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Kendo 2

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My mother caught COVID and passed on to me. Though it had to have been transmitted by something I brought home. She was in the hospital for 29 days and I was at home with it for 3 weeks. Not going to lie, it sucked. I started with a fever, then the coughs, then shortness of breath and instead of no smell and taste, everything smelt and tasted awful. I couldn't stomach to eat anything. Only reason I did was because my stomach would hurt from not eating. I barely ate whatever I made. And I'm one who rarely ever gets sick. My mother being 81 at the time when she caught it, I'm surprised she pulled through. She's a freakin' tank. She has been through a stroke, heart attack that left her with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), being diabetic, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. We both refuse to the get jab.

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On 5/17/2022 at 10:24 PM, endgameaddiction said:


Okay, this one's funny. Especially towards and all the way up to the end.


He needs to be fired. If not just because of the unprofessional comments on Elon's "disability".  He was commenting and discussing internal processes that I am sure he wasn't allowed to as well. That type of shit at his level is unacceptable.

On 5/19/2022 at 3:56 PM, LadySmoks said:

I read that some idiots are talking about impeaching Biden when Republicans get control of the House and Senate. Do these people understand who would then take over?????????? OH DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, first 25 seconds is all you need. 😢

She is an idiot when speaking. Will continued to be in idiot like Biden.  Some people have problems with public speech and can be amazing taking care of things. If this was the case, I could and would give her much freedom on this matter. However, so far,  I haven't seen much to show that they are doing anything right. From withdraw out of Afghanistan, inflation running rampant, to infant formula not being available. (Why didn't Biden know that the FDA shut down an entire plant due to issues with the formula and the effects? Seems like something he should have been aware of at least. According to his speech he had no clue. ) Unacceptable. All the complaints about Trump... at least from what I seen he knew what was going on.

On 5/19/2022 at 7:26 PM, LadySmoks said:

I was going to the border, but I got high...

I talked about Ukraine while I was high...

I thought I made sense, but I was high...

Now I can only giggle because I am high, because I am high, because I am...  SQUIRREL!!! 😒


This is an excellent PSA (Public Service Announcement) lol.  Showing the potential troubles getting high... lol


On 5/26/2022 at 10:38 PM, LadySmoks said:

My husband calls it the poison pills. Agree on 100 things, but leftists always want more, and toss in something they know won't pass. Example was Tim Scott police bill. Left wanted more, so they killed it. Then Scott and uber-leftist Booker actually agreed on things, wrote a bill, and the leftists poisoned it and never got out of commity... because they NEED to be able to whine and blame republicans, and media goes with it. Republicans do same, but a bit less. Didn't a judge rule that Biden had to keep remain in Mexico, like 3 months ago? Has he done that? Have any republicans yelled about it? No, because THEY want to whine during elections also! 😒

The number one thing that needs to change is the ability to add non-related items to any bill that is going through congress/house. Second, make sure each bill is as simple and only contain what is required for that bill. Third, make sure if the bill will add cost to the tax payers, that it is properly funded before it can be passed. Three simple rules.

If someone wants to accomplish something it should be on its own merits. They have enough back alley/office deals, this should be easy. No need to cloud up the waters and had hundreds of pages to a bill that is trying to be passed. Gives the public false info. Public things that they are getting something they wanted and later learn that tons of shit has been added to it and the cost ballooned well above what it should have been.

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Ambler Turd completely removed from Aquaman 2.  HARDY-HAR-HAR!

She likely thought that she would be able to call on the "#metoo movement.  Funny thing is many women that I know were the worst against her in this matter. Calling on all her shit.  She is getting what she deserves. The worst clip I seen was when she and her lawyer were trying to push that because of what he was doing she couldn't pay the commitments she made to charities. My stomach churned.  Trying to turn the jury to her favor because of her inability to pay charities what she committed. Second worst was when she was being corrected several times trying to have a conversation (appeal) to the jury during her time on the bench. Never knew who she was until this came out... Looked back at some of the movies and realized her acting was shit, which was the reason I didn't realize who she was.

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

He needs to be fired. If not just because of the unprofessional comments on Elon's "disability".  He was commenting and discussing internal processes that I am sure he wasn't allowed to as well. That type of shit at his level is unacceptable.

Like all chicken shits, they run and hide. Or try to hide. I found this one to be funny. The owner of that restaurant was allowing James to get up on stage and expose the him. Shame that didn't happen.



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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Ambler Turd completely removed from Aquaman 2.  HARDY-HAR-HAR!

In some ways, it is reverse cancel culture... In other ways, it's just giving movie fans what they want. The worst part is that now she has no work, and can't pay poor Johnny... as if she ever planned to...

1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

She is an idiot when speaking.

She is basically Biden's insurance policy against impeachment... with Pelosi as 2nd back up. 


