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Cyberpunk 2077 Discussion, News etc.


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Absolutely awesome...

If their actual game play is in any way like the cut scenes that are being shown.. it will be a beautiful game.

I am really interested in this game due to the story... I really like movies, books etc that have futuristic story lines and such along the lines of this game.  Coming from CDPR and their history of .. so far.. . finger crossed... improving on their skills as a gaming company year after year project after project.. this game should be pretty damn awesome. Even if it ends up not being something I personally like (for some reason) as long as they have the quality and energy that they have put in their previous games.. I will give it a thumbs up. ;) 

Now if they can only release it before 2077, that would be awesome! lol

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15 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

The couple of twinkle-douches over at LL are already complaining about CP2077.  I swear, that site has a serious case 'muhBethesda'.  I can't wait for B(EA)thesda to take a giant shit on free modding.


I hate mobile games and I'm currently playing one that is treated like a gambling machine. You can play for free, yes. But choosing that route doesn't make the game challenging, no. It's designed to get you frustrated and mad to give in to buy your way to victory instead. The only support they get from me is through ad revenue when I want to double the gold i earned at the end of a level by watching an ad. And even then, if I'm lucky the ad will work and not crash and I got nothing out of it. Because it technically F2P I'll support them here and there with ad revenue, but I'll never purchase any pay to win stuff.

I'm afraid to say that I don't believe the industry is going to crash. PC gaming and console gaming are going to eventually fully adapt to the model of mobile gaming. And if those dumb fucks who are ignoring all the signs, or simply not caring, have never played a mobile game like I mentioned, they are going to one day regret when it's injected into PC and console games for good.

I've reached a point where I don't even care anymore. As cruel as this may sound, I hope it happens because they deserve nothing more than to be treated like second class consumers. They've already screwed my hobby up and frankly I'm tired of voicing my concerns.

It makes me mad that I cannot do anything about it and just watch my hobby plummet because the generation we live in, people have submitted to these companies, or they never had a backbone to begin with. They allowed these greedy corporations to win so I'm done. Bethesda fanboys/supporters are only a portion of that problem.

Completely off topic to this thread, but meh... I've nothing to care about this game. If it's good, good for those who want to enjoy it.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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Looks like it is going to be an action game with a certain narrative in which you will ultimately steal an implant that grants immortality or whatever, with minimal role-playing elements, just like The Witcher. Which is just what I've been expecting from CDPR.

No new game play was shown at E3 and yet you can preorder it now. Not a very consumer friendly tactic, I would say.

They've been teasing, trolling, trying to build a massive hype for the game, which is already one of the most anticipated games ever and then that Keanu business, was that really necessary? They obviously have plenty of money to waste. I don't think this is all going to end well for them.

Anyway, been trying to watch the E3 shows on Youtube, mostly feeling bored, there was absolutely nothing interesting, it all was just a waste of time.

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2 hours ago, bjornk said:

Find the difference...


That's not a negative.  When I played GTA5 I was totally invested in the story and I loved Trevor.  Franklin and Michael were good too but nothing matched Trevor's storyline.  Same thing with Witcher3; I was 100% immersed in the role of Geralt.  I paid attention to the story and I projected a lot of myself into him.  I actually cared about what happened; like reading a book you can't put down.  That's when you know a game is good.

I've already put aside the money for the next-gen XBox.  April 2020 can't come soon enough.

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Not going to use the PC version?

As for me.. I will allow /keep enough of my cash back from purchases to buy it when it is released. Not sure which version but will be likely waiting until some good game footage  has been released (actual game play from a reviewer) before settling in and getting it.   It is a new approach for them and story as well. I want to see the results before buying. So far it looks good to me. 

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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Nope, I'm done buying expensive PC upgrades just for the sake of gaming.  For what games are these days it's not worth the money.

