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Windows 7 and Windows 8 Support
As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent version of Windows.

This change is required as core features in Steam rely on an embedded version of Google Chrome, which no longer functions on older versions of Windows. In addition, future versions of Steam will require Windows feature and security updates only present in Windows 10 and above.

Although support won't end until 2024, we strongly encourage all Windows 7/8/8.1 users to update sooner rather than later. Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for Windows 7 in January 2020 and for Windows 8.1 in January 2023. Computers running these operating systems, when connected to the internet, are susceptible to new malware and other exploits which will not be patched. That malware can cause your PC, Steam and games to perform poorly or crash. That malware can also be used to steal the credentials for your Steam account or other services.


Do you think these sons of bitches will provide me with DRM free copies of my games, or perhaps a refund at least?

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On 3/28/2023 at 6:52 PM, endgameaddiction said:

THE COMMENTS. I'm dying here.

Some quickie highlights:

"I wanted to get the shirt in "fit type" refrigerator but was only able to choose between "men and women". I chose the fit type "women" even though I identify as a refrigerator with occasional stainless steel microwave tendencies."

"I did not find my size in Apache Helicopter."

"This shirt is stunning and brave."


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1 hour ago, bjornk said:


Do you think these sons of bitches will provide me with DRM free copies of my games, or perhaps a refund at least?

I love this part: "Computers running these operating systems, when connected to the internet, are susceptible to new malware and other exploits..."

Yeah, just like the new ones then. 😅


And yeah a refund should absolutely be the first thing they offer. But oh no, you can't have a refund for something you paid for that we are arbitrarily saying you can't play now. 🙄

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51 minutes ago, Nessa said:

I love this part: "Computers running these operating systems, when connected to the internet, are susceptible to new malware and other exploits..."

Yeah, just like the new ones then. 😅

Both the new hardware and software are actually MORE susceptible to attacks, cause they have potentially more undiscovered vulnerabilities. Remember the Meltdown, Spectre etc. a few years back? Suddenly all NEW CPU's became vulnerable to attacks. Also hackers, attackers would prefer to concentrate on what's newer, more common, more contemporary. They wouldn't waste their time on some ancient machines that only 5% of people currently use. The only advantage of newer stuff is the "potential" of a quick fix for a potential problem, but just a potential, not a guarantee. Don't know if they've been fixed but the vulnerabilities I mentioned affected at least a few generations of CPUs. Keep in mind that in order to use new software you also need new hardware with potential vulnerabilities. So what Valve claims there is total horseshit. Not to mention that the main reason for dropping support is goddamn Chrome, a fucking browser in a DRM client which turned into a massive bloatware that I've never wanted or needed. I have(?) some games on Origin that I've never played cause I fucking hated the client. Buying games has always been a waste of money, more so if you're actually paying for the right to use, rather than the right to own.

And the funny thing is the operating systems Steam claims to be "safer" are a literal spyware themselves.

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On 3/29/2023 at 12:45 AM, endgameaddiction said:
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And yet, the sizing chart refers to WOMEN's BUST SIZE!!!??? Those people are batshit crazy!

Always "follow the science" with leftists... until they get to biology class!!!!

Edited by LadySmoks
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Like he said. Where's BLM? Funny how they don't seem to care about black folks losing jobs, a pharmacy to go pick up their meds, etc. Only matters when it's some thug committing a crime and rightfully gets arrested or put down by a cop that happens to be white.

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On 4/1/2023 at 5:54 AM, endgameaddiction said:

Like he said. Where's BLM? Funny how they don't seem to care about black folks losing jobs, a pharmacy to go pick up their meds, etc. Only matters when it's some thug committing a crime and rightfully gets arrested or put down by a cop that happens to be white.

It goes further. Simple matter of leftists keeping blacks down, then riding in to be the savior. Right now in Philly, a gaggle of dems are campaigning on... more cops, prosecuting criminals, clean streets, etc etc etc. Philly has been run by dems for decades. The current mayor is a dem. Just as NYC, Adams (former cop) ran on fixing everything, and has only continued leftist agenda of destroying the city.

