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yes adn they aren't even showing the walking of some of the NPCs.  I honestly don't mind the interactions of the civilians in the game. 

They did some changes that I can tell since the the game released. The first mission was crazy easy so easy I went and killed the mini bos that had a requirement to be taken down by Jackie (the partner) so it fucked the rest of the mission. lol. This time there were more enemies and they are getting smarter.  No smarter than a toaster but.. I'll take some improvement over nothing.

And.. they still have the Tpose character on yet another start of a character.

Oh, I do hope the citizens will get a backbone and improve their interactions and (attack if really provoked ;) ) instead of just running.

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The big issue here isn't the fact that they released an unplayable game, it's the fact CD Projekt tried to hide it. We (mostly me) bashed Bethesda heavily for the terrible launch of Fallout 76 but at least we knew what we were getting with that game, here console gamers where blindsided.

I don't know how CD Projekt can recover from this. Yeah, the game isn't as bad on PC and next gen consoles but many gamers don't have a gaming rig and next gen consoles aren't widely available yet. Now they have to fix the issues with the console versions and that will likely delay multiplayer and any future dlcs they were planing.

The question I have is can they (or will they) actually fix the console versions and how many players will be around for the release of the multiplayer dlc. If they don't feel that it's financially viable to support this game they may pull the plug like EA did with Mass Effect Andromeda and considering the player base that they spurned (the console gamer) is where (for the majority of the time) most of the money is made, the future looks bleak for this game.

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Okay this is fucking funny to me.


Most important is Alicja's comment when you scroll down. I thought FPP was about "muh realism". So they said? Well, I guess that doesn't apply to everything.

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19 hours ago, bjornk said:

This game is as bad as Fallout 76, if not worse, have to admit, I had a good laugh watching this shit show.🤣

Do you have the game?  I can tell you on the PC even with my old hardware it isn't as bad as what some are stating. On the console.. it might be but not the PC.. At least so far.  Also, the intro, boot time, start time and even the first major mission after you start.. (the one that you see the videos about with the woman in the tub) actually runs better and was far more challeging. I had a major glitch previously when I ran through it which didn't let me finish.. however this time the glitch didn't happen. I repeated it twice even with another character and it was working. They are patching it.. however, it seems like mostly preformance and such is being worked on.. which is a shame as there are some bugs like a t pose woman at Lizzies a bar you have to go through in the main mission. which hasn't been fixed even now.

9 hours ago, Doublezero said:

The big issue here isn't the fact that they released an unplayable game, it's the fact CD Projekt tried to hide it. We (mostly me) bashed Bethesda heavily for the terrible launch of Fallout 76 but at least we knew what we were getting with that game, here console gamers where blindsided.

I don't know how CD Projekt can recover from this. Yeah, the game isn't as bad on PC and next gen consoles but many gamers don't have a gaming rig and next gen consoles aren't widely available yet. Now they have to fix the issues with the console versions and that will likely delay multiplayer and any future dlcs they were planing.

The question I have is can they (or will they) actually fix the console versions and how many players will be around for the release of the multiplayer dlc. If they don't feel that it's financially viable to support this game they may pull the plug like EA did with Mass Effect Andromeda and considering the player base that they spurned (the console gamer) is where (for the majority of the time) most of the money is made, the future looks bleak for this game.

I agree. They needed to be more clear and if needed to not sell the Xbox/Playstation until later. Sure they might have lost some on the hype but they would have kept their good faith. It wouldn't have been as bad of a response from the community.

I disagree. I believe the majority of their money comes from the PC gamer not the console gamer. The numbers that I have seen shows this. I believe even having consoles versions is just an attempt for them to cover all their bases. They really should have just focused on the PC then released ti to the consoles once they were settled on the PC first.

7 hours ago, Doublezero said:

The biggest takeaway from this video is that more PC players preordered CP2077 than console players which I find surprising. I think YongYea is being too optimistic with the idea that console sales are going to catch up with PC with all the problems they're having.

