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Just like choosing different races and classes, to be able to choose the gender of the player character adds variety to game play, if the game is made to react to it (e.g. gives you different options/solutions to problems etc.) thus increase replayability. Which is also one of the type (B) interactions by the way, as you may recall from the other thread. If CP2077 has never had this option or if it can be removed this easily, then it's quite likely that the game wasn't really made to react different genders and that the gender option in character creation was only cosmetic anyway, an option to choose a different skin basically. Either way, this is a sign of well, perhaps not a shitty game, but definitely a shitty role-playing experience.

Trying to defend what they did by suggesting that the role of gender in the world of CP is different or not that important etc. is extremely retarded. If you have streets full of humans then it either means that they still reproduce normally (i.e. people still assume the role of male and female) or they reproduce by some other means, which puts the humanity of this society in question even before you add things like cyberpsychosis. I also can't imagine how anyone can reduce sex/gender to basically "choosing a body type", I thought even little kids would know that a male and a female had different set of chromosomes BEFORE they even have a body.

Anyway, I'm glad that they keep giving me more and more reasons not to be interested in their game, let alone buying it.

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1 minute ago, endgameaddiction said:

This makes me wonder about the future of Witcher. Will Geralt no longer be the protagonist, or will he somehow be gender neutral and through dialogue tell the NPC what he wants to be called.

I don't think they'll be able to spoil Geralt in any way, the author would probably sue their asses if they did.

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You know what, perhaps turning the game into a gayfest has been their intention all along. Remember that thing called "Joyboy" or something which looked like anything but a boy? I personally assumed that it was a bug, but it probably wasn't.

I've seen the usual fanboys on YT defending this, claiming that "it fits the lore". Well, then perhaps your lore is fucked up and stupid, huh? What would be the point of choosing a male or a female looking body, if gender has no longer have any purpose in human reproduction and humans reproduce in lab environments. Human bodies have evolved to support gender-based reproduction, which is the reason why we have big boobs, big asses and big dicks, unlike other primates. Why would you even need any of those "unnecessary" body parts in this "dangerous" world? For novelty purposes? Does that even make any sense? Being an "attack helicopter" would make a lot more sense, as someone joked about in YT comments.

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This no genders thing they're pushing doesn't have anything to do with 'the lore'.  That's just fanbois making excuses.  I played the original pencil and paper game and there was NOTHING in it about being genderless Mr. Potato Heads with snap on naughty parts.  That bullshit is new and just dumb.

Anyway, fuck CDPR.  I stated previously that if they went sideways I'd bail on them.  This is me bailing; I'm not buying their fucktard EA-level woke game.

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19 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

This ignorant shit is why I DO NOT preorder games.  I don't care how awesome the game might be, but if I can't play as a male then I'm not buying it.  Their bullshit 'inclusivity' just excluded me.

This was the last possible game I would have considered preordering. Fucking glad I didn't!

19 hours ago, bjornk said:

 Either way, this is a sign of well, perhaps not a shitty game, but definitely a shitty role-playing experience.

Trying to defend what they did by suggesting that the role of gender in the world of CP is different or not that important etc. is extremely retarded.

Anyway, I'm glad that they keep giving me more and more reasons not to be interested in their game, let alone buying it.

Yes, shitty. They aren't being inclusive.. they are removing other options. If they had say Male Female, custom.. with that being able to pick and choose what you wanted... that would have been cool. It would have worked out as there would be some that after playing through a few times would choose that to change things up and explore that option. ;) Those that want to be "They" (non gendered so someone told me was the term.. at least around where I live. Met two "people" that "identify" as "They". That is just confusing as fuck but I don't care. I am perfectly fine with letting them be "They" if they so choose to be but I am not going to fork out premium $$$ to play a game that removed the standard options.

17 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

This makes me wonder about the future of Witcher. Will Geralt no longer be the protagonist, or will he somehow be gender neutral and through dialogue tell the NPC what he wants to be referred as.

I believe I read somewhere that they (CD Project Red) sated that they wouldn't use him again. (perhaps a camio but that is about it) and instead would be using the Witcher world instead. Even if this is the case, that world has clear Male and Female roles. There is an option (cross dressing elf) and other alternate lifestyles that they could introduce into the game as options if they decided to open up the character to this, but I can't see them being able to pull that off on this as easily as they can with 2077

17 hours ago, bjornk said:

I don't think they'll be able to spoil Geralt in any way, the author would probably sue their asses if they did.

