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7 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

I'm sure Chairman Xi has a lovely estate waiting for him.

Covid in bats AND wet markets in same region for maybe thousands of years. Obama banned "gain of function" research in the US. So, people like Fauci and Collins funneled US taxpayer funds to a China government lab via 3rd party, basically money laundering, to do the Frankenstien experiments.

There is only one reason to increase contageousness and verility of a non lethal, non infectious virus (which on the surface, mimics flu symptoms)... a weapon. Honestly, I think the purpose was intended as population control within China, and the "leak" may have been meant as an isolated test that went way wrong.

Remember how US Pravda shut down Trump and anyone who mentioned a lab leak? And Fauci was the lead. Fauci was also the lead on Ebola, which made that mysterious jump from animal to human. I wonder if China had a secret lab there too?

Ebola has jumped in the past to humans. Well before these knuckleheads were around. The nature of that virus makes that easy. The  deadly nature of that virus makes it dangerous. https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/history/summaries.html

There are many other diseases that are still stored in various labs that would be better to release as a weapon.  Using this as a population control... Not sure about that.  It didn't really do much in the way of population control (total) , however, look at the groups that are most effected, Perhaps focused on specific race for racial control?  US white leaders, funding a project where black and Hispanics are mostly hit harder than Whites and Asians?  I have been exposed through work (confirmed) more than 100 times in the past year. Nothing. I have some of the "co-mortalities" which are stated makes you at a much higher risk. Nothing. My family, ... again... nothing even if they are living with a room mate that has it. Even the test show negative.

Total cumulative data show that Black, Hispanic, AIAN, and NHOPI people have experienced higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths than White people when data are adjusted to account for differences in age by race and ethnicity -https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/covid-19-cases-and-deaths-by-race-ethnicity-current-data-and-changes-over-time/

It is so strange that people that I know that are related to any minority has had infections and many of those peoples families have had serious hospitalization and a few "long haul" effects. A few infected multiple times.

Population control of minorities, that, fits if anything is related to population control. At least IMO.  Of course there isn't any info (regularly distributed through the news often glossed over and ignored.) . Strangely with all the genetic info that the scientist can have at their fingertips, nobody is checking the genetics of those with long haul to see what is common among those.  That would seem to be a good thing to do IMO. At least then you can see what is being attacked by Covid that causes such an effect. Scientist can tell you your percentage of Neanderthal or the other genetics but they can't cross reference the genetic info of those with long haul covid effects? Why, that would give info that could be checked when someone comes down with the disease and help prepare or even prevent this from occurring. Give info to people to their added risk etc. Useful info.  Only reason not to is they don't want to point out further that specific races, heritage are more effected than others.


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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

There are many other diseases that are still stored in various labs that would be better to release as a weapon.  Using this as a population control... Not sure about that.  It didn't really do much in the way of population control (total) , however, look at the groups that are most effected, Perhaps focused on specific race for racial control?

Think more devious. If you want to knock off as much of the peasant population as possible, you don't get some crazy foreign virus. You go to the backyard, where you have this nice little virus that many know of, and know it NEVER hurt humans. It's already found in regions of your target... poor villagers and rice farmers, who eat bats found in wet markets. They don't get much, but billions are still a strain on government, so time to thin the herd. 

Get the bat virus and see how deadly and contagious it can be made, and transmisible to humans. It will spread from village to village, and cut down the population, especially poor villagers... But first we need to be sure we have antidote for the rich, and our productive workers.

Oooopsy! What do you mean it got out? Either that, or it was to have been a control test that no one outside of China was to hear about. A few hundred dead villagers would not be big news around the world if the virus never got out, and China shuts the story down.

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4 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Think more devious. If you want to knock off as much of the peasant population as possible, you don't get some crazy foreign virus. You go to the backyard, where you have this nice little virus that many know of, and know it NEVER hurt humans. It's already found in regions of your target... poor villagers and rice farmers, who eat bats found in wet markets. They don't get much, but billions are still a strain on government, so time to thin the herd. 

Get the bat virus and see how deadly and contagious it can be made, and transmisible to humans. It will spread from village to village, and cut down the population, especially poor villagers... But first we need to be sure we have antidote for the rich, and our productive workers.

Oooopsy! What do you mean it got out? Either that, or it was to have been a control test that no one outside of China was to hear about. A few hundred dead villagers would not be big news around the world if the virus never got out, and China shuts the story down.