Before Covid, Walmart was to open a store in a bad area of Baltimore or DC (forget which). Local jobbs, paying taxes to local area, a place for locals to shop, etc... Leftist city council passed laws that stores like Walmart (Walmart was the only one to be affected) would have to pay some ridiculous minimal wage, insurance, have a union, etc. Walmart said they would build a new store somewhere else.

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On 4/7/2023 at 3:46 PM, LadySmoks said:

It goes further. Simple matter of leftists keeping blacks down, then riding in to be the savior. Right now in Philly, a gaggle of dems are campaigning on... more cops, prosecuting criminals, clean streets, etc etc etc. Philly has been run by dems for decades. The current mayor is a dem. Just as NYC, Adams (former cop) ran on fixing everything, and has only continued leftist agenda of destroying the city.

Before Covid, Walmart was to open a store in a bad area of Baltimore or DC (forget which). Local jobbs, paying taxes to local area, a place for locals to shop, etc... Leftist city council passed laws that stores like Walmart (Walmart was the only one to be affected) would have to pay some ridiculous minimal wage, insurance, have a union, etc. Walmart said they would build a new store somewhere else.

I have seen local governments enact laws based on size etc. Basically that is intended to effect Walmart type stores when they get a wiff of a company deciding they might open a store. They claim they are doing so to protect local businesses etc. Problem is, the area that they are building in is severely economically depressed. Not much in the way of businesses and not much service to the local community. That is the reason they are thinking of building there.  One thing if it is a healthy local community and they do that, quite a different thing if it is a severely undeserved community. High unemployment etc.

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On 3/10/2022 at 7:37 AM, LadySmoks said:

In 2008, my husband visited me in Lugansk. His friend (native Lugansk) asked why US elected what we fought to get rid of. ((( Maidan was a coup that was backed by US/ EU. "Student protests" were well organized (by nationalists). Not often mentioned were snipers of 3rd party origin that shot both police and rioters, in effort to escalate violence. Never mentioned was the looting, much as so many "peaceful protests" in US.


As oil... No, it does not turn on 100% overnight, as it was turned off. But, the sooner it is turned on, the sooner the oil will flow. Or it is better to buy oil from Iran and Venezuela? 


Omg... wow... So I don't really use this account and I didn't actually come back after posting my one and only post above and did not realize you wrote this reply.  I didn't read it until now (1 year later) and I can tell you it is so weird b/c everything you just said here? Are the things I also believe too. My post before was more neutral, examining the greed of man. But today after witnessing this thing for a year and doing a lot of personal research, my view has shifted quite dramatically.

So I'm not sure if you know, but in the USA now, majority of the conservative rights do not support Ukraine anymore. However, there are still a lot of RINO and "swamp" rights such as DC McConnell and other politicians that continues to push this Ukraine narrative. Even FOX news is now considered propaganda trash for the globalist elites. I am actually not a political right, btw. I'm always independent, but I see very clearly what is going on.

From the start, there was something off about Zelensky... and as time went by, it became more and more clear he is a deceiver. He is a conartist, a man that can never be satisfied no matter how much money and how much weapon we gave them. Not only so, he is a man determined to drag the whole world into a nuclear holocaust. The US media tries to cover up so much, a report came out that only 30% of the money US gave reached the war effort or the people, where did the rest go? Swallowed up by corrupt politicians, generals, officials, etc... this is Chiang Kai-Shek's ROC all over again. The news, I think it was CBS, that wrote the report was immediately silenced by the government and forced to write an detraction.

Again and again, Russia has offered negotiation, but this madman Zelensky and the other corrupt Ukrainian government officials have rejected the call for peace. Why would they? When the money keeps flowing? And everything you've said here is correct, the media controls the narrative and said nothing about the massacre and the murders in the Donbass region and other regions. Those atrocities never made it into the mainstream media. They keep comparing this to China and Taiwan, forcing a false narrative when all along this is more like China's subjugation of the Uyghurs, HK, and Tibet.

