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Kendo 2

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I hope this is just a trend and it gets over it self shortly.

The way movies are tanking, sooner or later the studios will realize that they'd better start dropping the PC shit. The average guy doesn't give a shit about any of their agenda, he just wants to be entertained. Right now, movies especially are so blatant about broadcasting their agenda that even the more dense audience members are recognizing it for what it is: at best, caving to the Liberals who the studios think make up their audience or a blatant attempt to outright cultural re-programming.

My prediction is that the next "007" film will be delivered stillborn. You watch how fast Eon re-casts a White Male stud as James Bond. 

A few years from now the shareholders are going to step in and right the ship. Look at how many companies are already reeling from their misguided "Get Woke, Go Broke" schemes.  You think those CEOs will be around in five years? I don't.

Edited by vancleef
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Time to ban high capacity automobiles.

You know how many people in this country alone are killed or crippled in traffic accidents? Gun deaths don't even come close. Sometimes I think we should ban vehicles!
But seriously, at least make the licensing laws so strict that only competent drivers could operate them!

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

You know how many people in this country alone are killed or crippled in traffic accidents? Gun deaths don't even come close. Sometimes I think we should ban vehicles!
But seriously, at least make the licensing laws so strict that only competent drivers could operate them!

The laws regarding such accidents and such are so lax. People can get away with literal murder when they are obviously reckless. It is one thing for someone following the law and hitting someone by accident that walked right out on their car and quite another for someone to drive through a Mall or other such shit.

The police in my area never give any traffic tickets. I can see them sitting somewhere doing their reports and shit and nothing. I am not talking about someone that forgot their left turn signal while they are in a clear left turn lane etc or the person going 4 miles over the speed limit in a dead low traffic part of town. I am talking about literally someone that turns left across all three lanes (well including the left  turn lane) in heavy traffic causing cars to slam on their breaks. (including myself) possibly causing rear end collisions and such just because he decided he need to go left instead of right. People holding up people when they are trying to go across all the lanes of traffic from their parking place just because they want to go the other way from where their care was pointed in. I life in a city and fuck... just go around the block. It isn't hard. Takes about the same amount of time in heavy traffic. Again, not talking about someone doing a quick turn around in low traffic on a street where their car can easily do it. I've seen shit happen making the cops slam on their breaks and nothing.

Cities talk about how they don't have funds.. while cops (at least where I am at) don't give any tickets or enforce laws and such.  I am not talking about minor infractions but major ones. Safty issues that can give the city some money..

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15 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

That guy driving through the mall was a rank amateur.  THIS is how it's done...


Yea that is how it is done and notice how many police there were chasing them? If it happened today, their might be one traffic cop chasing them. :(

Funny thing.. now there are concrete barricades just about a bit above a bumper in shopping malls, I even see some by hospitals to prevent this sort of tomfoolery.



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I remember when I was a little kid and my mother would take me to K-Mart back in the days. She used to write checks a lot. I would ask her if I could have this toy I saw. She would reply "Sweety, I can't right now" referring to not having the money for it. I would reply to her "Just write on one of those pieces of paper like you always do" obviously thinking that would solve everything. lol

The part where it's talked about how kids are not mature enough to understand what's really going on is what made me remember this.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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13 hours ago, vancleef said:

What the current generation wants is the 1950's-60s era of prosperity in this country.
But without having to invest their own equity and sweat to achieve it.

Even if they were... they wouldn't be able to achieve such success as you found and do it as easily as it was done in 50 and 60's. The system is stacked against them.

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11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Even if they were... they wouldn't be able to achieve such success as you found and do it as easily as it was done in 50 and 60's. The system is stacked against them.

Exactly. After World War 2, the US made up only 7% of the world population but produced more than 60% of manufactured goods. That's a lot of money being shared by a very small group. There was no competition at that time. That's why the government could tax Corporations 80% and get away with it. 
A'int gonna happen again, at least not in our lifetimes. A very unique coalescing of time and events.

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Also governments didn't 'invest" in private organizations either (for tax deductions or out right cash)  If a business started to fail.. they had to follow the normal procedure and or bankruptcy. There wasn't thousands of dollars given to them only to have the bonus kick in for the very CEO's that ran the company into the ground.

There were many public works being done from the 40's through the 70s which gave money to companies to do construction and other jobs. Infusing the cash into the economy. 

Back then, pensions were PENSIONS. that is, money was placed into an account and managed to pay out to the retiree when they reach a certain age or situation. Not... like they are now.. money going in (and or tax) paying the pensions when the employees are paying % into pensions. (which are being given to others etc) Messing with that shit would get you killed in the 60's.

Back then a house , decent one, in a decent area would cost the average person between 10 and 15 years of payments. Mostly they used 30 year to make it easier and paid it off earlier. Many used it again and again to gain some quick cash without worries they would end up "upside down" in their mortgage where the values were so over fucking inflated that nobody could pay those amounts. (except the rich)

There was a clean and pretty clear path to reach a comfortable retirement and life. Companies respected their employees (for the most part) and a person would work for them for 20~30 years or more. Companies didn't think of "laying off" employees due to some hard times in the company.

Social security was ran properly. IN fact if I remember correctly it was on path to have a surplus after the baby boomers. Meaning less needed to go in or they would keep high or even raise the benefits. Then the wise guys decided to fleece the system of all the cash and start our current system where those work pay those on retirement.. how is that working? Constant cuts and shit. Due to the fact that that shit doesn't fucking work. As the baby boomers go to retirement.. there is less and less workers on the force. Lessz and less money for them. WTF stupid fucks in Washington. They don't give a fuck. as you are dam sure they have an excellent pension and medical plan for retirement.

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