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Kendo 2

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14 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


As someone who wanted kids at one point in my life, I couldn't imagine the things I would do if my child had a "teacher" like this. This must be really hard on parents who are facing these troubles with their kids being educated by filth like this so called teacher.

Generations of children grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Many of them were taught various "theories" that were popular at that time.  The "Greatest Generation" (WWII) generation was taught Bio-determinism  https://www.britannica.com/topic/biological-determinism (which some use as justification then (perhaps now) as the reason selected races are the way they are.)

Others were taught evolution and other theories such as Egypt was founded by White people. Having it founded by northern Africans violated the thoughts of the day.

  It was the place of the teachers to TEACH the theory. It is the place of the family to TEACH VALUES to their children.  I remember being taught many a thing and the teacher would often address the opposing theory or though in the teaching so that the students had the info of what the hell is going on.

When a fireman becomes a fireman or a police officer becomes a police officer, they pledge to follow the policies and procedures of their department/location. Same for a Teacher. Teach, if you can't ... time to fucking move on.  She acts like she and the current teachers were the only ones that were faced with teaching something they didn't believe, and restricted in teaching something that they believed in. Previous generation of teachers understood what was going on and how to address this. Imagine science teachers not being able to teach evolution or give the age of the earth (previously taught as 6~7000 years old. 

In higher education while I was there, it was encouraged by most professors to address various issues and question things. To explore ideas ourselves and they gave the tools necessary to properly evaluate the info and results for ourselves. It was OK if you decided to believe something based on a set of info, it wasn't however OK if you didn't do the work and understand the opposing views. Be able to address various aspects of those views and discuss them. Now schools are developing into a communistic teaching philosophy. Where students HAVE to follow their teaching and if they don't, they are punished. This is what China did when communism took over the country. They destroyed thousands of years of heritage in favor of a single unified concept.  Modern schools (in the US at least) following these avenues will make it harder and harder to have original thought, original development, original people with the ability to research and understand what is fact and what is propaganda. 

Such a shame.

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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

But.. but.. we have "pretty much he same rules"....

Laugh my ass off. 

It hasn't ever been about the rules IMO.. it is about the rule enforcers that makes the difference. ;)

Other than a laugh, threads like those, are only a waste of my time these days. Used to I'd get tempted to chime in but ... it is all bullshit. Nothing is going to change,



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Yeah, DocSax pulled a double shift at the Ministry of Truth over at LL today.

"Dat is against der roolz I just pulled out of mien azzenen."

NSFWMods did get a mention in those threads, and I wasn't the one who did the mentioning. :XD:

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1 hour ago, bjornk said:

Looks like those threads have been deleted. What were they about?

The fist one was about Asian sites blocking Westerners and that LL should block the IPs of Asian countries.  It quickly went to 'I love me some Asians and you're racist if you don't too' and that bullshit was called out.  DocSax agreed that everyone who sided with blocking Asian countries is racist and locked the thread.

The second one was about how woke LL is and practically everyone agreed that it's gone too far.  DocSax locked that one too because the threat of HIS bullshit was being called out was on the horizon.

I had no part in any of it other than my usual 'pointing out the obvious'.

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Someone over there pointed out (rightly) that Dark0ne can't relicense things he never had the license for to begin with.  It's called 'theft'.

Uploading to a site doesn't negate creative or intellectual property rights.  I hope there is a mass modder exodus from Nerxus.

IDEA!  One of you guys who isn't banned over there post a link to NSFWMods and invite the modders over.

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I refuse to post in that moron's thread. I'm sure they will merge both threads. But it's quite funny to see how Nexus is eating itself from within from one side of modders tell the other they are being whiny bitchy cry babies while the other side is trying to defend their mods. Really stupid move by D0, but it's good to see them salty premium members who rode their high horse just to stomp all over anyone who wasn't a premium member because they think their the holy grail of all members. Bet they don't think so highly of Nexus now except those still riding D0's dick.

If anything, I think most of them will start their own community or find one similar to Nexus. Doubt they will want to affiliate themselves with a site that advertises porn. Just my opinion. We might get some over here. LL will probably get some of them as well. But the moralist ones, which I think will be a lot of them won't.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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Well crybabies from ... well anywhere, better come with their big boy/girl/whatever the current trend pronoun is now, because unlike Nexus or even LL, we don't come to the rescue if you put your size 13 in your mouth. People have to work their shit out. So I don't think many will come here. Perhaps the authors because of our environment but users won't post much here. download yes, but post ... not so much.  Unlike other sites, we don't give two figs if you post or not.

So bring them on. So far those that have come from LL (and active) other than some in the beginning when they thought this site was going to be a LL clone) are pretty cool and mellow.

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Someone over there pointed out (rightly) that Dark0ne can't relicense things he never had the license for to begin with.  It's called 'theft'.

Uploading to a site doesn't negate creative or intellectual property rights.  I hope there is a mass modder exodus from Nerxus.

IDEA!  One of you guys who isn't banned over there post a link to NSFWMods and invite the modders over.

LOL.. do you really want the masses of modders from Nexus over here? If you do, give me the post / name etc. I'll post a invite to here.

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25 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:


I think he meant on Nexus. I could be wrong.

that's easy enough. .. just create a puppet account through a vpn and a fake email address. done.  

LL still imo has some hope of improvement. Nexus, doesn't. I go there for the mods. Leave due to the community... lol

However, @Doublezero was right.. that link he had above has some spicy conversations... enough of all this as I actually have a real life :P  Fun to laugh at until you realize it is slowly creeping thorough the entire gaming community...

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I'm glad someone called them out over this because it's a bunch of baloney. I understand how databases work and deleting a file from a storage drive should have no effect on the database. That entire post is there just to justify collections.



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