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Kendo 2

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Typical Lamestream Media reporting: Man was "less than a mile" from the White House. So basically that places him "somewhere on the Mall near the Washington Monument."
Fucking retards. To report "in front of White House" is a complete and utter lie. This is why I am skeptical of anything I read these days.


Edited by vancleef
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The left are like fanboys. Both of them rather not ignore the things that trigger them and report the stuff to get it removed. They both simply don't know how to ignore the things that bother them. They run off to their almighty savior to save them from their hurt feelings.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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12 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

You Hitler 2.0. :P

Na... I'd need to use the "kill all" command for that :P

Oh, and if you ever want to trigger someone that is "woke"  mention anything good that Hitler did, or any of the Southern (slave owning) generals did or insert anyone that did horrific acts to humanity. Talk about a trigger effect.. ;)  They can't  stand any mention of something that might have been good. 

Also good to test people. If they are shocked but then realize you aren't stating they were great, just commenting a counter point to some of the horrific things they have done and they don't trigger... you can have a real conversation without getting ambushed with SJW oriented agenda.

Funny story... a "woke" person at my place of work.. complained about "Hitler" another person that worked there. This person somewhere along the lines of a conversation mentioned the very thing above. When asked about what was going on.. (to be sure that that person wasn't trying to hurt someone etc... which is done when someone is "threatened".. he explained he didn't want anything to do with that person and realizing he was a SJW.. he worked that into the conversation...  god damn that worked well.  (divided the work place.. we mostly have 20 year olds... strange is both of them were in their early 20s..) It was so useful that it was very easy to see the different groups so clearly.  Haven't ran into a "trigger" in such a long time. Well... at least one I didn't want to do :P  It is so fun! Have anyone here done that?

yes, I am evil...

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8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Been browsing this thread and there are a FUCK-TON of videos we linked that are no longer available.  Either the vids were removed for TOS violations or the accounts were outright banned.  FUCK YOUTUBE.

Yea... sometimes I don't even get a chance to view the video no matter what I do (sometime there is a geo location or something blocking it but it is still available)


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22 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

That ending. lol

Serious. This was just one man fighting against tyranny. Imagine when you continue the rattle a cage of millions of patriots who have just had enough being pushed around by these sock puppet politicians.

yea, SJWs do that..

However, they just end up being "triggered". They can't get past that part.




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For context, the cops stop the car because the window tint is too dark and the plates are partially covered.  The cops run the vehicle and it comes back that it isn't registered and it isn't insured.

The dried up harpy is the mother of one of the girls.  She is Caren Z. Turner; (former) port authority commissioner, friend of Hillary Clinton and entitled white feminist Liberal.  After this video was made public by the police she was forced to resign.  Her little stunt also paved the way for the New Jersey legislation to pass a new law preventing government officials from abusing their office powers.  GOOD JOB...you rank bitch.

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