The problem with that theory is that whites and Asians do better when infected with the new strain that allegedly came from a China lab. I linked to the studies and info provided and no matter where I see the studies or who they come from it is generally the same.  You might have a point with using a virus that is a known one. It could be easier to pass it off as a naturally occurring virus change but, from what I know there are ways that experts can see if it was natural or man made. or so they say.  One of the reasons that this info was shushed when it came out ... very shortly after the pandemic started. One of the main people that shushed it was you know who ;)


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6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:


Young child/children comes up to me for any assistant regarding them being lost...

FUCKING CALL 911, HELLO OFFICER... you get the rest. Con, no con whatever.  The children need to be gotten to professionals. The parent might have abandoned them. The parent might be neglectful. Many reasons for someone not to be stupid as fuck and call the cops. This is what a responsible adult would do IMO.

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7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

The problem with that theory is that whites and Asians do better when infected with the new strain that allegedly came from a China lab. I linked to the studies and info provided and no matter where I see the studies or who they come from it is generally the same.  You might have a point with using a virus that is a known one. It could be easier to pass it off as a naturally occurring virus change but, from what I know there are ways that experts can see if it was natural or man made. or so they say.  One of the reasons that this info was shushed when it came out ... very shortly after the pandemic started. One of the main people that shushed it was you know who ;)

Remember that mistakes are made (not being as deadly to Asians), and that they probably were not done re-engineering the virus when it got out... or was being released in a control test to see how well it would work. Besides, I doubt China would care how deadly the virus was to others, as long as it killed enough of their peasant population.

And as to new strains, doubt it was part of the plan. Sure, they may have figured on mutation of the virus, didn't know if it would be stronger or weaker than the first, but with a single minded goal of cutting population, they wouldn't care.

I doubt China would target blacks and Hispanics, as no country with those as a primary population is in any position to challenge them should they become more agressive internationally. Dolphins in the tuna nets. (Although I believe that would more be Japan, but the thought line remains)

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5 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Remember that mistakes are made (not being as deadly to Asians), and that they probably were not done re-engineering the virus when it got out... or was being released in a control test to see how well it would work. Besides, I doubt China would care how deadly the virus was to others, as long as it killed enough of their peasant population.

And as to new strains, doubt it was part of the plan. Sure, they may have figured on mutation of the virus, didn't know if it would be stronger or weaker than the first, but with a single minded goal of cutting population, they wouldn't care.

I doubt China would target blacks and Hispanics, as no country with those as a primary population is in any position to challenge them should they become more agressive internationally. Dolphins in the tuna nets. (Although I believe that would more be Japan, but the thought line remains)

If the theory is that this virus was made more deadly for population control or just as a weapon, yes, mistakes were made. However, I can't see China resorting to that to control population. They already do things to their population to control it. As for Hispanics etc. With the "theory" America was funding this. America was just having major problems with race relations and this comes out. Funded by primarily white, upper class this would work if there was an agenda to control any population.

In any case, it is very cringe that any weaponize was done to a common virus such as Covid. One thing that stuck me so hard was how fast the Chinese government reacted to a virus. When they have many flu and other things that originate there. Why this one? Why such a strong response? Also If I remember correctly, there was someone from the lab that died very early on (patient zero? Perhaps?  Very suspect at least for a lab leak, mistake.

As for being in a position to challenge them. Look back to Vietnam. Military generally had majority of their foot soldiers were minorities. If the USA encountered a war today, they would first use the currently enlisted men/women (which if I am correct has a large amount of minorities due to opportunities to better their life from the benefits) already. Then if there is a draft, I believe the same thing will happen as before.

I do get where you are coming from, just don't see it exactly the way you are seeing it. Perhaps you are correct, perhaps elements of both of our thoughts are correct, maybe we are completely off the mark. Just the thought that people can think something like this can happen is very sad.  History of the US (and other countries) just add to the possibilities of this happening.

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

If the theory is that this virus was made more deadly for population control or just as a weapon, yes, mistakes were made. However, I can't see China resorting to that to control population. They already do things to their population to control it. As for Hispanics etc. With the "theory" America was funding this. America was just having major problems with race relations and this comes out. Funded by primarily white, upper class this would work if there was an agenda to control any population.

In any case, it is very cringe that any weaponize was done to a common virus such as Covid. One thing that stuck me so hard was how fast the Chinese government reacted to a virus. When they have many flu and other things that originate there. Why this one? Why such a strong response? Also If I remember correctly, there was someone from the lab that died very early on (patient zero? Perhaps?  Very suspect at least for a lab leak, mistake.

