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18 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Will not contain microtranstions.

that glitch is so cool... lol

When I first watched it, I didn't pick it up. I did notice the terrible automated female translater. Oh, I'm sorry, I mean non binary word  paraphrase renderer. Got get with these times. *smacks forehead*

On a serious note: The glitch screen was a genius masterpiece. I mean think about it. These guys are great at teasers and we haven't even seen gameplay footage of this game yet. But as I speculated, it looks like it will be showcased at E3 this year. I figured it would because the timing felt right. And also with Gwent is out of the picture, it would just end up being a silent year.

As far as microtransactions go, I really don't see the point. In fact, Witcher 3 is technically their first triple A title. CP2077 will be their second upcoming triple A. If they made the stupid move to put in microtransactions now, it wouldn't just hurt their reputation, it would hurt them bad financially. EA can get away with it because these guys have a butt load of money to the point they can kill franchises like ME and Star Wars Battlefront and still manage to maintain all their studios (if they wanted to). I feel Bethesda in the near future will eventually take another step further into their anti consumer practices. It was an obvious hint back in 2015 with their attempt at paid mods and the way they managed to split the profit. And I still laugh how somehow there were modders out there who thought this was an awesome idea. Not necessarily paid mods per se, but the percentage they were going to get after meeting that quota first.

IF CDPR is ever going to introduce anti consumer practices to the table, they have to build up a strong and very trustworthy company first. And right now the only successfully franchise they have under their belt is Witcher. For all we know CP2077 could be a massive fail. I doubt it, but we don't know until we know.

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I actually have a different take to this news.  EA didn't go all in with MTX because they are evil, they are but it's because MTX business model (addiction and extraction) has much better return on capital than the content business model.  It seems that CDPR as a listed public company is under pressure from shareholders to maximize profits.

CDPR founders might be fine of not to chase profits right now but things could change.  If you look at recent financial performances of long established public game companies, those that prosper are all big in MTX while those that whither tend to have stick with the content business model.  Nintendo and CDPR are the two exceptions.  CDPR is new but Nintendo was struggling for many years until the new Zelda. 

Without regulation digital addiction based profit models will only get more prevalent with technological advances. 

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5 hours ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

I actually have a different take to this news.  EA didn't go all in with MTX because they are evil, they are but it's because MTX business model (addiction and extraction) has much better return on capital than the content business model.  It seems that CDPR as a listed public company is under pressure from shareholders to maximize profits.

CDPR founders might be fine of not to chase profits right now but things could change.  If you look at recent financial performances of long established public game companies, those that prosper are all big in MTX while those that whither tend to have stick with the content business model.  Nintendo and CDPR are the two exceptions.  CDPR is new but Nintendo was struggling for many years until the new Zelda. 

Without regulation digital addiction based profit models will only get more prevalent with technological advances. 

Yes, many facts, however, it is also a problem with those companies with the MTX content that they don't have loyalty... An company can mold itself into a more loyalty based company (not really in the gaming market but APPLE is one such one) where money can be made from the loyalty of the customers. Without many  other options available in the market (gaming) the customers will follow and pay consistently for the product that CDPR creates. This gives a very predictable profit margin and stable monetary income. Also, less PR nightmares, more positive gaming news and reviews. AS much as people think investment is all about the total amount of $$$ obtained each time, it is also and can be also about predictable profit margins as well. Many inventors will have a portion of their investments in very reliable and profitable company that deliver consistent and very predictable profit year over year.

CDPR has marketed themselves in consistency, quality, predictability, and as a side result... awards, positive press reviews. So far, they have shown the ability to obtain enough cash over the last few games to seriously improve their technology, staff (quality and quantity) each time. They don't have to chase the dollar, the dollar will be tossed at them with their current formula. The only way I see this changing is if the core management /leadership is drastically changed.


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The sad thing is many consumers tend to sell their souls to the devil when the hype weighs in more than self control and dignity itself.

CDPR as of right now gives me no reason to distrust them. So far they are doing great by over delivering. Even if the game doesn't meet expectations at least they tried. But even then they always try to set higher ambitions to grow as a company.

