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8 hours ago, bjornk said:

And I'll stick with Symbian till I die, thanks. 😅

That looks like a headache more than it is worth. Can't imagine how to handle new apps needs. :( Still, I would like an solid alternative to Android and iOS.. Hell even Windows version if they managed to fix that shit.. (who are we kidding, that is near impossible! LOL)  Having alternatives are great.

To get back no subject :P
Wonder how many different game plays can one do with Cyber Punk. has someone done the math on it? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enjoy the unkillable children and NPCs in CP 2077... or more accurately, enjoy the cancerous PC/SJW developers and games made by and for retarded millennials...






Good job CDPR, you've been consistently dull and predictable. Guess I'm not even going to be watching LP's of this shitty game.

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57 minutes ago, bjornk said:

Enjoy the unkillable children and NPCs in CP 2077...

Couldn't kill children and plot NPCs in Witcher3 either and the game didn't suffer.  In fact there are ways to fuck up quests to the point where children and plot NPCs can die.  The children die off screen but they do die...like being eaten by the crones at Crook Back Bog...and the player is responsible.

57 minutes ago, bjornk said:

... or more accurately, enjoy the cancerous PC/SJW developers and games made by and for retarded millennials...

That's the new normal.  Wokeness infects everything, from TV shows to comics to movies.

57 minutes ago, bjornk said:

Guess I'm not even going to be watching LP's of this shitty game.

That's been my stance all along.  Not buying it until I see someone else play it.  If it's shit I'll keep my money and ream CDPR wherever I can.

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Some of the NPCs need to be protected .. even if it is for a limited time otherwise they could be killed by accident before they can complete the needed events for the player.  How else can this be done unless there are dozens of NPCs in line to take over the torch? In some cases that might even look or be weird?  Some of the quest can just fail, but some are key story arch that are needed for many other quest.

Note. I am not arguing with you on this fact. However, I can't see any other solution. Game companies take it too far IMO and protect them (NPCs) well after the need and many just "because" they can or want to, but there are some and in some situations where they need to be functional and not dead.


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Why can't companies just give you an option to in the menu screen to enable or disable to kill important NPCs and children at the very least. People still being sensitive over killing children. If people can't distinguish the difference then they need to go find something else to occupy their time and stop trying to shove their morality down other peoples throats. These people remind me of bible thumpers in the 90s and what they called satanic music.

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Probably because many of the gamers will click on shit they know nothing about and then later ask for tech support to fix the shit they broke.  Selecting the option to kill important NPCs... and break many if not all the important quest which could lead the game to be stagnant or unable to continue anywhere will likely be a head ache for those companies. Just hang around some tech support threads and FAQ and such threads for a day and you will soon see that the people playing games these days (on the majority) are quite stupid, don't read instructions, and cry and bitch and take it to social networks when something doesn't go their way regardless of it it is in reality their fault. They also cant' take blame for their stupidity. It is everybody else's problem, they are the cause. Safety zones and shit.  Too much of a fucking headache. Same reason for the dumb down game quest and giant arrows pointing you to where you need to go etc. etc.

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That's the problem. The rest of us have to pay the price for the overwhelming stupid people who lack critical thinking and common sense. You can tell someone a zillion times 'they aren't real people, it's just a game' and their driven emotions trump logic.

I was looking at one of the forums Bjornk linked and the fact that someone made a post about the thought of people killing pixelated kids makes them question what type of person they are for wanting to kill children in a video game. Typical left leaning thought process. Everyone who owns a gun is automatically a murderer. If you kill pixelated children, you are a real life child murderer. That's explains everything. This world is filled with mass murderers around the globe. Yet, surprisingly enough the population has remained more or less the same. I wonder how that works. Maybe if I shove my head in the sand like an ostrich it'll all start to make sense.


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Mortal Combat caused serious issues when it was first released. Just to be clear

I agree with game companies trying to be too PC.  Also thanks for the point out for the different methods for quest being given out. HOwever, I think it would be pretty boring if there wasn't any NPCs giving out quest also might not be as engaging. Some however would be a nice change.

cut scenes can be changed I believe after the fact but means more work for the game creators. Also much of what you stated would be more work for them. This cost and takes more time to release. Not stating they shouldn't do it but that likely they wouldn't or don't do it for that reason as well.

