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49 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

You know what also killed it for me? Only being able to choose 3 classes. But since CDPR is primarily about story telling cutscenes, I guess adding all classes as an option to choose would be far too many to do with their cut scenes.

It makes me just want to stick to RPGs with no cut scenes and a silent protagonist.

They had YEARS to develop this game. YEARS!!!!  The game (pen and paper) has these classes.. it NEEDS to be in the game. There is no reason for it to be out... unless they are trying to do what other companies now do. Sell an expansion. Remember the comment "Reasonably Priced Expansions"  however, it should have been part of the game to begin with unlike Witcher's additions ;) Lets wait and see if they do that.

Previously I would have stated that they are still working on the game, and still have some time to work out some of those added classes and might possibly add them. however, with them fucking around and changing shit that isn't necessary they won't have the time to do this now.

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18 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Another limitation on role-playing. I found it fascinating back when I was posting the videos on the lore of each class. I was inspired to have create a character for each class. I would of definitely enjoyed being a Nomad or Techie for sure. Only time will tell if these other classes will be included in a DLC or expansion. 

They publicly stated that they wern't going "DLCs" but expansions.. As I understand it. If that is the case.. the "Expansion" will be stuff that should be included in the original game. Just like other companies are doing. Short changing the consumer and then adding content later. Now... if they do like they did with Witcher and give that to those that bought the game for free. Then they haven't went all the way to the Bethesda/EA dark side yet.

I can't tell you how interested I was in this game. Now how disappointed I am in what they are trying to do.

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  • 2 months later...

UP.. didn't the say they wouldn't do that for this game? 

The question is .. they mentioned that this is for the regular game. Not the multiplayer part.  Does someone have source where they mentioned that they wouldn't do it for the multiplayer part?

I don't care they are "consumer friendly" .. in the way they mean it.  In my definition of "consumer friendly" is following the statements and promises they give us. Changing things.. after stating something is slimy.  I am already seeing red flags.


He mentions .. compromises .. I believe they have already shown they are.

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  • 1 month later...

If they did.. ti would be very much like the release of Duke Nukem... meaningless. ;)  The gaming world would be so different. Much like it is from the original Duke Nukem (which at the time I loved) and when they released it again way past its expiration date.

From other readings .. it might be due to them wanting to release it with the new consoles.

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  • 10 months later...

I got it as a gift. It isn't as good as the hype made it to be.  the reports from reviewers state the graphics are lower than the promos early on. (however, likely due to not being able to sell to as many people as they would with some lower specs. maybe updated that later)  The options to create a character seem pretty good. The preset aren't great but a decent start. I was able to find two different characters with a few tweeks without too m uch effort. didn't look like a retard from Mass Effect Andromeda (especially the women) 

the feel of the guns are OK.. I have a better time with a handgun as opposed to the machine gun( too much recoil on my character) Those that like to not be coddled will enjoy this as there are very few hints. I am on a section where the only option is if you actual look at something at a specific time and there are no hints to this.

I have practiced one yesterday to get the feel of the game and how to do things. and today.  There are definitely different solutions so far that you can do. Also appears that your life path does make a difference. One of the quest I am on my life quest prompt came up and made a difference.  They also from my understanding make a difference in different ways.

However, it isn't horrible. It is more challenging and hands off like Witcher as opposed to those games that give you the answer and floating arrows and shit so that you can find out what to do.  I ahve missed several things the first 2 hours playing that I caught the second time through  Just because I didn't do something at a specific time. ;)  Much like Witcher. the tools are there and ready.. it is up to you to make use of them.  If you really liked Witcher but want a guns and future type game. You'd pretty much get Witcher when it first came out with some of its bugs and such.So far my only major complaint is it takes so long to boot up once you start the game.

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Yeah... I'll skip this one.


Cyberpunk 2077's world looks so next gen yet feels so last gen.
At first i noticed the terrible driving and vehicle physics. Car deformation also sucks and is not even close to how GTA IV and V handled it on the Xbox 360...

