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Kendo 2

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I agree with one thing Contessa says in her argument. I've seen countless times someone remove their mod over the most trivial bullshit ever, while others do it just to piss off a whole lot of people. And while I don't very much like it, at the end of the day, regardless if it's over trivial bullshit, the modder has every bit of right to remove it for what ever reason. So I may not like it, but it's the modder's work and their choice to remove it as they see fit. I only wish people would stop doing this fucking bullshit out of malice.

As far as giving the modders a grace period to have their mods removed is complete BS. There shouldn't ever be a window when a modder should have their mods removed. I highly doubt their "customer service" is even up to the task to remove all them mods within that time frame. This whole think stinks and seems to deliberately scam modders. Not surprised. Because...

Dark0ne has been in on this whole thing for the business aspect. He's only interested in it for the money. Nothing more. I've figured this out so many years ago. That's why he pushed modding and Nexus to become mainstream. He went from not wanting to compete with other mod sites by not adding other games (or maybe it was games that mod sites already support) to adding more games in order to make Nexus the emporium of all mod sites. Nexus certainly is not anything it used to be 10+ years ago.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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Only one staff, the one who wrote the whole wall of BS and....

"These comments have gone round in circles for the past few days now. Locking it down. " -D0

had something to say. That's it. It's pretty clear they, especially D0 has zero interest in clarifying anything, trying to make mends, willing to make changes or demands from the modders. It's pretty blatantly obvious he doesn't care about the whole problem he has caused. What a coward. But I'm glad he has revealed his mask to those that were concerned or on the fence about this whole thing.


Their #1 mascot of course is completely onboard with this. OMG yay! This will benefit me! That's all that matters! OMG yay! As they gloss over the concerns of the others.



Here's most of the page of it. I'm glad someone pointed out how the staff responds to this shill. Of course he would and forget about the mass.



I regret nothing I ever said about him, the majority of his team and the site itself all these years.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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4 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

I am not lawyer, (at least not in British law) however, wouldn't that potentially bite them in the ass ...
At this point I believe they are doing whatever they want and expect they will get away with it due to the potential cost to protect the content creator's rights. 

This will likely be entertaining ... in a slow drive past an highway accident type of entertaining.

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5 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

I am not lawyer, (at least not in British law) however, wouldn't that potentially bite them in the ass ...
At this point I believe they are doing whatever they want and expect they will get away with it due to the potential cost to protect the content creator's rights. 

IF any of this shit show makes it before a judge that banning thing could be seen as retaliation.  Not good optics during litigation.

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All his "Drama" could have been addressed with a reasonable process for legacy mods that have been there before this came into effect.  Log on as a mod content creator, get the prompt option to address the issue, keep, hide think, and remove mods.  Then if/when something came up in the legal department, it would show that he is addressing the issue in a reasonable manner .. placing a month then shoving the new process down the pike isn't right considering some authors might not be active and/or be able to see the new changes. Sure, their TOS states they can change theTOS as needed without warning.. but correct me if I am wrong. Major changes that effect the intellectually rights of others (copyright etc as well) needs to be navigated carefully.

The fuck all attitude will only cause him to loose some of the assets, when a reasonable approach might slow down his agenda to take over all the mods of the world, but would be more member/user/author friendly, cause less problems in the long run and ... drum roll, help keep some that might leave just because of his actions.

After all. There will be new mods uploaded there all the time. This isn't going to stop. There will be Nexus fan boys (girls, or preferred pronouns :P ) regardless of what they do.

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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

They should get in contact with that law firm that was after Bethesda and their Fallout 76 fiasco. If Bethesda has to tuck their head and comply with the demands of furious fans and being cheated, Nexus has no chance.

If... and I mean IF the furious fans stand up for themselves. It is common for today's people to wine and complain about something they can change, but never take the steps to fix the problem.

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1 minute ago, Kendo 2 said:

Without training....
I don't know about Texans but.. if it was up by where I live... that is DANGEROUS... people would be shooting themselves in the  foot/leg just pulling out the dam gun. Yes, they are that stupid. (At least where I live. )

Nobody should operate a gun without reasonable competence with it. IMO but .. from my experience if there is a stupid thing that can be done.... most around where I live will do that stupid thing.

So who all here is moving to Texas now?  lol


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7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


Cackling hag is mad because most of us Nevadans won't comply with her vaccine demands.


Still the press and government is trying to toss their scare tactics around perhaps to make themselves seem more relevant than they should be.

All they need to do is make sure there is enough vaccines to fill the needs of those that want it.  Make sure in those areas of low population there is some way to help those get it. (like American Indians on reservations and populations deep in the woods like Alaska and such) Job done.



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4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

All those Nerxus modders drying about what Dork0ne is doing...but they love Socialism.  Ironic, huh?

common sense has long been dead. Most can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.  Stupidity must be in the water. 

Hey, if someone is cool with what they are doing (Nexus) then fine.. accept it and move on.  If they aren't, then stop bitching about it.. and move on.  How many pages are going to be on that LL thread before it is finally locked / die? someone want to start a pool... :P


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Just so you know what I posted before they delete it and/or ban me.



I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked.  Once apon-a-time there was a 'I got banned from Nexus' thread here where Dork0ne and his faggotty British bullshit was roasted page after page.

  • He banned the IP of an entire region of the EU to get back at ONE person who trolled him.
  • He stole the mods of people he banned and then pretended the mods where his all along.
  • He took the $250k meant for server upgrades and bought a condo.
  • He begged for donations because the site was doing poorly and used the funds to go on a Greek Island vacation.
  • ad infinitum, all his crooked shit was laid out for all to see.

That thread was some of the best reading on this site and Dork0ne (who was a millionaire by then) boo-hoo'd that we were being mean to him.  It affected him so much that he (evidently) cried to the staff HERE and they locked the thread to protect Dork0ne.  He's still an up-the-butt British public school knob-licker and Nellie'r than pink do-do...and he's still a scammer.  So WHAT THE FUCK has changed?  We had his bitch-ass on the ropes and the staff here gave him a free pass.  So why not now?

This is huge fucking case of I TOLD YOU SO.


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