Now to be realistic about this, will it last forever? No. Eventually people quit for various reaons, people change and the companies image changes. Once greed steps in, it's more than likely not going to leave. Only reason why Bethesda is getting away with Creation Club is because I feel they have plotted this from the start, or through the years that idea sparked to make profit off of modding. As modding became more and more a trend, and the outcome of Skyrim that rocketed the modding scene, they saw potential profit. One of their biggest mistakes was taking an old game like Skyrim and trying to use it to make money off of mods. If they had done this with a brand new fresh game, odds are people would have adapted to it easier. I said this back in 2015. But either way Creation Club exists and it may not being doing all that well for SSE and FO4, but as new games are released, I can only see Bethesda forcing Creation Club over their fans even more to the point where if you want mods, you'll have to pay for them. And it will be treated no different than cosmetics from loot boxes.

But I think CDPR as of now has no ill intentions with their current CP2077. If they want to avoid shooting themselves in the foot, they're better off trying to do these predatory practices once they have more franchises under their belt. Because at least then if some time in the future they decide to put MTX into their third iteration of Cyberpunk and that fails, they'll have two or three other franchises by then they have done well and can keep them sustained financially.

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  • 1 month later...

People keep claiming it's going to be FPS only. I really can't see CDPR doing an only FPS. Not for an RPG. I personally don't think so.

I think it would do more harm than good if it was.

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It is possible they are trying something new. Perhaps its part of the experience. I do believe they would only change to FPS if they really felt it was necessary for the story considering Witcher didn't need to be third person except they worked so hard on the fighting for third person. Perhaps they will be sometmes in first person and when needed third person etc like mentioned above.

Even if it is a bad idea... I doubt the game will come out bad. At least not like bad ideas in a Bethesda game (Fallout 4) ;) We gotta give them a chance considering what they have done for the past several years.... however, it was mostly Witcher story not a different one. We don't really know what they do with a different story, environment, conditions ;)


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It makes zero sense to license a tabletop RPG and then turn it into a FPS.  You can save yourself a lot of money and fan backlash by just recycle meh settings and characters of typical MOBA if that's the game your are making.  If you want a built-in fan base for another generic FPS "storytelling" then you want an IP with mass audience awareness and not a small niche tabletop RPG.

The more I read about CP2077 the more I am convinced technically it's similar to GTA5/online but a RPG.  The concept is nothing new.  Bioware wanted to go that direction before they cashed out their souls to EA.  Bethesda "said" that's what they wanted to make but they didn't have the guts or the talent to pull it off so instead they did TES Online and a crippled FO4.  Nintendo finally pulled it off with the new Zelda.  It will be interesting to see what Rockstar has done with Red Dead Redemption 2.  Does it advance the fusion of single player RPG and open world sandbox or is it a reskin of GTA5?

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Time will tell. So far they have created excellent games. Highly awarded games. They are also working closely with the author of the original table top game as well. From my understanding he was wanting a video game for awhile and now will have it. I doubt he would let it get done wrong if he could help it.

Time will tell. Due to their track record I will be willing to give them the chance to try. They might fail, considering they haven't yet... it is very possible this might be something people might not like. Likely, something "different" if I remember was stated about Cyberpunk... might be that they do things their Witcher fans don't like. Perhaps might be something the Cyberpunks don't like either.

Remember the "fallout" over the fans of the original series when Fallout 3 was released? The original fans didn't like the changes but thousands others like them.

With the way things are today... I would be happy with almost anything created by anyone that wasn't affiliated with EA.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It gives more of a GTA vibe than anything right now. It doesn't look all that dystopian in the trailer. Definitely different from the first trailer.

Hope to see gameplay on tuesday.

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There is an article on pcgamer saying the same: https://www.pcgamer.com/william-gibson-doesnt-think-cyberpunk-2077-is-cyberpunk-enough/

My first impression is the about same as you and him.  I thought it's Mass Effect's Sheapard in GTA :P  It's the lighting IMO, too sunny and bright.  However, I tried to think at every cyberpunk movie that got the "look" right and everyone sucked except the original Blade Runner.  It's easy to change the lighting and weather and I am sure CDPR got the message but it's hard to get the story and character right.


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24 minutes ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

There is an article on pcgamer saying the same: https://www.pcgamer.com/william-gibson-doesnt-think-cyberpunk-2077-is-cyberpunk-enough/

My first impression is the about same as you and him.  I thought it's Mass Effect's Sheapard in GTA :P  It's the lighting IMO, too sunny and bright.  However, I tried to think at every cyberpunk movie that got the "look" right and everyone sucked except the original Blade Runner.  It's easy to change the lighting and weather and I am sure CDPR got the message but it's hard to get the story and character right.


It's more than likely going to have variations of days  throughout the cycle. But right now it's not that great for a first impression on viewing the world itself. But I'm not really worried about that. I'm worried that the world doesn't look all that ruggish from what I expected it to look. Look at 0.24. It looks too clean from what I was expecting.

