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Kendo 2

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2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

Must be some privacy setting or something. Odd it happens on your phone and tablet which, more than likely, have different settings. Unless, you were over OCD and kept every setting the same across devices. 

Fiddled with the history settings and reverted it back to how it was and it's working now. Not showing from previous days but it's showing videos from today. But still have videos I've already watched in recommendations as videos I haven't seen.

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3 hours ago, vancleef said:

What am I? A Communist? Toilet Paper is for effeminate sissies!

Not many still use that brown, recycled from the 50's TP any more. ))) Although, my husband did find some a few years ago, and said it's not that bad. 🙄 Not how I remember it! That, or my husband and I have vastly differing definitions of "not that bad"? As for US, and TP usage...


2nd only to Portugal!!!

3 hours ago, vancleef said:


HOORAY! All the dead people in my county voted in a dead candidate! Seriously! You can't make this up!
Who needs the Russians to fuck up our elections?

Well, he was a Democrat. Can't fix stupid!!!

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I fucking hate banks. They have been declining me to make purchases with my card because of suspicious fraud. I've been without a phone for a week. I talked to a sales rep and she told me that if I purchase a phone online on my account it's $100 cheaper. And ever since I've been trying my card gets declined. So I talked to a bank rep online and told them my situation. They give me a number to call their fraud department and I told them what was going on and supposedly it was resolved and it's been 3 days and my card is still getting declined. I'm considering switching banks. I hate banks in general. They suck ass. They don't need to babysit my bank account and assume there's suspicious of fraud unless I'm fucking reporting it to them.



Edited by endgameaddiction
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BRICS petro-Yuan.  Backed by gold; if you wanna buy Russian petroleum you need to be able to do business with a Chinese or Russian bank because they don't take U.S. dollars, petrodollars or IMF payouts.  Gotta give props to America, England and those EU fascists; they know how to keep the heat and lights off.

Irrational rant: 2023 is gonna be bad for 'the West'.  All those crop 2022 failures in California and Texas will hit hard and you can't effectively make ammonium nitrate fertilizer from Biden's LNG bullshit.  That means no industrial farmed crops for 2023-2024.  Farmers are already being told to plant less and grow less hay.  GO.TO.THE.STORE and buy food NOW before it triples in price and the shelves are empty.  Buy stuff you eat normally, but buy extra.  Cooking oil/lard/tallow too.  Learn to home can.  Okay, I'm done.

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On 11/14/2022 at 7:08 PM, Kendo 2 said:

Child groomer Disney shares hit a 10 tear low.  Announces hiring freeze and mass layoffs, Margot Robbie's retarded girl boss Pirates of the Caribbean is DOA, and DeSantis does a victory lap at Chapek's expense.

Saw a TV ad... Looks as they hired Tim Allen for another Santa Claus(e) movie after cancelling his #1 show for him being conservative. My husband said, when we saw it, that Disney must be hurting!

21 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I fucking hate banks. They have been declining me to make purchases with my card because of suspicious fraud. I've been without a phone for a week. I talked to a sales rep and she told me that if I purchase a phone online on my account it's $100 cheaper. And ever since I've been trying my card gets declined. So I talked to a bank rep online and told them my situation. They give me a number to call their fraud department and I told them what was going on and supposedly it was resolved and it's been 3 days and my card is still getting declined. I'm considering switching banks. I hate banks in general. They suck ass. They don't need to babysit my bank account and assume there's suspicious of fraud unless I'm fucking reporting it to them.

Not TD Bank? Back when travel to Ukraine was possible, and we had TD Bank, we gave them our itinerary, and they still blocked our card! Something like 3rd time they did that. So much fun on a prepaid cell phone calling a bank from Eastern Europe.

7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

BRICS petro-Yuan.  Backed by gold; if you wanna buy Russian petroleum you need to be able to do business with a Chinese or Russian bank because they don't take U.S. dollars, petrodollars or IMF payouts.  Gotta give props to America, England and those EU fascists; they know how to keep the heat and lights off.

Irrational rant: 2023 is gonna be bad for 'the West'.  All those crop 2022 failures in California and Texas will hit hard and you can't effectively make ammonium nitrate fertilizer from Biden's LNG bullshit.  That means no industrial farmed crops for 2023-2024.  Farmers are already being told to plant less and grow less hay.  GO.TO.THE.STORE and buy food NOW before it triples in price and the shelves are empty.  Buy stuff you eat normally, but buy extra.  Cooking oil/lard/tallow too.  Learn to home can.  Okay, I'm done.

Biden lies about the Russian economy and their oil. Not sure if they are completed, or how far along, but they were building 2 more pipelines directly to China. I think it began under Obama? Some problem with South Stream bypassing Ukraine and being routed thru Black Sea to Turkey. Deal was done, then Obama did some arm twisting... or made a deal to let Turkey kill off the Kurds in northern Syria? Then, tried to get Mongolia to not allow transit. They laughed... transit fees are big money.

But, Joe can always chat with his master Xi, and Hunter has dealings in Russia. Will be interesting what gets exposed with a Repub House in 2023.

Biden talks that the world has inflation and high gas/ fuel/ oil prices. All he needs to do is turn the oil spigots back on. The world runs on oil. It's why God made so many and killed them off to decompose, way back when. 🤔


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Biden talks that the world has inflation and high gas/ fuel/ oil prices. All he needs to do is turn the oil spigots back on. The world runs on oil. It's why God made so many and killed them off to decompose, way back when.

This. We can't rely on oil forever but for fuck's sake it's what powers everything right now. I swear to Baby Jeebus that some of my Liberal friends have no clue how food gets to the supermarket. Do they think we have teleportation hubs? Trucks deliver it. They sneer at the truck drivers out of one side of their mouths, telling them to go back to school and then bitch out the other side about the price of Hummus. Naive dummies.

You want solar cells and electric cars? Of course you can have them one day. But get your heads out of your asses and accept it can't happen overnight.

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3 hours ago, vancleef said:

This. We can't rely on oil forever but for fuck's sake it's what powers everything right now. I swear to Baby Jeebus that some of my Liberal friends have no clue how food gets to the supermarket. Do they think we have teleportation hubs? Trucks deliver it. They sneer at the truck drivers out of one side of their mouths, telling them to go back to school and then bitch out the other side about the price of Hummus. Naive dummies.

You want solar cells and electric cars? Of course you can have them one day. But get your heads out of your asses and accept it can't happen overnight.

Problem always being the crazy radicals, who despite being a tiny minority, scream loudly. How many times did Biden say he wanted an "all of the above" approach? LIE!!! Again, my husband studied this stuff. Nat gas is the transitional answer, but being "fosil", the crazies don't want to admit it. My numbers may be off, but gasoline is perhaps 4 ppm carbon, diesel 8 ppm, and nat gas 2 ppm. 

He briefly worked installing LP refueling stations. His then boss had a dual fuel truck that ran on LP, and either gas or diesel (forget which). OK, not 0 ppm, as greeners want, but 2 ppm is better than 8! But, nope!!!

What Biden is doing, is not to make green energy efficient and affordable, rather to drive up oil prices so the gree can compete. Bass-akwards thinking if you ask me!

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