fine) but then passively aggressively attacks Kendo telling him he needs to get laid...

I have pointed out their aggressive often times insulting comments when in "moderator mode" again and again... and nothing has changed. I sent PMs with captures to Ashal on this and they would calm down for a bit ... then revert back.  They poke the person that they are already having issues with in such a way which will only further escalate their actions (many times)

On a side note.

I really hope one of the moderators check out this post... or whomever is reporting back to them about what is going on in this site. Please to that person... make it a point to give them the link to this post.

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