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19 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

The video leaves out Texas. Why? Some of the Colorado River water does flow into The Rio Grande. Right around Big Bend there is the Edwards Aquifer which supplies underground water to San Antonio and Austin (possibly Houston). The record low levels of Lake Meade goes deeper than just Las Vegas as that video shows, but it also affects most of Texas. Low Colorado River water = low Rio Grande water = low aquifer levels. Locally, we here on the border can see it: https://www.kgns.tv/video/2022/07/08/low-water-levels-lake-casa-blanca/ This could also explain our recent years issues with our own water supply getting disrupted with "water boil notices", which a low Rio water would mean more heavy elements on the bottom of the river bed are flowing into the system contaminating it. Our local news should be on top of it, but instead just show video of a man-made lake getting low. Screw that, show how the Rio is getting low so we all of us who live here can start doing our part. 


Interesting. I didn't know it went down to Texas. Our local news also reports on it, but not as extensive as individual youtubers are doing.








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Question: In the second video with the girl touring the Hoover Dam, she shows a solar farm that is pretty extensive. Do solar panels heat up the atmosphere above them? If so, that could explain why there has been low precipitation for 20+yrs. At least in large area around said solar farms. 

Just Googled: "Solar panels can heat the local urban environment, systematic review reveals. A systematic review of 116 papers looking at how solar panels affect the surrounding environment has found that they can significantly warm cities during the day."

Then there is this: 


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2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

Just Googled: "Solar panels can heat the local urban environment, systematic review reveals. A systematic review of 116 papers looking at how solar panels affect the surrounding environment has found that they can significantly warm cities during the day."

So equipment pushed to slow Climate Change...um...causes Climate Change...okay. Noted.

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17 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I've heard that 100% of the water is used before it reaches the ocean. But don't know if that is true or not.

Found a few things...

The end of the mighty Colorado river...




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Did the wokers at Disney murder Stan Lee??? I mean, they did need him out of the way so they could woke-ify Marvel to where "The Mighty Thor" is now female??? Captain Marvel was just a gender switch... okay, maybe we can have that. Pepper Potts went from THE ONLY STRONG WOMAN who could tell Tony Stark what to do, to getting super powers, and her own suit. They have spider Gwen running around, waiting for her debut in a future Spiderman movie, I'm sure. Saw her, but not sure where she came from? Wasn't she a Peter Parker love interest at some point? And exactly how many radioactive spiders are running around biting people anyway???????? Maybe she and Pete had unprotected fluid exchange? 😝

There have been some great Marvel women lately... Gamora kicks ass in her own right, as does Scarlet Witch, and Black Widow goes out ther with no armor or super powers at all! Certain "talents", yes, but her wits, martial arts and shooting skills are all she takes with her.

Even I cringed during End Game when they had the scene during the big fight, when ALL the women only, became focus. OY!

OK... Jane got Ether in her, and had some weird power left, after they got it out. Obviously, Disney was going to Pepper Potts her character, but what I gather from trailers is that they want her to become the next Thor?

So, as stated in this video, Thor is not some abstract character who can be whoever, it is the name of the demigod... yet, woke female Thor time is upon us all!!!!!!

Co-writer and director Taika Waititi's Thor: Love and Thunder waits until the last half hour to show its woke cards, which is okay. You can't ruin an already bad movie.

Well, I can look on the bright side... more barely there armor for me to convert into Sims 3 fantasies!!! Better get started...

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A "fan boi" mentined to me once awhile ago about the multiverse and that "anything and everything imagined can exist at the same time". Basically, an out for writers to continue to create content as times change. I doubt the founders of Marvel has anticipated the "woke" movement. 

The more they do that, the less I watch their movies. Plain and simple. That scene where all the women show up to save the day? Seriously? Not that a woman can't save the day of course they can. They can have great story lines and story arcs and the like. There are plenty that can be done with the women of Marvel that will be great and entertaining. The problem is when they shove such items into a movie to check a box. That is the biggest pain in my ass regarding entertainment is when they do that. Checking boxes and virtual signaling.  Write fucking great stories, with deep meaningful development, conflicts and the like. That will sell. People will see it and be entertained. You can create content with whatever "woke" subject matter you desire and still have a great story and entertaining movie/game etc. Want a transgendered superhero, create one or use one of the ons that already exsist. Want a bisexual hero... well there are those as well. Deadpool is one such character. Want a minority, there are plenty of those as well. There is absolutly no reason to gender swap, characters, or change their sexual preferences or anything about them.

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On 7/13/2022 at 1:58 PM, ritualclarity said:

A "fan boi" mentined to me once awhile ago about the multiverse and that "anything and everything imagined can exist at the same time". Basically, an out for writers to continue to create content as times change. I doubt the founders of Marvel has anticipated the "woke" movement. 