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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Like all chicken shits, they run and hide. Or try to hide. I found this one to be funny. The owner of that restaurant was allowing James to get up on stage and expose the him. Shame that didn't happen.



I am sure he will be fired and due to this publicity, won't likely be able to get another job... (I really hope he doesn't)

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6 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

She is an idiot when speaking. Will continued to be in idiot like Biden.  Some people have problems with public speech and can be amazing taking care of things. If this was the case, I could and would give her much freedom on this matter. However, so far,  I haven't seen much to show that they are doing anything right. From withdraw out of Afghanistan, inflation running rampant, to infant formula not being available. (Why didn't Biden know that the FDA shut down an entire plant due to issues with the formula and the effects? Seems like something he should have been aware of at least. According to his speech he had no clue. ) Unacceptable. All the complaints about Trump... at least from what I seen he knew what was going on.

This is an excellent PSA (Public Service Announcement) lol.  Showing the potential troubles getting high... lol

It makes sense if you think about climate change. How do you prevent climate change? Less people on the planet. How do you go about doing that? Wars, Disease, Famine, Abortion, etc.  The problem isn't climate change. The problem is resources. The climate does NOT matter, it didn't matter 100 million years ago and it does not matter now. We as humans may become extinct but bacteria and organisms living in the deep oceans don't give a damn. So long as we have single cell organisms like amoebas and some multicellular organisms like fish or cockroaches then evolution will continue. You would have to sterilize the entire planet for it to become like the moon or Mars. Why are they trying harder now than before? Remember those videos of crystal clear water and satellite photos of the earth in the first 2 weeks of COVID (Lockdowns)? They want THAT all the time.

The thing with abortion is that they don't just want 1st Trimester ones, they want 3rd to just after delivery abortions. Babies can be saved, today, at 1lb which is now normal when back in the 70s that was a rare occurrence. Most 1lbers died back then. What struck me as a money scheme and possibly a population control issue is when they started harvesting baby organs a few years ago for stem cell research. Honestly, why is 2nd and 3rd trimester even allowed? We have contraceptives that last 9 YEARS! 9 Freakin years! Hell, we have condoms those injections that you put in your arm, diaphragms, pills, etc. why the hell do we need something as barbaric and medieval as abortion? Unless your plan is to limit population. ;)

Why ban vaping? I vape, been vaping since 2010. I make my own coils and juice, I use unregulated mods (no chip or just a mosfet). But they wanted vaping banned while marijuana was legalized. Make sense? Not unless you factor in population control. 

All these things will NOT affect the rich since they can live it up just fine, but it will and is harming the peasantry. (you and I)

The Republican party isn't immune to this crap either. I think it was Chad Prather over at The Blaze that said something like 70 percent of Republicans are Uniparty establishment RINOs. What is nuts is there are some Republicans that are running on some state tickets to ban ALL contraceptives. That is a little far even for me to swallow. 

Edit: As for Amber, well I can proudly say I never once saw a movie she starred in. I heard about some of them, but never watched them. I just wonder what possessed Depp to marry a B-class actress. I mean seriously. Why even risk it?? 

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Of course, the lefties see all the things a MAN teaches a son as "toxic masculinity". 

And the prolonged Covid lock downs have been proven as having had negative social developement effects on kids.

Sadly, as he scrolled down the page, and talked of fathers guiding their sons, I saw Hunter Biden. (((

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17 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

Wars, Disease, Famine

Ummm... that is 3... sounds of hooves in the distance? 

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

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It's no wonder why a lot of old school members don't post on LL. Them and their arbitrary rules and thread rules. Having fun on LL is not an option. Boy was LL so much fun way back from 2014 and earlier until staff members got a stick up their ass and decided to strip away the fun of the community. Notice that most threads and members nowadays are so serious. I used to think being banned from Nexus was an honor. I have long since changed my mind. Being banned from LL is a blessing. Only reason I return is for the rare occasion of mods. If it was optional, I wouldn't create an account and just download mods.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

It's no wonder why a lot of old school members don't post on LL

You starting a new NSFW "rant" thread??? 😆  But, some (I) still log in as hidden and read threads... just read what you wrote over there (often do)... and others from here that post there also. It's sad to me that this site doesn't have a more active posting community.

My experience is that LL is a "bend over backwards" trying to be politically correct, porn/ gaming sex mods site, that caters to the man-child (both young and old)... So, they kind of need those rules to prevent or have an excuse to stop the childishness, as too many there have no ability to filter, nor comprehend civility.

You or I... or anyone, can say the most idiotic thing here, and be shot down in an adult debate, with an exchange of lucid thought, but there it always goes to personal attacks and name calling. Children NEED rules!

Reasons I go back there are a few old friends, and to watch the occasional train wreck... and maybe post whatever I have uploaded here and provide a link. )))

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32 minutes ago, LadySmoks said:

You starting a new NSFW "rant" thread??? 😆  But, some (I) still log in as hidden and read threads... just read what you wrote over there (often do)... and others from here that post there also. It's sad to me that this site doesn't have a more active posting community.

