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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Turns your pc into a 'device'.

Not just 'a' device, 'their' device, in other words they want to control your PC and they're soon going to turn the OS into a subscription based "service" in one of the "updates", like the one they offer for businesses. Telemetry (aka the spyware), forced updates and basically everything they've done so far since Windows 8, in order to take the control away from the user were all in preparation for that model of business. Coming soon to theaters near you...



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3 hours ago, bjornk said:

Not just 'a' device, 'their' device, in other words they want to control your PC and they're soon going to turn the OS into a subscription based "service" in one of the "updates", like the one they offer for businesses. Telemetry (aka the spyware), forced updates and basically everything they've done so far since Windows 8, in order to take the control away from the user were all in preparation for that model of business. Coming soon to theaters near you...



It is an upcoming "Feature"

I for one am saying "Hello" to Linux and other OSs

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Naturally, there will be people who are more than happy to pay M$ for their "service" and will tell us about how others do the same thing, how it all makes sense etc. Fuck, I hope I won't be around to deal with yet another wave of bullshit from these complacent idiots...

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13 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Is ray tracing forced upon people? Or will anything that isn't a RTX card still work and just not get the ray tracing?

Doubt they can force it as neither PS4 or XBox One supports hardware RT, but it looks like the game only supports DX12 and judging by what they did with the hairworks etc. in TW3, they will only support NVidia's version of RT, in other words, just the RTX cards.

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31 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Is ray tracing forced upon people? Or will anything that isn't a RTX card still work and just not get the ray tracing?

The game will be on XBox1 so I'd say 'no' to ray tracing on that machine.  They might do the PC version the way they did Witcher3; toggle memory intensive graphics on or off.

EDIT: ninja'd.

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The game isn't likely to support Vulkan either, otherwise they wouldn't just write Windows 10 only on GOG. They worked with NVidia in their last title, so this one will probably only support NVidia's features as well. AMD cards will just run on the plain DX12 API without any specific NVidia feature including ray tracing, that's not even real ray tracing but whatever...

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2 hours ago, bjornk said:

Naturally, there will be people who are more than happy to pay M$ for their "service" and will tell us about how others do the same thing, how it all makes sense etc. Fuck, I hope I won't be around to deal with yet another wave of bullshit from these complacent idiots...

For some.. very rare instances, it might make sense to use that service. (for businesses .. select ones etc etc) however, the common person, it is just plain shit. However, I don't think they give a fuck about the standard user unlike what Gates did when he founded Microsoft.

52 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

CP2077 isn't that awesome to change from win7 to win10. Besides, never liked anything after win7.

Is ray tracing forced upon people? Or will anything that isn't a RTX card still work and just not get the ray tracing?

windows  7 is awesome, but I have been using Windows 10 after they fixed some of the issues that were problems with me (both at home and work) so that I could migrate over. Also some of my needed software worked better in Windows 10. 

I can't see how they will force Ray Tracing, just provide support. It makes sense for them to advertise it and work on showing it in action to both help their partner company nVidia as well as show a game in its best form possible.  (from their standpoint. )  Ray tracing does look great, however, It isn't for me as I have an upgraded graphics card (1~2 years ago) that is quite powerful and no need to upgrade for quite some time. (need a processor, motherboard, ram upgrade first and don't even really need that in spite my computer hardware listed above is more than 4 years old. (so old that the fucking processor cooler failed and had to be replaced and the heat sink paste refreshed ;) Those that understand tech.. understand how much and how old that shit is. ;) :P )

If it is, then no matter how much I like the game, they won't get my money until i need an upgrade.  Also, might not get it if I go to where I am leaning to for future computer (AMD) both processor and graphics (for Linux and other compatibility reasons) Unless I can use some of my older shit to have two computers run (provided it keeps on working through that time lol) Then I can h ave a dedicated gaming rig and essentially fuck all this Windows shit (mainstream use, still might need a VM or such but they provide "evaluation images for that. )  and just use a "real" OS .. :P for my main works.  I'm telling you, the more I am getting use to it.. the more I am liking it. It is a massive learning curve but .. FUCK.. man.. just a line of script in the terminal my shit is all updated.. A line or two and I got all sorts of software installed.  All my shit is from reliable repos and 99% of it is open source no compiled shit. All watched and monitored by 100s of eyes far smarter than I am about security.  Then.. the best part.... THE OS DOES WHAT i WANT WHEN I WANT IT TO .. AND DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE! No tracking bull shit, no background communications to "home" or other shit Windows do. I do trade off the ability to talk to my computer and have it do shit for me. Auto filling programs and shit like that.

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One of the main reasons as to why Linux still isn't an alternative to Windows or Mac OS as a desktop OS, is the lack of standardization and as long as things stay that way, Linux will never be able to replace Windows or MacOS as a desktop platform.  Remember, a wider acceptance of Linux as a desktop platform came with the inclusion of "standardized" desktop environments (KDE, Gnome etc.) in distros such as Red Hat, Suse, Ubuntu etc. If it was left for say, Slackware, you can be sure that not many people would want to go anywhere near Linux. Still more standardization is required and in an open-source environment only commercial corporations or governments can lead such a task, which doesn't seem very likely to me.


