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I don't know if I've posted about it before, but while watching LPs, I got the impression that the game didn't properly save the game state. For instance, when a saved game is loaded it looked as if the AI state wasn't properly reset. On top of that, people were talking about save files getting corrupted when crafting too many items, enough to exceed the (seemingly) imposed file size limit on saves, which is apparently around 8 MB, a rather small value considering their previous games. Which makes me wonder if some of the bugs and glitches we see in videos are related to improperly saved game state. What I mean by that is basically they don't properly save certain things that they should, possibly to keep the file size in check. I wonder if would reduce the amount of bugs and glitches you encounter, if you fire up the game and keep playing without loading any save (e.g. create a character and go as far as possible with it, without a save/load).

It's yet another incident showcases an incompetent developer and their retarded fanboys, does nothing but adding more fuel to the dumpster fire...

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Well update. I ran into both the flying glitch and the stuck in head glitch. I had to try to use previous saves and had to go back more than 10 minutes of game (3 saves) to get to a save that worked without being stuck in the head of an NPC called Panam.  The flying glitch wasn't something flying. it was my character flying over 150 yards just for trying to jump through a broken window

These glitches are occurring at higher levels of game play. Far into the game.

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At this point their incompetence is pretty obvious. This game was clearly too big of a challenge for them. They should've hired better engineers and programmers instead of Hollywood celebrities. After years of hype, they released a joke of a game which would be mediocre at best, if it was bug free.

Edited by bjornk
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What the heck is going on in that shower scene? That upside down motorbike was hilarious. The motorbike without a driver is probably not much of a glitch, cause the game doesn't seem to add drivers to vehicles unless they are really close to the player, which can be seen in the GTA comparison video, and sometimes it's either too slow to add them, or probably forgets to add them completely.

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I found this purposely looking up Judy Alvarez and decided to take a peak. Two things I noticed that really looked bad for a "next gen game". When they were suited up to go in the water, they were bare foot and once they jumped in, they had their flippers on. And while swimming the flippers didn't even bend. lol I have yet to watch more of it.

Bah! You'll have to watch it on YT.

I'll admit this is a pretty sexy scene. But she actually looks like a crack whore in game. 😵

Edited by driftscape
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More CP beating, this time from RDR2...



In CP, as soon as you commit a crime, the game spawns a bunch of cops around you, what a retarded design. Some fanboys would even defend this I'm sure. What is even more annoying is that cops only react to player actions. In the second video, one of them is kept getting shot by some gang, who are actually shooting at the player, and the cop seems totally fine with that. Absolutely RETARDED.

One major problem with RDR2 in these videos is that the player character seems to take way less damage than he's supposed to. I don't know if it's related to the difficulty setting or a cheat is being used (e.g. god mode), but if that's really how it is in the game then it's also retarded.


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10 hours ago, driftscape said:

I found this purposely looking up Judy Alvarez and decided to take a peak. Two things I noticed that really looked bad for a "next gen game". When they were suited up to go in the water, they were bare foot and once they jumped in, they had their flippers on. And while swimming the flippers didn't even bend. lol I have yet to watch more of it.

Bah! You'll have to watch it on YT.

I'll admit this is a pretty sexy scene. But she actually looks like a crack whore in game. 😵

Judy looks pretty good on my machine. Not as good as some of the videos but pretty good compared to my other games. Her voice acting is really good. There is another girl you can romance if you are a male (Judy is for females romance) that they did some serious work on her walk...  very jarring compared to the other characters walks... lol  There is a point where you have to follow her for some time in the game walking...

45 minutes ago, bjornk said:

More CP beating, this time from RDR2...

In CP, as soon as you commit a crime, the game spawns a bunch of cops around you, what a retarded design. Some fanboys would even defend this I'm sure. What is even more annoying is that cops only react to player actions. In the second video, one of them is kept getting shot by some gang, who are actually shooting at the player, and the cop seems totally fine with that. Absolutely RETARDED.

One major problem with RDR2 in these videos is that the player character seems to take way less damage than he's supposed to. I don't know if it's related to the difficulty setting or a cheat is being used (e.g. god mode), but if that's really how it is in the game then it's also retarded.


Early on, I was doing good. Didn't really encounter the police at any point. Didn't have a problem with them. However, recently they spawned because I was talking shit to some gang member and proactively shot him. Well.. The comment about the police spawning around you.. is 100% true. It isn't a glitch, it isn't something going wrong. It is repeatable time and time again.  they try to kill you . As far as I know there is no option to get out of it unless you can outrun the area before they do. This is one of the most stupid implementations of the police that I have ever seen. A noob mod author on a Bethesda game can do better. I am hopefull that since this game was released at least a year before it was ready, that that is just something they were working on and haven't finished.

Side note.. 3 other people in RL that I know have the game and are racking up dozens if not 10's of dozens of hours on the game and really enjoying the game. Maybe this is a result of having such a shitty selection of games, that when one comes out with potential 1000's of missions and side quest and such to play.. that runs.. they enjoy it. Standards have dropped so low.

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Another update. Not sure what it was for.

Also, I found an section where I believe they censored the woman's tits. It is one of the sexual encounters. She has pasties on her nipples. There is also another nVidia update as well. They are seemingly corresponding with Cyberpunk patches. Possibly working with them?

Jackie isn't walking through doors or doors aren't closing behind him and locking my toon in or out of where he/she has to go. had a major problem on one of the missions when finished.. Once I couldn't get out. Also, lost "Dum Dum" yep an NPC is called that. lol. I believe the latest patch will help prevent that.


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2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

They removed the 8 MB save file size limit.

Having one was idiotic in the first place, but having a file size limit doesn't seem like the only problem with their save system. It seems to have a "snowballing" issue, so simply removing the limit may not be enough to fix it. By snowballing I mean, what should be overwritten or recycled seems to stay in the save indefinitely (e.g. items that no longer exist in the game). Someone actually did a bit of an experiment with the ever increasing save size as mentioned in the following video.



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23 hours ago, Doublezero said:

They removed the 8 MB save file size limit.

Yea... I never had that problem My saves were quite small compared to others. I played the game, got stuff and scrapped it or sold it quickly so that I could get or craft/upgrade the stuff I had .. normal RPG stuff. .. Holding 1housands of things is just plain crazy.

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15 hours ago, bjornk said:

CDPR might fix some of the game breaking bugs in the game, but most of the game will remain as a broken mess, because what seems to break it are not just bugs, but also design flaws.

There are alot of things that might look like design flaws but I think the developer wasn't ready to release... and these are just starting points for further development. Not all of them bout some of them

5 hours ago, driftscape said:

I wonder what's running through Mike Pondsmith's mind with this whole shit show.

Not sure about his m ind.. but I am sure a lot of money is running through his wallet... way more than he'd get normally for the pen and paper game. Also, the interest int he game even with the bugs. There are honestly lots of people playing it and enjoying themselves. and.. yes, even laughing at many of the bugs along with that. These people are also gamers (as in roll playing) and are interested in his game (pen and paper) which will give him more $$$ I know of some D&D players in RL that are thinking of a change to play Cyberpunk 20 .. whatever..

I am not a player or familar with Mike's world but I believe from what I do know.. that was well executed.

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Hear ye, hear ye! Here comes the lawsuit...😂


Don't think I've mentioned this before, but the voice acting for the player character is absolutely disgusting for both genders. While the female one occasionally makes me want to smack her in the mouth, the male one makes me want to blow his head off.


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