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Hope not!  He would go to jail. You can't tamper with any ballot.  Could even get those thrown out of the counts causing a recount.  If some states had a shit fit about Republicans just adding ballot boxes for the voters ... imagine how much of a shit fit will happen with that? 

I seriously doubt that is legit.

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

Hope not!  He would go to jail. You can't tamper with any ballot.  Could even get those thrown out of the counts causing a recount.  If some states had a shit fit about Republicans just adding ballot boxes for the voters ... imagine how much of a shit fit will happen with that? 

I seriously doubt that is legit.

I figured as much. Though, I thought it would possible. But from a legal stand point it's not. If it was legal it was only wishful thinking. But in any case, I don't know how it's possible how they are going to root out the ballots that are illegal that are mixed in with the legal ballots. All of this really pisses me off. I wish they would just have everyone vote all over again and in person. Funny how dems and their supporters are out celebrating breaking all these COVID-19 rules.

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Tump was the person that was "no" on the mail in ballots. Funny thing, those mail in ballots caused the win. I believe many Trump supporters didn't m ail in their ballot and attempted to go to the polling place. How many decided to stick around for hours to vote? How many votes were lost (from the public vote ) due to this?   I have seen some reports on my local news where people had to wait 4 or 5 hours to vote. (needless to say it was due to the elctorial processes and failure to act properly of course)

In 2000 they went over each ballot for Florida for hanging tabs and such to be sure the votes were correct.  They can root out any watermarks if they thought it was worth it. Maybe, they aren't concerned so long as the ballot is legit? (and someone put a mark on it as opposed to specific watermarked ballots created for this outside of the electoral process)

So many people celebrating in FAcebook. Didn't know there were that many supporters there. (that I know)  Those few that are strong supporters have gone silent. I guess waiting for Trump's legal team to go through all the court actions they have at their hands.

Both sides have broken the Covid 19 rules.. Trump supporters during rallies and now Biden supporters celebrating and in-between those Antifa and BLM folk doing all sorts of violations :P I'd bet my bottom dollar if Trump won there would be just as big if not bigger party.

Politics only wants you to follow Covid rules when they want to control you.... when it is something they need or would be good for the.m.. then they don't give a fuck. I hear that other countries are much more consistent. Surprise, surprise (gomer pile voice) that people don't believe Covid even exist and others over-react way more than is necessary to avoid it. ) 

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The difference between majority of us Trump supporters and leftis is that we believe this COVID to be nothing more than a hoax, or completely blown out of proportion. Others that do beleive in it think we have to take risks and continue to live our lives going back to work because we cannot allow our economy to collapse. Too many businesses have fallen not just from this COVID-BS, but thanks to to these domestic terrorist groups known as BLM and ANTIFA. The left preach all day long about COVID criticizing the right and Trump supporters for not respecting the rules but in the other hand have zero problem getting closer than 6 feet from one another and being in large gathers. Not to forget a lot who don't wear masks. They have no room to talk when they aren't leading by example. Rules for thee but not for me. Just like the democrats.


Then there's the mainstream media there to heavily criticize and attack, again Trump supporters for these large gatherings at Trump rallies, but completely ignore the large gatherings of ANTIFA and BLM when rioting the streets. Or right now all the Biden supporters gathered together in front of the White House.


Edited by driftscape
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That is from the popular vote... the Electoral College is what is used to determine the president .... (however, depending on the State the popular vote does play in what the rep can vote on but which ones I don't know.

Even with that being said.. with a recount and that large of a number ... that is worrysome. The press and experts hound on at how little change would occur with such a recount... In my mind that shows that the procedures weren't as high in quality control as we were led to believe.


Of course, I didn't watch the video.. I can't watch the video :(  rarely ever can watch one here..

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21 hours ago, Doublezero said:

Do you get an error when you try to watch?

Yes, I get errors  quite often from videos on this site. Don't know why. Often I have to work around to see the video by opening a separate thread.

However, now they all seem to be working .. I tried to get a capture of what is being output when I try but both the older video and the one you posted is working.

Now you are making it so I have no excuse (other than I don't have the time) lol..

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Here is Tim's take on it.. 

Both posted today: Nov 16, 2020

An example of better reporting... 

Posted: Nov 9, 2020

Appending this: They CAVED! 

Vincent was previously banned by YT a while back, he has returned.  

Nov. 18 2020. 

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The reason I tend to go over the same channels is due to the fact I cannot stand watching "normal" MSM news channels anymore. It started with CNN and MSNBC which and now includes all of them including Fox, I am no longer subbed to Fox but I still glance over there to see Tucker, Gutfeld and Ingram. The other channels I literally feel like throwing my shoe at the TV (putting it mildly). They don't even try to hide it anymore. A friend of mine back in 2013 called CNN the Communist News Network, I didn't figure out what he meant until it got closer to the 2016 election. Now, I absolutely refuse to watch them, not even to glance over. 

As for tolerance.. As a former Democrat, I can tell you this video is the truth.

Also, I am aware the beginning of the clip is only part of the story, but it does NOT excuse what these people did to "get even". They go beyond, like they always do.

The Republican for life voters (the never Democrats) were easier to talk to than the Democrat people I used to talk to, granted there are exceptions like my HS friend turned Democrat politician, he knew I voted for Trump, and still had lunch with me. But that kind of friendliness is rare among Democrats, and it is also possible that it was because he knew me from High School that he was more relaxed, like I was. 

I guess I bring this up, at the moment, after seeing how Gregathit is getting hammered in the LL forums right now. 

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I still look at "news" that you mention but it is only to see the trend and info that they are sending out. This is because chances are others are listening and not thinking for themselves about what is being given to them.  I can then see what is in the general population then if I am interested I can search out opposing well written and argued view points that are counter to the "news" and be much better informed.  Sad thing they "News" are getting more and more like a bad You Tube page with their "click bait" type news reporting. I remember many years ago when you watched a news show and the reporters and staff really tried to cover all points of view and possible arguments so that the info you gotten was at least reasonably well informed and any clear "opinions' were proper labeled.  Now they report only using their narrow view of the world and their opinions and bias is injected into almost all "news" reports.

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