While Linux advocates have defended the number as an example of freedom of choice, other critics cite the large number as cause for confusion and lack of standardization in Linux operating systems.



Remember the 1980s worries about how the "forking" of Unix could hurt that operating system's chances for adoption? That was nothing compared to the mess we've got today with Linux, where upwards of 300 distributions vie for the attention of computer users seeking an alternative to Windows.



We don't need to keep reinventing Linux, creating distributions that put critical bits in interesting and inventive if unusual places. An application written for Linux should be relatively simple to install on any Linux distribution. It ain't so. Do we really need hundreds of general purpose distributions, all with different tools, different filesystem layouts, variations on three major software package management schemes and a host of oddball ones, and so on? Do we need yet more to crop up?


The first thing Linux needs to achieve is to standardize itself and then encourage, even force application developers to adhere to those standards, just like how Microsoft certifies 3rd party Windows applications. That's how you can achieve a standardized desktop environment. Is it doable in an egocentric open source development environment? Doubt it.


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I don't give a flying fuck if it is main stream or lacks standardization. It is something I can use to get away from Windoze to do 90% of the shit I want done. the rest of the people can spend the 5 minutes watching a few videos and or reading some sites to start using Linus or continue using Windoze. I don't care. there is so much support for various Linux distros that anyone with some tech savy can install it and get it up and running in a reasonable time. I did (not a mainstream computer but would provided I had an alternate to my gaming one)

I have yet to see any tool or app or dependency that I wanted, that was available on another Linux branch not be available for my chosen distro provided the one I choose is in any way even close to a main stream distro.  I have heard of them, never seen a need, the worse case download the source and compile.

Only problem I still occasionally come up with is hard ware compatibility however, it is light years better than it was back in the 90's and getting better all the time.

FYI.. Chromebooks are Linux and they are standardized.  You also can assess the Linux under pinnings if you wish.


Beta but likely will be much more mainstream and standardized as time goes on considering the market penetration and avent of more and more powerful versions of Chromebooks.

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46 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

FYI.. Chromebooks are Linux and they are standardized.  You also can assess the Linux under pinnings if you wish.

So is Android OS for mobile devices, both of which prove my point about standardization. Don't know what happened to SteamOS, but it may have the potential to change the scene a little bit for the desktop PCs.

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58 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Alrighty. I thought this was going to be a thing for the PC version. That would of been messed up. I tried looking around the CP2077 forums about it being win10 only just to see what people had to say but found nothing.







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7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Alrighty. I thought this was going to be a thing for the PC version. That would of been messed up. I tried looking around the CP2077 forums about it being win10 only just to see what people had to say but found nothing.

Possibly being hidden by advocates of Windows 10 Making it harder to find such materials.

7 hours ago, bjornk said:

So is Android OS for mobile devices, both of which prove my point about standardization. Don't know what happened to SteamOS, but it may have the potential to change the scene a little bit for the desktop PCs.

Most phones aren't using the standard Android! They are using the base, then adding a top layer to it.  Locking the phone down making you have to jump through hoops to get the standardized Android option. 

Chrome book is making changes to the environment of Linux as well making many things exclusive to the Chromebook adding to the fray so to say.  Only difference is they sell more premade so that grandma has a linux based system to use as opposed to downloading, installing, configuring it on a .. most likely windows machine or one that was built. More "mainstream" 

I still hear good things about Steam OS from time to time.  It is particularly good from what I am told if you wish to use Steam Linux games (or games with a version for linux) Less need to fiddle with the OS to get the things you need.  From what one person that tried it told me. It was the closest things to the Windows experience for Linux gaming he has seen. (without the CTD and other bull shit lol)

If anyone has a 5 year old laptop give them a try (Umbuntu, Steam OS etc) if not give it a try with a free VM manager and a downloaded ISO. No harm done.  Umbuntu and its cousins have some of the best Linux support for issues that arise. Good for noobs.  Who knows, might be able to move from Windows as your primare machine.

Added info. You can with some desktops use IMMOU (believe I got that acronym correct) to "pass through" a second graphics card and other hardware while using your Linux system. Essentially having two machines in one.

that isn't using Linux per say but that OS mentioned is based on it. (from my understanding) and a good quick example of what I am talking about. Then you can keep your important shit away from Microflop as much as possible.

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9 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Most phones aren't using the standard Android! They are using the base, then adding a top layer to it.

Much like having many different distributions and that's most likely why a lot of people prefer IOS to Android. It's the same deal with Linux vs. Windows as a desktop OS.

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1 hour ago, bjornk said:

Much like having many different distributions and that's most likely why a lot of people prefer IOS to Android. It's the same deal with Linux vs. Windows as a desktop OS.

True.. iOS is only one system.  Also, as I understand it.. Apple is seriously working to intergrate Apple main desktop OS to iOS so that they are as seamless as possible.

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