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Kendo 2

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Well a certain popular US news site (no names shall be used to protect the guilty) have stopped me commenting by simply logging me out whenever I venture to a news article with a comments section.  It was one of the few that actually still allowed commenting (mostly), but it seems censorship is alive and kicking in the land of the free.  Trying to make even a slightly "politically incorrect" comment on YouTube is also a waste of time, your comment is silently deleted.  I was simply pointing out to someone who said "Russians would never be allowed to read American news websites" that Americans are not allowed to read Russian news websites.  Apparently that's "politically incorrect".

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On 10/22/2022 at 10:19 AM, MemnochWabbit said:

The loophole was that they were doing LOSS OF FUNCTION research.  The original COVID virus killed 100% of mice, they made one that killed 80% of mice.  The made a LESS LETHAL variant of COVID and everyone had a sh*t fit.  But why would they do that?  WHY? WHY! WHY?!  Because if they can make a variant that is completely harmless and completely safe but still teaches our immune system to fight ALL types of COVID then they have made a perfectly safe, and very effective vaccine.  Unlike other "vaccines" out there.  That's why.  This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion by some VERY selective reporting.

No. What I see, is that they took an already non-lethal (much lower) variant that is highly contagious, and made it 80% lethal. Do you remember where "killer bees" came from? Hmmm... the honey bees aren't reproducing fast enough, and making enough honey. Great idea!!! Let's take the docile honey bees and cross them with some African bees that breed fast, swarm and kill. What could possibly go wrong when man tries to be God?

First Covid was just a bat problem, somewhere in remote moubtains in China, that was around 1000s of years... until someone got a "great idea" and played God with it.

Drug companies do not want a vaccine that actually works. They get a monthly government check. Both Moderna and Pfizer now have TV ads to push this or that new booster for this or that new variant... and their government checks. Why would they want to fix anything? 🤔 

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22 hours ago, MemnochWabbit said:

Well a certain popular US news site (no names shall be used to protect the guilty) have stopped me commenting by simply logging me out whenever I venture to a news article with a comments section.  It was one of the few that actually still allowed commenting (mostly), but it seems censorship is alive and kicking in the land of the free.  Trying to make even a slightly "politically incorrect" comment on YouTube is also a waste of time, your comment is silently deleted.  I was simply pointing out to someone who said "Russians would never be allowed to read American news websites" that Americans are not allowed to read Russian news websites.  Apparently that's "politically incorrect".

VPN. Only way to access VK, and many things Russian origin.

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7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


Look at both studios play nice together. Seems like it was done because of MS more than anything.

In a video called "Fallout's 25th Anniversary" there's not even a single mention of the creators of the original game, Cain, Boyarsky, Anderson or Fargo. How disrespectful.


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On 10/24/2022 at 3:32 AM, LadySmoks said:


Drug companies do not want a vaccine that actually works. 


Of course they do, as time passes and more and more people start studying the data it will become blatantly obvious that the current vaccine is not effective enough to justify the side effects.  At that point their cash flow is gone.  Besides, they are not the only companies looking for it, if they don't find it and patent it then someone else will.  Otherwise cash flow gone.  Don't forget COVID is the new flu, it's going to mutate every year and just like the flu shot (if you ever took one) you have to get it again every year.  

As for playing god, we have been doing that for a very, very long time.  The dog is our finest experiment.  Humans have been genetic engineering the old and slow way since we started planting crops, now we have just found faster ways to speed that process up.  I would also like to point out we have had plagues BEFORE we had CRISPR - before we even knew about bacteria and viruses, ones that obviously evolved on their own.  We will have them again, it's part of evolution.  Bill Gates trying to sound all knowing and wise said "There will be another plague" - yes, of course there will.

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On 10/24/2022 at 3:34 AM, LadySmoks said:

VPN. Only way to access VK, and many things Russian origin.

I'm not in the "West" - I don't have a problem accessing all things Russian or Chinese or pretty much everything.  Where I live they heard about censorship but couldn't figure out how to get it working so they just left it alone.  It does have it's down side though, we fall outside a lot of TV/Movie licensing areas so if you want to stream half the content out there you need a VPN for that, but then EVERYONE has those issues to some degree, stupid outdated licensing models.

