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Kendo 2

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Never been a Kid Rock fan just like Tom MacDonald, but I've always known that independent has always been the way to go. Not just from cancellation point of view, but I've known for the longest doing gigs, touring and knowing the music industry that major labels will screw you on every albume sold. Tours and merch is where artists/bands make their money. Being independent allows you to control everything from your music being sold to the shows you book to the merchandise you sell. Sure, having a good recording studio is expensive as hell. I'm sure @vancleef knows this very well. But the long term profit will make up for it. Just need to accumulate enough money, or have a buddy who already has good recording equipment and knows how to record to get him to join the team.

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Ladies, as you get older don't ever go for a facelift/botox combo. 

What I don't understand is why some facelifts make the eyes stretched like here, and others make them look wider like in Nancy Pelosi's case. 

Madonna has been doing some freaky shit lately like the whole bathtub thing. Seriously, though this looks damned awful. 

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Gaming already went to crap. The only plus is with games made in foreign countries. Like Japan etc, where wokeness isn't a "thing". Man, it's been 2yrs+ since I've watched BB, last video I remember watching of his was when he was fixing up a bus with lights smoking pipe tobacco. 

The first industry to "go woke" was gaming companies (besides the comic book industry, kinda hard to tell if they were the first or gaming was). Then you saw it hit movies and series. Remember before "woke" was even a term, we gamers, used the term "SJW".  

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Never been a Kid Rock fan just like Tom MacDonald, but I've always known that independent has always been the way to go. Not just from cancellation point of view, but I've known for the longest doing gigs, touring and knowing the music industry that major labels will screw you on every albume sold. Tours and merch is where artists/bands make their money. Being independent allows you to control everything from your music being sold to the shows you book to the merchandise you sell. Sure, having a good recording studio is expensive as hell. I'm sure @vancleef knows this very well. But the long term profit will make up for it. Just need to accumulate enough money, or have a buddy who already has good recording equipment and knows how to record to get him to join the team.

Yup. I know several artists who handle all their own distribution, marketing, tours, the whole deal. They only clear about 50K a year or so, but it's amazing how much they'd be ripped off if they fall under the spell of the entertainment industry.
There was a band who audited their management company and found out the guy, in addition to many other equally heinous "expenses", was charging them 2K A MONTH for photocopies! Fucker was paying his mortgage  printing out a few sheets of paper!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So... the word marijuana is now racist! It's about time!!! 😒



Many believe this is the first step toward the corporate take over of the pot industry. I see it as denying poor Mexico of one the few things that some find good about our southern neighbor.

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From a Quora post. This guy nails it:



The key takeaway here is simple. Treat customers equally and stay on message. If you’re selling razors, talk about razors. If you make tires, don’t start telling employees they can wear BLM clothing. You should have a uniform. And movies and shows shouldn’t push propaganda. But I guess good customer service and advertising products instead of ideology is too radical for modern companies.



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On 5/3/2022 at 10:15 PM, vancleef said:

From a Quora post. This guy nails it:

With some things (realistically most, if not all), it goes beyond simple wokeness or SJWing, in the guise of social acceptance, but to the destruction of tradition. They can create any new woke/SJW character or whatever, they can imagine, but that isn't good enough for them. They feel a twisted need to take mine or yours, and make it theirs.

Personally, I could not care less if someone created a gay, lesbian... btq.. xyZZTop superhero to push on THEIR future woke kids, but when they make MY kid's hero into their woke version and push Superman as gay, the line is drawn!

And the reason is simple. The real masterminds behind this crap don't want their kids woke. They want their kids to rule the dumbass woker crowd, as they rule them today, by feeding them with gay Superman, all female Ghostbusters and guys who feel pretty running GIRLS track! But, I digress... 🙄

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1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

With some things (realistically most, if not all), it goes beyond simple wokeness or SJWing, in the guise of social acceptance, but to the destruction of tradition. They can create any new woke/SJW character or whatever, they can imagine, but that isn't good enough for them. They feel a twisted need to take mine or yours, and make it theirs.

LadySmoks, you just gained a convert. That's exactly it.

My personal rant: A few years back the re-did the classic Western, The Magnificent Seven with a racially diverse cast and a Black actor (Denzel Washington) in the lead.