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Here's what the hidden message says at the end of the trailer. Someone reposted it on the link below.


It's been over 2077 days since we announced our plan to develop Cyberpunk 2077. We released a CGI trailer, gave some interviews and... went dark. Normal Procedure for these kinds of things - you announce a game and then shut up, roll up your sleeves, and go to work. We wanted to give you The Witcher 3 and both expansions first, which is why this period of staying silent was longer than we planned. Sorry for that.

As soon as we concluded work on Blood and Wine, we were able to go full speed ahead with CP2077's pre-production. But we chose to remain silent. Why? At some point, we made a decision to resume talking about the game only when we have something to show. Something meaningful and substantial. This is because we do realise you've been (im)patiently waiting for a very long time, and we wouldn't like anyone to feel that we're taking this for granted. On the contrary - it gives us a lot of extra motivation. The hype is real, so the sweat and tears need to be real, too .

But, to the point. Today is the day. If you're seeing this, it means you saw the trailer - our vision of Cyberpunk, an alternative version of the future where America is in pieces, megacoperations control all aspects of civilised life, and gangs rule the rest. And, while this world is full of adrenaline, don't let the car chases and guns mislead you. Cyberpunk 2077 is a true single player, story-driven RPG. You'll be able to create your own character and..., well, you'll get to know the rest from what we show at our booth at E3. Be on the lookout for the previews!

Before we finish, you probably have some questions,

When we told you we would only release the game when it's ready, we meant it. We're definitely much closer to a release date than we were back then , but it's still not the time to confirm anything, so patience is still required Quality is the only thing that drives us - it's the beauty of being an independent studio and your own publisher.

2.How big?
Seriously big, but..., to be honest, we have no bloody clue at this point in time. Once we put it all together, we will openly tell you what you can expect. And we promise we'll do this before we start talking about any pre-orders or ask anything of you.

3.Free DLC/Expansions/DRM?
Expect nothing less than you got with the Witcher 3. As for DRM, CP2077 will be 100% DRM-free on PC.

In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?

Once again, thank you for your patience. If you have a minute, do visit cyberpunk.net and share your opinion (about anything) with us. We read everything you post and we treat it very seriously.


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Yep, in addition to the world being colorful and bright the buildings and streets are also too clean to be "the worst city to live in the United States".  Strange because that's not the case in the first trailer.  Cleanliness and superficial order can totally work with dystopia but not with gangs in punk outfits running around.  With CDPR's reputation it's probably just a poorly directed trailer.

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The upper city levels were always clean and safe (for the most part), the closer you got to the ground the dirtier (and worse) it got.  That's how the game world in the pencil and paper RPG was anyway.  There's nothing wrong with GTA5, but I want a fucking cyberpunk game.  Regardless, that trailer looked like real time renders and not the polished shit Bethesda, RockStar, or EA shows when they're pushing a game.  Look at the trailers for TW3, aside from the cinematic start scene all of their other trailers were done with the game engine.

And CP2077 makes FO76 look like hammered dog shit. :grin:

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I figure the world has your standard upstairs-downstairs class segregation but I think the knock is that the trailer did not show enough of a contrast. 

Looking at Starfield and ES6 teasers it looks like Bethesda may have finally switched to idTech.  I hope CP2077 has full mod support.  With Bethesda switching to a new engine this is the best time for CDPR to win over the modding community as both sides could be starting anew.

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I think there will be. I just hope it's not restricted like Witcher 3 was with their devkit. Their characters already look far better than anything Bethesda could put together.

Here's another video of the trailer pointing out the things in it.


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The CP2077 trailer has over 2,000,000 views in 2 days.  The majority of them (1.8mil) hit within 8 hrs of the video being posted.  Top that Bethesda.  Also, I think CDRED intentionally showed the day light cycle since there was some concerns that the game's lighting was going to be too dark.

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6 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

The CP2077 trailer has over 2,000,000 views in 2 days.  The majority of them (1.8mil) hit within 8 hrs of the video being posted.  Top that Bethesda.  Also, I think CDRED intentionally showed the day light cycle since there was some concerns that the game's lighting was going to be too dark.

How many trailers did TW3 have?  I am sure CDPR will show the dark side in the next trailer. 

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What I think they'll do with CP2077 trailers will be a variation of both day and night with a male and female shown as the protagonist in the trailer itself. Probably even the different kinds of class just to give a glimpse of what we are to expect.

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