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Have "THEY" gone to the point where they have to make shit happen to prove their agenda is correct?

Nope. We've had an interstate bridge collapse just one county over and they finally replaced the "bridge under a bridge" the built to prevent debris falling onto the highway.

But instead, the Administration sends taxpayer dollars to Pakistan for Gender Studies. 4 Administrations from now they'll finally address this situation. It'll take two more administrations to get it going, the first one will likely only see the new "department" finally getting desks and computers. When it IS finally up and running, the costs will be at least 300% over what a competent private company would charge. Oh, and they'll build it with foreign steel, bolts and tools, all purchased at 300+% over retail. 

But no more mean Tweets, amiright?

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On 1/29/2022 at 8:00 PM, vancleef said:

Nope. We've had an interstate bridge collapse just one county over and they finally replaced the "bridge under a bridge" the built to prevent debris falling onto the highway.

But instead, the Administration sends taxpayer dollars to Pakistan for Gender Studies. 4 Administrations from now they'll finally address this situation. It'll take two more administrations to get it going, the first one will likely only see the new "department" finally getting desks and computers. When it IS finally up and running, the costs will be at least 300% over what a competent private company would charge. Oh, and they'll build it with foreign steel, bolts and tools, all purchased at 300+% over retail. 

But no more mean Tweets, amiright?

It's much worse than that. 

Edit: some perspective: "There are 24 hours in a day so you would count 24X60x60 = $8,6400 in one day. There are 365 days in a year so you would count 24X60x60x365 = $31,536,000 in one year. To find how long it would take to count to a trillion dollars divide 1 trillion by 31,536,000. That is 1,000,000,000,000/31,536,000 = 31,709.79 years."

Edit: I have to put this here.. I literally blew my top with this clip: 

To think that "Let's Go Brandon" is offensive. To whom? Joe Biden?!?! What now we can't even disparage a political figure? WTF

Edited by Alkpaz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Those videos I posted got taken down due to the Canadian government. 

And this is why we need a parallel economy and why I left LL. I do recognize that I am contributing to the division, but they fired the first shots, I'm just responding in kind. Fuck censorship. Fuck Biden, Trudeau, and any other fucking elite that does the same bullshit. Your time will come, and I hope I am there to watch all of you hang. 


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It's funny how Trudeau now cares about the business that are blocked by the protest. but the last two years on lock down, that didn't matter. There is not one testosterone in that man's body. Doesn't have the gull to walk outside of his bubble. But he'll send his storm troopers to do his bidding. Doesn't matter what ever he does, the world is watching. I'm thinking that the invasion of China from the Fallout lore would come soon to reality given Trudeau is a fanboy of the CCP. Except it won't be due to resources.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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Added info.. especially when anyone sees her.  Watch her blow a blood vessel... lol (once, and if she figures out why you are doing something so strange) I hate stupid people like that. As far as I am aware, nobody from those communities have mentioned that is a symbol that they use for communication. I wish people would stop trying to make meaning into something that it isn't. I am confident that if "Honk Honk" was short hand for anything in that area, with the world wide web and communications etc.. we'd know it shortly.

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That's the authoritarian playbook today though. An opinion the State hates! Well OBVIOUSLY it's code for something nazi. 🥴


Heck, even Putin's in on it. Had to attack because: nazis. 😆


Can that work with us? "Yes, officer I robbed the bank because it was run by nazis," 😆

Edited by Nessa
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 A cheap easy way that many that have no imagination, evidence or proof of wrong doing use such insults as Nazis and racist and the like to try to win an argument. Then they get really pissed when you want to have a real discussion and get to the root of the issue and / or call their "evidence" wrong.

A real quick easy way to get on my nerves and loose respect in my eyes.

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8 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

It's just the equivalent to what they told my parents during the Cuban Missile Crisis: Hide under your desk to prevent radiation exposure. 

I was at lunch with my Mom today (who was a teenager during the Cuban Missile Crisis) and she said, "I lived through nuclear panics in the 60s, 70s and 80s! I'm not falling for this one! It'll pass!"

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