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7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Exactly my point.  Most of the time they create a character that is hollow in this type of character creation. It diminishes the entire project and what they are trying to advance. Nobody wins in this situation.


Apparently deadpool is "pansexual"

What's interesting to me is the Deadpool article states they already introduced a Lesbian couple in the second film. 
So leave it there. You've made your point. Some people don't fuck the opposite sex.
Why do they feel the need to keep spewing it again and again and  again?

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38 minutes ago, vancleef said:

What's interesting to me is the Deadpool article states they already introduced a Lesbian couple in the second film. 
So leave it there. You've made your point. Some people don't fuck the opposite sex.
Why do they feel the need to keep spewing it again and again and  again?

They did introduce a lesbian couple in the second film.  (Also didn't make a very big point about it either. Made a few jokes and Deadpool messed with them a bit but other than that not very much fan fair and IMO the couple was well thought out and fit)  was My point is there are characters that are already created and fully developed that cover many of what the SJWs want. No need to convert characters.

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On 5/10/2022 at 11:42 AM, ritualclarity said:

Also didn't make a very big point about it either.

I do remember that. It was a very casual part in the movie, and yes, Deadpool joked about them, or at least the one girl, but that was mostly because she was like a goth girl? Then again, he made jokes about everyone and everything. But, I think it was put in well, as just something in the movie, made fun of, and keep on track with what the movie was really about... Deadpool and HIS craziness.

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4 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

I do remember that. It was a very casual part in the movie, and yes, Deadpool joked about them, or at least the one girl, but that was mostly because she was like a goth girl? Then again, he made jokes about everyone and everything. But, I think it was put in well, as just something in the movie, made fun of, and keep on track with what the movie was really about... Deadpool and HIS craziness.

exactly. It was there, but not the center of attention. Not forced. It was believable.


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I read that some idiots are talking about impeaching Biden when Republicans get control of the House and Senate. Do these people understand who would then take over?????????? OH DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, first 25 seconds is all you need. 😢

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Robert Francis is a(n) (insert word of your choice here). And the narrator is wrong. Democrats don't want to fix anything, before or after any election. If they fix anything, they have nothing to whine about. Remember that Obamacare was about "affordable care"??? Yet, Dems constantly are campaigning on healthcare, as no one can afford it... because all the small private doctors quit and there is so much paperwork that only hospital affilates can afford staff to fill out the paperwork.


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2 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Robert Francis is a(n) (insert word of your choice here). And the narrator is wrong. Democrats don't want to fix anything, before or after any election. If they fix anything, they have nothing to whine about. Remember that Obamacare was about "affordable care"??? Yet, Dems constantly are campaigning on healthcare, as no one can afford it... because all the small private doctors quit and there is so much paperwork that only hospital affilates can afford staff to fill out the paperwork.


Yeah, I kept telling people that immigration reform is never going to happen. They make these false promises dangling it over their heads using it asa leverage to continue to get the Latino vote. Obama and all Dems know very well without enough votes from Republicans, it won't pass. And they know for a fact Republicans will never vote for it. And in turn they blame Republicans as to why they can't pass it. But I don't feel sorry for those who continue to allow themselves to be lied to. And I always knew that if they were to ever somehow pass it, Latinos wouldn't need to ever work those slave wage jobs that hire them to pay them a misery. It's not in their buddy buddy business partners interests.

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11 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

without enough votes from Republicans, it won't pass.

My husband calls it the poison pills. Agree on 100 things, but leftists always want more, and toss in something they know won't pass. Example was Tim Scott police bill. Left wanted more, so they killed it. Then Scott and uber-leftist Booker actually agreed on things, wrote a bill, and the leftists poisoned it and never got out of commity... because they NEED to be able to whine and blame republicans, and media goes with it. Republicans do same, but a bit less. Didn't a judge rule that Biden had to keep remain in Mexico, like 3 months ago? Has he done that? Have any republicans yelled about it? No, because THEY want to whine during elections also! 😒

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Sort of internet... My husband and I had VERY different childhoods. So, he was saying how Biden brings a bit of nostalgia to him... He now must check how much money he has in his wallet before going to buy gas, just as when he was 18 yo!!! "The good old days!"


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"Vax advocate Doctor dies after COVID booster"...

Because we are always around my husband's mom, the "immediate circle" got our 2 shots as soon as we could. When my husband got his booster in October, we slept with the phone in our bed in case we needed to call an ambulance for him. During daytime, was not too bad, but for 2 nights, I was scared to sleep. I had almost no reaction, but both my husband and I will never get another shot!

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Never got the jab; I haven't had so much as a common cold since 2017.  I got Rheumatic fever back in the late 60's but I went to schools with kids who had polio.  That's  just how things were back then.  I have existing health problems from the Rheumatic fever so I've always been careful about who I'm around and where I go.  Aside from the Vaxstapo and the mask bullshit COVID didn't affect my life, aside from the shortages and the useful idiot wanna-be Communists trying to sabotage the country and the economy.

Glad that stupid shit is over with.

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