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31 minutes ago, bjornk said:

Didn't notice that, could be a DNS issue.

Well, this isn't suspicious AT ALL; CPU instructing me and everyone else not to mention the law firm or where they're from.


Olson Shaner has an office in Denver; one of LL's main servers is in Denver.  Hmmmm.

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Both your link and the Google links I tried for Olson Shaner are down.  I know next to nothing about how servers, etc. work but even I know this is weird.

Now who am I going to contact for advice regarding my "Too Hot McDonalds Coffee" lawsuit?



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Millennial fashion: (Sometimes half-shaved) blue/pink/purple hair, nose piercings, colorful tattoos, nerdy eyeglasses with plastic frames and a cat as an accessory. Where did this come from? I mean if two of these were siblings, I swear they'd look much different.

Also, "I enjoy things what people would call "nerdy", so I'd better look as nerdy as possible!" They almost seem to be proud of being "nerdy". WTF is wrong with these people!?

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2 hours ago, bjornk said:

WTF is wrong with these people!?

Post Modern deconstructionism.  Destroying things for the sake of destruction.  Gender, beauty standards, tolerance, national pride, social roles, etc.  Everything Liberal Millennial cocksuckers espouse is contrary to reality and normalcy.  SJWs, socialism and rich white kid stupidity are byproducts of a larger movement.

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Why does everything nowadays has a price tag behind it? Let me elaborate:

This fundamental idea that youtubers ask for contribution through money for basic information that people are either aware of, or not. You'd think that someone who taught you some basic things would do so out of kindness alone. I can only assume youtube back in the days was very much like that. People uploading videos of things they know how to do to share with others. You still run into videos like that, but every other youtuber is asking for money through patreon.

I've heard time and again from these youtubers that they go out of their way to do these videos. Minor complaint about doing this and not spending time with their family etc. I guess people nowdays just can't seem to have time off to do what they like without throwing money into the equation. wtf...

I guess when I go down to the local billiard, I'm going to ask the owner for money because I'm wasting valuable time, thus I deserve to be compensated (in money) despite if it's just one of the many hobbies I have. Oh, and if you want to learn any cool tricks about playing pool, that also requires you forking over money. Because it's valuable information.

This very same behavior exist in the mod community. Apparently now when you mod, you are wasting valuable time and require money in order to keep doing what your doing. It isn't about the fun anymore. It's completely about the time being wasted. I guess if they drop modding, they could spend that time better on something else? If that's the case, why even mod? I thought it was about the fun. LL has become a cesspool of patreon account adds all over. It will be their demise. But lets not kid ourselves. This is exactly what the admin and the moderators want as you see they turn a blind eye to these very issues. They look and find excuses whenever someone brings up the topic. I guess if Nexus does it, we should do it to.

You know what's sad... these modders pushing paywall mods are no different than these money hungry publishers exceeding and demanding microtransactions to be implemented in games. They are exactly the same.

Soon every hobby will have a price tag. And every time spend requires money because apparently it's valuable time being spent. Or rather wasted.


Edited by endgameaddiction
[please insert "typos everywhere" meme here]
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Oh lovely LL is now a <insert your favorite boogeyman> front now? 😅 

It decided to go bonkers on me in the middle of an upload just a bit ago. For the 3rd time. 😒


Oh and hello by the way. It seems I had an account here all along. 😎


And in keeping with the cringe-fest atmosphere....

Why is it that as soon as I put up a FAQ, I get tons more comments... asking questions all handled in the FAQ? Is this is a FAQ rule? Russian bots? Dogs using their owners computers during the day? WHAT? 😂

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2 hours ago, Nessa said:

Why is it that as soon as I put up a FAQ, I get tons more comments... asking questions all handled in the FAQ? Is this is a FAQ rule? Russian bots? Dogs using their owners computers during the day? WHAT? 😂

You're expecting people to read something longer than a Tweet.  Contemporary mental faculties don't allow for that.  'Are the required mods really required?'  Nah, I just had extra space in the ReadMe.

