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3 hours ago, bjornk said:

Okay, let me see the character creation screen first, then I'll think about jumping on the hype train. :D

With the current gaming climate being what it is I won't be buying anything until it's been out for a while.  Fear of missing out longer affects me.  Trust no one.

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5 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

With the current gaming climate being what it is I won't be buying anything until it's been out for a while.  Fear of missing out longer affects me.  Trust no one.

I will wait until I can see some serious, reasonable, reliable reviews and game play. Someone that I agree with their reviews. This is the only company that I will do this with. With Bethesda/EA whatever the crap other company.. I will really wait. I usually wait until things are ~30 ~50% or better off to buy the game. Some I wait all the way until they become combination deals.

If this game (and company) go to shit.. then I will loose all hope... I will only buy a game if it cost less than a cup of coffee. Regardless.

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So this means that people who want to cheat won't be able to. That's a second thing that casual players are going to hate.

My guess with the world being four times the size of Witcher 3 + DLCs is due to the different corporate factions and having their own territory they cover. In one of the videos in the spoiler in the OP someone does a video on all the corporations that exists in Cyberpunk. It's around 10 or more. So my guess is that each section or district in Night City will be runned by one of the Coporations and will probably have their own distinctive look from one another.

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more jibberish
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  • 2 months later...

From the MP rumors/speculations it does not sound like CP2077 will be moddable, at least not in the scope of TES/FO :( 

I get that great games don't need mods but it was nice to dream that CDPR could foster a new generation of adult modding given the decay in Bethesda and EA and their associated modding ecosystems.

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I held off on playing Witcher3 until all of the DLCs and patches were released.  I completed 3 play-throughs and the only mods I used were the console command unlocker and the ProjektRed sanctioned ENB, and I really didn't need the ENB.  At no time did I ever think 'this game needs mods', other than when I finished the main quest and wished there was more story-driven content to play.  Witcher3 didn't need body replacers, better rigged skeletons or anything else Bethesda games require just to make to them palatable.  But I have to admit that something like OSex would have been fucking awesome.

If CP2077 is as good or better than Witcher3 it won't 'need' mods either.  And that's a double-edged sword as you pointed out since there most likely won't be a 'need' for modding.

And yeah, both EA and Bethesda are fucking with the core elements that makes their mediocre games 'good'...and that's modding.

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I used no mods on my Witcher. I unlocked the console and use commands to get what I wanted done (which was so very little) I didn't have to use the unlocker to get the commands I wanted to use.

I agree. Mods isn't needed on Witcher and if CP2077 is as well crafted as Witcher is then there is no needs for it either. It is very likely that there will be a dev mode for it if you wanted to turn it on and someone will figure out the commands (which likely will be the same or pretty close to Witcher's commands) so you have that.

Now that being said... there can be a very good place for modding to enhance the game further and customize it to more of your liking in Witcher but not needed.

EA/Betesda needs to get back to making a basic game that is good to play with interesting characters that people like interacting with to encourage play. They aren't doing that. They are dumbing down the game and making it harder to have any real RPG like play. That in my opinion, makes it harder to inspire authors to make the complex mods and such or the resources to build these as there is less interest in the game. Even now people are looking for the Oldrim as opposed to the new Skyrim. It is the same game, only difference is the resources and mods on the old game. Which was brought about because people loved the game. Look at Fallout 4... not anywhere near what is found in Oldrim or NV/Fallout/Oblivion games of the past.

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In the Adam Kicinski video, the connection he makes between having an online feature in a game and "long term success" worries me a bit... :D

Edit: Haven't finished watching the video below it, I think it also addresses this issue. :)


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I believe he is referencing the desire for many of his customers wanting some online option for game play. Something that would expand the game for many that buy it, extending the value of the game for his customers. There have been statements that it wont' come at the expense of quality of the main game. Finally, it is something that they haven't done and they can add to their set of skills as a company.

Long term success means that they likely will in the future possibly create some online games for those that want them. They are expanding their employees and are working on two games at the same time now. I am not interested in online games but won't complain if they do created some so long as they do the same great job (and hopefully still have excellent campaign games as well which I suspect they will not give up )

Everything I have heard so far leads me to them being a very good company for gamer now and in the future so long as he is the CEO and they don't merge ( which I seriously doubt they will at least not for several years) I love how they are setting the standards and showing companies like EA and other newer start ups how to really make a game and be a success at it as well. Much like the Vampyr producers mentioned before by me. Companies being successful by making good solid games.