My experience is that LL is a "bend over backwards" trying to be politically correct, porn/ gaming sex mods site, that caters to the man-child (both young and old)... So, they kind of need those rules to prevent or have an excuse to stop the childishness, as too many there have no ability to filter, nor comprehend civility.

You or I... or anyone, can say the most idiotic thing here, and be shot down in an adult debate, with an exchange of lucid thought, but there it always goes to personal attacks and name calling. Children NEED rules!

Reasons I go back there are a few old friends, and to watch the occasional train wreck... and maybe post whatever I have uploaded here and provide a link. )))

Yeah. Over here it's laid back. It's all fair game. And I'm fine with that. I don't need my hand held unless I'm deliberately breaking a rule. But over there, they make up rules half the time people don't want to bother to follow. That's why that MIA thread only has two mentions of members that have been gone for a while. No one wants to go out their way to contact a moderator for the approval of posting a member who's MIA. And my post got deleted because I didn't contact them. I simply posted a member that was actually banned long long time ago, but I missed. Their thread fails to engage because it sets arbitary rules no one cares to follow. All the kids would rather go play in someone else's playground that doesn't set these rules like 'you have to ask me before you can get on the swing set'. :P

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18 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Yeah. Over here it's laid back. It's all fair game.

At the same time, here is more right leaning, and open about it. At least, that is my impression. LL has a "wokeness" to it, while denying so. But, at the same time, I do understand their ban on topics of religion and politics, as in general, it's usually the lefties who have no logical way to support their postion that will descend to the childish name calling, etc.

But at the same time, they seem to have their favorite pets, who can say pretty much anything. 

In many ways, it feels like defeat, but I simply do not make posts in general topics anymore. I rarely bother to try to help people with Sims 3 problems. I read posts and move along. I was welcomed here, and feel bad that I still have not uploaded all of my content to the blog pages. I guess the LL drama really did take more out of me than I thought, which is sufficient reason for me not to post over there.

Besides, this place does have a nicer swing set! 😉

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I personally don't think LL knows what derivative works are, or how they can be applied to programs like CN's DD. Sure, it may use some of the same coding as WW but is it a copy/paste? Nope. The more I think about it someone can claim anything is a copy/paste of something else by that rationality. Corridor 7 and Blake Stone could be counted as copy/paste of Wolf 3D by that rational. There was a video I watched several years ago talking about it. 

Found it: 

CN's mod would, in this context, be called "appropriation art" of another mod. 

Edited by Alkpaz
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18 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

I personally don't think LL knows what derivative works are, or how they can be applied to programs like CN's DD. Sure, it may use some of the same coding as WW but is it a copy/paste? Nope. The more I think about it someone can claim anything is a copy/paste of something else by that rationality.

I remember some of the drama around that. Without warning CN's stuff was removed without even so much as an explanation. That was probably the start of when I began to realize LL wasn't the same place anymore. Especially considering the origins. They were ripping off (politely but still) the Lovers set of mods from a group of Japanese modders. It's in the freaking name of the site!! 🤣 Now, true most of the Japanese modders didn't care but some sure did.

Heck, I did the translations for a few of them way back. Permission? What the hell is that? 🤣🤣

Then we get to CN's situation which can easily be seen to be entirely fine even according to WW's own rules. So what the literal hell!? 🤷‍♀️ 😆

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It is very easy to run into a copyright issue when making mods. In fact, some of what people started with (like models textures and such) might be considered copyright infringement.  In the past, many tired to pull bullshit claims only to be pointed out that they themselves violated. (by using a game asset as a base.)

@Kendo 2 is much more familiar with this. The details.

The above links are all I could find in short time to help give details to those that might not know what and where it can happen. One is for Software and the other is for art.

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Yeah the baseless claims thing happened a lot on the Nexus too. At least back in my very brief Nexus days. I had a couple people I knew who the Nexus banned because they uploaded their -original- work after somebody else who made derivatives of the originals. Banned for uploading your own work. Incredible stuff. 🤣

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Not 100% sure, but my understanding of TS3, and most likely, TS4 and WW, is that if anything EA is used, EA owns it per the EULA. So, even when a modder who used anything EA, code, meshes, whatever, in the "original" work, it belongs to EA, and their thinking is that it's free for anyone to use or reuse... even when a modder puts his or her restrictions. I know all game companies are not this way. Some, as exampled, are very anti-modding.

Perhaps gray area regarding reusing code that is created for a mod, but again, if the source is from the game dev, they basically own the new code also, and that can be reused... at least with EA... and how I understand their rules.