The author is trying to sue for the money and such but I believe based on my reading he has shit to stand on. Nothing, zero, zilch.. his rights are fucked for a few thousand dollars. He'd be able to bitch as much as he wanted to.. some might listen to his bitching but I can't see how he could do shit about it.

15 hours ago, bjornk said:

You know what, perhaps turning the game into a gayfest has been their intention all along. Remember that thing called "Joyboy" or something which looked like anything but a boy? I personally assumed that it was a bug, but it probably wasn't.

I've seen the usual fanboys on YT defending this, claiming that "it fits the lore". Well, then perhaps your lore is fucked up and stupid, huh? What would be the point of choosing a male or a female looking body, if gender has no longer have any purpose in human reproduction and humans reproduce in lab environments. Human bodies have evolved to support gender-based reproduction, which is the reason why we have big boobs, big asses and big dicks, unlike other primates. Why would you even need any of those "unnecessary" body parts in this "dangerous" world? For novelty purposes? Does that even make any sense? Being an "attack helicopter" would make a lot more sense, as someone joked about in YT comments.

The lore does have various degrees of genders and gender neutral. I know someone that loved the game back when ti came out years ago (pen and paper) knows a lot about the game and still has it.  The issue isn't the fact that someone could select such options.. the issue IMO is they (CDProject Red) decided to remove the mainstream options and force players to do this.

13 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

This no genders thing they're pushing doesn't have anything to do with 'the lore'.  That's just fanbois making excuses.  I played the original pencil and paper game and there was NOTHING in it about being genderless Mr. Potato Heads with snap on naughty parts.  That bullshit is new and just dumb.

Anyway, fuck CDPR.  I stated previously that if they went sideways I'd bail on them.  This is me bailing; I'm not buying their fucktard EA-level woke game.

the game itself no.. but the game has such materials in it. Also the current game has this content in it. Remember the blow up about a trans showing a boner in a advertisement from one of the demos?

I agree this is just them trying to push an agenda. Making excuses... instead of creating a great game.  It wouldn't hurt them one bit to have traditional Male and female options along side with whatever other options they had. Not one bit. Their (CDProject Red) true colors are starting to show.

If they push this shit hard, as I think they will.. I hope so very much experience a crash and burn with their game as a result. It is so sad that they did such a good job with balancing things with alternate options in Witcher (for the most part) that now they are going full steam in the opp site direction. I really hope I am wrong but seriously doubt I am

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I just saw this on rpgcodex, CDPR replying someone in Polish


"Immersion is a priority for us in the case of Cyberpunk, therefore cutscenes will be viewed from the first person. Sometimes you may not even notice that the cutscene has started."

So no 3rd person view for you, not even in cutscenes! Cause IMMERSION!

Every single FPS is played in 1st person, hence the name and who the hell has ever called a single one of them as IMMERSIVE? You guys at CDPR clearly are a bunch of retards.

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Just finished watching the 15 min game play demo. It looked just like a classic errand boy game (i.e. do errands to progress in the game) with literally bullet sponge enemies, lackluster character creation, starting with character background selection (3 options), body selection (with indeed no gender selection, just 2 body types), very basic appearance customization with no size or position sliders, only a bunch of presets for eyes, ears, mouth etc. There are only 5 attributes, plus various perks. That's it. This is what some people have been so excited about, the whole thing was an absolute MEH for me. 6 year old MMO's offer far superior customization than this.

Weren't the PC supposed to be naked in CC screen? Didn't they tell us that they blurred certain parts just for E3 back in 2018? On top of a MEH game, now we have multiple types of regression...


CDPR's "deep customization"... enjoy... 12 year old Mass Effect is deeper than this turd.








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The game was supposed have "full nudity" if you recall what CDPR said when they showcased the first game play video back in E3 2018. Where is it now, I wonder? The "digital noise" they used to censor the body parts have now been replaced with underwear instead AND more importantly, there is no underwear slot in the inventory screen, which quite possibly means that the game does not support underwear and that the underwear on the PC is permanent. In other words, NO FULL NUDITY, at least not for the player character.


