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Cyberpunk 2077 Discussion, News etc.


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Sometimes a great game, isn't great for someone. That is fine.

I believe they are continuing their quality in development of the game. As much as I would love a great game to add to my collection, I will possibly wait to see what comes about since the game is so different from what they developed before. (No pre-paid likely) however, if they are open and have demos for reviewers and such to help me make an informed decision I might jump back on the pre-paid. So far as I can see, CD Project Red is the only company that I would consider doing so with due to their attention to detail and not pulling all the shit other dev companies try doing.

The established personality, I believed would be present. They haven't developed any game that is totally open yet. Perhaps new additions would allow different path (more open) or perhaps an DLC would do that later once they have released it and see that they can change it without harming the game. Or, perhaps they have some tools that some modder does this to the game.  I do see a desire for people to have first person and third person options (and pretty much believe most games like this should have the option)

I for one, might like the FPV over TPV as I had some hard times with Witcher due to it being third person.  It took longer to get used to the third person but I can see why they choose third person as they invested a shit ton of work in the fight mechanics and such.

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I'm confused about what people are referring to as a 'set personality'.

If they mean that V will be like Geralt then we can only be so lucky since he had more dialogue options than the Dragonborn.  Yeah, you can play whatever race and gender you want in Skyrim but your personality remains the same; a female Imperial battlemage gets the same dialogue and results as a male Orc two-handed-heavy-armor warrior.  There's not a way to build your character's personality like you can with Witcher2 and Witcher3 Geralt.

I've done three full play-throughs of Witcher3; Geralt the Good Guy, Geralt the Asshole, and Just Geralt.  At first the dialogue is pretty similar but after a while it changes.  The NPCs treat you differently and the dialogue results are DRASTICALLY different.  What you do and what you say matters, unlike any Bethesda game after FO3; and even FO3 is a sad pale comparison to what your reputation is in Witcher3.  If CP2077 does that, then they did it right.

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I believe that is correct. the character will have a personality (to a point) that is similar to Witcher 3 except you can play a male or female and have some body alteration options... More so that Geralt beard and hair trim... lol. (not that that wasn't cool ;))


What you do and what you say matters, unlike any Bethesda game after FO3; and even FO3 is a sad pale comparison to what your reputation is in Witcher3.  If CP2077 does that, then they did it right.

Very likely this will be more evident in Cyberpunk than Witcher ever dreamed of.  There are more classes (development) paths and male/female interactions to deal with. If they flesh it out like I believe they will.. the game play will be much more in the dialogue department than Witcher (perhaps any other game) CD Project red really loves breaking records and taking their games to new heights beyond what any other dev does.

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As I've said before, it'll probably be like Mass Effect series. You'll be able to choose gender and customize the character but it'll still be "Shepard". You can only be a paragon or renegade Shepard, and the latter doesn't really make sense.

Dialogue options adapting the way you play is a feature every RPG should have, but a RP game should also provide meaningful changes in the dialogues and different approaches to game play according to the gender of the PC, otherwise choosing a gender would only be a cosmetic change that we can live without.

6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I've done three full play-throughs of Witcher3; Geralt the Good Guy, Geralt the Asshole, and Just Geralt.

B...but can you play as a slutty Geralt? :D Seriously though, those aren't all that different than say, Mass Effect. While it's certainly better to have a game reacting to your choices, the choices you're given are still limited and if/when one of those choices makes the most sense, doing another playthrough just to see how the game will react is kind of pointless, because in the end you'd probably pick the one which makes the most sense to you. And it's all because you're playing as an already established character who is in a situation he/she cannot escape (Shepard, Geralt etc.). Take ME for instance, doing a renegade playthrough makes you feel out of character because Shepard is supposed unite the galaxy against a common thread and being an asshole to people never helps his/her cause.

In Skyrim, you either do something or you don't, the game never cares about your choices or how your character feels about things and it doesn't even have any facilities to track your in game choices either, you've either done a particular quest or you haven't, and you can always go back and do it if you haven't. It is a very stupid game and most things in it makes no sense at all.


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B...but can you play as a slutty Geralt? :D

Actually yes in a way. You can develop a relationship with Triss or Jennifer and slut it around with almost every sorceress, prostitute, mage and even several monsters or creatures.. and still have your love interest in the end (if you make the correct choices through the game) You can fuck and fuck away at almost anything that moves. Many opportunities. Only events pertaining to Triss and Jennifer and your conversations seem to make a difference in their relationship tree.



In Skyrim, you either do something or you don't, the game never cares about your choices or how your character feels about things and it doesn't even have any facilities to track your in game choices either, you've either done a particular quest or you haven't, and you can always go back and do it if you haven't. It is a very stupid game and most things in it makes no sense at all.

Witcher's choices do make a difference and can open up different opportunities. It takes a bit but you can slowly develop a different environment. The quest can be done differently in many case and for a few you can't do it because of who you have become. All of these make sense. If you choose someones side... you can't later (usually) change or work two sides like you can in Skyrim. The differences in game choices are massive. Skyrim is like something someone from 5th grad would play and Witcher is something someone from college would play. Deep, complex and ruthless, if you fuck up choices you can end up really fucking up the ending. I know, I did :( I fucked it up and didn't get what I wanted for an ending and didn't know why until much later a small choice that I didn't think of early on lead to the ending.