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On 10/24/2022 at 10:23 PM, bjornk said:

In a video called "Fallout's 25th Anniversary" there's not even a single mention of the creators of the original game, Cain, Boyarsky, Anderson or Fargo. How disrespectful.

I saw a video and it was supposed to be about the 25th anniversary.  It was really about "What has Bethesda given us?" and then it went on to feature Creation Club shit that you have to BUY.  Bethesda's never given me anything.  Whatever I've gotten from them I've had to paid for.  And FO4 wasn't worth the $60; I got cheated.

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6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I saw a video and it was supposed to be about the 25th anniversary.  It was really about "What has Bethesda given us?" and then it went on to feature Creation Club shit that you have to BUY.  Bethesda's never given me anything.  Whatever I've gotten from them I've had to paid for.  And FO4 wasn't worth the $60; I got cheated.

If you got cheated out of $60.00 for Fallout 4....

Imagine how cheated those feel that got Fallout 76 ;)

We should have known when they (Bethesda) started that shit when they had horse armor.

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On 10/25/2022 at 4:54 PM, MemnochWabbit said:

Of course they do, as time passes and more and more people start studying the data it will become blatantly obvious that the current vaccine is not effective enough to justify the side effects.  At that point their cash flow is gone.  Besides, they are not the only companies looking for it, if they don't find it and patent it then someone else will.  Otherwise cash flow gone.  Don't forget COVID is the new flu, it's going to mutate every year and just like the flu shot (if you ever took one) you have to get it again every year.  

As for playing god, we have been doing that for a very, very long time.  The dog is our finest experiment.  Humans have been genetic engineering the old and slow way since we started planting crops, now we have just found faster ways to speed that process up.  I would also like to point out we have had plagues BEFORE we had CRISPR - before we even knew about bacteria and viruses, ones that obviously evolved on their own.  We will have them again, it's part of evolution.  Bill Gates trying to sound all knowing and wise said "There will be another plague" - yes, of course there will.

You place far more belief in both the "good" intentions and abilities of man, as well as government institutions with politcal agendas, which often seem more about securing power and control, rather than actually doing what would benefit the masses they claim to "represent".

The flu, as we know it, is a natural occurance within nature, and spreads naturally. Same cannot be said of Covid... at least in the form we saw from a lab. Having been around as long as it was in it's natural state and habitat, to infer that what did happened was not the result of man playing God, and compare it to other plagues which came and went, is in my personal view, quite short sighted. To shrink from understanding of modern greed and the power of the dollar is more so... in my humble opinion.

The PV cell in solar panels are the same as 10 or 20 years ago. Batteries for power storage are basically what Tesla created. Any innovation to electric motors comes from need in other areas. Little need or reason to improve something that the government will gladly give thousands of dollars in rebates for. Had the government given rebates to Ford, exactly how do you think that would have gone?


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On 10/27/2022 at 2:33 AM, Kendo 2 said:

I saw a video and it was supposed to be about the 25th anniversary.  It was really about "What has Bethesda given us?" and then it went on to feature Creation Club shit that you have to BUY.  Bethesda's never given me anything.  Whatever I've gotten from them I've had to paid for.  And FO4 wasn't worth the $60; I got cheated.

I noticed the graphic alone for the "25th Anniversary" didn't even have any callbacks to the originals. Plus they put New Vegas as a tiiiny little sign way in the back. Can't help but think that was intentional. 🤣

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Sanity ^  why have problems with Halloween costumes? Regardless of the costume? Sure there might be some that would be offended. But it is OK to be offended. Without the ability to speak, act, comment, discuss comments, how can we grow as a society?

I say anyone that believes in free speech and commentary should dress exactly to offend this year. Hold the line.



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On 10/28/2022 at 9:41 PM, LadySmoks said:

You place far more belief in both the "good" intentions and abilities of man, as well as government institutions with politcal agendas, which often seem more about securing power and control, rather than actually doing what would benefit the masses they claim to "represent".