In the final version of the game, that digital noise will likely be removed. But for its big reveal, CD Projekt didn’t want to be accused of using nudity for shock value, or to have its time with the international press sidetracked by conversations about male or female nudity in video games.


Badowski said that in the final game, his team intends to have full nudity, not for shock value but because it supports one of the most important themes in the cyberpunk genre: transhumanism, the belief that humanity can transcend its current mental and physical form with the help of technology. Throughout Cyberpunk 2077, players will have to grapple with what it means for them personally to become transhuman, and one of the pieces of imagery the team plans to use is nudity.


Their behavior is pretty similar to Bethesda's, they sound like they have no idea of what they want to do, or a clear vision of what kind of a game they want to build, they just evaluate/try every possible idea, listen to every one with stupid ideas, including SJWs and snowflakes. And for that reason, CP2077 is going to be mediocre game at best, perhaps not even that, just like FO4. Who knows, mods might fix their game too, if it supports modding, though I doubt it.

I was expecting to see at least some interesting feature, a small innovation in terms of role-playing. I've not seen a single one. Everything they showed and talked about afterwards can be found in any other game nowadays. There was nothing specific to role-playing, because they don't have anything to show.

You're going to be the errand boy again, asking for jobs to make money, in order to buy better stuff, XP in order to advance in the story, in other words it's the same old same old.


It's a huge MEH of a game.


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I was disappointed in how things turned out for few minutes, but that's all the game warranted.  I watched the new game footage and bjornk is right; from what I saw there was never anything to be excited about.  Aside from the setting there's nothing new and nothing games don't already offer.  And the 'inclusive' shit for its own sake is enough to put me off the game permanently.  They could have added a third gender option and left biology alone, but that's not woke enough for them.  Instant deal-breaker.

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Just noticed that this piece of MEH of a game has leveled items just like DA:I, Anthem etc. such as the purple "Epic" clothing. "Epic clothing"... They're soo "21st century" when it comes to gender issues... their game play ideas however aren't even close.



Too bad it's just one level short of a "legendary" hoodie. 🙄

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On 8/28/2019 at 9:31 PM, bjornk said:

I don't know which is worse, their obnoxious fanbase full of retarded fanboys or the retarded SJWs they are pandering to, or the asslicker CDPR/GOG moderators. Guess I'm not buying GOG games from now on either, fuck them.

Like this shill?

He's clearly a CP2077 fanboi. Glad I stopped following him a long time ago.

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He was all up Bioware's ass for the SJW shit in Andromeda and the shit with Dice and Battlefield and their cyber-dyke fighting on the front lines in WW2.  He has to be a fanboi if he thinks what CDPR is doing is somehow NOT woke-level stupidity.  I know he did a lot of interviews with thr devs and Mike Pondsmith so he's 100% a shill,  And he did move to Commiefornia to be a 'voice actor' so he's probably been infected with the PC zombie virus.  He had his uses when Bethesda released FO76 but that doesn't mean he or his channel have shelf life for other shit.  And I guess he proved that.  He probably wants to remain in CDPR's good graces so he can milk the hype with videos and game plays and shit.  Like 90% of Youtubers what he produces has no intrinsic or artistic value.

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8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Like this shill?

He's clearly a CP2077 fanboi. Glad I stopped following him a long time ago.

Isn't that obvious? All the fanboys who defend this game either has a channel about it, or a figurine, booklet behind them or a CP desktop background which they shamelessly show on their videos, which, at least, proves that they are all biased. This guy would also suck Kojima's dick if he could and as Kendo already mentioned, he kept defending Andromeda up until its release, he changed his tone only when everyone started to make fun of the game.

- Deleted the rest of message, as it's a waste of time talking about why's and how's of something, when everything is quite obvious. -


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Does anyone remember certain websites interviewing them and asking about the possibility of "gender fluid" characters a few years back? Or was it last year? This is the end result of their inquiries, clear as day. Nothing to do with the "lore" or anything. And if you're curious why I keep associating this mess with the millennials, just watch that Family Guy episode.

- Where's the nearest bathroom?
- Gender fluid?
- Yes there will be a lot of that.


