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Bethesda announces "Creation Club" (Paid Mods)


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Bethesda's digging their own grave. :XD: Someone points out an issue with Creation Club and gets banned; a staunch supporter too.

Good luck getting console users to buy mods on Creation Club when they have to download a ton of files they don't need. Xbone has big time space issues when dealing with forced game installs and updates.

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Glad I never 'upgraded' 32bitSkyrim to Special Edition.  If they bloated FO4 then they'll do the same thing to 64bitSkyrim.  Never had a reason to switch and now I REALLY DON'T.  They can keep their extra gigs of content I'd never want or use.

i guess I need to go into my Skyrim folders and deny Steam access like I did for New Vegas.  They're done with the game so they have no reason to update it, now do they? ^_^

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So in other words, Bethesda has adopted Youtube's tactics to silence those who have critique or think different than they do. I knew they were stupid, but I didn't think they were that stupid to consume the SJW kool-aid. I would of thought other game developers have learned from EA, Bioware and ME:A.

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

So in other words, Bethesda has adopted Youtube's tactics to silence those who have critique or think different than they do. I knew they were stupid, but I didn't think they were that stupid to consume the SJW kool-aid. I would of thought other game developers have learned from EA, Bioware and ME:A.

Look at the way Nexus, Lover's Lab and Steam are moderated.  Why would Bethesda.net be any different?

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

Huh...Bethesda bans a Creation Club proponent...huh...



49 minutes ago, Doublezero said:

Bethesda's digging their own grave. :XD: Someone points out an issue with Creation Club and gets banned; a staunch supporter too.

Good luck getting console users to buy mods on Creation Club when they have to download a ton of files they don't need. Xbone has big time space issues when dealing with forced game installs and updates.

Wow... a console user and an advocate of their company. (one of the few) A female gamer, video blogger, etc banned for pointing out a concern she had.

Oh and now there is a nice wake up that most mod authors don't realize (at least many don't including the above blogger) is this process they OWN YOUR MOD when you work with them.  Guess they will be richer from the massive amounts of money that they won't have to pay her for her contribution.


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52 minutes ago, Doublezero said:

Bethesda's digging their own grave. :XD: Someone points out an issue with Creation Club and gets banned; a staunch supporter too.

Good luck getting console users to buy mods on Creation Club when they have to download a ton of files they don't need. Xbone has big time space issues when dealing with forced game installs and updates.

The mods are pre-downloaded as I understand it. Good luck on being able to install many more games due to the limited space the Xbone has and due to the amount of mods that will be shoved into your xbone so that you can pay and instantly have access to the mods.. sorry... um... Creation Content. Please don't ban me for making a mistake in terminology... :P

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I don't know, I just thought that Bethesda would at least have some intelligence despite all their stupidity. But like RC said a few pages back, they're stupidity knows no bound.

That move right there is the cherry on top.

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54 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Glad I never 'upgraded' 32bitSkyrim to Special Edition.  If they bloated FO4 then they'll do the same thing to 64bitSkyrim.  Never had a reason to switch and now I REALLY DON'T.  They can keep their extra gigs of content I'd never want or use.

i guess I need to go into my Skyrim folders and deny Steam access like I did for New Vegas.  They're done with the game so they have no reason to update it, now do they? ^_^

Steam automatically gives you the Skyrim SE if you have all the DLCs or GOTY when it was released. At least as far as I know.

So far this crap hasn't happened to either of the Skyrims. I don't believe it will happen to the old Skyrim however I do believe it will be rolled out to Skryim SE however that will be some time and you don't have it so you are safe. (since you also don't have Fallout 4 installed, however, I wouldn't put it past them to make the game auto load based on what is going on now... just kidding.. lol however, .... um... they couldn't be that stupid... wait... they have done lots of very stupid things so far... now I am scared. :P)


Checked and there are no CC crap mods added to either Skyrim edition ... so far. I verified cache and double checked.