I ignored it by telling myself this isn't meant to be played like a GTA game so that aspect shouldn't matter that much. Although the driving just feels bad, and even worse with M+KB. And there's a LOT of driving in this game.

But then i started noticing even bigger issues with this game's world.

NPCs, these are some of the worst NPCs i've seen in a current gen open world game. Their reaction to your actions is terrible and they are basically braindead. Crouching and half-assed running with terrible animation followed by a sudden stop are the only things they can do. Or better, they do absolutely nothing especially some bartenders and shopkeepers. Things like this made me try to take a deep look into the AI in general and my god it's so outdated:

NPC cars are following set paths. If you park your vehicle in front of them they just stop there. Not like in GTA where they can honk at you, move around it or even run through your car. There's no AI in the open world vehicles. They just follow predetermined paths. And this leads to another issue, police chases.

Police chases in this game are an absolute joke. At first i thought they were simplified because CDPR didn't want them to be too annoying. But you think back at the the npc cars' behaviour and how basic it is, and you see that the same thing is happening here. Police just spawns behind you, they can't even do proper chases. They can't chase you if you're a block or two away from them. It's like they're just glued to you when they spawn initially. Which leads to these dumb 10 second police chases. How is this called a next gen open world?

Cars also move like they are following rails if you look closely at how they turn. There are races in the game and if you lead the race, look behind you and you'll see some serious Matrix shit as the cars start teleporting behind you to keep up with you.

NPCs just spawn in and out randomly without order or meaning. CDPR said they handcrated over 1000s NPCs with different behaviour and daily routines. But then you follow any random NPC and they just disappear after a while. Cars also feel the same.

I was looking at at an argument going on between an old white man and a young white girl, i turn around for a second and the dude is now a young black guy talking to another black girl.

These are just initial impressions. I haven't even tried to immerse myself in Night City that much, yet i still saw these glaring outdated design issues. The world feels like smoke and mirrors.

I remember one of the recent trailers ending by "Welcome to the next generation of open worlds" or some shit like that. But guess what? This is not a next gen open world. Hell it's not even on par with current gen open worlds. Watch Dogs 2, GTA5, RDR2 all had a much more believable and alive world then this fake world. It LOOKS next gen, especially if you max the game out with RT, but it absolutely feels so last gen. The world's logic just feels wrong and not what you'd expect out of a AAA game.

I think everyone is being distracted by the bugs and surface issues right now. So with this post i'm trying to bring these bad design issues out, as they are much harder to fix, if they even get fixed.

https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/kbckth/cyberpunk_2077s_world_looks_so_next_gen_yet_feels/ (viglink.com)

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Jackie one of the main characters you have to deal with for the main quest bugged out on me today on my second play through on that section( different life path)  Had to go back to previous saves (2 back to be exact) to get him back to working. Not sure what the problem was except I used the phone to try to call him (part of the game) and he didn't respond.. then when I went to him( 50 feet away) he wasn't there. The first  time he was there but the NPCs weren't responding finally the second time he was there and working.

Now being with the game since the beginning.. I can say they have done some improvements seemingly daily.  V's car which is like Roach on Witcher, did actually drive up this time properly on one of the times I called it.  previously nothing happen until I looked around and it likely spawned.

The comments about bartenders and such are true. I have tried to converse just to even get a drink from a place.. (not expecting them to create complex AI's for all the bartenders and other service personal.. there are literally likely 1000's of them.  But it could be reasonable for them to offer some simple things .. not the full thing main ones do but something. Even if it is only a prompt for a drink and you have no choice.

There are 1000's and 1000's of NPCs. way more than I can remember on any other games. I can't fault them for not having conversations for all the random NPCs.  the current major issue is the issue mentioned where things seem to spawn if you are paying attention.