The more they do that, the less I watch their movies. Plain and simple. That scene where all the women show up to save the day? Seriously? Not that a woman can't save the day of course they can. They can have great story lines and story arcs and the like. There are plenty that can be done with the women of Marvel that will be great and entertaining. The problem is when they shove such items into a movie to check a box. That is the biggest pain in my ass regarding entertainment is when they do that. Checking boxes and virtual signaling.  Write fucking great stories, with deep meaningful development, conflicts and the like. That will sell. People will see it and be entertained. You can create content with whatever "woke" subject matter you desire and still have a great story and entertaining movie/game etc. Want a transgendered superhero, create one or use one of the ons that already exsist. Want a bisexual hero... well there are those as well. Deadpool is one such character. Want a minority, there are plenty of those as well. There is absolutly no reason to gender swap, characters, or change their sexual preferences or anything about them.

Problem with "multiverse" is that we inhabit THIS one, where our reality is pretty well set. Fine, introduce a cross dimentional traveler type of woke facsimile, as such. But to take a character that is older than 99% of those involved in making a movie, and woke that character and expect no pushback is pure arrogance. But... isn't that what wokers are?

And the founders of Marvel... that's why I began my rant as I did! 😝 Did Disney have Stan Lee killed so they could woke his creations? 🤨

And as you say, a story... It isn't about the story, just shoving woke down your throat. Storylines are so thin that they almost aren't there. It's like a Michael Bey jump to the blowing stuff up before we even know who anyone is... only with a woke recreation of an old standard. We watched the first Ironman recently. Everyone already knew who Tony Stark is, but they took time to bring his character as Tony Stark into focus... BEFORE he was Ironman, and a storyline behind how and why he became Ironman. Perhaps not step by step from the comics (I never read them), but there was a level of character creation. We saw him build the suit, test the suit and crash and burn in the suit! He didn't just make it, put it on and fly as he had been doing it his entire life.

We need a woman to direct this movie. OY! Like politics, why not the best person for the job?

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Storylines are so thin that they almost aren't there



Problem with "multiverse" is that we inhabit THIS one, where our reality is pretty well set. Fine, introduce a cross dimensional traveler type of woke facsimile, as such.

I feel you.  I am fine if they want to state it is x universe so that you can be prepared for what is happening. If it is x Universe (woke universe) then I can know to avoid that shit and wait until they make something for my preferred universe.  They won't do that as that would mean that many won't watch it. Few woke people watch content that is created for them. As the saying goes "go woke, you'll go broke" or something like that.

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11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I feel you.  I am fine if they want to state it is x universe so that you can be prepared for what is happening. If it is x Universe (woke universe) then I can know to avoid that shit and wait until they make something for my preferred universe.  They won't do that as that would mean that many won't watch it. Few woke people watch content that is created for them. As the saying goes "go woke, you'll go broke" or something like that.

Not even that separated... Hey... wanna gay Superman? Fine, I don't care really. Just not my son's Superman from THIS reality. Have the gay guy with pink tights fly in from universe x, and join in to save the day. I can deal with that kind of meddling, but don't have him somehow become the star of our universe and save our Superman, just for the sake of the gay guy bailing out the straight one. Same with women. Don't turn Captain America into a woman, or have the woman Capt, be so fabulous that she has to save the guy who has been doing it for decades. 

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Haha! Anti-Gun Activists are arguing that instead of hailing Elisjsha Dicken,the legally licensed to carry gun owner who took down the mall shooter in Indiana, as a hero, he should instead be arrested because he was carrying a firearm in an area where they were forbidden.

It's as if they'd have been happier to be shot than "rescued" by a gun owner.


Also, remember that Alec Baldwin, vociferous Anti-Gun Activist, has actually killed more people with a firearm that 99 percent of licensed gun owners.

Edited by vancleef
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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Some fag LL moderator or the admin decided to close my account for no apparent reason. They probably didn't like my comment on the rant thread about one must create an account in order to download mods there whereas here you don't.

Why the fuck would they do that; I mean leave the post but close your account?  Who am I kidding?  Expecting anything normal or reasonable from them is a joke.

Quoted your new 'Guest' post and mentioned that your account vanished and you didn't do it in that 'what's on your mind' thread.

Likes on my posts are being removed, btw.

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25 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

@endgameaddiction  Doc Sax responded and postulated that you requested your account to be closed a while back and they system just now got around to it.  Did you request something like that in the past?

It took them a while (maybe almost a month) to close my old account, but I can definitely say that I requested it... perhaps prematurely, before input from you and @ritualclarity.

I will say that some "old friends" on LL do not seem so responsive lately.

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6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

@endgameaddiction  Doc Sax responded and postulated that you requested your account to be closed a while back and they system just now got around to it.  Did you request something like that in the past?

Yes, I did. But I PMed Ashal the next day and told him/her to ignore that request and he/she responded back. This was all the way back in May. After reading that PM, I thought the request was taken into account even though Ashal told me that it can be done under account.

Doesn't matter now. It's already done. I'll open an account again later. Don't care right now to return. Still wish they would let us download without registering so I can avoid the plague of threads there and their staff.

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