It is utter disgusting that Zelensky is still going around nation to nation begging for money and egging other nations into a world war. He has no shame, no moral compass, putting so far both lives of Ukrainian and Russian citizens in suffering and trying to drag the rest of the world into it and possibly sending us all into a nuclear holocaust. 

US is completely falling apart now. The land has become lawless. We have actual elected officials like AOC now calling the executive branch to ignore the judicial branch? Really? Election fraud is now common. Violence, looting, murder, all common. The people have become so hateful and all common sense have been ignored. They're pushing perversity on kindergarten kids and everything is racism this, racism that, tolerance and inclusion my ass. Women's sports is gone. Everyone think they're entitled to free stuff. College grads don't want to pay for their student loans, blacks want $5 mil a piece for reparations, money from taxpayers. Illegals want free citizenships, scholarships, basic survival income, free healthcare.

I say to many, let's say in 2024, the GOP wins, Trump or DeSantis... so what? Will the division stop? Will the hatred from the left stop? Will they finally have morality? Decency? No, it will continue to get worse. Why would you want to stay married to a woman that tried to murder you? 

National divorce is inevitable, all the signs are there. At the fall of Romans, Macedonians, Persians, Babylon, Assyrians, even biblical Judaeans, etc... always the same pattern. Towards the end, it is always a moral collapse of the society, entitlement, selective outrage, deception, groupthink, sanctimony, ... weak leader... blehhh.....


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5 hours ago, Littlejeff said:

Omg... wow... So I don't really use this account and I didn't actually come back after posting my one and only post above and did not realize you wrote this reply.  I didn't read it until now (1 year later) and I can tell you it is so weird b/c everything you just said here? Are the things I also believe too. My post before was more neutral, examining the greed of man. But today after witnessing this thing for a year and doing a lot of personal research, my view has shifted quite dramatically.

So I'm not sure if you know, but in the USA now, majority of the conservative rights do not support Ukraine anymore. However, there are still a lot of RINO and "swamp" rights such as DC McConnell and other politicians that continues to push this Ukraine narrative. Even FOX news is now considered propaganda trash for the globalist elites. I am actually not a political right, btw. I'm always independent, but I see very clearly what is going on.

From the start, there was something off about Zelensky... and as time went by, it became more and more clear he is a deceiver. He is a conartist, a man that can never be satisfied no matter how much money and how much weapon we gave them. Not only so, he is a man determined to drag the whole world into a nuclear holocaust. The US media tries to cover up so much, a report came out that only 30% of the money US gave reached the war effort or the people, where did the rest go? Swallowed up by corrupt politicians, generals, officials, etc... this is Chiang Kai-Shek's ROC all over again. The news, I think it was CBS, that wrote the report was immediately silenced by the government and forced to write an detraction.

Again and again, Russia has offered negotiation, but this madman Zelensky and the other corrupt Ukrainian government officials have rejected the call for peace. Why would they? When the money keeps flowing? And everything you've said here is correct, the media controls the narrative and said nothing about the massacre and the murders in the Donbass region and other regions. Those atrocities never made it into the mainstream media. They keep comparing this to China and Taiwan, forcing a false narrative when all along this is more like China's subjugation of the Uyghurs, HK, and Tibet.

It is utter disgusting that Zelensky is still going around nation to nation begging for money and egging other nations into a world war. He has no shame, no moral compass, putting so far both lives of Ukrainian and Russian citizens in suffering and trying to drag the rest of the world into it and possibly sending us all into a nuclear holocaust. 

US is completely falling apart now. The land has become lawless. We have actual elected officials like AOC now calling the executive branch to ignore the judicial branch? Really? Election fraud is now common. Violence, looting, murder, all common. The people have become so hateful and all common sense have been ignored. They're pushing perversity on kindergarten kids and everything is racism this, racism that, tolerance and inclusion my ass. Women's sports is gone. Everyone think they're entitled to free stuff. College grads don't want to pay for their student loans, blacks want $5 mil a piece for reparations, money from taxpayers. Illegals want free citizenships, scholarships, basic survival income, free healthcare.

