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I watched a bit of the video above without sound.. (I was somewhere I needed quite .. etc) Likely it would be worse with it... ;)
It is horrible at least from some of the clips that are being presented... It is definitely cringe-worthy .. This after they having a success with some of their franchise.

Can someone color a scene where she is in costume with the red hair and change it to blue... It would be more accurate to what they are trying to portray At least from what I can gather from the video... I hope I am wrong.


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So was the media happy when the identitarian SJWs decided that Ruby Rose was too white and too thin and her casting wasn't inclusive enough?  YEAH, that was a thing a few months back when this Batwoman train wreck was announced.  They were calling her the lesbian version of a fuck-boy.  It was so bad she quit Twitter for maybe a month.

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

How many times has this happened without the woman coming up and stating the lied?

Too many false allegations made me numb to the point when one really happens, I'm skeptical about it.

They ruin it for real rape victims. Good job feminists. And don't take any accountability for it, just blame men for not believing all your lies.


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5 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Too many false allegations made me numb to the point when one really happens, I'm skeptical about it.

They ruin it for real rape victims. Good job feminists. And don't take any accountability for it, just blame men for not believing all your lies.


Yea, Rape is a serious claim, something that should never be used for any other reason. (revenge, anger, vengeance whatever). Every-time someone does shit like that... they make it so much harder for people with a real need to claim rape to actually get the justice they deserve.

Bull shit like that also means that the "cute guy" will be more reluctant to make a move (ask someone out) than before. They will have these events firmly in their mind and will hold back meeting and perhaps getting to know someone that isn't part of their life (co-worker, member of church or local group etc) It takes so much effort to try to research if someone is a bitch / asshole or not.  On the counter side.. innocent women hear about all these "rapes" that are unfounded and what is going on and get fearful of meeting that potential great guy and opportunities are being missed. 

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What the school should have done is called those students into the office and have a good discussion on how their behavior wasn't called for and not acceptable. Having a cause, beliefs, right or wrong is one thing...what they did is quite another. Then the school catering to them... I know if I was a student I would have tried to transfer to another school. Beliefs is one thing... rioting is quite another.

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2 hours ago, vancleef said:

Rumor is attendance numbers are already plummeting.

Yes, that is true from  many reports, but, instead of working to improve the situation, they double down and give the school over to the kids. The MINORITY of the kids.. Of course this will solve the problem. Of course this will increase enrollment by many times. :(

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Bull shit like that also means that the "cute guy" will be more reluctant to make a move (ask someone out) than before. They will have these events firmly in their mind and will hold back meeting and perhaps getting to know someone that isn't part of their life (co-worker, member of church or local group etc) It takes so much effort to try to research if someone is a bitch / asshole or not.  On the counter side.. innocent women hear about all these "rapes" that are unfounded and what is going on and get fearful of meeting that potential great guy and opportunities are being missed. 

Normal, stable, Straight White guys are going to check out of everything: dating, movies, TV and media, computer games, all of it. The SJW/ Feminist agenda is going to send them packing. A decade from now female CEOs, writers, filmmakers, etc will be fired en masse because their product isn't selling,  thanks to the SJW bullshit that has completely alienated a significant portion of the revenue stream.

And due to the MeToo, feminist and SJW propaganda blanket vilification of men, "Nice Guys" will stop dating, leaving only the Alpha-Male Monkey Motherfuckers still trolling the waters. Women will be bitching up and down about "how hard it is to find a decent man!"

In the meantime, men will lose themselves in their work and ironically, they'll be back on top of the business world thanks to the increase of quality of product and work ethic they'll achieve, setting the clock right back to where it was. Women and SJWs will be losing their shit all over again when the so-called Patriarchy re-takes its position. 

I'm not saying I'm Psychic but I'm pretty damn close. Just remember I said this when a decade from now it has come to pass...

EDIT: and after a quick re-read of the above, it sounds exactly like the Hurt White-Guy Man-Baby rant we're being told is the norm.

Let me add this: It's not just straight white guys that are tuning out either. Plenty of women and men enjoy quality product and dislike having someone else's agenda being rammed down their throats. They'll be contributing to the demise of SJW-approved content as well.

Pretty soon, SJW content will be relegated to the same niche arena as Survivalist Groups. The only difference is the SJWs will be living in a figurative wilderness because we know they couldn't survive a week in the wild.

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On 5/26/2019 at 12:33 AM, endgameaddiction said:

More comic cringe.


SJWs be like 'Squirrel GIrl was so good there shouldn't be a movie about her because she's that good'.

Wow. I 've never heard that much Double Speak come from a non-politician!

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I've always thought success isn't measured by how much money and material you have, but rather how much happiness you have. Even if that means being with or without a woman. As long as you are living your life and doing the things you love to do that makes you happy, then your living your life as a successful person. And  the way I see it right now, MGTOW lifestyle has become one of many men's success. And they have no plans to share that success with a woman who they feel will take it away. I don't blame them. I'd hate to be in their shoes where a woman that I loved for many years decides that she wants out of the marriage relationship and claim alimony and child support leaving me nearly broke every paycheck.

Social media brought out the worst in many women and one of the results of all that that is currently trending is Twitch thotts since they are the center of criticism right now. Unfortunately I don't see this type of behavior from women ever going away. I see marriage as a thing of the past and women (#notall) embracing more and more social media because it's part of their instinct to attract and seek attention. And the more this behavior continues along side with feminism, the more MGTOW will grow.

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I should also mention that I goofed with the above. I'm singling out women when I 'm actually commenting on SJWs and rabid Feminists. I know plenty of decent women. They work just as hard as the guys and are possibly even more disgusted by the antics of Feminists and SJWs. But in some ways they're being forced to choose sides even more so than men. I know plenty of women who have chosen to be Moms and dropped out of their careers and I see those same women being derided for it by the PC Hags. It's insane.

The good news is I see these groups specifically and Liberals in general already eating their own. Most likely Nature will reassert itself and society will return to the traditional definition of "normal". There's a reason the majority of men and women act they way they do and have done so for generations. Not all of it is cultural programming. It's Fuckin' Natural!


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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:


Searched this out and watched it last night! The guy is so calm at first I figured it was some kind of stunt performed with a special suit. But apparently the guy is in the hospital and not likely to make it. That said, I can think of way less painful ways to kill yourself and/or make a statement. 

EDIT: I just checked the news and the guy did die. So much for ever discovering his motive. How much you want to bet that his hospital bill is dumped on taxpayers...

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