Now for the controls.. the controls seem to be clunky and the interface is as well. That was my experience with Witcher as well so I was expecting that. Also, understanding bests or even good combos and such is difficult along with how to solve many of the interactions you are given.. which was a Witcher thing as well so understandable.

All in all even with all the gripes and such. It is more enjoyable than many of the new games I have gotten. Namely Fallout 4 (and likely Fallout 76) NOt as polished as Outer Worlds which I enjoyed for a while but, interesting in that the game doesn't give you much in the way of answers to how best to do something.

Currently they are working on making the game more stable as it feels like that in any case. The starting of the game has greatly improved in speed. First day etc was a pain to get into the game. Now it is reasonable and seems to be getting more inline with the expectations of the rest of the modern games.

I would like them to continue to flesh out the characters that you would meet (service providers and such) more. Work on the AI for Cars.. (they actually do go around the car.. or at least spawn out as I came back after blocking traffic and the cars were different)  would be nice. Haven't experienced the police chases or races yet.

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The cars do disappear and spawn un-necessarily IMO. I had one behind me when I got in the car. Turned around and it was a truck...

The main thing however that really breaks my game play is when I see 2 clones ... OFTEN just feet apart. Look I get it. They can't create millions of different NPCs but .. DAMM! I don't remember any of the GTA or other games from so many years ago having clones so close to gether.

There are some touching moments and some pretty good writing from time to time but .... not as much as I expected and not as original or even varied as found in Witcher (3 is my experience but I heard they did excellently on the others as well in this regard)

Finally, they seem to have brought some of that Witcher style music into this punk world. (for fights etc) I don't want to spoil it for anyone with any details and the like but... it is noticeable.

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Cyberpoop 2077. 💩

It's fucking amazing how so many reviewers (i.e. shills) managed to come up with immediate 10/10s in just a couple days of playing this buggy mess. 💯

It's literally a crappy looter-shooter which poorly imitates GTA and Deus Ex, while trying to pretend that it's an RPG, cause it has some basic "character progression" I suppose. I'm yet to see a single moment throughout the whole game in which the player is actually allowed to "role-play". So far, it's literally been another case of "yes, no but yes, sarcastic yes", but sure, "It's an RPG guys!", as some idiots claim.

While everything I had said and speculated in this thread were spot on, I've never thought that they had set out to compete with Bethesda to create the most bug infested game. Good job CDPR! Has anybody actually played this game on a PS4 or an XBOX One, before "going gold"? I somehow doubt it. By the way, selling physical copies of a software that doesn't work properly is, by definition, a SCAM. If people are going to have to download huge patches to make this thing work, then what is the point of selling a physical copy? It's utterly inexcusable. The game should've been in a playable state at least. But of course, the sheeple still say "but they will fix it!"... Let's hope they'll fix it, or at least offer refunds, cause their overrated reputation is at stake now. Although, no amount of fixing could turn this turd into an RPG. 💩

They should have learned from Bethesda's example and removed the NPCs! 🤣

There is your 3rd person, if you can stand the crappy animations. Someone apparently modded it in. Pretty sure the obnoxious CDPR fanboys are gonna be pissed. 🤣



Edited by bjornk
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Oh look, a CDPR shill having regrets about shilling for them... lovely! 💯🤣


I feel duped by CD Projekt Red. I get that reviews and coverage  are inextricably part of *the machine*, but it's rare that a company so boldly takes advantage of it to deceive and mislead. In half a decade, when we're talking about Witcher 4, I plan to remember this.

CDPR structured the embargo with an obvious purpose: get the highest possible metacritic without divulging the true state of the game on the most popular platforms. In effect, it used the media to support its deception.

And I wish I would've been more skeptical, but let's be clear: other companies don't usually do this. At least not to this level. And I was expecting the usual level of trying to maximize the review scores. So CDPR got the benefit of the doubt. That should never happen again.