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If they want long term success, they should really think about expanding the mod ability.


This guy describes exactly how I feel about it. We really don't have any reason to doubt them.

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Expanding the mod ability is quite complex. It introduces issues with the game and support. They need to build up their multiplayer content and the continued revenue options that the CEO states first before I see the m adding Modding ability. According to the video above someone there admires Bethesda perhaps with this admiration they will add easier modding tools in the future. It is a long road. They are new and it will take time for them to develop and grow. Their commitment to quality games is on the forefront.

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GTA5 and GTA Online is probably how CDPR is positioning CP2077's SP and MP.  Rockstar being a dick when it comes to modding notwithstanding, how moddable is GTA technically due to the presence of GTA Online?  Is it just skins and stuff or Bethesda style modding is theoretically possible?


EDIT: At this point we don't know that CP2077 won't have MMO like play.  We just know that CDPR is looking to surpass TW3 Wild Hunt in SP experience.  That GTA Online has very profitable microtransactions does not detract from GTA5's single player value.  It merely removes financial incentives to invest into future single player contents.  CDPR can easily use CP2077 Online as fan service to prolong interest and boost future expansion sales instead of maximizing profit extraction, or that CP2077 SP will have enough SP content to "surpass TW3 Wild Hunt" therefore CP2077 Online can justify charging some microtransactions to finance its operations.


EDIT2: I have no idea what is this "social hub" concept people kept talking about.  MP is pretty much coop or PvP.  Getting players together in a virtual room to play mini-game sounds pretty lame and beneath CDPR.


EDIT3 :D: I read somewhere that the "social hub" could be used by CDPR to test out commercial viability of mini-games.  If popular the game could be repackaged into separate games like Gwent or Android/Apple offshoots.  This is probably the best outcome for SP fans but hardly envelop pushing given the hype.




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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

He did also include other info if you were out of the look for a long time. A few other sources and such to support his statements.

I do understand the issue you have with it. There are times I get so board of a video just to get to what I want. Many times it is tutorial sites or some other informational site. However, with his, I just let it play in the background and my ears perk up when there is something of interest to me, much like a news station on the TV or such like that. Doing other things at the same time until something comes up that is of interest or informative, is better. Best of all I can click back a few minutes if I needed to say, if I missed something or got the tail end of something.

All in all he is one of the better you-tube reviewers I have seen / heard r/t gaming info. No super lengthy stupid intro, advertisements and other BS to wait through before he starts and no exit videos, or other BS when it ends. As @endgameaddiction stated, "They gotta do what they do to try to make that patreon money" and it does take a lot of time to gather up some info, create a script, record and edit it and upload it.  Finally many times he has found some info that I had missed when reading or researching something. Useful info. So I deal with the excessive setup and execution of the video to get some of those gems. Because I am too lazy to go searching through various threads and other sources to find all of them. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...


I still wish they would release a full version of their devkit. I would like to be able to at least add cosmetics as addons instead of just replacers only.

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This sums up gaming industry standards pretty dam well. (from video above)


"There is no better PR than a happy gamer recommending your title to their friends"

It would be nice to have them release some ful version of their devkit... even if it isn't fully their dev kit (I understand why they wouldn't) A kit that is stable and has the tools similar to GECK/CK would be good. However, If they continue doing what they do with full quality games with loads of content, I will be very happy with them for years to come even without the ability to do any mods. ;)

To be honest, I haven't used a single mod for TW3 at all. I tried a bit here and there but soon cleaned it up and went back to the regular game. The game has so much content and I have spent hours and hours (more than I did in other games namely one game :P) until I was fully played out and am not interested, currently, in playing it. I have gone back months later , after playing to my hearts content and played it again and it was as about enjoyable as it was the first time, even more that I have learned more and are able to do and understand more. It is a game a player can grow into. large learning curve but if someone is willing to fight through that curve, they are rewarded with a fantastic game even with out mods.

Tour of CDProjectRed



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