The flu, as we know it, is a natural occurance within nature, and spreads naturally. Same cannot be said of Covid... at least in the form we saw from a lab. Having been around as long as it was in it's natural state and habitat, to infer that what did happened was not the result of man playing God, and compare it to other plagues which came and went, is in my personal view, quite short sighted. To shrink from understanding of modern greed and the power of the dollar is more so... in my humble opinion.


The PV cell in solar panels are the same as 10 or 20 years ago. Batteries for power storage are basically what Tesla created. Any innovation to electric motors comes from need in other areas. Little need or reason to improve something that the government will gladly give thousands of dollars in rebates for. Had the government given rebates to Ford, exactly how do you think that would have gone?



It has nothing to do with good or bad intentions, and everything to do with making money - if they don't find a better cure before someone else, they will lose money.  Money makes the world go round - good or bad very seldom are factors in decisions involving money.  At the same time competitors will be looking to discredit other cures to boost sales of THEIR product.  Follow the money.


No, what is short sighted is thinking only man can create plagues, that only man is cruel enough to do that.  Nature is crueler than man will ever be.  It's not called survival of the fittest for nothing.  Man is a monkey with a screwdriver compared to what nature can and does do.


I think you are out of touch with the subject matter - the first solar cells had a 14% efficiency, they are now currently at 47% efficiency.  Tesla didn't create the battery, I am a big fan of Tesla but not everything electrical spouted from his godlike forehead.  The lead acid battery was created by Gaston Planté in 1860 (yes I looked that up, I had no idea who invented the lead acid battery) and we have come a long way with batteries and battery density since then.  I STILL think we have a long way to go though, I agree there, but to say it hasn't changed is wrong.  BTW (ironically) Edison DID design a battery called the Nickel–iron battery which was a really awesome battery - but like the long life lightbulb it was quietly discontinued because they lasted forever, can't have things lasting too long  (greed again, see first comment) but I fail to see how a rebate would have saved the Edison battery?  Our current understanding of chemistry and physics may be what is stopping a huge breakthrough in these areas, no amount of rebates is going to fix that, unless it's a rebate to build the next collider of course.

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8 hours ago, MemnochWabbit said:

It has nothing to do with good or bad intentions, and everything to do with making money - if they don't find a better cure before someone else, they will lose money.  Money makes the world go round - good or bad very seldom are factors in decisions involving money.  At the same time competitors will be looking to discredit other cures to boost sales of THEIR product.  Follow the money.


No, what is short sighted is thinking only man can create plagues, that only man is cruel enough to do that.  Nature is crueler than man will ever be.  It's not called survival of the fittest for nothing.  Man is a monkey with a screwdriver compared to what nature can and does do.


I think you are out of touch with the subject matter - the first solar cells had a 14% efficiency, they are now currently at 47% efficiency.  Tesla didn't create the battery, I am a big fan of Tesla but not everything electrical spouted from his godlike forehead.  The lead acid battery was created by Gaston Planté in 1860 (yes I looked that up, I had no idea who invented the lead acid battery) and we have come a long way with batteries and battery density since then.  I STILL think we have a long way to go though, I agree there, but to say it hasn't changed is wrong.  BTW (ironically) Edison DID design a battery called the Nickel–iron battery which was a really awesome battery - but like the long life lightbulb it was quietly discontinued because they lasted forever, can't have things lasting too long  (greed again, see first comment) but I fail to see how a rebate would have saved the Edison battery?  Our current understanding of chemistry and physics may be what is stopping a huge breakthrough in these areas, no amount of rebates is going to fix that, unless it's a rebate to build the next collider of course.

As I said, and perhaps YOU missed... yes, money. as with any form of welfare, and a steady government paycheck, there is little need or desire to actually create a vaccine that will end the flow of those checks. One vaccine that works... X number of doses sold... population fully protected... big payday! DONE! No more checks in the mail!!! Vaccine that may or may not actually do anything for a single variant... paycheck for X number of doses. Cha--ching! Next variant... Cha-ching!! Next? Cha-ching, Cha-ching, Cha-ching!!!!!!!!

And for some, power and control, to tell you, and attempt to tell me, where, what, when, how, and which, I can do whatever they wish to try to get away with. We... or perhaps only I (for purpose of this conversation), listened to one political party tell us they didn't trust vaccines developed under another party, and would have "their" scientists check them. That same party later pissed and moaned about politicization of vaccines when some refused to get the shots... as leaders of that party were among the first inline.