Now, first things first: this Western, more than most, lends itself to this formula since the "7" are a gang of interesting and individual characters. There is not really a problem with casting a Black actor in a role that originally featured a White actor. None of this is what annoys me.

What annoys me is, it's like Hollywood is just taking the same old shit and churning it out because "if it sold once, it'll sell again". And in the process they piss off everyone. Whites are, like, "Goddamn it! This was my movie you redid!" And Minorities are, like, "What? You won't make an original movie but just re-hash a movie originally starring Whites because that's safe?"

There was a legendary US Marshal operating in Arkansas and the Indian Territory (present day state of Oklahoma) named Bass Reeves. He was a Black lawman, working alongside dozens of other Marshals White, Black and Native American. Reeves's story reads like an adventure novel. And so do plenty of his fellow Marshal's stories, too. The screenwriters will barely have to redo much of his story and it'll be a great tale.

But is anyone filming this story? No. Instead, they'll just film the Man With No Name trilogy with a Black cast or something stupid like that instead of producing something that not only is cool history but ACTUALLY features a real-life, Minority badass!

Going back to the Gay Superman. Why? Create a new Gay character. Marvel created all sorts of Black Superheroes and their movies have been successful. Blade, Black Panther, Falcon...the list goes on. Why isn't anyone else doing this instead of, *cough cough* Culturally Appropriating classic material?

Edited by vancleef
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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

LadySmoks, you just gained a convert. That's exactly it.

My personal rant: A few years back the re-did the classic Western, The Magnificent Seven with a racially diverse cast and a Black actor (Denzel Washington) in the lead.

Now, first things first: this Western, more than most, lends itself to this formula since the "7" are a gang of interesting and individual characters. There is not really a problem with casting a Black actor in a role that originally featured a White actor. None of this is what annoys me.

What annoys me is, it's like Hollywood is just taking the same old shit and churning it out because "if it sold once, it'll sell again". And in the process they piss off everyone. Whites are, like, "Goddamn it! This was my movie you redid!" And Minorities are, like, "What? You won't make an original movie but just re-hash a movie originally starring Whites because that's safe?"

There was a legendary US Marshal operating in Arkansas and the Indian Territory (present day state of Oklahoma) named Bass Reeves. He was a Black lawman, working alongside dozens of other Marshals White, Black and Native American. Reeves's story reads like an adventure novel. And so do plenty of his fellow Marshal's stories, too. The screenwriters will barely have to redo much of his story and it'll be a great tale.

But is anyone filming this story? No. Instead, they'll just film the Man With No Name trilogy with a Black cast or something stupid like that instead of producing something that not only is cool history but ACTUALLY features a real-life, Minority badass!

Going back to the Gay Superman. Why? Create a new Gay character. Marvel created all sorts of Black Superheroes and their movies have been successful. Blade, Black Panther, Falcon...the list goes on. Why isn't anyone else doing this instead of, *cough cough* Culturally Appropriating classic material?

Deadpool if I am not mistaken in the comics is bi.  Did they use that? No. They could have. Perhaps they will. They don't need to go after characters with decades of history being one way and then changing them. It shows poor imagination as far as I am concerned. There are many avenues that can be done that can more than satisfy any need for diversity.  Superman, was originally portrayed as the only survivor, however, later they added Supergirl and other characters that managed to survive. I believe once they even had superdog for christ sakes.  They could as easily introduced someone that has whatever characteristics that is needed.  Hell even introduce the character through Superman (traditional ) and announce that he is taking some much deserved time off. He could even be an unknown brother so that the last name could be used. He can take care of buisness and live his life. The benifit is that they can pull traditional Superman out occasionally for really dangerous situations that one super person can handle. (including supergirl and fuck, even super dog.) There isn't a reason or need to change Superman (traditional) to anything. the universe already has many avenues to introduce another character. Fuck, they could even have set up Gay superman into a town or city that is more SJW centric. Would make sense that he would be there to help out.  Just like they made superman's city in the image of New York, they could have done the same for gay superman say San Fransisco, or something like that. Fuck, I forgot I believe they even had a Russian Superman.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman:_Red_Son . 

At the bare minimum they should go through some efforts to create a universe for this. There they can SJW the living shit out of it. Being a different universe they can still create traditional versions of the superheroes like a straight superman.