I don't find the PC orders being  higher than consoles .. PC has always been CD Project Red's primary customer at least as far as I have seen.

Yes.. keep those reviews in mind if it is a PC vs a Console game. Most of the complaints are from Console.

the thing that sucks.. with the console issues, is that they will likely be spending more time and efforts to get a stable and functional game play on console.

20 minutes ago, Doublezero said:


I wonder if CD Project Red went to bat for those customers if Sony would refund.. or if t here was some way that that info coudl be given over to CD Project Red and they can give c credit or something to the customers.  Ideally still allowing them access to the game going forward. An apology to their horrible acts towards those players. that would be a very nice way to address this and imo help gain some rep back.

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18 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

I disagree. I believe the majority of their money comes from the PC gamer not the console gamer. The numbers that I have seen shows this. I believe even having consoles versions is just an attempt for them to cover all their bases. They really should have just focused on the PC then released ti to the consoles once they were settled on the PC first.

Releasing this game on consoles is about profits. CD Projekt is publicly traded company and their shareholders want to see growth and what better way to grow profits than releasing a game on every platform under the sun. I'd argue this game should have been a PC exclusive but they're not going leave easy cash laying around.

The Witcher 3 roughly sold 12 million on PC and a combined total of 16 million on all console platforms. The problems they are having with the console launch of CP2077 is going to hurt them in the long run if they don't fix it soon.


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2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

Releasing this game on consoles is about profits. CD Projekt is publicly traded company and their shareholders want to see growth and what better way to grow profits than releasing a game on every platform under the sun. I'd argue this game should have been a PC exclusive but they're not going leave easy cash laying around.

The Witcher 3 roughly sold 12 million on PC and a combined total of 16 million on all console platforms. The problems they are having with the console launch of CP2077 is going to hurt them in the long run if they don't fix it soon.


You stated my point.. they made the majority of their money historically on PC platform.  3/4ths of their money according to your statement was from PC. My point was PC gamer are those that are most likely to support their company at least currently. They are also the largest purchaser of the game so far from what I have heard. 

True, they aren't going leave money on the table (not support console users) I agree 100% but that isnt' what I was trying to get across. Their fan base is mostly PC.  The PC is t he game that is the most stable and running (if talking about Sony consoles lol.. ) 

I wouldn't go as far as state the game should have been a PC exclusive but it should have been the one they released first then worked out the kinks and get some good revenue and then release it on the consoles. Hell, they can release them on one at a time. Other companies do so. (however, this only points the finger even more that they were going for a cash grab.)  Didn't want to delay the consoles longer like they did the PC versions. The Hype machine wouldn't work as much. The game isn't the game that they were trying to hype about.

57 minutes ago, driftscape said:


This is just one of the many reasons why you never pre-order. *looks at ritualclarity*  And this is really bad. it's not just a faulty game, you literally cannot get a refund. lol

Look at me all you want @driftscape I didn't pre-order it. It was my birthday present from someone. Since the hype was so good and this is the type of game I would enjoy (and so far have over 40 hours in playing it ;) ) they bought it for me. It was a very nice gesture. I appreciated it.  If you read my previous post I mentioned that.  I believe I am the only person here in the conversation  that  has the actual game to play it and have real world experience with the PC game. 

To be honest it isn't as bad as Fallout NV or Fallout 4 when released (got both on release)  In fact it is better than Fallout 4 on release for me s I had some setting issues that I had to resolve before I could get it to run properly. Nothing game breaking but .. it took a bit of searching for the info. 

some T poses, the NPC AI isn't all that good for this gen game. The cars aren't up to the level of GTA (early years even) a few performance issues but they are getting better with the first patch alone. The biggest problem I have is if I have an escort mission .. the NPC sometimes gets confused and stands there until I save and reload. There is also some annoying pop ups that just dont' go away but after I re-verified the cache I haven't even gotten those.