If, and only IF they (CD Project Red) does create some forum of classes and choices like that, then the choices can possibly be much more deeper and complex than a Mass Effect or similar game. Major changes can occur as you play depending on the classes you choose from Cyberpunk. Of course it is speculation now until we get a good demo or proper review out. 

Even if it isn't any more complex than Witcher III I would be happy with the dialogue and such provided the rest of the game is on par with their previous game. Which if history proves correctly, they usually have massive improvements and growth in features and quality game after game so if that holds true, then Cyberpunk 2077 should be more complex, detailed, rich and rewarding than Witcher III was.

I will hold my opinion until much more concrete info is available.

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Something I also would like to add is that, while having separate dialogue options for male and female characters is always welcome, it's NOT enough. A RP game should also provide a different game play style for each. In other words, genders should almost be treated as different character classes. Only then having two genders represented in the game would make sense... even though it would probably trigger a bunch of feminists...

Some guy had posted this image on a thread in RPGCodex (obnoxious place BTW) claiming that he never plays as female characters...



Well, that's his loss really. We've all played as Conans or other badass male characters in games but imagine the RP opportunities that playing as the woman on the ground would give you, when done properly... You'd literally have two games in one...

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24 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

Actually yes in a way.

But you know that's not what I meant. :D

24 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

 if you fuck up choices you can end up really fucking up the ending. I know, I did :( I fucked it up and didn't get what I wanted for an ending and didn't know why until much later a small choice that I didn't think of early on lead to the ending.


Ugh, no! Having "choices" that leads to different "endings" is a really BAD idea in RP games. Because as soon as you've become aware of that, it WILL have an affect on how you play the game, you'll probably start playing the game to achieve a particular ending or at least you'll always have a nagging thought that something you've done might get you to an ending you don't like etc. I hate predefined endings as that really goes against sandbox gaming.

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But you know that's not what I meant. :D

You also know what I meant as well :D


Ugh, no! Having "choices" that leads to different "endings" is a really BAD idea in RP games. Because as soon as you've become aware of that, it WILL have an affect on how you play the game, you'll probably start playing the game to achieve a particular ending or at least you'll always have a nagging thought that something you've done might get you to an ending you don't like etc. I hate predefined endings as that really goes against sandbox gaming.

Personally I liked that part. I was role playing and did what would have been done at those times. I would have done the same even if I knew what the outcome would be. After this ending (my first play thorough) I investigated the endings among other things ;) and learned what did what (for witcher III of course) It inspired me to do a different play through the next play through as a result... in fact, I haven't even completed the ending that I wanted yet... lol

CD Project Red isn't Bethesda and their Mass Effect. They really make changes. When starting the game after a bit you are able to answer some questions about your past and you can make really big changes. Some of which will remove NPCs from the game. Others will make it harder for you to do some quest or get some of the potential allies. If they just bring that quality and care to Cyberpunk 2077 they will create a game far better than most if not all the recent releases. Keep in mind the company has massive amount of awards for their Witcher series.. don't believe me look it up. They won or came pretty dam close to winning almost all of the qualifying awards they could when the game was released.


Like I said above.


Sometimes a great game, isn't great for someone.

The game hasn't been released or available for review yet so who knows. I am only basing my opinions on their solid and consistent results they produced in the past. The game, could be a major flop and be horrible. It is only their forth(major ) game after all. Also, a different type of game. Up till now they only worked on Witcher nothing else. There skills might very well not translate well into the latest game release.

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11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I was role playing and did what would have been done at those times. I would have done the same even if I knew what the outcome would be. After this ending (my first play thorough) I investigated the endings among other things ;) and learned what did what (for witcher III of course) It inspired me to do a different play through the next play through as a result... in fact, I haven't even completed the ending that I wanted yet... lol

You role-play for a while, up until you realize what ending(s) you'll get with your approach and then you stop role-playing and start playing the game either to achieve one particular ending or to see all endings, that's what I'm talking about. I've only finished TW1, but I'm familiar with this stuff from Fallout series. If I were to finish TW3, I'd always try to do whatever necessary to achieve the happiest ending with minimal NPC casualties, even though that would mean that I had to let annoying NPCs live etc. It would definitely affect how I played the game and I honestly wouldn't call it as "role-playing".

11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

CD Project Red isn't Bethesda and their Mass Effect. They really make changes. When starting the game after a bit you are able to answer some questions about your past and you can make really big changes. Some of which will remove NPCs from the game. Others will make it harder for you to do some quest or get some of the potential allies.

ME also has all that if you import your save from the previous game.

11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

 Keep in mind the company has massive amount of awards for their Witcher series..