I say to many, let's say in 2024, the GOP wins, Trump or DeSantis... so what? Will the division stop? Will the hatred from the left stop? Will they finally have morality? Decency? No, it will continue to get worse. Why would you want to stay married to a woman that tried to murder you? 

National divorce is inevitable, all the signs are there. At the fall of Romans, Macedonians, Persians, Babylon, Assyrians, even biblical Judaeans, etc... always the same pattern. Towards the end, it is always a moral collapse of the society, entitlement, selective outrage, deception, groupthink, sanctimony, ... weak leader... blehhh.....


WHAT?!? You mean there is someone else with a Harley Quinn avatar... wearing all custom mesh outfits and hair????? 😆

As I live in US, I know more than I wish, regarding politics here. ((( My husband and my father are analytical of such things. During time when my husband trained to kill my father (HUGE family laugh now), part of his training was Soviet psychology. Understand what motivates "the enemy", not propaganda being fed to citizens of both sides. Also to understand what motivates the "leaders". Where Putin was once seen as a protector of Russian people in Ukraine, it changed after the assualt on Kharkov. But his motivation is still understood, and very simple... he wants the buffer of Belarus and Ukraine between Russia and expanding Nato. Finland is less problem if Ukraine falls.

Ukraine is oligarchy. Obama supported the anti-Russian oligarchs in the coup. Whether he knew or cared that they are Nazis, is open for debate, but just as in Syria, he went with whoever was against Russia. In Syria, he gave wweapons to ISIS. In Ukraine, "National Socialists"... children of Bandera. OY! You may, or may not have seen my comment on a mod at MTS when someone made Ukrainian names and had photo of Bandera? I do not know who Zelensky is pet of, but he is just a pet. He is like Biden. Has title, but strings pulled by others.

As you said, he is Jerry Lewis hold telethon for weapons. Ha is an actor/ comedian!!! You know this? But the dishonor is deep. They fire missle into Belarus, hoping Belarus would return fire, and that Nato would then join. Then claimed that Belarus fired missle at themselves. Similar tactics used during first attacks in Donbass.

Still, it can be asked if all is driven by hardliners that miss cold war... on both sides? And of course... $$$$$$

My husband was amazed by Russian incompetence in prosecuting beginning of war. He expected Russian tech, but saw WWII strategies. Ground troops and tanks, and Ukrainian military hiding in cities, which made cities and civilians into targets. 

HA HA! There will be no CRT in my son's schools! My husband attended one school board meeting a while ago, and made that clear. We now live in town where he grew up and went to school. Then he went to military. He is well known here, and also known that he make Rambo look like a constipated gerbil by comparison. We monitor our son's school work VERY closely! No problems... yet...


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5 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

WHAT?!? You mean there is someone else with a Harley Quinn avatar... wearing all custom mesh outfits and hair????? 😆

As I live in US, I know more than I wish, regarding politics here. ((( My husband and my father are analytical of such things. During time when my husband trained to kill my father (HUGE family laugh now), part of his training was Soviet psychology. Understand what motivates "the enemy", not propaganda being fed to citizens of both sides. Also to understand what motivates the "leaders". Where Putin was once seen as a protector of Russian people in Ukraine, it changed after the assualt on Kharkov. But his motivation is still understood, and very simple... he wants the buffer of Belarus and Ukraine between Russia and expanding Nato. Finland is less problem if Ukraine falls.

Ukraine is oligarchy. Obama supported the anti-Russian oligarchs in the coup. Whether he knew or cared that they are Nazis, is open for debate, but just as in Syria, he went with whoever was against Russia. In Syria, he gave wweapons to ISIS. In Ukraine, "National Socialists"... children of Bandera. OY! You may, or may not have seen my comment on a mod at MTS when someone made Ukrainian names and had photo of Bandera? I do not know who Zelensky is pet of, but he is just a pet. He is like Biden. Has title, but strings pulled by others.

