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Kendo 2

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9 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Putin: "Do you even Nazi bro?"

He was an idiot. Either way, if he approved the Nazi actions during WWII or if he didn't know. He was an idiot because he didn't do the proper research and checked what he was doing before he stopped parliament and praised someone.

Let's be clear for a moment. He is THE LEADER and has more than ample resources to verify any info, much less clearly easily obtainable PUBLIC INFORMATION before he opens his mouth. This wasn't some interview where someone blindsided him. HE CHOSE to and PLANNED this well before he did it.


What if his support staff didn't give him the proper info? Well. Unless they were hired the day before there there would/should be signs that they are not right for the job. HE is responsible for those that are below him. HE is responsible for the actions of HIS employees and contracted support staff.

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53 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

YouTube...My personal FBI monitor must be a low-information white liberal single mom Karen in her 30's, because that's the target audience of the videos I'm getting recommended these days.

My history is off so it doesn't do much to suggest except similar videos that I have watched during that session. Of course that doesn't mean they aren't watching me. I've watched some serious shit :P 

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She is soooo fucking correct.  Nobody knows what it is like when you are beautiful!  Nobody unless someone else that is beautiful. Gospel. Also nobody ugly can even fucking comprehend the trouble  of someone that is great looking!


It is so strange that someone that ugly is aware of the plight of those that are beautiful. Why is she speaking in first hand regarding this?  Does she thing she is Beautiful?  Seriously?  At best she is Meh. Also, what the fuck is going on with the center of your forehead?

All I can say honey is someone fucking lied to you. They really, really, lied to you. Girls like you are a dime a dozen.






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That chick, after makeup, is a weak 6, at best. I agree with Ritual: some dude fed her a line about how pretty she was to get laid and girlfriend RAN with it!

As a Pretty Man, I can absolutely guarantee you, it's Hell. Women calling and texting me constantly, wanting to take me out and yammering at me when the football game is on? It's Hell, I tell you! HELL!

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On 10/13/2023 at 5:25 AM, Kendo 2 said:

Zoomers are fuck'n retards.

In the future, her future boyfriend/husband. He will be singing this.

Looks isn't everything. ;) Just ask anyone that has been married for more than a couple of years. Most will have some degree of this if they bought the bullshit that some women sell. Much like this girl.

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2 hours ago, Nessa said:

This is random but I've noticed after some years away from the US when I run into present day American tourists...  I kind of have this initial reaction:



I have that reaction daily when dealing with public. They ask me for something and I have to ask 20 fucking questions because they can't speak properly, clearly and concisely.  Originally I was surprised when I was complemented when I gave support over on 'the other site' :P. Then even more when I wrote official support threads.  One person even went so far as to asr if I wrote instruction manuals.  Meanwhile I loor at my writing and see shitty example of the English language in action :P

Also side note, one of my letters on this reyboard just went out. I am not ridding. Can you guess which letter is out on my reyboard?  I am going to checr to see if the reyboard was somehow swapped or changed without my rnowlege. It litterlly stopped worring in the middle of this post. (Strange thing is r now worrs in two locations.  (seriously, this is too fucring weird to be a jore I made up.



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Now I have to go get another cheap wireless keyboard...


Wait... what the fuck!  Seriously!

What the hell could have happened to cause one key to switch out and now be fine?  Hell I didn't even reboot the computer.  Guess it is time to make sure some "pirates" didn't indeed take over my Keyboard (computer. Time for a scan.

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On 10/23/2023 at 3:45 PM, endgameaddiction said:


The fact that they fired people to save money from their failures shows their incompetence. The ones that should be fired are the ones who thought this was a brilliant idea to begin with.

Well we really don't know who they fired. So they very well might have fired those that made this stupid decision. However, it is sadly, very likely that they fired those that either had no hand in this stupidity. Likely using this shit storm to get rid of people they don't like and otherwise would have a difficult time explaining why they are being fired! Layoffs are frowned upon.

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I have to say that, as mean-spirited and petty as it is, I really enjoy watching Rapino fail. Just like I enjoy watching Kaepernick flailing around, desperately trying to resurrect his NFL career. The two of them have it made: starting players in their chosen professions. I mean, in Kaepernick's case, there are only 32 positions available, and he was one of them. Rapino's is even more rarified.
Shut your mouth, field the ball and do your fucking job. Save the political banter for the cocktail bar, like the rest of us do.

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