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Wait... I know what is going on...

The  Board of Directors on EA and the individual divisions are having a contest. The contest is who can do the most stupid thing possible. In my opinion MEA's people is doing the most stupid things but Bethesda is not to be trifled with, they will surprise us with the levels of stupidity that they can go to. However, lets be honest, blaming their customers complaints for the reason they killed multi million dollar franchise when they were responsible for releasing an unfinished game... that is pretty much the heights of stupidity IMO. It will be very hard for Bethesda to beat that.

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The points I agree with mostly comes after 17:00.


Pretty much every author who came to them saying they wanted to create a mega mod was turned down because number one: reviewing testing and trying to debug anything going on, they don't want to have any part of that.

They want easy simple micro-transactions to sell and they do not want anyone upstaging the work that was made in house because this whole thing was built in house originally and then they've let mod authors sign on.

So from what I've been told, big sweeping game changers, revolutionary stuff, need not apply.

I disagree with him saying that this was mostly for Playstation 4 owners. Bethesda can easily remove free mods from Bethesda.net and force Xbox owners to buy mods. There would be some backlash but they don't care; Bethesda wants all of the money.

Their whole strategy makes no sense to me. They give console gamers a taste of free mods and then implement pay mods afterwords which offers the exact same mods someone could get for free. How can they for one second believe that this will be successful without shutting down free mods?

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I'll just say this. CC is not going to die off like paid mods in 2015. Bethesda had time to plan this. Bethnet and console mods exist for a reason. They aren't going to go through all that trouble and then just give up. And since they don't know where to hit them, they will fail and CC will keep pushing forward.

They think marching on twitter to Pete Hines is going to put an end to this. Yeah, right.

News Flash fanboys. If you want to see this put to an end, you're going to have to have some dignity and a pair of balls and hit them where it really hurts. I'll let you figure that one out. If you can.

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Yeah, I'd be very surprised if the Creation Club 'fails' at this point.  Not because Bethesda has pumped so much money into it, but because if they ditch the Creation Club it will be the second failed attempt at monetizing mods.  They aren't going to lose face and a third iteration would be a laughing stock, more so than the Creation Club is now.

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Yep. And the more they take it down because it failed again and again, the weaker their stance is attempting it again and again. People become numb over time and they'll see it as a joke rather than a threat.

I don't even see the removal of paid mods back in 2015 as some kind of victory, to be honest. If it was, CC wouldn't even exist to begin with. I see it as Beth just bought time to rethink their plan and that's when they figured out that having their platform and then getting console mods to be a thing would help their cause. After all, console gamers are not the same type of crowd as PC. They are used to microtransaction. Most of them anyways. Put two and two together and *light bulb*

In time modders and mod users will be compliance. I see it like how DRM became the norm over time.

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Ehem.  So I start STEAM just now and it tries to install over 3mb of 'updates' to both New Vegas and Skyrim32bit.  Funny, since there's NOTHING in those old-assed games that need to be updated.  I do not have Skyrim64bit or FO4 installed.  The good thing is I KNOW from past experience what Valve/Zenimax are capable of after they wrecked my original installation of Skyrim with the 'paid mods patch' from 2015.  After they did that I made myself the administrator of the game folders in my steam directory.  Now all I have to do is cancel their 'updates', rename a few folders and relaunch steam.  It connects and then verifies my installation and THAT'S IT.  Then I can exit steam and launch/play the games without issues...or their FUCKING BOGUS UPDATES.

If anyone is concerned about their Skyrim SE or FO4 installs I suggest you block steam and make yourself the administrator of YOUR GAMES.  The licenses are for THE GAME'S SOFTWARE.  They are not blanket permission for Valve/Zenimax to install whatever-the-hell they want, whenever they want.