Its been more economical for me to do the upgrades every 1 or 2 years put in 150~300 dollars much less than an Xbox and get an upgrade. My shit is getting so old that I had to get a replacement on my cooler (70 dollars) as the old one wore out. (closed loop) Went with air this time. (a nice one)

A decent (more than what xbox has) graphics card can be gotten around where I live for about 150~180 often times cheaper (if clearances or discontinued)

Edit.. just checked some of the cost for Xbox and they are as low as 200dollars (or sometimes below) which is a cheap graphics card (which is better than the xbox but) 

There are many games that play horrible on the xbox (frame rate) I need good frame rates or get sea sick.  Basically I put my money into the computer as needed for an ongoing upgrade which gives me a central place for entertainment, movies, games, work, social etc etc. I make my $$$ work their asses off.

However, to be fair.. the next upgrade will cost quite a bit more.. (about 3 xboxes)  as my hardware (core, motherboard, memory and processor) are of a older generation requiring a complete replacement of all those components if any are changed. Once I do that however, I will be good to go for another 4~6 years or more. (baring something breaking)

I have two xboxes (360s) and haven't used them in, quite possibly up to 10 years.. I used them a bit before the xbox one was released and put them in storage. Don't know where the second one came from, likely given to me by someone that also didn't want his anymore.

I only asked with the other work you have done (mentioned in the past) that a strong computer would be something you would want to have.. with that.. all that is needed is a 200 dollar processor (if not an all in one unit) 

On a side note.. I really want to gather up my used equipment and upgraded components and create a dedicated gaming computer. :D 

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15 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

That's not a negative.  When I played GTA5 I was totally invested in the story and I loved Trevor.

Kind of a negative for me, not that I care anymore, but as with the change in the game's description and employing Hollywood celebrities and all that jazz, they now seem to aim at a wider audience which mostly consists of the console crowd, not surprisingly. Recalling the fact that their previous games were also fairly unmoddable, story focused games, it's clear to me that I wouldn't get much of a replay value out of this game if I bought it, which is the most important thing for me to look for in games. You guys may be open to these kinds of games as long as they are well made, but I'm not. I spend most of my time playing, modding, tweaking sandbox or semi-sandbox role-playing games, some of which I've had on my hard drive for nearly a decade and I almost always regret buying games that focus on story (e.g. Mass Effect, Dragon Age etc.). I could easily get the entertainment I would get out of one, just by watching someone else play it.

It's interesting that you mention GTA5, it was the first impression for quite a few people at last years E3. They weren't all that wrong after all as the game probably going to be a RPG-ish GTA in a futuristic setting.

15 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I've already put aside the money for the next-gen XBox.

Consoles provide the kind of entertainment akin to movies, they are for people who don't want to get involved with the games (e.g. modding, tweaking etc) too much, if that's the type of entertainment you are satisfied with, there are so many good solid games for them which aren't available on PC, although they seem to be more expensive compared to PC games. Also, keep in mind that, whether it's an XBox or a PS, if a console breaks you pretty much throw them away and the games you bought for them most likely will not play on the next generation.

Edited by bjornk
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CD Project Red.. wrote well written stories with fully developed characters that were gay, bi (Ceri for example .. a main character) and homosexual. There was a cross dresser. 

cyberpunk is developed by a black man. Working with them hand in hand. The report above stated that CDPR is working with Haitian groups to make sure they "get it right" and are as sensitive to their culture as possible .. .which by the way will make for a terrific story as well.  The advertisements.. I can believe in an environment like that there would be a swimsuit model with a large package... That seemed to have been done in a very realistic way based on the rest of the game play footage I have seen so far, and based on similar movies and books like this.

All this controversy is just confirming to me that CDPR is doing an excellent job, paying attention to the details and developing a great game with deep characters, quest and stories. The one thing that will turn me off is if they (CDPR) started to show they hit a SJW list of subjects.. Trans, check, Bi check, etc etc. without any thought or reason for the character being there and part of the game / story. Much like Mass Effect Andromeda .. we all know how good that game's character development was. ;)

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