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Kendo 2

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A gay friend of mine wasn't wrong 10+ years back when he told me gay pride parades and protests do nothing but harm to people like him.

Only in lala liberal land do people have to use their sexuality to represent who they are as a person. And force their sexuality down onto their kids. It's just disgusting.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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If that was an 11 year old girl doing that... the parents would be sent to jail for exploitation of a child. 11 years olds... shouldn't be doing that regardless of if male or female, gay or straight. It is one thing to support the child's development and quite another exploiting it.

Also, how could grown adults not feel like a pedo tossing money at a child dancing at a club like a stripper (I assume a stripper and not doing a rendition of "I am a little tea pot" ... Wait...🤬 that is even worse.. 🤮)

As for your statement @endgameaddiction about strip clubs... not going to happen. They will go out of business unless they are part of a gay club. I can't see any mainstream, current strip club ever having that there. ... Unless that trans has their full operation (remove the meaty bits) and look better than any of the women they have there.  Which in the US is a pretty long shot. (Trans can't get treatment until well after puberty which makes it extremely hard to pass, unlike South America, and some Asia countries. )

Well @endgameaddiction you were very successful in making me cringe...


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Yeah, they'll lose too many patrons they'll have to shut down. But it's not impossible to think it will happen. Just look at gaming and how SJWs have intervened into the culture. Same with the film industry. Sure, there will be plenty of clubs that will not pander to these snowflakes, but all it takes is hiring the wrong person and destroying it.


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Back in the 1930's there was a whole series of movie shorts called 'Baby Burlesks'.  They are disturbing; putting 5 yr old Shirley Temple in adult situations with other kids...dressing her in lingerie, etc.  The shorts are nasty-gross.  This 'Desmond is Amazing' drag bullshit is just as bad.  Liberals want to shut down loli/shota 2d and 3d art but sexualizing REAL KIDS is okay...because they're 'trans' so that's empowering.

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16 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:


Used to work for a company and the boss's daughter was a Vegan. Chick had a constant cold, missed at least a workday a week and later had two miscarriages after she got married. Last time I saw her she looked like she was just rescued from Auschwitz.

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My doctor is a vegan. He is healthy and fine. He is an advocate for Vegans (not to be confused with Vegetarians)  However, it is very hard to properly maintain nutrition doing so. You have to really know where and what and how much to eat to keep the proper nutrition. Most if not all end up having to take supplements.

The video above shows at times the extreme "crazy" side of this lifestyle.

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8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Document dump from the Oberlin court case.  Come to find out college kids really are toddlers...


Seriously? Thank god I took College while they still (and at a location where) there were still some brains (and balls ) to address issues in an intelligent manner.

Colleges are a place where future leaders of the world are educated on how to address issues, solve problems and communicate. The last place where a person can get opportunity to realize what the "real world" is truly away from their parents protection.  Any college that has an issue with open dialogue and / or fear of their students when so radically outside of any reasonable intelligent thought process... well, the admin needs to be terminated and cut to the core and new instructors and educators brought in. That cancer needs to die and it is best to catch it at our educational institutions.

I remember discussions and social issues at the time I was in college... the college was open and the instructors willing to discuss the topics of the day, personal, social whatever during the process of education. Outside of class, still ever the educator the instructors and even admin had level heads and helped the students "find themselves" in an open and honest environment where they can make mistakes (false assumptions etc) and learn from them.


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