As you said, he is Jerry Lewis hold telethon for weapons. Ha is an actor/ comedian!!! You know this? But the dishonor is deep. They fire missle into Belarus, hoping Belarus would return fire, and that Nato would then join. Then claimed that Belarus fired missle at themselves. Similar tactics used during first attacks in Donbass.

Still, it can be asked if all is driven by hardliners that miss cold war... on both sides? And of course... $$$$$$

My husband was amazed by Russian incompetence in prosecuting beginning of war. He expected Russian tech, but saw WWII strategies. Ground troops and tanks, and Ukrainian military hiding in cities, which made cities and civilians into targets. 

HA HA! There will be no CRT in my son's schools! My husband attended one school board meeting a while ago, and made that clear. We now live in town where he grew up and went to school. Then he went to military. He is well known here, and also known that he make Rambo look like a constipated gerbil by comparison. We monitor our son's school work VERY closely! No problems... yet...


Oh, you're in the US? I thought you're in Ukraine! I was in the US, but I just left and returned to Asia. I wanted a front row seat to the end of the world when China invades Taiwan! 😆

I don't know, I just couldn't stand it anymore in what is happening in America. It's not just the left is so insane, but I find the right so unwilling to stand up and fight back. But I'm glad that people are beginning to see the truth in this war. I think I'm a pretty good judge of character, from the start Zelensky was just off. He puts on that whole military uniform and stuff and everyone was praising how brave he was. I was like... he's... acting.

Anyways, I never thought I'd live to see the day the world turned upside down like this. A lot of people say this is the end of the world and I was like "nnahhh... couldn't be... we had worse..." but back when we had worse, we didn't have nuclear weapons and people were not so easily triggered and had at least some common sense. I don't really want to stay in Asia, but I don't want to go back to the US either. Just stuck. 😐

Edited by Littlejeff
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7 hours ago, Littlejeff said:

Oh, you're in the US? I thought you're in Ukraine! I was in the US, but I just left and returned to Asia. I wanted a front row seat to the end of the world when China invades Taiwan! 😆

I don't know, I just couldn't stand it anymore in what is happening in America. It's not just the left is so insane, but I find the right so unwilling to stand up and fight back. But I'm glad that people are beginning to see the truth in this war. I think I'm a pretty good judge of character, from the start Zelensky was just off. He puts on that whole military uniform and stuff and everyone was praising how brave he was. I was like... he's... acting.

Anyways, I never thought I'd live to see the day the world turned upside down like this. A lot of people say this is the end of the world and I was like "nnahhh... couldn't be... we had worse..." but back when we had worse, we didn't have nuclear weapons and people were not so easily triggered and had at least some common sense. I don't really want to stay in Asia, but I don't want to go back to the US either. Just stuck. 😐

Yes, I live in US. I met a man at nightclub Gagarin, what now seems like a lifetime ago. He looked like a Cossack, which was odd in Gagarin, and spoke Russian to his friends. I was curious about Cossack in Gagarin and asked him, and he said he was American. We chatted... So, many years later, we are married, live in US and have a son. ))) We had planned to visit Odessa to see his grandparents in 2021, but, we know what happened. 

We were actually planning to look at apartments there, with thoughts to move to Odessa. (((((((

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11 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

AND... Folling the fine example of San Fran, NYC will soon deploy their own "Robocops"! I kid you not!!!



Before robotics and such, the way they added to the policing efficiency was grass roots programs. Community outreach. Walking the beat. etc.  Now apparently rolling trash cans are what is needed.

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13 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Before robotics and such, the way they added to the policing efficiency was grass roots programs. Community outreach. Walking the beat. etc.  Now apparently rolling trash cans are what is needed.

Well, walking trashcans do not complain when leftist prosecuters let criminals go after the work of arresting them.

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13 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Well, walking trashcans do not complain when leftist prosecuters let criminals go after the work of arresting them.

They also don't complain when you have them shoot mom for complaining about insane school curriculum. It's a win-win all around. For them. 😆

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