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Kendo 2

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3 hours ago, bjornk said:

Why would it be good news? It was GL himself who had already ruined SW for many, and who sold it to Disney.

Can you tell me how he ruined Star Wars? Don't get me wrong, I wasn't happy that George Lucas sold the IP to Disney. I knew it was a wrong move, but I rather it be in his hands than in the hands of Disney.

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38 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Can you tell me how he ruined Star Wars?






The guy literally turned SW into a movie for toddlers. The 2nd movie, Empire Strikes Back, is most people's favorite because it was the most "mature" one of all. Most of the stuff he added in his so called "Special Editions" back in the 90's were downright retarded if not insulting. Then of course came the prequels, with Jar Jar Binks, podracing, bad script, bad acting etc. which many people hated at the time, but of course, they're now forgotten, cause there's always worse.

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2 hours ago, bjornk said:
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The guy literally turned SW into a movie for toddlers. The 2nd movie, Empire Strikes Back, is most people's favorite because it was the most "mature" one of all. Most of the stuff he added in his so called "Special Editions" back in the 90's were downright retarded if not insulting. Then of course came the prequels, with Jar Jar Binks, podracing, bad script, bad acting etc. which many people hated at the time, but of course, they're now forgotten, cause there's always worse.

I had forgotten about the Jar Jar Binks criticism. The others I never paid attention to. I'm not familiar with his special editions. Only the prequels and the first 3. Two of which were made before I was born and one made when I was a 1 year old. I guess the issue here with George Lucas is not being consistent in whom which audience he's trying to cater to. Again, I never paid much attention to that. I enjoyed them for what they were and put little thought into it.

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I was a 1st gen SW fan, possibly one of the youngest who were able to watch the first movie in a theater, but after the third movie I was like "meh", because despite being a teenager I found parts of the 3rd movie way too childish, which also made me realize that the first two films also had a fair dose of silliness, but I still loved the universe, the music etc. The thing about SW is that, at the time, it was really something and there were many 1st gen fans like me who then created a lot of fan-fic, the Expanded Universe, and many video games and because of that, SW seemed bigger, better, took a lot more space in pop culture than GL really deserved, and he benefited from it in every possible way. SW established a massive fanbase that kept growing which made it much easier for younger generations to join in the ranks of an already established fanbase. Fans took SW much more seriously than GL has ever had. In his mind the target audience of SW was most likely toddlers and it's no surprise he eventually sold it to Disney.

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From the Disney/ComCast/Hulu dealings Disney is in the hole for over a $1 billion.  Disney doesn't have that kind walking-around money anymore.  I can see Disney trying to sell off LucasFilms but who in their right mind would buy it?  Star Wars, no one care, and the Indy franchise is next.  And I don't think Willow was ever viable as a reboot.  LucasFilms had two flagships and Kathleen Kennedy intentionally torpedoed both of them.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

From the Disney/ComCast/Hulu dealings Disney is in the hole for over a $1 billion.  Disney doesn't have that kind walking-around money anymore.  I can see Disney trying to sell off LucasFilms but who in their right mind would buy it?  Star Wars, no one care, and the Indy franchise is next.  And I don't think Willow was ever viable as a reboot.  LucasFilms had two flagships and Kathleen Kennedy intentionally torpedoed both of them.

And the NBA wants 75 billion for the next media rights contract. Disney is going to need to sell off a lot more than LucasFilms.

People say ESPN makes a lot of money, but I can't see how long that will last when sports leagues are progressively demanding more money. Hell, the college football playoff is expanding, and that's more money Disney is going to need to chuck out.

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I always felt that all the Star Wars films after the original trilogy were a case of trying to make lightning strike the same spot twice. While they were still mostly successful revenue-wise, they never had that original magic., for lack of a better word. Too many "experts" fine tuning the projects to try to reach as many fans as possible instead of just letting the movies do what they do. Then, of course, they Woke them. Other than Rogue One, which in my opinion, is up there with Empire Strikes Back, the latest crop is absolute shit. And it because of greed.

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6 hours ago, vancleef said:

I always felt that all the Star Wars films after the original trilogy were a case of trying to make lightning strike the same spot twice. While they were still mostly successful revenue-wise, they never had that original magic., for lack of a better word. Too many "experts" fine tuning the projects to try to reach as many fans as possible instead of just letting the movies do what they do. Then, of course, they Woke them. Other than Rogue One, which in my opinion, is up there with Empire Strikes Back, the latest crop is absolute shit. And it because of greed.

The universe was fantastic before they blew it away with SJW super powered Jedi.

There was lots of spin offs that could have been done to entertain the fans.  Movies like Solo and such should have been fantastic but again failed due to poor writing (IMO)

There is still that Jedi Reven I believe is his name, that has a fantastic story that could be brought to the screen if done right.  It could be its own trilogy as well.

It is a large well developed universe that will work well in anyone's hands if handled properly. That is the problem. It wasn't handled properly and it failed.

Rogue one is an example of a spin off or a fill in of time between the trilogy that worked well. It was reasonably well written and even had a female lead character... oh my....  how was that possible?  (of course we know how, written well and not making someone a fucking superhero with unstoppable powers. Hell Superman is super powerful but he has well written weakness that are exploited for an ... at lest in the past, entertaining and engaging story)


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5 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

The force is female Star Wars tanked on Disney+.  AmazonPrime wouldn't be any different, but YEAH it'd be nice to see Bezos lose a few billion.

