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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. (it is a secret.... I used the same mods... lol. So of course it will look similar to Kendo.. however, if you look closer to his as compared to m ine.. you can see the difference (big difference lol) Once we start talking and showing off some skyrim I'll do the same. Don't want to bomb this thread with all my posts. lOL. I even have a Bioshock character in Fallout NV (Elizabeth) as a follower with some assets from Bioshock as well. Captures of course.
  2. Fine, Fine, dammit.. .I'll post some of my photos.. gesh. LOL Not the best. These were from a previous computer which was configured with a 970. Back when I took screen captures for fun. First group is from Jessica. The last one is Sam. Sam didn't turn out quite how I wanted so then I went back to create Jessica. I have a lot of test photos from the time I had the 970 for Skyrim. To be posted later (maybe) where I went through the texture / mesh files and customized the quality depending on the size and use of the textures. L
  3. I like your work. It is better than mine Also practice makes perfect... go get to practicing! lol
  4. This is an excellent way to get the word out about his mods. I to used the mods and hadn't had any issues with it. (well none that weren't my own causing )
  5. GREAT!... nobody on this site is clairvoyant. If you can't give basic info on what is going on then it might be best if you do delete whatever mod you are referencing and move on.
  6. 1. Stop posting new threads with useless information. 2. Post actual info that can be acted on. The who,what, where, why info. NOBODY WILL RESPOND AND HELP YOU UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY GIVE DETAILED INFO NECESSARY TO BEGIN TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION.
  7. @LadySmoks So she is taller than the rest (without the shoes) ? (from standard Sims models)
  8. The one from oblivion looks great! Way better IMO than I remember. I guess the models texture replacements and such have come a long way! @LadySmoks It isn't mentioned in your OP but is discussing a mod list OK for this thread? For example in this case if someone wanted a list of mods that was used for the models above (including your post)?
  9. I especially like the bottom photo.
  10. @ErinC Glad to see you are getting comfortable with setting up some mod threads. Have fun! Hopefully you will find this site a productive one for your work.
  11. Well let me be the first to welcome you to the site. I believe you will find it a friendly and open site that you can be relaxed and do your modding work in peace. We pride ourselves (and hold each other on the moderator team) to being as open and accepting as legally allowed to be regarding modding. Let one me or any of the leadership team of this site know if there are any questions or problems you might have so that we can help in this transition.
  12. Have "THEY" gone to the point where they have to make shit happen to prove their agenda is correct?
  13. I was just thinking... are they having a dick duel? The looser literally becomes the bitch?
  14. according to the article Elephants can use their prehensile dicks to pick things up as well. lol
  15. https://www.indy100.com/viral/reddit-best-rude-nsfw-facts-sex-organs-animals-nope-unsuitable-7936081 I haven't contributed to this thread much. Hope you like the NSFW facts...
  16. Yep another example of those that virtual signal shooting themselves in the foot. Killing the very thing that could have shown what they wanted because they didn't get 100% what they wanted. The fuck if I care. I didn't even know the Golden Globes was going on. I haven't watched that and other shit like that for well more than 2 decades or even more. I'd be perfectly happy if they never showed that shit on TV again. Take the Oscars and Grammy and anything like that as well. If someone wants to see it . .put it on the web and they can circle jerk with the rest of them and pat themselves on the back all they want. Nowadays people don't give a flying fuck what awards shows say is good. They pay attention to others they know, Web influences and other review options. Awards shit is a waste of time except for those involved.
  17. Unless @Doublezero or @Kendo 2 has something to say, I don't see anything against the rules regarding posting their game so long as it doesn't break the rules stated. We have taken great care in crafting the rules to be a clear and concise as possible. If for some reason it becomes a problem, then one of the moderators or admin will have a PM conversation on it and what might be needed to be changed etc.