As for being in a position to challenge them. Look back to Vietnam. Military generally had majority of their foot soldiers were minorities. If the USA encountered a war today, they would first use the currently enlisted men/women (which if I am correct has a large amount of minorities due to opportunities to better their life from the benefits) already. Then if there is a draft, I believe the same thing will happen as before.

I do get where you are coming from, just don't see it exactly the way you are seeing it. Perhaps you are correct, perhaps elements of both of our thoughts are correct, maybe we are completely off the mark. Just the thought that people can think something like this can happen is very sad.  History of the US (and other countries) just add to the possibilities of this happening.

Thoughts on why and what they hoped to accomplish will be speculated for years to come. As things are, still can't half the morons in this country to say it was a lab leak, because Trump raised the question and Fauci The Great told them it wasn't.

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On 8/23/2022 at 3:16 PM, Kendo 2 said:


I remember this kid at a gas station pan handling. His middle eastern "dad" was in an SUV driving around the gas station. He pulled up as my roommate was calling his brother. Started to make a scene and yelling at us saying we were calling the cops. He boogied on out there so fast. I feel sorry for the kid. Being used like that. I didn't fall for the scam. It's not the first time I've had kids come up to me begging for money. Heck another time I just spoke Spanish to a bunch of kids pretending I didn't know English and they left like "oh...". Their faces were priceless. I saw their thug parents in their car watching them try to hustle people.

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If you've never heard of Schaken-Mods, now you have. This site started off, and probably still is, by stealing other people's mods and uploading them to their site just to have mods in their downloads. Over the years, I don't know if they cleaned up their act, but I did see mods that were uploaded without permission by a certain author who happened to be pissed her mods were uploaded there without her permission and eventually removed later on. Anyways, Not long from now I requested my account to be closed, because the site is just a cesspool of give me money and soon turned into forcing people to have to view ads or you are restricted from navigating the website until you disable blocked ads from their site. The next day or so, I was banned. Months had past and out of curiosity while I was searching for a specific type of mod, I noticed a link to their site of a mod I was curious to see. When I go to it, I'm indefinitely banned and cannot have access just to browse the site because requesting an account closure to them translated to ban. I'm not interested in returning regardless, but I just found it fucking funny an pathetic how that site is ran. The site is filled with mediocre waifu garbage for the most part, they leach of other sites in order to make themselves bigger than they really are. I snagged some mods, but most of it was either SSE or subscribe to our monthly pay to have access to exclusive mods.

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6 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

If you've never heard of Schaken-Mods, now you have. This site started off, and probably still is, by stealing other people's mods and uploading them to their site just to have mods in their downloads.

In TS3, this is PandoraSims3. Similar to you, I used their CC when I first began downloading, but learned much was stolen. I basically deleted everything I had from that site.

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On 8/28/2022 at 1:43 PM, endgameaddiction said:

If you've never heard of Schaken-Mods, now you have. This site started off, and probably still is, by stealing other people's mods and uploading them to their site just to have mods in their downloads. Over the years, I don't know if they cleaned up their act, but I did see mods that were uploaded without permission by a certain author who happened to be pissed her mods were uploaded there without her permission and eventually removed later on. Anyways, Not long from now I requested my account to be closed, because the site is just a cesspool of give me money and soon turned into forcing people to have to view ads or you are restricted from navigating the website until you disable blocked ads from their site. The next day or so, I was banned. Months had past and out of curiosity while I was searching for a specific type of mod, I noticed a link to their site of a mod I was curious to see. When I go to it, I'm indefinitely banned and cannot have access just to browse the site because requesting an account closure to them translated to ban. I'm not interested in returning regardless, but I just found it fucking funny an pathetic how that site is ran. The site is filled with mediocre waifu garbage for the most part, they leach of other sites in order to make themselves bigger than they really are. I snagged some mods, but most of it was either SSE or subscribe to our monthly pay to have access to exclusive mods.