Is the game the quality that was expected.. oh hell no. However, other than a few occasions in my 41 plus hours of playing it since day one... It hasn't been half bad. I wouldn't pay the full price for the game but once they fix some of the above bugs and such it might be an OK game at around 25~30 dollars if you are really in to this type of game.


The concerns I have is how far will they go to make it better... Is this the something they will learn from and not repeat (the black out for the consoles and such) or will they continue down the road that EA and other game companies have gone on. I hope it is the former and not the latter however, I believe they will start to do the very same thing for all their releases now. to screw up this bad on the consoles, showing signs that they were purposely trying to hid the fact they were horrendous... is a very bad sign IMO.

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9 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

You stated my point.. they made the majority of their money historically on PC platform.  3/4ths of their money according to your statement was from PC. My point was PC gamer are those that are most likely to support their company at least currently. They are also the largest purchaser of the game so far from what I have heard. 

I'm talking about the The Witcher 3. That game is CD Projekt's most successful release and over half the sales were from consoles. That's point I'm making. That may not happen with CP2077 thanks to the decision to launch the game on consoles in the horrible state it's currently in.

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On 12/16/2020 at 11:14 PM, driftscape said:

I thought FPP was about "muh realism". So they said? Well, I guess that doesn't apply to everything.

What realism though? This is a game with bullet sponge enemies that can take numerous shots to their unarmored heads from a high caliber handgun or can be cut ten times with a katana and still manage to continue fighting as if nothing happened, which, by the way, things gets incredibly retarded in their idiotic "boss fights". I watched the fight with the endgame boss just yesterday, and the guy playing it emptied three magazines right of the bat from his seemingly powerful assault rifle and the "boss" did not even flinched once for a single second and kept wandering around casually while continuing to taunt the PC. The guy finally ran out of ammo and had to switch to other weapons to continue... Cops spawn out of nowhere and you get shot by enemies that shoot you through the walls... Combat in this game is nothing but a joke,.. The PC casually buys body augmentations from random shops and have them installed in a couple of hours and walks away, despite the fact that some of them clearly requires very intrusive surgical procedures... He then goes on and takes a shower... with his clothes on... I don't know what this game is really, but it's neither realistic, nor immersive. Just take a look at the comparison below between GTAV, a seven year old game, and this turd and see how incompetent CDPR really is. Considering the hype for this game, the end result is truly laughable.



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15 hours ago, driftscape said:


I'm just messin' with ya.

That's cool. No problems at all. ;) It case it wasn't I wanted people to actually KNOW that I didn't BUY THE GAME!   That according to all the negative press I wouldn't have either.  Finally personally I  think it isn't a horrible game and the concept is pretty cool. They got some pretty good scenes and some funny interactions that can be obtained with various life paths. It isn't the quality of a game we come to expect from CD Project Red.. which since it is a new engine I'd tend to give them the benefit of the doubt.. but seriously.. their pickup on the consoles and how bad it is being reported.. if it is even half as bad as that.. they need to be seriously flogged. I don't view this game. (once all the bugs have been ironed out which I do have faith that they will do, is worth more than ~35 dollars or so. However, they haven't given us the DLCs. some of the bests times I had with the Witcher was on the DLCs. There is aplace you can go that has the highway completely blocked with comments that hint there might be a nice new DLC going there once they take care of their dam mess with the consoles.. I hvae talked with some PC users on the game and they are having a good time and arent' concerned with the consoles .. I remind them that the more time they fuck with the consoles to get them up and working properly is more time they can't spend on giving us PC users the DLCs and other goodies! so we are getting fucked in any case. Dam.. this sucks.

10 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I completely agree with this guy on Youtubers, many of them are paid shills or tend to get too caught up in the hype to objectively review a game. As for the rest of the content in this video I generally agree with his assessment. The game isn't awful it's not a masterpiece either.


The issue is I am running it from hardware that was released in 2012 with a 1080Ti nothing mind blowing and not having an issue.  It is a solid rig but by no means super or even something someone would want to use today for gaming. (I don't, I want to upgrade! but can't no money :( )

I do agree with the console issue. That shouldn't ever have happened and their actions with the preview copies just shows that many .. most likely those up high were quite aware of the games quality on the consoles.