Again, TS3 is my game, so my reference, but I've learned that development of a number of TS3 tools and programs that are still commonly used by me and others to do what we do, were made with EA's blessing (more than less). Apparently, EA actually provided some source code needed for a few of the tools.

All that said, I do credit others for their work when I borrow it.

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1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

Not 100% sure, but my understanding of TS3, and most likely, TS4 and WW, is that if anything EA is used, EA owns it per the EULA. So, even when a modder who used anything EA, code, meshes, whatever, in the "original" work, it belongs to EA, and their thinking is that it's free for anyone to use or reuse... even when a modder puts his or her restrictions. I know all game companies are not this way. Some, as exampled, are very anti-modding.

Perhaps gray area regarding reusing code that is created for a mod, but again, if the source is from the game dev, they basically own the new code also, and that can be reused... at least with EA... and how I understand their rules.

Again, TS3 is my game, so my reference, but I've learned that development of a number of TS3 tools and programs that are still commonly used by me and others to do what we do, were made with EA's blessing (more than less). Apparently, EA actually provided some source code needed for a few of the tools.

All that said, I do credit others for their work when I borrow it.

Example: Passions vs KW. Both do the same thing, roughly, but both are allowed on LL. I feel the LL staff were given an ultimatum by TurboDriver to get rid CN or he was going to leave. So they made some BS excuse and got rid of him. LL used to be "anything goes", remember Skykids for Skyrim? That shit was up there for years until there was enough backlash by members to make them make rule 13 (or was it 14?). Then as Nessa said, back in the Oblivion days (2012-2013) they were "stealing" works, well translating and altering the work. As RC pointed out in those articles a translation is fine, but when you alter it, that is when you get into trouble, Ashal did that him/her/them/ze/it/etc. self. This all goes back to: "At least, that is my impression. LL has a "wokeness" to it, while denying so." the whole "Do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy (normal to do on the Left). You don't see that here, at least the time I've been here. I would have to see if Grey Cloud/Darkpig were to show up here what Kendo2 would do, for all they attribute/profess about him I he wouldn't ban them. That shows more character and strength than they do, because if the shoe was on the other foot Kendo2 would be banned as soon as he signed up for their site. I don't think RC would, since he doesn't engage with either of them, but it is possible that he would get banned just for being associated.

Going back to KW, a lot of what KW does is what WW/Basemental do, so they were not exactly original ideas, yet they both make more from "donations" than Oniki Kay could ever dream of. (Yes, I supported her at one time, when I was actually playing TS3) Have I ever supported WW or BD? Nope. KW was revolutionary in terms of "sex in The Sims". In contrast SL for Skyrim was an easier/more user friendly version of Sexis, and at the beginning LL only had Sexis mods which were converted when Ashal went to work making SL (SexLab). RC can correct me on that, both him and Kendo2 were around during those days. 

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51 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

Example: Passions vs KW. Both do the same thing, roughly, but both are allowed on LL.

Roughly, but Passion is actually the elder. As I understand that... it's an approved take over of the old Animated Woohoo mod. Tried it a little. After KW, it just feels too light, even though I don't use half of what's in KW. And my FemmeBots require KW, sooo...

I can see LL taking sides, especially with the traffic they get from WW, although the TS4 section is a source of constant problems. Easily 99 of 100 who post TS4 mods, are advertising their Patreon, and flood the download pages with "updates"... usually, some Sim that is nothing more than sliders and someone else's CC mods, and really nothing special, put in a package for lazy people to plug into their game. People complain, but it continues.

Never played Skyrim, or any other games, but can only imagine things done as far as "Skykids" would go. I heard there are mods for TS4 and TS3 that are basically child porn. I told RC that when I make a teen, it's usually a lower hemline than adult version. Exception is a cheerleader outfit I need to remake before reuploading. The Misa Amane is wearing a tutu, but also her butt is covered a bit (not naked or thong).

KW was behind it's time. Had it come out before the last EP, Oniki may have made a small fortune. Of course the biggest problem with the mod is the platform being a crap 32 bit. I've been told there is a lot of broken code in there. I see redundancies when opening the stbl, with basically the same stuff with different reference numbers. Also heard she took time off a few years ago, and others were working on the mod.

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9 hours ago, Nessa said:

I remember some of the drama around that. Without warning CN's stuff was removed without even so much as an explanation. That was probably the start of when I began to realize LL wasn't the same place anymore. Especially considering the origins. They were ripping off (politely but still) the Lovers set of mods from a group of Japanese modders. It's in the freaking name of the site!! 🤣 Now, true most of the Japanese modders didn't care but some sure did.

Heck, I did the translations for a few of them way back. Permission? What the hell is that? 🤣🤣

Then we get to CN's situation which can easily be seen to be entirely fine even according to WW's own rules. So what the literal hell!? 🤷‍♀️ 😆

I remember reading about the incident about Earache42 way back then and that was an eye opener for me about Nexus.

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