Wouldn't harm him and he'd own Indiana Jones IP as well in addition to all SW related stuff. Movies, tv series, animated stuff, toys, video games including all LucasArts games (Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle etc.). He'd be making much more money with all these than Disney ever could.

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4 hours ago, bjornk said:

Wouldn't harm him and he'd own Indiana Jones IP as well in addition to all SW related stuff. Movies, tv series, animated stuff, toys, video games including all LucasArts games (Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle etc.). He'd be making much more money with all these than Disney ever could.

One thing. I haven't seen him shoot himself in the foot (SJW) like other companies. One question, is he going to start or has he seen what happens and decided he was going to avoid it.

If it is the latter, he can shelf all the SJW bullshit that came after the sale of Star wars etc. then start a new "cannon" basically reinvent the franchise IP. However, so can Lucas.  The latter actaually likely being better at adding to the story than Bezos. (and not superpower that person any more than needed)

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37 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

What I heard was it was great.

Well, it was obvious from the start that it would be another woke shit and it was indeed "great" in that regard.

There's one thing I'd like to point out though, as much as I hate the "woke" shit of today, I've always thought the LoTR (the books) was quite pretentious and has pretty obvious "racist" undertones and while I enjoyed the books I never really was a "Tolkien fan". Also, while they didn't have the woke shit of today(*), Peter Jackson's movies, incl. The Hobbit, became increasingly childish, idiotic and cringy, just like the Star Wars movies. I didn't even want to see the The Hobbit "trilogy" because of it. [ (*) Only the first three, not The Hobbit ]



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17 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Mama bears are getting fed up with the woke BS. It's only the beginning.

There's an audio floating around where a teacher in Canada excoriates her Muslim students for skipping the compulsory 'Pride Day'.  She said something to the effect that respect goes both ways and then unintentionally compared Islam to wokism...like they're both religions and equal.  <_<

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6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

There's an audio floating around where a teacher in Canada excoriates her Muslim students for skipping the compulsory 'Pride Day'.  She said something to the effect that respect goes both ways and then unintentionally compared Islam to wokism...like they're both religions and equal.  <_<

In a way they are comparable. Religions and feminism and the LGBT bullshit are all essentially identity politics. A state should be neutral towards any sort of identity politics, remove it from any place where the common denominator should be just being human, such as basic rights, education and healthcare, otherwise conflict is inevitable because as the state you'd be pandering to just one minority in the society by privileging them in a certain way, while pissing off all the others, which would slowly but surely polarize the society.

Also, this "Pride Day" is like, "We all suffer from gender confusion, let's celebrate it!". It's like colorblind people celebrating their colorblindness.

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So California just drafted a measure to make not affirming gender-care for your kids a child abuse case. If it passes, they're going to start arresting parents who do not allow their minor kids to have sex change. We're going on a whole new level of insanity.

It really does look like we're reaching the end times, for those who are religious.

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11 hours ago, Littlejeff said:

It really does look like we're reaching the end times, for those who are religious.

What you call the "end times" is called the Behavioral Sink, it's the collapse of society, population decline, ultimately extinction, all due to overpopulation. Nothing to do with religion, it's all our doing. All of those effects observed in mice experiments in enclosed spaces with limited resources have been manifesting themselves in human population too, although in slightly different ways sociologically and psychologically, because we have language, are more intelligent and live in a much more complex society. We certainly can cope with much more compared to mice because of that, but that doesn't mean we're immune to it. Increased mental issues, increased sexual deviation and homosexuality, the rise of identity politics and many other things you observe in today's world can easily be attributed to it. It's a vast and complex topic, look it up if you're interested and draw your own conclusions.

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On 6/11/2023 at 1:56 AM, Littlejeff said:

So California just drafted a measure to make not affirming gender-care for your kids a child abuse case. If it passes, they're going to start arresting parents who do not allow their minor kids to have sex change. We're going on a whole new level of insanity.

It really does look like we're reaching the end times, for those who are religious.

It is time for conservatives to move and let California fall into the ocean.  The SJWs should stay there. (not move to Texas for example) when things start getting crazy even for them. They started pushing this shit, and should have to stay around and suffer with it.

For those that are liberal, they can have comfort if this fucked up their kids, they can point to the government and not take any blame. Right up the alley of those SJW.

I believe, the parents are the ones that make medical decisions. This is a medical decision. ONLY exception is clear immediate  life and death situation. Like a deadly heart murmur.


Incoming rant below.

On a side note. I was at my favorite store in the evening and it was dead. This was on Saturday. It should have been balls to the walls busy. I needed to get something and even though I knew it should be super busy and would likely piss me off with the lines etc. I went. I asked an employee if they ever seen it so slow. They stated it was common for it to be slow in the evening (on a fucking weekend)  due to the crime in the city now. The crime that has increased over the past  5 years (by the way the Mayor was voted out due to this unfortunately yet another shit hit got elected doing the same shit. First mob action/riot he made excuses .... for those breaking the law, vandalizing property and even attacking an elderly couple just leaving their home. ) The streets were pretty light on traffic as well.  My favorite pizza place only had one person in front of me waiting.  I am not living in Portland, but it is starting to move to that direction. This is what happens when you make excuses for criminals and not do your fucking job. There are procedures in place for first time offenders, youths and those that have legitimately mental issues. No need to add to the bonfire.

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