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That's really shady. Not only did Bethesda creep up with paid mods in 2015, they changed the EULA without any notice. It just tells you how majority had no idea and were like "uh, wut?" And both the split profit with paid mods in 2015 and swapping EULAs just tells you what Bethesda thinks about their fans. Direct insult. "Shut up you hater, Todd loves us. They would never do us wrong, you troll!" This is why I see you couldn't take LL anymore. And don't blame you. This type of mentality in the Beth mod scene is toxicating as shit.

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One major problem for Bethesda about the Paid Mods v1.0 was Steam's cut, which was 25% IIRC. Now with the Club, they have eliminated that problem. More money for Bethesda... Bet they think they are quite clever...

7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

If anyone is concerned about their Skyrim SE or FO4 installs I suggest you block steam and make yourself the administrator of YOUR GAMES.

How did you do that? By tweaking the folder permissions? I've placed something into the Steam folder to prevent client updates, but I guess it wouldn't help in this case.

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6 minutes ago, bjornk said:

One major problem for Bethesda about the Paid Mods v1.0 was Steam's cut, which was 25% IIRC. Now with the Club, they have eliminated that problem. More money for Bethesda... Bet they think they are quite clever...

How did you do that? By tweaking the folder permissions? I've placed something into the Steam folder to prevent client updates, but I guess it wouldn't help in this case.

Yes, I think we need to know how you successfully completed this so that we can do it as well.

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

That's really shady. Not only did Bethesda creep up with paid mods in 2015, they changed the EULA without any notice. It just tells you how majority had no idea and were like "uh, wut?" And both the split profit with paid mods in 2015 and swapping EULAs just tells you what Bethesda thinks about their fans. Direct insult. "Shut up you hater, Todd loves us. They would never do us wrong, you troll!" This is why I see you couldn't take LL anymore. And don't blame you. This type of mentality in the Beth mod scene is toxicating as shit.

Yeah,  they changed the EULA for Skyrim32bit when they 'updated the game' for paid mods in 2015.  Actually they didn't update 'the game'.  They locked the STEAM_API.dll and that forced the game into safe mode unless you allowed the 'update'...that also amended the Skyrim EULA you originally agreed to when you installed their software the first time.  They didn't give prior notice or allow people to refuse the update and uninstall the software and no longer use it.  They broke the contact when they did that.

RANT :bouaaaaah:INCOMING!!



When I pointed all of this out on LL the STAFF there deleted my posts, told me I didn't know what I was talking about AND threaten anyone who talked about 'legal stuff'.  Yeah, so much for their 'no drama' rule...as they create it themselves.   They're fucking morons and they don't know how to moderate a forum with that much traffic.  They're in over their heads and that is 100% not my problem and I don't care if they sink or swim.  That site is all about the sweet-sweet Paetron money anyway and to be honest, this site is better off without all of those forum-spamming fan boy retards contaminating it.



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42 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Take ownership of folders in Windows

I just did the common folder in the file path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common.  You have to babysit the process since it might ask for validation for each folder in the common one.

I doubt it would work in my case as my user is already the owner of that folder. Perhaps denying write permissions for all users for each game would do the trick? For instance, you could deny "write" for all users (Administrators, Users, Authenticated Users and System) for let's say C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas, and that would basically make the folder and everything in it "read-only". I don't know what would happen if Steam tried to change something in it though, would probably throw an error.


By the way, I've been using the steam.cfg trick to prevent constant client updates. Don't know if it still works as I haven't really launched Steam for quite a while now. You can google it if you wish, but you simply place a steam.cfg text file into Steam folder with a single line, which is BootStrapperInhibitAll=Enable.

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There's also a way to block steam in the control panel to deny them access in all instances.  That's pretty much the nuclear option though since it blocks everything steam does; can't update/install games or anything else.  It also kills the on-line functions of the CK, but it parks Steam's ass and stops them from wrecking anything you have installed.

The ONLY reason I don't have steam blocked in the control panel is because I use the CK a lot to cannibalize mods I download to make my own esps.  Otherwise I'd have that in place since I'll never buy anything from steam again...or Bethesda for that matter.

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