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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Ah, I see, thanks. The answer as I see it is they keep trying to one up each other on which can make the ugliest character.
  2. This is the first time they had a very major reaction to the fans reactions to their game. They almost came short of shutting down Montreal location. That is a major change. They currently see it as the location causing the issue and not themselves though. Not their policies just poor quality control at that location and leadership sucked. Not because of the SJW etc. However, many articles and such are coming out and many references to how catering to SJW is causing the bottom line to drop are getting more and more common. These are things that they being business people will see and review, seriously. Hopefully, they will consider them very seriously and make some serious changes on their formula with regards to this. However, how much of a change likely will be very little. MEA was one game. They are still patting themselves on the back for other games that they released so even though this is a slap in the face, they'd likely just take it as the fans didn't want a new Mass Effect game and shut that IP down. Too costly to continue. So we are very likely to never get another ME game again. What will likely have to happen is another major upset like what happened to the ME game on another game (next release) and perhaps 2 or 3 more times before they get their act straight. I believe they would survive this at that point. They will be really hurt but they have butloads of cash etc. so they will likely be able to fair that happening. As I understand it, MEA did make them a profit or at least they came close to breaking even. It didn't however make the$$$$ that they expected (and really should have made so they weren't far from that. Had they not fucked up everything they would be rolling in the $$$ with people yelling "Take my Money". )
  3. "EA and Bioware need a reality check"... Yep. "you reap what you sow"
  4. I hope not... I would loose my job if it did happen They do everything much more "proper way" than the current games that are being released. I hope this continues. I hope they continue to remember the fans and deliver quality packed, well written games well into the future. Doubt other game companies will do this. I also hope the Cyberpunk 2077 is able to live up to everyone's expectation. I say that because CD Red does have some serious competiti0on... themselves. Which might be the hardest to beat. I hope it meets at least the same quality as WIII and I will be happy. Also there are some hints in WIII that someone from that game might be present in Cyberpunk 2077 or at least referenced. That is just so cool in itself. Same EA/MEA doesn't have the basic storytelling skills and tech ability to give just the basic solid well built game. Nobody is asking for a classic just solid, reliable game with some decent story. Nothing that hasn't been done before. just the basic shit. So sad that they can't even do that.
  5. Yes, your skill just keeps on getting better and better. Keep this up and us naughty users could have a closet fully of sexy clothes...
  6. Humble as well... Don't sell yourself short in any fashion. They were the trailblazers and proved that it could be done however, it is no easy feat even with guidance and proof of concepts to get this level of work done. You were learning from scratch. New or at least pretty new to the idea of modding and content creation. You went from that to the level you are. This is what I find amazing. Proof concept that if someone is willing to work at it they can do and create great things. Most newer mod users have the concept that people doing this are experienced in texture creation, meshes, animations and such already and just using their skills to make some mods for the community when in fact, many modders first experiences are doing those mods they are working on. Which is so AWESOME when you think of it. I really hope you do write about the basics sometime. Retextures for example, slight mesh alteration or even how to change where the shoes are shown in the sims game would be great. Really anything that could get some more people creating content that they want and don't have.
  7. You deserve the support. There are authors that do recolor and retexture etc. I understand the process somewhat however I understand that even the shear amount of effort it would take to do what you did (even more when you didn't know how to do it) pales by comparison to the actual work needed. This is because even though I understand the gist and some of the procedures that are done. I have no clue or ability to understand the actual complexity of the actual task. For those newer members, If I am correct, JoshQ actually redid the meshes in such a way that you could have proper high heels (where as Karma appreciates the character gets taller) This is far different than creating a set of shoes to cover the feet alone. Trust me. Then to make it compatible with the rest of the game and any mods that follow the same expected structure of EA... Can't even fathom how that was done.
  8. JoshQ has really taken his time to learn the trade. His skill is easily recognized by looking at the works he has done. The "Devil is in the details" is what you are pointing out. The little things that mean so much and make such a difference. These little touches really make this such a great mod and JoshQ such a great mod author. I don't have Sims 3 (however starting to consider the purchase due to excellent mods like this one) but if I did I truly believe this is one of the first mods I would install in my game.
  9. It has been slowing down. I thought it was due to my massive amount of downloads... (games from Steam and Orgin etc) However not quite that long for me at least.
  10. Theniael: " Where ya' going Lydia? Can't you see your Thane needs some assistance? "
  11. Discord has its advantages. It is a major player and many people that game and such have an account. They could access NSFWmods.com discord along with all the other chats that they are following at the same time. Currently with the inactivity of the chat that we had, I'd say wait until the Discord plugin has gotten out of Beta before deciding or not deciding to include it as a service you want part of the site.
  12. Not sure if it was on my end or on withthe system. First the message system was very, very laggy then the entire site went down (500 error). Just giving some feedback in case others experienced the same thing. I think it was my net that was flaking out. Downloading tOOO much for several days lol. (restoring my computer and getting fresh games from Steam and Orgin. WitcherIII is HUGE for example :P) Everything is nice and snappy now, or as snappy as it was before now.
  13. Also if I am not mistaken changing the mouse settings from the mouse would be easier and more convenient than clicking here and there to get to the mouse settings menu in Windows. That solution in my opinion would be something to consider if it was a more permanent change as changes to accommodate a game.
  14. Excellent, keep on sharing little gems like this.
  15. The first rule about new clubs features is to not talk about the new clubs features...
  16. It's good that you are aware of this problem. Hopefully soon they will resolve this issue.
  17. @Doublezero Not sure if it is only on my end but the page loading /entrance is quite time consuming. Nothing horrible but even LL has a faster load time to enter. sometimes the pages take a bit longer to load as well. I haven't said anything but with the recent issues and slowdowns I thought I should at least give a heads up in case it is something that is experienced by many here and might be something that could later cause serious problems. Otherwise I have no issues with the slowness. It is all good.
  18. If you are having problems by all means post it here or let someone know. It might be something on your end or might be something on ours. Let us know as there might be many others that haven't said anything we have 20000 + members now. I am sure if someone is having a problem... there is someone else that has that problem or something similar. Worst case... perhaps we could make a tutorial to fix it. (flush DNS, clear Temp folder, etc)
  19. ritualclarity