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Here is something to try... (perhaps my security settings are too high or something)

Open Dropbox's page (now fresh not cached) with Ad block Plus (with perhaps some other web protections... See the results...

I get a blank page. Not even a header. NO other page I go to gets this. NONE... The entire page is blocked... I checked what the security tools are blocking and a total of 38 items... Deep dark porn sites don't have that many on their main page that I have experienced. WTF!  (that and their recent scummy act from what I have read restricting number of devices of free users being connected to an account)

Update.. 14 advertisement blockers (total 30 item blocked with ghostery... and 14 blocked by badger once the ad block was unblocked.


They seriously expect me to BUY a service from someone that has that many things snooping into my business just popping on their page... WTF is happening with the data that they get if you were a customer?



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They removed some of the mods that were there from LL..

They removed about 10gb of space.. (wasn't currently being used) that was obtained by jumping through their bullshit process and getting others to sign on and use their service.. guess if you aren't active or not bring more victims ur um...  customers they don't give a shit about you and will reduce your space. The first part I can understand (removal of content) The second part... is them being a piece of shit.  I don't even use their bandwidth and share using that service.

Time to delete that shitty service. And to think... I was seriously thinking on using their service... (for my non RC accounts!   well fuck that. ;) Downloading what small shit I have there doing some maintenance shit then delete! (get copies of some shit still linked to the account but not on that account etc etc make sure I have a copy of everything to be sure)

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9 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


Switch to Ublock Origin. It's much better. I stopped using Adblock Plus for years now.

I have it as well. It catches things Ad Block doesn't (i am just using default things) 

Adblock plus

Ublock origin


Privacy Badger

Each thing usually catches some stuff. Not sure of the order it is catching them though... lol.  Simple pages catch between 10 and 12 for Ad block and Ublock and 2~5 from Ghostery and Privacy Badger (each) so a lot of blocking going on. My issue was the shear amount of blocks... Porn sites don't get that many AND THE PAGE STILL LOADS!!!!  you can see the main page! Well once I realized they took several gigs of my space without any email or comment after I spent time bringing people to their service to get small increases... I deleted the account, and not going to use it for my non RC account (which I am looking for some distribution method for a few gigs here and there. )


Oh, and a side bar that is cringworthy (to keep on track with the thread !!!! :P) I played with the password to make it easier to do my shit then delete. I was able to make a password that no company would ever accept. So on top of them taking space,  trackers well above even some of the most questionable porn sites (disclaimer: that I have seen. not gone deep there. I am sure there are some seriously bad sites. I am talking about the most public ones and perhaps one or two links in from there) They are as unsecure as all fuck with their requirements for accessing the accounts on that system.  I am not a hacker but I of the belief that that is very bad news over all. ;)

Also I will try my best to not use any dropbox downloads links if given to me if at all possible. ;)

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All search filters on YT are broken and have been broken for a few days now. Apparently, YT is "aware of the problem" and yet still hasn't fixed it, because this isn't "a problem", rather a measure they took to prevent people searching for NZ shooting videos. I wonder how long it will continue like this but this is just retarded.





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Top Youtube search results for cunt-face Brie Larson and Captain Marvel show nothing but the fluff pieces from MSM and shill Youtubers.  Videos talking about the bigot or her pandering SJW wamenz power movie are buried at the bottom of searches.  Youtube is shit anyway.

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18 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I've pretty much gotten numb over the game industry. Too many sheeple and they will always throw their money at the wrong cause.

It's time to pack your bags and find a different hobby.

3d Printing... :P

Nice hobby..
You can model and print the game characters and then play with them like action figures when you were a child...
Better experience than playing many of the newer games.. ;)  More realistic and less glitches.

or go D&D... it is getting popular so you can see "real" people playing it and yet, not popular enough where SJW's have destroyed the hobby yet...  (unlike years ago where you ran the risk of being stuffed into a locker if someone found out you played it.. lol. )

combine both, created your own figures and play with them in D&D lol


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