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Kendo 2

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32 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

It is time for conservatives to move and let California fall into the ocean.  The SJWs should stay there.

No good can come out identity politics of any kind, none. All it would ever do is to polarize the human society, as clearly seen in your sentiment, which will then make all problems more difficult to solve and create additional ones. There's no difference between forcing anti-abortion laws on women and punishing parents for doing proper parenting for their children, they both defy rationality and logic and are products of self-centered, self-righteous, hypocritical and delusional minds.

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4 hours ago, bjornk said:

No good can come out identity politics of any kind, none. All it would ever do is to polarize the human society, as clearly seen in your sentiment, which will then make all problems more difficult to solve and create additional ones. There's no difference between forcing anti-abortion laws on women and punishing parents for doing proper parenting for their children, they both defy rationality and logic and are products of self-centered, self-righteous, hypocritical and delusional minds.

Of course it isn't good. However, until a section of our society starts rationally thinking and stop tring to control everybody and every action, it is best if they stay together so they can have less an impact on the rest of society.  Like the businesses that this damages, it damages political environments as well. Look at Portland ;) 




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3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Of course it isn't good. However, until a section of our society starts rationally thinking and stop tring to control everybody and every action, it is best if they stay together so they can have less an impact on the rest of society.  Like the businesses that this damages, it damages political environments as well. Look at Portland ;) 




Was this idea right out of the ass of a stupid woke millennial or something? Like DDLM - Drug Dealer Lives Matter, type of thing? Sounds like you're gonna experience the dystopian Detroit of Robocop sooner than expected. 😅

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I bet the character played by Jim in this early 90's show seems awfully familiar to you too.

The one above is also very similar in the sense that they're both attention seeking, self-important types, similar to certain people of today.

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10 hours ago, bjornk said:

I bet the character played by Jim in this early 90's show seems awfully familiar to you too.

The one above is also very similar in the sense that they're both attention seeking, self-important types, similar to certain people of today.

Yep, I am reminded every day. Especially by certain people on this site.

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7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Yep, I am reminded every day. Especially by certain people on this site.

A textbook example of how to be hypocritical. Don't know why you decided to post this passive aggressive BS, which is certainly uncalled for. The reason why I posted those videos, which had nothing to do with you or your post, it was simply to prove that the woke, SJW types we complain about today started to appear all the way back in the 90's and that there was a direct connection between what was happening in the world at the end of the 80's and in the 90's and their effects on human society since then. Something which I talked about in one of my previous posts. Then I didn't feel like writing a wall of text, now I'm glad I didn't, cause I no longer see the point.

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7 hours ago, bjornk said:

A textbook example of how to be hypocritical. Don't know why you decided to post this passive aggressive BS, which is certainly uncalled for. The reason why I posted those videos, which had nothing to do with you or your post, it was simply to prove that the woke, SJW types we complain about today started to appear all the way back in the 90's and that there was a direct connection between what was happening in the world at the end of the 80's and in the 90's and their effects on human society since then. Something which I talked about in one of my previous posts. Then I didn't feel like writing a wall of text, now I'm glad I didn't, cause I no longer see the point.

WE both know what you were doing. You've done it in the past when you didn't agree with someone (this time me) and you've done it to others.  You usually write very concise clear post then later after some heated post, you write duel meaning post where you can claim innocence but still poke or insult someone.

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22 hours ago, bjornk said:

Was this idea right out of the ass of a stupid woke millennial or something? Like DDLM - Drug Dealer Lives Matter, type of thing? Sounds like you're gonna experience the dystopian Detroit of Robocop sooner than expected. 😅

WE all will experience it if this continues. All our rights will be taken. People will be able to sue for 'micro transgressions". Society is going to hell in a hand basket. I just read what our mayor is doing in regards to tax.  He wants my location to be Detroit and trying dam hard to make it so.

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On 6/13/2023 at 3:30 AM, bjornk said:

Was this idea right out of the ass of a stupid woke millennial or something? Like DDLM - Drug Dealer Lives Matter, type of thing? Sounds like you're gonna experience the dystopian Detroit of Robocop sooner than expected. 😅

Yes, it was... and those in political power, in most US cities, or states who pass such laws in US call themselves "Progressive Democrats". Old Democrat party died before I came to US. Too many bad ideas. So, they have since absorbed every fringe politcal party in US, to maintain a basic numbers superiority. Green Party, Anarchist Party, Druggie Party, Gay Party, Socialist Party, Nazi Party... name it, and they now call themselves part of the Democrat "big tent". Each now has the power of a single coalition to override what would be a common sense majority, to get their single special interest laws passed.

US cities have long been seats of crime. Usually impacting the poorest neighborhoods. Yet, those claiming to represent the people in those areas are the ones pushing "defund the police" and anti-gun laws (criminals will surely give up guns if it becomes law?), while hiring private, armed security for themselves. They push legalizing drugs, which mostly destroy inner cities, though more and more, overflow to suburbs, which gets the attention of some, but having been trained to fear and hate, they will still elect more of the same. 

Just as Stalin or Hitler, control the media, and control the minds.

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8 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Just as Stalin or Hitler, control the media, and control the minds.

I heard about those in power controlling the media, but was like meh, how much are they controlling them. Then I saw videos and videos of multiple news reports saying  pretty much the same dam thing.

I mean, sure I seen one sided "interviews" before from various reporters but that was something that just floored me.

AS for gun control laws. the same "media" shoves all the gun violence in the faces of those that watch their news reports. However, those reports were someone properly trained and licensed with a gun stopped the crime from occurring. YOu can find those reports on the page 999 in the newspaper lol. Never front and center.

Where I live you can have conceal gun permits and it is usually pretty easy to see if someone has a gun concealed when it gets warm. I am perfectly find with a licensed person carrying a gun.  And as you stated, make it against the law and the criminals will just hand over their guns... yea right. AS it is they get their sentences set to run concurrently so who gives  a fuck if they add time to their sentence if they had a gun or even worse used it in a crime.

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12 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Sake is evil.  I'm ready to refright WW2 and win it without Truman or nukes.  Tripping that acid level 'I promise to fucking God' never again.

Addendum: it took me ten minutes to type this.


It took me 20 minutes to understand what you were trying to get across. LOL (Seriously, I couldn't get my mind around sake and refright WW2)

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On 6/16/2023 at 4:46 PM, endgameaddiction said:


I think a lot of lesbians have also had enough of the trans community as well.

Things are starting to charge on this side of the pond, following the closure of the countries main gender identity clinic and the banning of puberty blockers the government have now moved onto schools with this 


It's reached a point now where the vast majority of people are getting angry and something is finally being done. 

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3 hours ago, Jim_UK said:

Things are starting to charge on this side of the pond, following the closure of the countries main gender identity clinic and the banning of puberty blockers the government have now moved onto schools with this 


It's reached a point now where the vast majority of people are getting angry and something is finally being done. 


Common sense will win in the end. I just wish it would happen a whole lot sooner.

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13 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:


Common sense will win in the end. I just wish it would happen a whole lot sooner.

They crossed the line when they went after people's children, they went too far and now it's blowing up in their face, hopefully this is the beginning of the end for this lunacy.

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They crossed the line when they went after people's children, they went too far and now it's blowing up in their face, hopefully this is the beginning of the end for this lunacy.

Agreed. I think even the most Woke parents suddenly realized that their children were being encouraged to subvert their authority. THAT scenario will result in a total disaster.

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