    SOS Help!

    Currently there is a universal note that the CPU useage for the forums is very high and is being worked on. I had the same problem as you have with Messages but thought it was due to my computer. The OS is acting up for other things now. I didn't get a message from you (due to the system) and took me a hell of a time to try to send a message to Kendo (not sure it went through) Finally thanks for the info and comment. I wasn't aware others were having problems. Hopefully DoubleZero can resolve the issue soon.
  20. ritualclarity

    New Breton Girl

    Sounds good. You could perhaps even change the mod name to Custom Skyrim Races. Brentons really need some work and better presets. They look like someone hit them with the ugly stick, that is the original settings from the game. If you have time the others could use some TLC as well.
  21. Bioshock 1 & 2, didn't get a round to play the third version. Played Oblivion, but didn't get hooked as others, Played Fallout 3 extensively and then later Fallout NV and even a few passes on Fallout 4. (didn't really enjoy it as much. Sad there isn't as many modding tools to make it great. The base game is boring. The previous Fallout games (3 and NV ) I played quite a bit before I even added any mods. I played and liked the original KTOR and KTOR II quite a bit. Really liked the ME series 1 through 3 however MEA is very bad even if you discount the graphics and glitches (they are working with a new engine this time) the stories and character development doesn't seem as well developed or polished. Sad... I was really looking forward to this game. At the time I got the game I ddin't realize Bethesda was behind creating the game. I only saw EA. Based on the decline of Bethesda games the past few years... I wouldn't have gotten it. Everybody bitches about the glitches and animations. That can be fixed with a bit of effort. What can't be fixed is the major story lines and quest and such, well not very easily. Witcher III the first one of the series that I played from CK Projet Red. I was blown away. First frustrated to no end. It is HARD game, a very HARD game. Even on easy I was having my ass handed to me. If you are used to Bethesda type of game play where you are a tank and "hero" and such then you will be very disappointed. CK Project Red doesn't take it easy on you. No "freebiees" or "I'm Special" players. They give it to you full on from the start. I went back a few times and gotten better and better and enjoyed it more and more as I learned the game and how to play. Timing the hits and such. (rare not to have a button masher or a "Vats" or "Bullet time" to make the game easier on the player. However once I really got the idea and started doing well I took on characters (early levels ) as much as 2x time my level. If I missed a chance or fucked up... I was dead. Some of the encounters ended being one hit kills at the levels I was taking on. My hand never gotten so cramped or I never gotten so jumpy on a video game in my life. If you are someone that will bitch about running into a 30th level creature or NPC when you are only 7~10 level and get your ass handed to you because you decided you were a "hero" then this game isn't for you. If you want to have challenges and surprises which actually matter and have a risk that you could be killed. then this game is for you. Tried the previous versions but couldn't get used to the keymapping and gameplay and stopped to play another game. Might return to them. However, looking at the previous versions Witcher 1 and 2 you can see why people are so impressed with CD Project Red as they are growing exponentially with their tech, texture and game in general.
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