Despite having watched multiple LP's of each, I've only played TW2 and TW3 for about a day or less, but I've completed TW1 and honestly, TW1 could easily go into my top-ten most annoying games ever. :D Both TW2 and TW3 are quality games, despite their flaws, but overall I don't like TW series for multiple (personal) reasons, so unlike TW3 fans they already have in their pocket, CDPR needs to work a bit harder to win me over. :D


Just had a sudden premonition about CP2077 release date... 2077... 7720... 7/7/20... It's gonna be 7/7/2020... Precisely two years away... Anyone wanna bet? :D


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You role-play for a while, up until you realize what ending(s) you'll get with your approach and then you stop role-playing and start playing the game either to achieve one particular ending or to see all endings, that's what I'm talking about. I've only finished TW1, but I'm familiar with this stuff from Fallout series. If I were to finish TW3, I'd always try to do whatever necessary to achieve the happiest ending with minimal NPC casualties, even though that would mean that I had to let annoying NPCs live etc. It would definitely affect how I played the game and I honestly wouldn't call it as "role-playing".

At first I play blind to enjoy the game. Then after I get through the game once or twice I might do as you mention, start playing the game to get different results. I however, have no problem playing a game (usually) where I don't get the happiest endings ... I say usually because Fallout 4 has elements that are pretty hard to ignore and really play the game. This is a poor RPG. A good RPG is when those elements can be used and explored witout taking away from the general game play or making no sense. CD Project Red did this in Witcher III which I played quite  a bit more than I expected.  Changing a play though to a different path or with different attatudes changes the story line and endings but all makes sense. I believe this is what their new game will do but likely more so.


ME also has all that if you import your save from the previous game.

Believe Witcher III does that as well but not sure. In any case they introduced the concept like ME as well where you can fill in the background and it was done quite well


Despite having watched multiple LP's of each, I've only played TW2 and TW3 for about a day or less, but I've completed TW1 and honestly, TW1 could easily go into my top-ten most annoying games ever. :D Both TW2 and TW3 are quality games, despite their flaws, but overall I don't like TW series for multiple (personal) reasons, so unlike TW3 fans they already have in their pocket, CDPR needs to work a bit harder to win me over. :D

I tried TW1 and couldn't get far into the game. It was difficult and complex and I didn't get into the game. Same for TW3. It took time for me to really get into the game. Once I did I was able to enjoy it. I know if I go back it will take me a bit to get into the game again. Unlke most other games it isn't a button smasher. YOu have to time things and use some strategy to get where you want to go.

Someone not liking some or even all of their games is perfectly fine. Awards aren't important when such a emotional connection is created between the player and the game. There are many that don't like the games at all. That is perfectly fine. (see my post on this above lol)  It might take a lot for them to win you over for their new game, and they might not ever win you over on this game or perhaps any other game they ever create in the future. This too is fine. 

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, bjornk said:

Is there any news about the game aside from devs regurgitating the E3 stuff adding a bunch of screenshots?

Not that I am aware of. Hopefully some news will come out soon.

Not too soon, as I have to build up my cash back on my credit card.. so I can buy the game (if I like it when it is released ;))  After Fallout 4, I don't buy games anymore. I use cash back or gift cards or something else. lol.  I know, it is still money but, not part of my budget and it slows me down from buying them. ;) gives time to think. Help fight against the "hype machine" ... yes, even CDProject Red has a "hype Machine".

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Not sure if this is Cyberpunk related but I just saw this on YT...



Man, these guys are getting better and better at trolling...😅

Update: Is there a gameplay steam? That's what people are saying right now...

Update: Cyberpunk 2077 | Gameplay Reveal — 48-minutes walkthrough | Restreaming allowed

Update: Yeah, I've watched the steam a bit... Overall, the game looks nice, I like the design of the city and all, it could be an interesting game to play... if the 1st person view didn't make you feel like you're a goddamn floating camera... And some people think this is *immersive*...😕 So, no, still not buying it unless they add 3rd person.

Update: Here's the 48 min. video in case you've missed it.





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I didn't care much about the 1st person view while the character was in combat (which by the way wasn't that good) but while walking around the city, exploring, it felt like Skyrim's TFC basically. Oh well, at least the game seems to have boob physics...😅

For me the real problem with the 1st person view is that if I don't see my character in the game, after a while it starts to feel like I'm playing myself and not the character I made, and that's one of the reasons I think a "1st person only RPG" isn't really a good idea.


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1 minute ago, bjornk said:

Seems like V's wardrobe hasn't got enough room for anything but a stupid jacket. Not good! 😅

I am sure they will have many more jackets. It is part of the RPG system. One jacket space makes no sense. It is still being developed and even the video has warning on the label it isn't finished.


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Except, you'll have to pick only one, since you won't have the storage space.🤣

Seriously though, I may be wrong, but I don't think they'll give you any clothes that don't have any specific function.

It's probably going to be one of those games in which playing a female character is pretty much just a cosmetic change. This demo kinda proves that.

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16 minutes ago, bjornk said:

Except, you'll have to pick only one, since you won't have the storage space.🤣

Seriously though, I may be wrong, but I don't think they'll give you any clothes that don't have any specific function.

It's probably going to be one of those games in which playing a female character is pretty much just a cosmetic change. This demo kinda proves that.

They are working on the system. They only need one suit there.. chances are they will have some sort of mechanism that will move the suits through the closet. Or something else. They might even change the closet entirely.


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