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11 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

Example: Passions vs KW. Both do the same thing, roughly, but both are allowed on LL. I feel the LL staff were given an ultimatum by TurboDriver to get rid CN or he was going to leave. So they made some BS excuse and got rid of him. LL used to be "anything goes", remember Skykids for Skyrim? That shit was up there for years until there was enough backlash by members to make them make rule 13 (or was it 14?). Then as Nessa said, back in the Oblivion days (2012-2013) they were "stealing" works, well translating and altering the work. As RC pointed out in those articles a translation is fine, but when you alter it, that is when you get into trouble, Ashal did that him/her/them/ze/it/etc. self. This all goes back to: "At least, that is my impression. LL has a "wokeness" to it, while denying so." the whole "Do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy (normal to do on the Left). You don't see that here, at least the time I've been here. I would have to see if Grey Cloud/Darkpig were to show up here what Kendo2 would do, for all they attribute/profess about him I he wouldn't ban them. That shows more character and strength than they do, because if the shoe was on the other foot Kendo2 would be banned as soon as he signed up for their site. I don't think RC would, since he doesn't engage with either of them, but it is possible that he would get banned just for being associated.

Going back to KW, a lot of what KW does is what WW/Basemental do, so they were not exactly original ideas, yet they both make more from "donations" than Oniki Kay could ever dream of. (Yes, I supported her at one time, when I was actually playing TS3) Have I ever supported WW or BD? Nope. KW was revolutionary in terms of "sex in The Sims". In contrast SL for Skyrim was an easier/more user friendly version of Sexis, and at the beginning LL only had Sexis mods which were converted when Ashal went to work making SL (SexLab). RC can correct me on that, both him and Kendo2 were around during those days. 

Grey Cloud/ Darkpig and whoever else wants to join they can join and won't be banned. They are held to the same rules as the rest of the members of the site. We don't play that game regardless of what they do, or did on other sites. 

The same rules apply however, and there isn't protection. If someone post something, someone else is welcome to come along and contest that post. Most people that are "woke" or "SJW" don't like that as they won't have any protections that they have on other sites and locations. If they start shit.. the members can dish it back out to them. The only exception is the mod authors page. A member is allowed to make proper constructive criticism, suggestions etc.  but attacks aren't acceptable.

As for copy rite claims, most can be seen as bullshit and won't fly here. If there are any credible claims, we have many members of various expertise as well as admin/staff that is quite capable to see if any source work has been used in the mod and determine if it true or not. (hint, the majority of mod authors have something in their mods that was created from someone else. Most, don't claim it or give credit. ) Very few have assets or works from scratch. Someone comes here with such a claim might just find themselves reported to those authors that they have "stolen" assets from for their mod.

I am a member of LL and associated (especially when I became a moderator on this site) with Kendo 2.  No fallout occurred from that at LL. For a brief time there was some friction with various moderators there, but, in truth, I was some cause of that friction at the beginning. After a bit, I stopped and that friction continued and I believe even increased. A few messages with Ashal and my continuing with decent behavior and not a peep or problem even when I interact with Kendo (hitting likes and/or such .. supporting his comments) from the moderation team there. Most of the time when these "events' occur, either they get deleted and/or the thread gets locked shortly later. Now in case people don't know Kendo 2 has been extremely vocal on how much has changed at LL (how bad it has become as opposed to how it was when either of us joined) His comments has been very provoking. extremely provoking at times. Even with this... he (and me by association) haven't been banned. LL might have become more protective of some members (or at least seems to be at a glance) among other changes others have pointed out, however, they haven't gone full "Nexus" mode ... yet. 


So start shit with someone... don't come and expect protection, deletion of threads and whatever SJW / Woke sites do these days...  You won't get it. (except authors on their mod threads and even then depends on the situation)  In fact, the person starting shit might get @Kendo 2 or even myself jumping in the fray. :P If you seen what we do... you'd not want that to happen ;)  lol. 


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Why not every year, and everywhere???

Every group gets a parade, and a month. But if those who make up 90% (or more) of the world population have a celebration, it's not accepted and called hate by the very same 10% (or less) who cry out to be accepted and loved?????

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They'll never get it. To get respected, you have to earn it. And it doesn't start with acting entitled and being demanding. It starts with being yourself like everyone else. That's how the gay friends I've had were. In fact, one of them, I had no idea he was gay. He was afraid to tell me and I didn't know till years later when he confessed it. But it didn't matter to me because respect was there and that's what mattered. I treated him no different than anyone else. But these progressives want some sort of special treatment. Half the time their being obnoxious and snarky so it's hard to tell if they even want respect or they want you to bow to your knees and acknowledge them like BLM. If they even tried just a little to get along with the rest of society, they would realize how many tolerant people there actually is. At the same time, I think they like being that way to keep winning the oppression Olympics. Some people do get a kick out of faking oppression...


I'll be honest though, I'm not into the whole heterosexual pride. I think both are equally just as dumb. But I also get why they do it.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

M$ being M$ as usual. Not that spying is new for them, I know, but It's JayzTwoCents making it.


Recently, every so often, my Google Chrome search turns into Bing. I will be installing duck duck go, and "trying" to remove the other crap!

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13 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

M$ being M$ as usual. Not that spying is new for them, I know, but It's JayzTwoCents making it.




9 hours ago, LadySmoks said:


Recently, every so often, my Google Chrome search turns into Bing. I will be installing duck duck go, and "trying" to remove the other crap!

Check this out.

Remove what you don't need. Clean up Windoze.

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5 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Remove what you don't need.