A mature game shouldn't have any of those restrictions being placed on the game that has been on recent games. It doesn't make sense unless they are trying to keep those that are to young from accessing such content.. being their parent for some reason. ;)  some of those over on Nexus seem to be below 18 and I KNOW some are underage at other sites I am apart of.  Trying to be a parent.. or good company and not pervert the young? Yes, flimsy excuse. Reaching for straws here. lol. (no real excuse.. actually agreeing with you on that subject :P)

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

That's the problem. The rest of us have to pay the price for the overwhelming stupid people who lack critical thinking and common sense. You can tell someone a zillion times 'they aren't real people, it's just a game' and their driven emotions trump logic.

I was looking at one of the forums Bjornk linked and the fact that someone made a post about the thought of people killing pixelated kids makes them question what type of person they are for wanting to kill children in a video game. Typical left leaning thought process. Everyone who owns a gun is automatically a murderer. If you kill pixelated children, you are a real life child murderer. That's explains everything. This world is filled with mass murderers around the globe. Yet, surprisingly enough the population has remained more or less the same. I wonder how that works. Maybe if I shove my head in the sand like an ostrich it'll all start to make sense.


Review the original versions of Nursery rhymes... ;) That shit is terrifying!  They told children that when they were young many decades ago.

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  • 1 month later...

I've seen some idiotic comments on Twitter and YT as usual that were either fairly positive or at least neutral about the Stadia release of CP2077, which is just what I expected. They keep saying "so what?", "doesn't affect you" etc. Well, by standing neutral or accepting against a platform that is in direct competition with your favorite platform (PC) and also is likely going to have a significant adverse affect on the quality and availability of the games on it, you basically renounce your right to complain when one of your favorite games fall victim to an exclusivity deal, just like the one mentioned in the video below. You should just keep that in mind.




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I agree with what they are stating in the video. A dev that doesn't have the funds to create the game, hire talent and get a game out. Orcs must die 3 wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Google.. that is cool. However, also comment was true when there are companies with major funding and such isn't needed. Major titles must be released for different platforms. As much as I am not interested in consoles.. I understand the need for a release to be made available for them as well as a PC


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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

If the gaming industry continues down the path it is

They will, it's inevitable. Whatever happened in movie and music industries, will happen in games industry as well. If people keep buying inferior products and don't ask for or expect quality, the industry will offer them the cheapest, lowest quality products possible, with the highest possible profit margin for themselves. In other words, the poor quality music, movies and games of today are a direct result of the stupidity of consumers.

For the same reason, we won't see any significant innovation in video games in the near future, unless a guy like Elon Musk comes along and starts making video games.

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Settling for less is the outcome of bad products. Well, one of them. Gaming is like a drug addiction. I even mean that for me. I don't neglect that there are times I want to give in and do the same as these dumb consumers. It's very easy to say screw it and put your own interest over everyone else's. These stupid consumers eventually give in, even if the product is mediocre at best. And maybe even if a game is mediocre at best, if their intentions were true but came up short, maybe you can give them a pass. So long as they learn from their mistakes. I Tried for too long to show the signs what Bethesda was becoming. It's clear as the sky. Once you give them an inch they'll take it and push for another inch. And another.  And I noticed that Bethesda was testing their consumers with the paid mod shennanigans in 2015. They made the mistake the first time, but they sure learned from it since. And all these talented modders on FO4 and Skyrim SE can rub their behinds with Bethesda to get some of that Creation Club crash, but in reality they are part of the problem and the Nexus shills are giving all their love and support not knowing/caring that they are setting themselves up to get a really long one from behind.

Since then just don't care. Hater or not, my motives and passion were to wake people up because we are all in this together. What they do and what happens affects all of us. It's much easier for them to just give in and buy the bad quality game just to get their next fix than fight that fix. Companies feet should always be held over the fire when their motives are deliberately to give us the short end of the stick. And we should praise them when they put us first and treat us the way we should because at the end of the day, fans are what makes them money and you don't want to mistreat loyal fans. All these woke companies are a testament to losing millions for shitting on their consumers. But since they want to maintain loyalty and call anyone who disagrees or trashes the company for their real intent. Meh.... they deserve every bit of being screwed over.

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Stadia.. might not be what these companies really want. They think they do, but that shit might not be the thing they expect it to be.

My thoughts...