  18. He's right. It is cooler than my lawn mower... lol
  19. In the beginning when there wasn't any treatment options and people were being put on a ventilator just to keep them alive. (shortages and all) this made sense. These rules and such made sense, at least to me. Now that they realized they don't have to put most of the covid patients on ventilators and have other options that actually work much better. Combined with the vaccination options for those that it makes sense and desire it... I don't see the need for such extreme level of prevention. Where I work three are some that have tested positive for covid... get sent home and now are playing games together on the web. Seriously, it is a mini vacation for some of them. Sure some feel sick (like a very bad flu) but it has been a long time since I heard the horror stories about people with covid being sick (I believe all those individuals were vaccinated by the way. My job offered good $$$ for proof of vaccination which participated in) As for the Broadway scene. What ever happened to the temp checks? Remember? Early on everybody was on the bandwagon to be temp checked and if you didn't have a temp you were OK... Also, I don't see the military involved in medical preparations in NYC. Like they needed when the Covid stated first time. All I see is shops popping up to do Covid test. Everywhere is a covid test around where I live. People are making mad money just doing these test. Crazy. Ill be honest, I am all for precautions (reasonable ones) for example I started wearing a mask at work shortly before the petri dishes went back to school thinking of course covid will get a bump. Shortly later (about a week) my local government imposed a mask requirement for entering shops and such. Ok... but I haven't seen the issues that everybody was so concerned about in regards to the petri dishes going back to school so why is the mandate still on? Power trip is all I can think of. After all, I and many I know are fully capable of wearing a mask if we decide it is in our best interest to do so. Companies can provide sanitizer for their customers in easy to access places. So that people can sanitize their hands if they feel the need. I am concerned because I have some health issues and want to protect myself. I take my precautions and care. However, I don't see the need for all this shutdowns and mandatory mask and other shit. I went through the entire 2020 hell year, with dozens and dozens of people I work with getting Covid and I didn't due to my precautions and care. Early on covid had a slightly higher death rate than Flu which makes sense considering humans didn't have exposure to this illness and no defenses to it. Now we do (via vaccines if taken) Early on we didn't have treatment options which now we do.. I am confused to fuck all why they are still trying to do the same things they did back in 2020 when we didn't have what we have now, except if it is a power play by people afraid of living their lives. that or just paranoid. In any case, it is getting annoying to someone that has a concern with the virus and has done what was needed to protect themselves. So much to a point when I read shit like shutting down the theater I have to say FUCK YOU. It is time to let people take care of themselves and make the decisions they believe is in their best interest.
  20. True... if it keeps up it will be like Venezuela. you need a wheelbarrow to buy a loaf of bread. The problem started when companies started trying to pay low for all their jobs... previously, they would pay an "adult' wadge where someone would be able to live and those that had "minimum wage" would be those college students and those that just want a little extra. Those times you'd work maybe 15 to max 20 hours a week. When corporations started trying to take that and make it a "job" is when the shit started happening. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/ Inflation source. The better choice for people would be having those companies and billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes. Create programs that penalize corporations for extremely low wadges. Goes ofter companies that break unions like Kellogg just recentlydid. Previously, there would be a government mediator. Where is Biden? someone needed to wake him from his nap and get him to do something about that. What is the use of organizing if the companies can basically say fuck you, we tell you what will be the wages and benifits .. we don't give a fuck about your union. We will just hire people that will be willing to work for dog shit.
  21. Pay is the problem for supply problems. Shortages on the docks for the ships to come in. there is plenty of "supplies" out on the water just waiting to be unloaded. Yesterday I saw an news video from a owner of a company stating it took 3 months to get something shipped to a country. Now it takes 3 months to get a container reserved, and another 6 months for it to be delivered. In some ways, I have to laugh at some of the corporations for moving their companies overseas instead of keeping some local to help supply the local areas. now they are crying that they can't get their product into port. People are trying to keep pay crazy low while trying to raise the prices ... if my info was correct inflation was at 6% in the past couple of months. Many companies are making record profits more so than the past 50 years but still keep the prices up blaming "covid" and shortages. Cry that nobody wants to work, cry for the added unemployment pay given during covid. Think about it. more money given so that people can survive... doesn't that tell you that your expected wage pay out for your employees are insanely low? The GOVERNMENT is giving more. TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC not special pork deals and corporations and such. Recently Kellogg is breaking an union... to pay lower wages, from what I have heard they are making great profits if not record breaking. Supply chain issues are caused by cooperate greed. Failure to pay a reasonable wadge. People aren't stupid. They see the record pay outs for CEOs and record returns on publicly traded companies. The sad thing is these companies are raising the prices and gouging the communities they serve without any thing being done about it. you can boycott a company or two but you can't boycott everything (easily... ) Most companies it isn't necessary... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dan-price-gravity-payments-ceo-70000-employee-minimum-wage/ People aren't even asking for that. Just a good living wage. Pay the people a good wage and the rest should take care of itself. .. oh.. and get off that covid restrictions .. they are going way overboard on it. There is a vaccination and if someone doesn't want it... then so be it. They are adults and and able to take the responsibility for their actions. Those that do, can easily get it (in most countries... sad that some of the more impoverished can't get enough for those that want it. .. (possibly because those countries that have it are trying to shove it down the throats of everybody there and ending up wasting it. Instead of filling the demand. ) Rant over..
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