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Kendo 2

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I'm not in favor of assault. But I'm also not in favor of crying for help when assaulted. If someone punches you, you have every right to defend yourself. Same as an insult. And I don't mean the petty insult like someone calling you a fag or something. I mean, if you talk shit about my wife, mother or child, then you are asking for a bloody mouth.

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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

I'm not in favor of assault. But I'm also not in favor of crying for help when assaulted. If someone punches you, you have every right to defend yourself. Same as an insult. And I don't mean the petty insult like someone calling you a fag or something. I mean, if you talk shit about my wife, mother or child, then you are asking for a bloody mouth.

Any physical response from that male she assaulted would end up with him in jail and her laughing and spreading the story about how she exacted justice.

You have to play "their" game or loose. 

You decide to give someone a bloody mouth for talking shit... welcome to jail.  I've seen it happen more than once.

There is a difference in defending oneself from attack and serious physical harm.  On that note, If my family or such is in risk of being seriously harmed, I'd take care of business as I needed to then worry about the consequences later. She wasn't physically attacked or in any way at risk of physical harm from anyone there.  She committed a crime, and she is talking about justice and "right". She needs a lesson on Justice IMO...


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That's where I don't like it. A one-on-one fight shouldn't result jail time. Need to be more like the Irish mate. Just let them duke it out. Too many people evade discipline because they get away with it due to how pussy some laws can be. There are some people who go too far and deserve a bloody lip. Maybe next time they'll think twice before fucking with the wrong person. But no matter what, even if he well deserved it, he can press charges and I'd go to jail.

Think of it like this community. If you are going to talk shit, don't expect the moderators to jump in and protect you. Same should be applied in real life. Don't start something you can't finish.

If that happened, watch all the SJWs go back to dwelling in their basement. Especially the ANTIFA clowns.

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Even if I agree with your idea of what should be done. It isn't the case, and they are protected. Unfortunate fact of current laws we have today.

That is the reason I mentioned that man needed to press charges on her for assault, which she did and was videoed doing so. Gotta fight with what you got. ;)

If she was arrested for assault and charges pressed, she'd end up with a record. I believe she was a college student... then a student with a record.. good luck getting a great job afterwards. ;) Of course, she wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes in jail and instead given probation (shame really, Jail would really work wonders on such a person ;) ) the experience would be a learning one for her. Police and Judges don't give a fuck about her SJW agenda.


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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Even if I agree with your idea of what should be done. It isn't the case, and they are protected. Unfortunate fact of current laws we have today.

That is the reason I mentioned that man needed to press charges on her for assault, which she did and was videoed doing so. Gotta fight with what you got. ;)

If she was arrested for assault and charges pressed, she'd end up with a record. I believe she was a college student... then a student with a record.. good luck getting a great job afterwards. ;) Of course, she wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes in jail and instead given probation (shame really, Jail would really work wonders on such a person ;) ) the experience would be a learning one for her. Police and Judges don't give a fuck about her SJW agenda.


Not if you're in Commiefornia. I happen to live in Nevada and fuck, I wish we had a border wall between us and them. Keep that filth out of our state... They bring their ghetto, poverty and drive like shit.

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17 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

She should have gotten arrested for assault.  (pretty sure that is the case everywhere in the US)

16 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I'm not in favor of assault. But I'm also not in favor of crying for help when assaulted. If someone punches you, you have every right to defend yourself. Same as an insult. And I don't mean the petty insult like someone calling you a fag or something. I mean, if you talk shit about my wife, mother or child, then you are asking for a bloody mouth.

The girl was arrested at her mommy and daddy's house and charged with aggravated assault.  The university police went to her dorm first but she wasn't there.  Her friends called her and told her the cops were looking for her so she hid at home (genius).  She spent the night in jail, poor thing.  Wanna know something funny?  She worked for Gillum's Florida campaign when this happened...and she was one of the pinko commies featured in the Project Veritas videos.