Problem for me is that I don't know what in Windows is unnecessary, and what is actual operating files since MS tells that EVERYTHING is necessary, and is shown as some abbreviated lingo that only a computer tech (which I'm not) would have a clue about. I know that at least half the crap shown on task manager is... well... CRAP, that does little more than eat RAM and take up CPU processing, but as I learned, even junk like Cortana can't be completely removed without adversely effecting the OS.

XP ran on 32 bit and maybe 512MB RAM, and played games. Win 10 OS uses more than 512MB.

For now, I know I can remove BING, and several apps, and once I get my passwords organized, Google will go also.

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22 minutes ago, LadySmoks said:

Problem for me is that I don't know what in Windows is unnecessary, and what is actual operating files since MS tells that EVERYTHING is necessary, and is shown as some abbreviated lingo that only a computer tech (which I'm not) would have a clue about. I know that at least half the crap shown on task manager is... well... CRAP, that does little more than eat RAM and take up CPU processing, but as I learned, even junk like Cortana can't be completely removed without adversely effecting the OS.

XP ran on 32 bit and maybe 512MB RAM, and played games. Win 10 OS uses more than 512MB.

For now, I know I can remove BING, and several apps, and once I get my passwords organized, Google will go also.

Been using this for turning off services since XP: https://www.blackviper.com/service-configurations/black-vipers-windows-10-service-configurations/

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37 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

Thanks! I will check this out. )))

So, my husband just returned from Lowes. Said he walked in, looked to see if they had a REAL cashier, no, and walked out. This is what $20/ hr min wage equates to... self check out kiosks (for big chain stores that can afford them), and people not having jobs. Next up, your face gets scanned when you enter a store...


Much much better! And completely unintrusive!!! 🙄

My husband is heading to the local hardware store, will pay more, and have a live person take his money and give him change. Unfortunately, far too many people are willing to comply.


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18 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Problem for me is that I don't know what in Windows is unnecessary, and what is actual operating files since MS tells that EVERYTHING is necessary, and is shown as some abbreviated lingo that only a computer tech (which I'm not) would have a clue about. I know that at least half the crap shown on task manager is... well... CRAP, that does little more than eat RAM and take up CPU processing, but as I learned, even junk like Cortana can't be completely removed without adversely effecting the OS.

XP ran on 32 bit and maybe 512MB RAM, and played games. Win 10 OS uses more than 512MB.

For now, I know I can remove BING, and several apps, and once I get my passwords organized, Google will go also.

the video actually went through the steps and indicated what the author left in his windows disk. You can follow the same and likely will at least be better than leaving it completely alone

I know someone that has cortana completely removed and it doesn't seem to be a problem, however, you have to remove alot of things that it uses as well. That is complex and for that, yes, you need to know what you are doing and even then, might decide you need something that would have to be removed to get cortona gone, (just use a reg fix if you need fromwhat I know. )

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You mean everyone else isn't on Win10 LTSB? 😆 No M$ store, no Cortana (whatever the hell that is), no or rather less M$ spying (still have to turns stuff off). It's actually a lot like Win 7 just with a snazzier base GUI.

When I see some of the crap in standard Win10/11... I do not know how people can even manage to use it without wanting to throw the machine out the nearest (real physical) window. 🤣 

The other day I had to use a friend's laptop briefly.... ads everywhere, tons of crud, and I couldn't believe the resources wasted at idle. 😆 I wouldn't be capable of using a setup like that for any length of time. 🤦‍♀️😆

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On 6/11/2022 at 8:26 AM, ritualclarity said:

Remove what you don't need. Clean up Windoze.

Have you tried that personally? I used to do that a lot back in the XP days. Win10 LTSB is better than base Windows but there are still some things (Windows Defender 🙄...) I wouldn't mind axing. With a plasma axe. That turns what it touches into goo. 😆

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^^ That video was made in 2016. Still relevant today, and Fox News could help themselves by watching Blaire White/Black. 

Edit: I will add that there is nothing wrong with transgender people. India has had transgenders for centuries but they serve an important societal role. Much like tattoos/piercings serve a societal role among tribal populations. It is when the West twists them into using them as a fad or to virtue signal where the problem lies. This, any Lefty would have to agree, is "cultural appropriation" at the very core. But how many Lefties do you know that don't do one of these things? NONE. They do not practice what they preach and expect everyone to conform to their fucked up ideology. 

As for the trans youth issue, that is what the greater whole of Leftists want: sterility or non-reproduction. 

Edited by Alkpaz
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I used to be okay with both tats and piercings. Hell, I had my labret and tongue pierced multiple times. The problem is that it's become such a fad that it's lost it's touch when it was done by everyone else. It reminds me back in the days when goth was more niche and Hot Topic suddenly became the go to store to shop for preppy girls trying to be edgy. Now everyone and their mom gets a tat  and piercings that it has lost it's charm.

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Right now, lefties want age for guns raised to 21, BECAUSE 18 IS TOO YOUNG, IMMATURE AND MIND NOT DEVELOPED TO MAKE SUCH DECISIONS (I shout like a crazy leftist)... but, if a 10 yo says he's a girl, time for hormone therapy, and not giving it is somehow hating gays? WTF???

As for guns, both my husband and I think 21 is fine, or that a minor should get a learning permit, and be escourted by a licensed adult, just as a car, so they learn correctly. Or join military, as both my father and husband, and fire all the weapons they give you!

The irony for me is that they were on opposite sides. It's a big family laugh now!

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Yes, I did it with windoze 10. Not with that program. The program I used was easier to messs things up. And yes, I did mess some things up but I also stripped down the OS so much it was nearly empty. Next to nothing showing on the programs section etc.  it was pretty cool and if I had some more time to play with that program I might have figured out what I needed to do to get it to work well. Looks like that program did fix that (auto select dependencies)  Play with it with a a free virtual  machine and see how it works then if you get what you want, move it over.

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