As this commentator states.. It is a buggy mess but not so much that it distracts from my play (often. I play about 4 hours and have to reboot it to get past a glitch that is messing things up ) about 2 times. That is way better than a fully patched and updated Fallout NV or even Skyrim!  ;) I am enjoying it and have put another 4 hours in after I have finished work and checking this site (since I am a moderator.. have my duties to preform! lol)  I have repeated several of the low level missions multiple times and have done it differently many of those time. Haven't gotten board of those yet. 

Again, I wouldn't advise it to be purchased at the full price. It isn't a 60 dollar game in any way. I doubt it will be 60 dollars even once the game is fully patch and running great. It just isn't worth it. I can tell you that m y personal experience isn't as bad as most if not all the reviewers have claimed the game is. Most of the time things are running quite well and working great.  (glitches and such.. not the poor design of car tracking and such ;) )

1 hour ago, bjornk said:

What realism though? This is a game with bullet sponge enemies that can take numerous shots to their unarmored heads from a high caliber handgun or can be cut ten times with a katana and still manage to continue fighting as if nothing happened, which, by the way, things gets incredibly retarded in their idiotic "boss fights". I watched the fight with the endgame boss just yesterday, and the guy playing it emptied three magazines right of the bat from his seemingly powerful assault rifle and the "boss" did not even flinched once for a single second and kept wandering around casually while continuing to taunt the PC. The guy finally ran out of ammo and had to switch to other weapons to continue... Cops spawn out of nowhere and you get shot by enemies that shoot you through the walls... Combat in this game is nothing but a joke,.. The PC casually buys body augmentations from random shops and have them installed in a couple of hours and walks away, despite the fact that some of them clearly requires very intrusive surgical procedures... He then goes on and takes a shower... with his clothes on... I don't know what this game is really, but it's neither realistic, nor immersive. Just take a look at the comparison below between GTAV, a seven year old game, and this turd and see how incompetent CDPR really is. Considering the hype for this game, the end result is truly laughable.



There is a mission where you kill pyschos these are super armored individuals with terrific cyber enhancements and built in armor. They are tough. however, I have  went through 3 of them so far one fo them I was fighting and went .. Where did she go? WTF?  Looking around and realized I mowed her down lol  There are also settings .. kind of like they hve in witcher.. if you set the game up on super hard.. you will get your ass handed to you. However, you are correct that unlike Witcher. it is harder to justify some of the fight scenes even with the above.

Some of those glitches were early.. Haven't experienced any shooting through walls recently after the patch.  There is still an issue with spawning but it is mostly cars and NPCs ijn crowds.

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The traffic is true from GTA haven't tested the NPCs swimming or the firehydrant or even the grenades. I hvae shot out the windows of a car and the NPC got out and ran several dozen feet then crouched.

LOL  I haven't even thought about hitching a ride on the car.. that is funny as hell and ther is a time that you don't a have a car.. It is true that last video on the cars and how things are playing. It is pretty bad ...

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Cyberpunk 2077 Refunds

SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store.  SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice.

Once we have confirmed that you purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store, we will begin processing your refund.  Please note that completion of the refund may vary based on your payment method and financial institution.




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  • Most dialogues (98%) have no impact on the story whatsoever. The vast majority of dialogue only changes the next line of dialogue and that’s it.
  • Only a very small subset of dialogues (around 2% of all dialogues) actually have any impact whatsoever. These are the choices pointed out in this guide.
  • You will always end up on the same linear story path with the same objectives and missions no matter what.



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These exploits might be patched later on, but this video still makes something pretty clear; items, crafting, perks, combat, every fucking system is retarded in this game. And mind you, if you craft too many items your save file gets corrupted... An 8 MB save is not even that big, considering the size and scope of the game, and when compared to the save size in their previous games.





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