I watched them tell us to "follow the science". Science that said children are of the lowest risk to catch and spread the virus, yet schools were closed, and when opened, masks were forced on 5 yo's... at a time when facial recognition skills, as well as something as basic as seeing mouths forming words is necessary for child development. Today, as a nation, the US has fallen across the board in learning. A stupid population in the future will certainly be easier to... control.

Again, you read what you wish. I did say that there have been natural plagues. It's in the same paragraph you cherry picked from, to try to make your point seem valid. My point was, that nature will give us suffiently, and man/gods, need not get involved in a great many things. The road to ruin is paved in "good" intentions. And yes, man IS a monkey with a screwdriver... In the case of Covid, man was a monkey with a Mr Wizard do it yourself lab set. The results of using it speaks for itself... More than 6.5 million dead. 

I may have stated incorrectly regarding a few things on solar. My husband knows far more, having taken several tech courses on the subject. However, I do know that acid batteries are not used in solar storage. That PV cells are officially dated to the 1950's, and believed to have possibly been invented 40 years earlier, yet are still only about 20% efficient, tells much. The 47% you mention, is a one-off, of a very over priced, over engineered, multi-$million "test rat". Basically like comparing an F15 to a Cessna Citation. Better, a SU57 to a Cessna, since no one will ever actually see a SU57, just as the 47% efficient solar cell.

I never mentioned Edison battery regarding any rebate. I mentioned Ford. Please, do not change things that I write, to fit the narrative you wish to present. But, to play YOUR game... Somethings costs $10 (keeping things simple). Something similar costs $9. Government says they will give you $5 if you buy the one THEY want you to buy. Which will many now buy? Even a few, who may not have even wanted something will buy, just because it is now such a good deal.

Now to solar and EV's. Both are expensive, by standards of working middle class, though some within that group may want them. Quite often with solar, the rebates almost cover all costs of parts and labor. Although it sounds good, doing this is political favoratism to a particular industry. Such, will usually, and the word Solyndra comes to mind, create levels of corruption, both within the structures of the companies receiving favor, and those giving, so expecting certain favor in return... often around this time of year in US. EV's are generally priced a bit beyond the means of most. again, rebates to bolster one type over another. The rebates are perpetual. Basically, government (taxpayer) funded checks used to increase sales of a product that most do not want. Primarily to push the climet agenda, but always follow the money. Al Gore became quite wealthy from it, as he flies around the world to give speeches, generating a carbon footprint larger than some small European micro-nations.

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On 10/29/2022 at 1:16 PM, ritualclarity said:

Sanity ^  why have problems with Halloween costumes? Regardless of the costume? Sure there might be some that would be offended. But it is OK to be offended. Without the ability to speak, act, comment, discuss comments, how can we grow as a society?

I say anyone that believes in free speech and commentary should dress exactly to offend this year. Hold the line.

As you say, some will take offence (real or imagined) at almost anything... or everything. Not necessary to change ones plans simply to poke them. You'll probably do something on 1 Nov to piss them off and have them scream at the sky! 🤣

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16 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

As you say, some will take offence (real or imagined) at almost anything... or everything. Not necessary to change ones plans simply to poke them. You'll probably do something on 1 Nov to piss them off and have them scream at the sky! 🤣

Piss off and offend anybody with those sensitivities. IMO at least.

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10 minutes ago, LadySmoks said:

Surprised this has not been "CANCELED"!!!!

They'll just retroactively cancel that kid and ostracize the actor unless he produces a 10 minute apology video. Actually that's not enough, because they'll unperson him before he can release the video. 🤣

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2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

No issues on my end. You may have to clear your browser history, but first check using a different browser. 

It happens on Brave as well. I've cleared my cache and history and that doesn't work. I've also checked my history settings on YT and all is fine. Went to manage history and videos I've watched end on October 30th. Mind you, this also happens on my phone and tablet. I've also noticed YT make some small changes like the description on videos has changed. I would think that they accidentally messed something up along the way to cause this, but if you say it's working fine for you, I'm not sure if it's just me and some others or just me.

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