I am not against the idea. 6 feet under that was produced many years ago. Original content. Amazing story.  Witcher, many elements of alternate lifestiles from lesbian Sorceress  to a cross dressing tailor (absolutely loved that. OMG that was just plain awesome. Explained so many things. lol) When that sorceress made it a point to get pay back after the entire story I experienced, I was all yea, go for it what can I do. Behind her 100%. This however, was written well, characters made sense and were well acted (voice) and written.  they had life and character that was very believable. I could care for them. The Hunter's story line once I explored it fully I was like "oh fuck man".. Dam.  I am a believer that most people don't care about a persons "insert SJW requirement here" just that they are entertained by a well written piece of work. What causes all these SJW forced projects to fail is nobody likes having something shoved down their throats with meaningless bull shit placed just because it was needed for a few check boxes to be marked.

I'd watch a story or even a documentary on that black marshal that was mentioned above. Back during that time, that was a very adventurous and dangerous job.

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@Alkpaz, that woman to head the Propaganda Ministry Is scary! PRAVDA!!! Truth is what we say it is! I don't think I have seen Magnificent 7... either version, but my husband and I both like Denzel Washington. He is a good actor... not a good "black" actor, but a good actor. I loved The Book of Eli. )

The Marshall sounds quite interesting. Maybe Will Smith could play the role? He could probably use a job! Hmmm... Blazing Saddles remake?!? Or would they have to cast a white man in the role now, with all the other characters black??? 🤔

47 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

Deadpool if I am not mistaken in the comics is bi.

Don't know, but in the movie, he seemed to enjoy showing his butt in tight red leather! ))) I would not care if Deadpool was bi. Those movies are still a little more than I allow my son to watch. But, I also think too much time is spent by some thinking about which character is what, or should become which for SJW purposes. I think of George Takei, and what he said when they made Sulu gay in the new movies. He was angry! They wash out the plot with unneccary sub-plots to push the agenda, and most time, the character they create remains hollow.

My husband went on a mini rant when I showed him that gay Superman story. He said George Reeves would kick that guys ass! 

Then segwayed to woke Star Wars with shallow SJW sponsored characters. Luke trained years, and still got his butt kicked by Vader... In one of the recent ones, some black guy picks up a light sabre and starts kicking everyone's butt, with no training? And the girl beats Kylo Ren? What the...??? WOKE!!! Plot gone... character development GONE, get to the explosions and the SJW hero stuff.

Oh well.


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2 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Hmmm... Blazing Saddles remake?!? Or would they have to cast a white man in the role now, with all the other characters black??? 🤔

Would never happen in this day and age but can you imagine? That would be, like, the most ironically hilarious project ever!

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11 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Pop Quiz: If Reyrey takes the A Train at 9:00 am and pushes an elderly Asian woman on to the tracks at 9:20 am, how much will his bail be?

Trick question! Is he black? Did he kill anyone with an evil gun? If black, was he paid to wear a MAGA hat when he did that??? Is there a way to tie this to Trump??? Only George Gascon knows for sure!!!

10 hours ago, vancleef said:

Would never happen in this day and age but can you imagine? That would be, like, the most ironically hilarious project ever!

OY! Better yet, to have the black woman from woke Ghostbusters flop as sheriff. I'm sure the script would be rewritten in a more "socially acceptable" and "racially inclusive" manner... like when everyone is waiting at train station and the mayor announces their new... "African American" sheriff! And... hilarity abounds!!! Belly laughs for all!!!

Not old enough, nor living in US anyway, but my husband is and was, and said it's a shame how far wokers took us backward. When he was a kid, racism was thrown in your face with humor. Jeffersons is classic. Black family with bigger house and more money than white biggot neighbor Archie. And showed how much the black man did not like the white man, simply by his skin color, and how dumb they both were.

But now, Archie and George would have to be bi and in a loving and open relationship that their wives approve of. 😒

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On 5/8/2022 at 8:00 PM, LadySmoks said:

 I think of George Takei, and what he said when they made Sulu gay in the new movies. He was angry! They wash out the plot with unneccary sub-plots to push the agenda, and most time, the character they create remains hollow.

Exactly my point.  Most of the time they create a character that is hollow in this type of character creation. It diminishes the entire project and what they are trying to advance. Nobody wins in this situation.


Apparently deadpool is "pansexual"

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