If someone releases a game like Fallout 76 again.. in order to attract the attention for their services (and possibly their rip off in game purchases) they need a really good game and lots of hype. Without a great game the hype won't sustain a model where the person can just change games like someone opens a new browser. ;)  Once the word gets out it is shit.. there isn't any reason to even stream it anymore. 

those lazy developers wanting mod authors to fix shit.. well that won't happen. So Bethesda.. is royally fucked... Games that have massive in purchase options.. will be less likely to gain anything.. The subscription fees won't cover their development cost (I can't see how unless it is "in house"  and even then)  Also.. people might just start moving away from those ingame purchase at least not investing as much as they don't "own" the game. That mental believe (yes belief as we haven't really own our games for a very long time)  which helps them justify the expense as an investment.  I can only see the 20's something and younger seeing any value in this.

So these streaming services might be really fucking the Developers in the long run.  No DLCs. etc. as it is streamed likely fully updated (knowing Google) I can however see the streaming services eventually trying to cash in with special groups, bandwidth tiers and such (for visual quality) and other options. Taking more of the "game money" that is or would be used to purchase other game bullshit.

I hope Cyberpunk doesn't become a Stadia exclusive. If so I can't play it, regardless of if I want to or not. I don't have the band width to do so and no way to get better (and wouldn't just to play a fucking game) Eventually I might just get stuck playing my old games that I have and have to be content with that, or move on to something  else. 

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2 hours ago, bjornk said:

They will, it's inevitable. Whatever happened in movie and music industries, will happen in games industry as well. If people keep buying inferior products and don't ask for or expect quality, the industry will offer them the cheapest, lowest quality products possible, with the highest possible profit margin for themselves. In other words, the poor quality music, movies and games of today are a direct result of the stupidity of consumers.

For the same reason, we won't see any significant innovation in video games in the near future, unless a guy like Elon Musk comes along and starts making video games.

He made games before..



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Just have a look at this tweet:


Thanks for making open world a thing, @yu_suzuki_jp! #Cyberpunk2077 x @Shenmue_3 #gamescom201

"Making open world a thing"... whoever posted this tweet is obviously talking about Shenmue, a 1999 SEGA game, and referring to it as the "first" open world game. If this isn't an undeniable proof that CDPR lets clueless millennials do its PR work, I don't know what is. What happened to Wasteland, Fallout 1, 2, TES Daggerfall, GTA etc. and many other games that were also open-world and were released long before '99. Also comments under this tweet is just cancer, bet their asslicking fanboys can easily rival Bethesda's. This Suzuki guy, by the way, is the one who pulled the obnoxious Epic exclusivity stunt on his backers recently.

They also announced a 15 min gameplay stream today... FOR THE NEXT WEEK! As if it's too big of a deal to stream an 15 min of gameplay at Gamescom. Bet it's pretty much what the press was shown back at E3, and fans of the game have been waiting to see that since then. How disrespectful. But I bet the idiot fanboys wouldn't mind that. It's a mystery why they even bothered to show up at Gamescom this year.



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People: 3rd Person option, please?
SJWs: Gender fluid PC?
CDPR: But of course!

On 7/14/2019 at 8:27 AM, bjornk said:

enjoy the cancerous PC/SJW developers and games made by and for retarded millennials...


BTW, this is exactly what you would expect from a company following Bioware's footsteps.


CDPR: "We've removed gender, you now just choose a body type."

You know what this reminds me of?

- What more can a man ask for (in Cyberpunk 2077)?
- Well, certainly NOT THAT!

I truly hope that this game will NEVER have a MP option. Even the thought just terrifies me.


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Well.. they very likely lost my purchase.  That is an incredibly huge red flag. They will have to do a metric shit ton of work to prove to me that this game isn't just a SJW centered game. I don't care how popular the game is or how great the game play is.. I won't buy shit like that. If this is the case, it is possible that one of the most anticipated games of the last 10 years will be one of the biggest flops. Well they are due for a failure.. they have been too successful thus far.

I have no problem with inclusion and adding an option to be gender less or alternate gendered. That is reasonable. Excluding and/or removing the option for traditional Male and Female options.. No. I can't see how that would work in any reasonable way. (Making the character a generic name ... V is the smart way that I would expect a company to name their main character that could be essentially anything)

If this is their path.. then perhaps they should wait until 2077 to release their game. ;)


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