And she was charged for a felony she committed while on campus.  That means Title 9 investigations, restraining orders, etc.

Gotta keep the predators off those college campuses. :XD:


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@endgameaddiction Not sure how it is in Nevada... hopefully still sane unlike California or other locations (major cities etc) and if so, hope it continues. If so count yourself very lucky...

@Kendo 2 thanks for the update. lol. It is the only way to teach these types of people a lesson without being on the jail side of the equation.

She is also in more trouble as she was a part of the alternate party trying to get elected... This shit reflects bad on them and at a minimum she is kicked out if she wasn't chewed out by the leaders of that group before hand.

I thought she was some stupid college student spouting some crap, this is worse. Even more reason to press charges when shit like that happens to help teach these people this shit isn't acceptable.

She isn't in the dog house... she is several feet below the dog house 🤣


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Ahahaha! Microsoft's at it again! 😂


Windows 10 Pro licenses are being deactivated due to an ongoing issue with Microsoft's activation servers.


Some messages on that page...


I can confirm, it is not just for W7/8.1 upgrades. My PC is about two years old and has never had anything but W10 on it, and I just got the error a couple of hours ago.


my laptop came with Windows 10 Pro preinstalled and it's been deactivated


The extra annoying part...

All personalization is disabled while it thinks the activation is not valid - including the 'Settings' interface to fonts.


I'm writing from Italy, I haven't done an upgrade from a previous version of Windows and from this morning I'm facing the deactivation of my regular windows 10 Pro licence.



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:XD:I got messaged at Twitter that 'Kendo 2' has been banned at Nexus again.  Ready for a good laugh?  Whoever they banned isn't me.


Here I am browsing their site as a free user.  Look at the upper right corner.  AdBlock, VideoBlocker and my Google account plain as day.  *face palm*  I almost feel bad for them that I'm still renting space in their heads over something that happened almost 5 years ago.


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I didn't bother looking to see who it was.  I went there and took the screenshot just to prove they didn't ban me AGAIN.  When I read the Tweet I was like 'WTF?' so I went to Nexus and it loaded fine.  Took the screenshot and left.  Anyway, this was good for a laugh.

And just for fun I Tweeted to the Nexus account. :grin:


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26 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:



:huh: What the hell did you do?

They can't IP ban me because they don't have it.  I've physically moved twice and I've had at least 5 different IPs since 'Kendo 2' was banned from Nexus back in 2012.  Yeah, it's been that long and they're still thinking about me. :grin:




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This wasn't recently. The funny part is I requested account closure and later when I checked, they gave me a generic username with banned in red underneath it. They don't ever do that as far as I'm aware. People retain their username but you can see them being banned.

I had to have pissed someone off to go through such measures. :big-toothy-smile:

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I would accept banning an IP address or an IP block only as a last resort against continuous spam or hacking attempts coming from particular IP's or IP blocks, but banning an IP address just to keep one person away is retarded. IP addresses aren't associated with particular people, what if someone else gets the same IP later on? But of course if you are an arrogant dickhead with a massive ego, you wouldn't give a damn about that and Nexus seems to have given enough power to some people to be just that.

By the way, a lot of ISP's can no longer give their customers "unique" IPv4 addresses. Some have started using CGNAT's (Carrier-grade NAT) due to their limited IPv4 address pool and many users now have to share the same IP, which may cause a lot of problems. Banning one of these IP's means banning hundreds of unrelated people, maybe thousands, as they are also dynamic IP's.

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Someone probably has my old IP range from Austin/Rosenberg and they're a member (or they were a member) at Nexus.  Whatever the case it's a dick move to ban someone because they have the same IP I did 5 years ago.  I can browse Nexus as a free user and I could make a sock puppet account if I wanted to.  They'd never know.  Nothing they do affects me.  Just thought it was funny they're claiming that they banned me when they haven't.

Anyway, enough about shit-snack Nexus.  Sorry I brought it up.

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