By the way, I vaguely recall talking here about the possibility of the game being influenced by the SJWs and the millennials... can't recall when it was, but here I am, once again end up being the most accurate.



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15 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Like this shill?

He's clearly a CP2077 fanboi. Glad I stopped following him a long time ago.

Nobody is complaining about Saints Row 2 presets. There is still MALE and FEMALE which you can alter to what you desired. The developers didn't try to remove things in a political way.. they added options that some might find appealing for the customization. This isn't what is happening at CD Project red.

CDProject RED is trying to be political by removing all mention of the word. (trigger for SJW) The only thing they didn't do is put the word "They" in its place during character development.

I am a HUGE fan of Witcher III and only wanted the best from the newest project but I have to agree with the concerns of people that CD Project Red will add more and more SJW content / features into the game that isn't necessary, that isn't required. Forced into the system. Now thinking back to Witcher, It is entirely possible that they would have done something similar if they didn't have the main character so firmly rooted into literature. Now with more freedom with their story (giving us more freedom) they can start to develop and do things they could only dream of back when working on Witcher.  The more that is happening with Cyber PUnk makes me think more and more about how much of that content was in Witcher and how unlikely some of that would ever have become public in a middle age if trying to be somewhat realistic.

It is making me think about my fandom of Witcher now. Possible reconsideration?

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17 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Yeah, I'm glad I'm dodging this game. The CP2077 fanbois are just as pathetic as Bethesda fanbois. Anyone who questions CDPR they go full rage on you.

On 6/13/2018 at 9:43 AM, bjornk said:

There are several discussions about the issue on their forum here. Have to admit, CDPR has managed to gather quite an obnoxious fanboy crowd around them. Quite literally dogs, who lick their master's asshole every now and then and bark at everyone who dares to criticize their master. Much like the ones owned by Bioware and Bethesda.

It was clear to me how obnoxious they were when they attacked the people who wanted a 3rd person option on the game's forum. And then SJW journalists called them as "nasty", "toxic" etc. for completely different reasons. They were right of course, even though their clash with them was on a completely different ground. And now we see them defend the game even against the people who were okay with the earlier changes. They are complete fanatics, but that's not really surprising in this day and age. CDPR and their games have now become a new consumer cult and it all started with TW3.

It's quite funny looking at my old posts in this thread and see myself "hopeful" at the beginning, and then gradually turn into "hateful".🤣

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I was with them on their choice of third vs first person. It is something many companies have to choose to do early on. Nothing unusual. However, allowing harassment of the fans that are voicing a desire for one or the other is quite another thing. Perhaps that is /was an early warning sign of things to come.

One thing this should prove beyond a doubt for those that wanted this game to be great and now think "?" and not so sure to positive that it is crap for them, is one of the most awarded game companies can change drastically on their products /releases and pre-purchasing anything from them is a great risk. A risk that isn't deserved regardless of how long in the past they were great for you with their previous releases. There isn't any honor or adherence to the previous formula or loyal fans to give them what they have wanted and desired. The companies, EA, Bethesda, CD Project Red, isn't looking at that, sadly enough, they are looking at trying to formulate where they can get the best bang for the buck, fuck their fans, their loyal customers and consumers.

What is really sad.. is they (CD Project Red) will win all the awards that they did before. They WILL BE PRAISED for their work on this game. They will make more $$$ than most any other game company. With the Hype.. I don't see them crashing on releasing this game. They won't release it with the piss poor quality that Bioware did with MEA or Bethesda did with Fallout 76. It will be polished as much as possible. With the bar being set so low now from other gaming companies.. people will praise them for doing their fucking jobs and releasing a quality final product that is fairly polished.

The situation with gaming and releases is so piss poor now (not including Indy or small gaming companies)

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The success or the failure of a developer or a publisher never really interests me. I simply don't care. There are thousands of games I've never played and never will, console exclusives for instance, and I never feel that I've been missing out on something and this game will be no exception, even if it turns out to be a massive success. The only reason why I feel slightly disappointed is that I was hoping that CDPR could make a game I would enjoy. Turns out they can't and they won't, which means it's a fairly bleak future for the types of games I enjoy playing, considering we've already crossed out Bioware and Bethesda.

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