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Kendo 2

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I don't know how I just noticed, but lyric websites are utter crap. I noticed they all seem to copy n paste lyrics from one another. The lyrics to a song I was looking for was missing a chunk of lyrics to it and searching other lyric sites provided the same exact lyrics where it ends when there are still more to it.

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Considering the addictive nature of video games, even without the gambling, really easy to think of today's game publishers as drug dealers who are literally asking for tighter regulations by governments. Something that should be harmless and enjoyable is turned into harmful and dangerous, again, purely because of greed.

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6 hours ago, vancleef said:

Fuck you San Fran...


$27.6 million this year in police overtime to make up for the shortage of officers

How about this. Hire people. Give them jobs... Combat unemployment.

Shortages in staff is directly the responsibility of those in charge. Not the responsibility of the tax payers and they shouldn't have to shell out even more money due to improper management. 

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8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


Good for Bukele. It's looking more and more like a bright future for El Salvador. Leave it to progressives to continue to see the downfall of any country with their feelings first mentality.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to defend MS 13 should be locked up with them for a month. Bet that would change their minds real quick, assuming they survived.

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18 hours ago, vancleef said:

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to defend MS 13 should be locked up with them for a month. Bet that would change their minds real quick, assuming they survived.

You don't even have to be locked up with them. Just be forced to live in communities that they are prevalent in. Communities that were destroyed by them.

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I accidentally went "online" with Steam this morning, and it caused me all sorts of troubles (couldn't go "offline" again for some reason) and I unfortunately had to "update" the client after many years. And wow, what a pile of turd it has become. The new client easily eats away 500 MB of memory for literally doing nothing, whereas the old one (2014) needed just 1/10 of it...


I had the previous client from 2018 and with the update I can't use it, not only requires too much memory and it's very sluggish on my laptop. Luckily I still had my 2014 client on the other PC (which was older) and I was fortunately able to revert it back to that.

It also refused to launch FNV because of a "new" update I apparently lack (some additional app Steam works or some shit) and I refused to download it, fiddled with the config files after I went offline and managed to remove the "pending update" notification. Did the same for Mass Effect 2 which for some reason also required a small update after 4 years, whatever that is.

Fuck Steam. I really should find some cracked executables for my games and ditch this shit.

By the way, I've realized that I can no longer go "online" with the 2014 version of the client. Not that I care. They've most likely updated servers, CDNs or authentication protocols. If I need something to download I'll create a copy of the Steam folder (without the games), update to the awful new client, download whatever I need and then delete the shit. My advice, NEVER buy anything on Steam again, or on any other shitty DRM platform with an additional client, ever. You may find yourself unable to use, even access the games you've paid for.

Edited by bjornk
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18 hours ago, bjornk said:

Fuck Steam. I really should find some cracked executables for my games and ditch this shit.

I just want to congratulate you for not playing with the idiot system and going your own way on this garbage. 😎 I still remember when you bought a game, you BOUGHT a game. None of this launcher nonsense that sucks up resources and forces you to be online to even play an offline game.

Though I'm not aware of any cases with games, I have had books and a couple movies I "bought" disappear because the tech overlords thought we shouldn't have them anymore. (I have copies still of course.)

As for the 🦜, it is a return to simpler times. Case in point: I own a game called Surviving the Aftermath. (Middling game. Don't recommend it unless you're extremely into post apocalypse.) The caveat: it's on Epic. (And no I didn't buy it on Epic, one of those buy this, get that free deals. 😅) I recently moved hard drives and just did not feel like installing that crap just for one game I don't play much. Went 🦜, works great! No launcher. No Epic. No hassle. To top it off, the 🦜 has a great support forum that doesn't require a support ticket the devs won't ever answer. 😅

When the thieves  erm.. socioeconomically disadvantaged (😅) offer a better experience, there is something very very wrong with the industry. We really don't buy games anymore we pay for the privilege of playing them. Until you say something naughty, have an original thought, or they just decide you can't play it anymore. What a world. 😆

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4 hours ago, Nessa said:

I still remember when you bought a game, you BOUGHT a game. None of this launcher nonsense that sucks up resources and forces you to be online to even play an offline game.

All the games I have on Steam have their own "launchers". I've never wanted or needed a goddamn bloated DRM client that tries to be a game launcher, a browser, a messaging app, a music player, an interface for smart TVs, as well as an in-game streamer/recorder etc. all at the same time. The only thing I have ever needed from Steam is a small and simple utility to download MY games. Well, with Steam, they're not actually MY games, cause they can prevent me from accessing the stuff I paid for in many different ways.

4 hours ago, Nessa said:


WTF is this? The pet parrot of a sea thief? ☠️ Reminded me of...




4 hours ago, Nessa said:

When the thieves  erm.. socioeconomically disadvantaged (😅) offer a better experience, there is something very very wrong with the industry.

Nothing wrong with the industry, it's the sheeple: "Steam is great, all muh games are in one place!", Circa 2004. I've had so many arguments with these kind of idiots in the past, because of their sheer number I had to give in.


Edited by bjornk
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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

What a moron. Her court case for domestic battery was dropped. Everything else was added due to her stupidity. Driving while drunk, open liquor. Assaulting an officer. ... just stupid. They (the officers) wanted to just take care of some quick business.  Didn't really care about the other shit. Her actions caused it all to pile on her.

I don't know why they kept on engaging her in her stupid conversations instead of keeping the conversation focused on what was needed to be done. I worked previously at a hospital. Dealt with many mental unstable people like her.  Basics. keep on subject. Orient the person to what is going on and is going to happen, give limited repeated instructions along with info as to what will happen if non-compliance occurs.

Finally, does it look like she doesn't have any eye balls in the clip sample above. lol

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