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2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

Wow, I didn't think it was possible! They actually out did Bethesda's launch of Fallout 76. What a dumpster fire!


the thing is I think of the Xbox S and such as being the current gen and the Xbox One being the previous generation myself. Not giving CDProject Red a get out of jail card of course. They should have stated that it wasn't optimized for Xbone one and Playwithyourselfstation 4. under any circumstance.

It works even on my old ass hardware (PC) well enough. I get 2k and can go 40~60 fps pretty stable.

4 hours ago, driftscape said:


It works even on my old ass hardware (PC) well enough. I get 2k and can go 40~60 fps pretty stable.  Not sure why it isn't having better results on the newest gen hardware. They released an updated driver right on the day of release. 

1 hour ago, bjornk said:

Cyberpoop 2077. 💩

It's fucking amazing how so many reviewers (i.e. shills) managed to come up with immediate 10/10s in just a couple days of playing this buggy mess. 💯

It's literally a crappy looter-shooter which poorly imitates GTA and Deus Ex, while trying to pretend that it's an RPG, cause it has some basic "character progression" I suppose. I'm yet to see a single moment throughout the whole game in which the player is actually allowed to "role-play". So far, it's literally been another case of "yes, no but yes, sarcastic yes", but sure, "It's an RPG guys!", as some idiots claim.

While everything I had said and speculated in this thread were spot on, I've never thought that they had set out to compete with Bethesda to create the most bug infested game. Good job CDPR! Has anybody actually played this game on a PS4 or an XBOX One, before "going gold"? I somehow doubt it. By the way, selling physical copies of a software that doesn't work properly is, by definition, a SCAM. If people are going to have to download huge patches to make this thing work, then what is the point of selling a physical copy? It's utterly inexcusable. The game should've been in a playable state at least. But of course, the sheeple still say "but they will fix it!"... Let's hope they'll fix it, or at least offer refunds, cause their overrated reputation is at stake now. Although, no amount of fixing could turn this turd into an RPG. 💩

They should have learned from Bethesda's example and removed the NPCs! 🤣

There is your 3rd person, if you can stand the crappy animations. Someone apparently modded it in. Pretty sure the obnoxious CDPR fanboys are gonna be pissed. 🤣



The animations are pretty jerky and bad. Witcher fight scenes for hand to hand was much smoother. Several animations look like firsst passes or placecards for the final rework once things gelled. Not the final release. The movement  of the cars (and there are lots of them) is not good. Old ass GTA games have better systems in place.  One thing that has happened and still after staring at least a second time and checking is a chick at Lizzies bar second level is in a T pose.  I was interacting with a character and an NPC glided across the floor instead of walking. There are screens that pop up telling you info that stick there until I save and reload. this happens often. One of the NPC that you interact with and helps you gets in the dam way and stands there and all the dynamite in the world wont' move  him. Have to.. you guessed it.. save and reload.

34 minutes ago, bjornk said:

Looks like CDPR took the competition with Bethesda down to a personal level and decided to compete against Todd Howard himself as well...🤣








The life paths basically give you some extra convo that you don't get and different reactions in the game with some NPCs. Mostly not making much of a difference. I hope the ending cut scenes will make up for the lack of difference between the lifepaths. I had three going at once and I accidentally chose a different life path than I wanted... well I didn't notice it until a convo prompt came up showing me a option for the lifepath. yes, you have different starts. Nomad is the longest and most indepth. Then you have the Street kid and Copo. Less . might be good to get your head cannon in order but doesn't do what I expected it to be with how it was discribed.

As for the last post above where they postphoned the game so they could get the PS$ and Xbox ONe better.. I h ave two thoughts one was .. I would hate to see how bad it was before according to the reviews and 2.. why the fuck wait? Just release those when they are ready. Only reason to not wait is the hype would be gone and they would loose potential $$$ as they were working that hype machine.

It isn't horrible but it isn't great either. It isn't witcher level quality (disclamer.. I got the game a few years after it was released so it was well reworked by then even had all the DLcs added and done. )

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