There's a...  AHEM place online... that leaks paywalled mods. 😆 I dropped by a couple months back. They had a bunch of Schaken stuff. I checked some of it out. Every single one: mediocre to garbage quality. Why anyone would pay for that crap is beyond me. 😆

As a side note, I've noticed much the same thing in the Sims 4 community. If it's paywalled, it's generally much lower quality. 😅

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1 hour ago, Nessa said:

There's a...  AHEM place online... that leaks paywalled mods. 😆 I dropped by a couple months back. They had a bunch of Schaken stuff. I checked some of it out. Every single one: mediocre to garbage quality. Why anyone would pay for that crap is beyond me. 😆

As a side note, I've noticed much the same thing in the Sims 4 community. If it's paywalled, it's generally much lower quality. 😅

OY! I would never use a site that does run around paywalls! 😝 Especially TS4, so I can convert them to TS3.... and give it away for free!

Still, I honestly consider checking out Capt Jack Sparrow's TS4 game collection, so I have better access, just so I can convert a few of my very special Sims to TS4 and open a Patreon account. 🤑 TS4ers will buy anything! Probably all that Covid cash, and now that they don't have to pay student loans, TS4 Patreon accounts will do very well. )))

Heck, might even upload spam LL just for giggles to advertise my Patreon account. 🤔

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Well, I just "blew a gasket", after reading all that drivel over at LL. That site is going insane. Let me rephrase that site has already gone insane just moreso lately. Like "wow" levels. Need to post something cringy.. okay, here:


the flip:


"While the black surfaces of solar panels absorb most of the sunlight that reaches them, only a fraction (around 15 percent) of that incoming energy gets converted to electricity. The rest is returned to the environment as heat. The panels are usually much darker than the ground they cover, so a vast expanse of solar cells will absorb a lot of additional energy and emit it as heat, affecting the climate."

Then this other beauty: 


Washington State is following suit:


I'm sure NY is next.  

Should I start saving for that nifty electric golf cart I saw the other day?

I don't know why I need an account to download mods off that godforsaken site, seriously. I only go there nowadays to download the latest WW update and any additional animations, takes like maybe 10 minutes, if that. 

EDIT: This just happened:


Californians may need to take measures to conserve energy, including by avoiding charging electric vehicles, to prevent strain to the state's power grid over the Labor Day weekend, officials said—a week after state regulators voted on a plan to ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars.

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21 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

Well, I just "blew a gasket", after reading all that drivel over at LL. That site is going insane. Let me rephrase that site has already gone insane just moreso lately. Like "wow" levels. Need to post something cringy.. okay, here:


the flip:


So... The CIA is actually planning to build their weather machine in the Sahara?

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1 hour ago, Alkpaz said:

Then this other beauty: 

I saw something about the solar panels adding to "global warming/ climate change". Probably find out it's the number 1 cause... that and smug farts!

Also saw CA plans to force the poor to take a bus by 2035 story on the news. Didn't see WA, but stands to reason they, NY, then the battle of NJ and NV over who gets to join that a-hole club.

Other news, NJ plans to implement CRT inclassrooms K-12 this year. I'm thinking to start a go fund me page for bail to keep my husband out of jail after school board meetings! Although, it's entirely possible that local cops won't even try to arrest him. ))) Reality is that locally, we still think it may not happen as the state wants. Could become interesting. 

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So I chose to see that article DarkFag made about the flag mod that was made for Spiderman Remaster.. In short, it all sounds like a bunch of bull shit pathetic excuses simply to ban someone because they don't agree with his viewpoint. I don't trust him nor his staff. And there are way too many instances going over a decade why they have earned the distrust they have over the years. In short, he's nothing more than a dictating authoritarian who's offended because not everyone toes the line. He's taking it a step further now. It wouldn't surprise me if they start banning anyone who goes against the grain.

There are reasons to dislike the rainbow flag. If you ask me, the rainbow flag represents division and not unity. Despite what they may say. Because I've observed the LGBTQ community and have never had any respect for them because they show zero respect among those who disagree. When you have to force your way of life onto others as acceptance, you aren't doing yourself the favor by gaining any sympathy or respect. Most people don't like to be forced and if not doing so then being ridiculed. People have every bit of right to be racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. if they so choose. I may not agree with it, but it is within their right to be if they choose. And no one can force someone to change if they don't want. By you shoving your way of life into them and insulting them because you don't get your way, you gain more dislikes and disrespects. And this is exactly why I have never liked that community. Apart from them not taking their cause serious and just marching and protesting in the most disgusting way possible. Imagine if Christians were to force their religion onto everyone? Or any religion for that matter. They wouldn't like it one bit. But like always, it's perfectly okay when they do it. It's bad when you do it.

In the end, the way I see it, they don't want unity, they want conformity.

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