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Kendo 2

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I am shocked that they haven't shut down that thread much earlier than this. They are on Page 20 about a page past when you stated the above.  It is very possible that they ban you sad to say. After all, you were removed from Contributor Status already.  Also, they have banned people for less. Sad,  really. This is an emotional and stressful time for those that rely on Nexus so there will be some serious things said. Somethings that might not be what they want to hear. Might be out of line etc. etc.  Banning someone for actions on one thread is just plain petty IMO.  As far as I have seen, you have been well inside the rules and well in control of the "Drama" that they follow for a very long time.

IMO if they ban you, it will be because they looked around and said to each other.. finally, this should be a good enough excuse to ban him now.  When in fact, ,they are just as much at fault as anyone that gets out of line on that thread (following their rules) as they allowed that thread to boil and fester until it happened. Not their normal practice.

At least here, I can not see us banning someone because they blew up on on thread post... ;) that is the difference between this site and LL  :) 

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Doubt it. They've banned me from LL, what, two or three times? For simply having an opinion. Well, one was because I insulted the moderators in my profile. No joke. They like to scan my profile to see what I say. Back in 2013 I wrote about my political stance and it didn't fit with DocSax so he edited it. Someone put them in check because I haven't been banned since.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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And they labeled Trump the Nazi. mmmkay, Democrat. They somehow think that those of us who haven't been vaccinated are just going to say yes now. Good luck with that. I hope I'm home when they come knockin' so I can tell them to fuck off.

Let's not forget that Kamala said she wouldn't take Trump's vaccine. But she expect us to.

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On 7/6/2021 at 9:52 PM, Kendo 2 said:

😆😆 OK, now what do you REALLY think? 😆😆 (And hey, not banned as of writing this! Yay? 🤭) DorkOne. I like that. I've taken to calling that other jerk Limp Biscuit. 🤣

I remember that "I got banned" thread! I posted a couple times in it myself I think. There were some hilarious posts in there! Downright criminal if they deleted it. Bad form. 🤡

I saw a little of the Nexus backlash on Discord. A modder made a new server over it and it was one big cluster *&#$ of complaining. Very amusing at first but got old after a week of complaints with no doing. I mean, I get it for the first few days. The Nexus staff are absolutely awful and idiotic. But maybe after a few days take some action and tell the Nexus to #*(&$# it on your way out. 🐲 Drawing it out when the Nexus staff act like petulant teen dictators is just stupid.

I do get a real kick reading the Nexus corporate-speak BS announcements. Their problem is they don't.... proactively self actualize synergistically with the community in positive needs based ways. 🥴🤣

Also it shouldn't be a news flash to these people that the Nexus is run by slimy creeps. This is just the latest in a long line of slime that began all the way back with the queen of slime. 🐲 (Well, he identifies as a queen anyway. 🤭)



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I do get a real kick reading the Nexus corporate-speak BS announcements. Their problem is they don't.... proactively self actualize synergistically with the community in positive needs based ways. 🥴

100%... you'd think after all this time they'd be better at presenting their changes and updates to the community... I am sure that those stupid acts if done at any serious fortune 500 company or hell any major company concerned with their PR and presentation wouldn't be working there for long.

they make some $$$ I don't know why they don't have a professional PR person. 

The other jerk "Limp Bicuit" ? Last time I was in any way active enough to remember any names there was when Budda was there. (budda something) He was cool at least while I was reasonably active there.  (pre-ritualclarity avatar time) I left for a year or so after deleting my account(s) and then returned back to the modding scene again as this alien SOB... :P lol   (Funny story, this alien avatar wasn't created off the bat it was on LL with some of the for fun post that it developed. ;) True story. There were cats trying to take over the world from the aliens and the aliens taking over the world from the cats. You can guess which won... ;) lol... hint cats)

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This is why LL is a joke.


What difference does it make if a trash topic gets derailed?

'I am in control!' is all that says.  If you have to prove you're running the show then you never were in the first place.

EDIT: dropped a little truth on them

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34 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

This is why LL is a joke.


What difference does it make if a trash topic gets derailed?

'I am in control!' is all that says.  If you have to prove you're running the show then you never were in the first place.

they were likely tired of all the back and forth on that thread and wanted an excuse to lock it.  For them that was a good enough one. I am honestly surprised that they waited that long.  I was sure after your rant post on the subject they would be coming through with their delete button all primed and clean up pages of post and perhaps even lock the thread.

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Dark0ne must be protected.  This isn't the first, second or third time they've locked a thread where Nexus cunts were being exposed for what they are.

I dumped a bucket of ice water on their moderator game of naked Twister in another thread.  It was a waste of 20 seconds of typing but at least they know that I KNOW they're full of shit.

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Why do you guys even need to post anything on there? Especially when you already know how things will end up. It's full of teenagers and juvenile idiots and moderated by a bunch of fools who constantly abusive their power, make rules out of their asses, have no respect for anyone and treat everyone like a child in a kindergarten. As I always say, LL is best used as read-only. Not to mention you have your own place now.

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18 minutes ago, bjornk said:

Why do you guys even need to post anything on there? Especially when you already know how things will end up. It's full of teenagers and juvenile idiots and moderated by a bunch of fools who constantly abusive their power, make rules out of their asses, have no respect for anyone and treat everyone like a child in a kindergarten. As I always say, LL is best used as read-only. Not to mention you have your own place now.

It is my civic duty to address effete histrionic women.

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I'm personally glad that LL doesn't allow me to post, which means not wasting my time talking to dumb, worthless people, not picking up unnecessary fights with a bunch of millennial cunts. Literally one less annoyance in my life, better for my mental health.

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13 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Ashal isn't in control of his own site.  DorkSax and CPfuckingU have only made things worse since then.

That's where you are mistaken. Ashal and his dickhead moderators are of the same mind, have always been, and that's why he's been keeping them, that's why they can be so reckless and insolent, that's why they tell people to "take things to Ashal", they know very well that he won't give a fuck either. Fuck LL.

And by the way, this isn't at all specific to LL. I've used Internet for the past 30 years and what I've always seen is that forum owners always pick up people with similar views and mindsets as moderators and their increasing popularity strengthen their views and they become more adamant in their attitudes and actions. Guess that's the nature of this thing, and this forum is no exception either, as you will no doubt notice as it gets more popular.


I just saw why that thread was locked. The guy apparently thinks that the topic in a "General Discussion" section of a forum is "derailed too much". WTF? A forum is not an encyclopedia, an academic or other kind of publishing, it's not meant to be read as such, it's medium in which people are allowed to exchange ideas and talk. If you don't want people to talk about general things, you simply don't create sections for them to do so and if you did, you can't decide what they should or should not talk about. Only a moron or someone who has no clue what forums are for can lock a discussion for that kind of an idiotic reason and unfortunately, there are a lot of them. This CPU guy should find himself a job in a kindergarten, he has no business among adults and certainly no business being a moderator.

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